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Everything posted by CameoShadowness

  1. //In the book it mentions something about Breezies diets being unclear but Breezies have been caught eating things like flowers (roses and dandelions), fungi, aphids and algae.// "not all pollen has magic... hmmm... got any laks or or..." She hummed a bit before mumbling. "may some muzroom or... or roses?"
  2. Multiple thoughtout my body. One on my hand, some on my chest- on of those (the biggest) is from my open heart surgery and others in weird places like my ankles and such.
  3. Yup! I need to do that if I'm making the models in minecraft. btw do you want the parlor having more than one floor?
  4. Here was the description I got from Samurai Equine: And Windy Breeze pointed out how Sundea Delight had her own Polar as well. This was my response in paper: I made many main streets and side streets. I didn't start naming them until recent but as I was drawing the streets, I was having the urge grow. I also made the ratio 1:6 here. I tried skipping to making the Town Center. It is a magic thing that changes to what ever the town needs but it was a failure because while I can think in 3D I can not draw what I had wanted. This was what I made: I sorta based it on the Crystal Heart due to it's magical nature but my failure to make it clear in my 2D drawing made me put it aside for now. At this point I had to make it clear, there are far more buildings and such that have yet to be marked. There are both small and big buildings unnoted. I began designing some of the houses/buildings we do have noted like the Icecream Parlor and Trilby's house. The Ratio here is 1:1 Soon Samurai wanted me to move the house and I realized the problem with paper. While it is good for planing, any adjustments would need another sheet and instead of redrawing everything for just one edit, I began making digital ones: I said this with these images: So this is everything so far. I will still make paper updates before transferring them to digital to make them easier for myself. I plan to plot this out as best I can before starting to build it. There is a lot to this but I am excited. I hope to update soon.
  5. Oooh,I'll check there soon. So far only checking Devientart (some boss pins but be careful there), Conventions and Amazon.
  6. Beryl held a worried smile before shaking her no. "nope but il ned sum soon. Hav to eat somting gud soon." She stat on Trilby's head. "I wonder wat kind of plants you hav here."
  7. Alright... now let's see if the site lets me make the blog XP
  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Why isn't it letting me make a new BLOG?!?!?!

  9. TOWN MAP DIGITALIZED! Progress for the houses and a single shop DIGITALIZED! and yeah, Trilby's second floor is bigger than the first floor (may adjust it though). That is how houses are in some places in the real world and in Ponyville. Also just named 4 of the streets so far the ones in thick red blocks are all called Crown Avenue! North, East, South West respectively and I'm still working on the others trying to find out which street types they're called. There are 22 different types of streets and some of them aren't actual streets? My lord Celestia! This is one heck of a project...) You know what, I am gonna make this a blog, I feel like I'll clutter this place other wise.
  10. Hol on! Can we do non ponies? I know you said faorite but I honestly see only folks talk about ponies (I might have skimmed)
  11. Awe, sorry for your lost. If I move Samurai's house a bock down, that'll be about 6 blocks in Minecraft, so I'll do that. YES, I shall start naming! So you think I should make a blog bout this to keep all the town info in one place? This way it is organized and can be referenced later?
  12. I'm sorry but I'm gonna have a total crash after this. I finished designing the Ice cream Parlor and Trilby's house (1st and second floor.) Yes they're small- 6x6 (2nd floor is 6x9) but that's kinda the point. I made Triby's house into a standard Ponyville house. SHould I make a whole separate thread to keep track of these things better? btw each floor is 3-5 blocks high.
  13. Very rough idea of what the town's center will be... It is a gem sphere in a moon like thingy with water down the top. I was thinking of the Crystal hart when I was drawing this but like... Circles and squares are weird.... I know how to make them in Minecraft but drawing a circle with boxes on paper is harder. I know the town center is magic which is why it has takn different fourms and such and why my mind jump to the Crystal Heart. It is suppose to be super tall. I also don't know what kind of stones to use for the paths, streets and main roads and I only have an okay idea for the buildings... Like I will use Birch wood for the housing since it's the lightest wood... I didn't mark them but I know exactly where those complexes are. I didn't mark what I can sorta say is miscellaneous buildings. Normal housing is inbetween the lines unless it was a special thing. I have it though.
  14. Are they part of the building complexes across of Trilby's place?
  15. Thanks! Do you think I'm missing some notable places?
  16. ... Feel tempted to name the streets I marked... I know there's more little ones that are unmarked but Idk why I feel this impulse... I guess just want to world build.
  17. Since you said somewhere I put it close to the town center. Here's a rough draft!I made a bunch of "main roads" Each Block maybe 5-6 blocks... What do you think?
  18. //In the foreign Studies section there was a very thin book about breezies. It mention how they're a rare type of pixie, how they collect pollen before the magic in said pollen 'expires' and that they live in magical pocket dimension only avaliable through a special type of portal. The only things noted beyond the sheer basics was how there MAYBE more types of breezies, their maybe more than one home for them scattered around Equestria but they haven't been studied enough to know and with a little bit about breezies having a strange common fear for griffons. Beryl woke to find herself on a desk. She jolts straight up before seeing Trilby a few sections down and flying to him. "wad are yu doin? And where iz da breeze poni?"
  19. Imma make it a giant fountain. Will be back with bluprints of the town later
  20. Wait my mind is thinking it's a huge water thingy (why can't I think of the name) with maybe crystals, what is it exactly? Does it have a secret cave of any sort? Like uh... idk why but like... this is too vague for me.
  21. That is a big thing but that's why I'd make what I call a loose fire map (well not with minecraft but in general). This means while key features will be noted with their placements and their general space between eachother, everything else is vague or just missing. This way you can edit as you go. I made one for a different RP and I'll show it to you. Of course houses and such are between these places (unless there is grass) but the key places and their distances will always stay constant. This way we can still add to it when ever but we have a solid foundation of where what is. Now with Minecraft I will have to add all the details and such but having a loose fire map will make things far easier. I understand why you don't have one but just saying in general. sorry
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