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Rarity Gemstones

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Everything posted by Rarity Gemstones

  1. As someone who learned English as a third language, I learned mostly through watching Magic English as a kid until I made it to school where it was taught proper. My father never finished school, but he learned English solely through TV, and while his is not as good as mine, he can carry a conversation.
  2. Is this considered normal for America? How do they justify such a small increase? Where I am from usually salary increase is around 200-500 or so a month increase. Granted our currency is worth a different amount compared to the dollar, but its buying power for necessities is around the same. This amounts to around $48 a month if you are working full time (which I believe is around 40 hours in America?). I had to work a regular job before doing what I do now, and I recall the two pay increase I got were about 500 each. (Roughly around $125 USD for the time). And 400 was the cost of my rent. How do Americans afford things?
  3. We don't really do those here all the time. It's only more recently become a thing here and it's mostly for couples who are inspired by western countries. My parents don't have rings at all for example, and that's sort of the norm. We just give gold at the ceremony instead. Inherently, rings are a rip off, they retain virtually none of their value except the precious metals which aren't worth as much as you are paying. This is why we gift gold as a gift. You pay around it's actual value and when you go to sell it, it usually is worth more.
  4. I have to be completely honest, until about six months ago, I really didn't know what a furry was. I had to google that one. Now I still only have a vague understanding, but the documentary helped a bit. Not as a common thing over here, but maybe more so in Japan?
  5. I suppose I am obligated to say this one, because it's the one I live on.
  6. That's a tough question. Part of me thinks I would wish for infinite wealth, but then working is about the only thing forcing me to do anything, so I suppose that would be a bad idea, wouldn't it? I suppose the best choices would be: Perfect Health - It would be something less to worry about for sure. Ability to erase the memories of others - Would serve me well, as every failed social interaction would then have no consequences for me. Maybe a job that requires no social interaction at all.
  7. Well, places I have been are Indonesia, Thailand, China, Korea and Japan once. I only went because they were family trips so I didn’t have a choice. I think I would only visit somewhere solely to make money or improve my station in life as that’s my only real driving factor, so maybe some European countries solely for business relations and opportunities. I might have to go to mainland China a few more times though for work. The prospect of making more money so I don’t need to fuss over survival is really the only thing that makes me work harder.
  8. I have been to China a few times, and I live close to it. I also looked into this, and while there are Chinese brony conventions, they're not quite like the American counterpart. I won't go into too much detail, but let's just say the fans are not quite the same.
  9. I suppose I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but if we are saying I suddenly switched places with someone like her? I would likely ruin her life in a matter of hours. I wouldn’t even know how to handle the level of socializing she does on a daily basis, or compliments she receives.
  10. So my condition is unique in that it does not happen at birth. It happens through life. There was a time where I felt emotion, but I was around 7 or so. As a result I remember what emotions are like, so I could interpret things that way, however my understanding of them is based upon that of a 7 year old, and what I read about them. Curiosity is more or less a survival instinct in our brains. We seek knowledge because it’s programmed into our brains to keep us alive. As a species we have survived this long because of it. Can I perceive things as beautiful? In a manner of speaking, sort of? Sexual appeal is controlled by another part of the brain so I can recognize something is sexually appealing. I do listen to music, but to be honest it all is the same to me. I get nothing from it, so I put on anything. In a way, I chose her solely because I think she embodies what I am not: successful, socialized well, and talented. I logically determined people would likely associate less with someone who attached themselves to a character that was more like I am in real life. The key word is “feel”. Since I can not do that, it would do nothing for me.
  11. I get asked this question many times, and I don’t really even know how to answer it. I do things very mechanically in a manner of speaking, so I’m used to just doing things because that’s what I need to do. I suppose having a dream requires having some kind of desire for something. I’m not sure I know what desire is. I know there is a difference between desire and need. My body tells me when I need food, but it’s not inherently a desire because a desire would be something you simply want for no inherent logical reason.
  12. I have only seen I think around season 2 or so. I mostly linger out of curiosity if anything else. It’s another part of the brain, not inherently driven by emotion. It can be driven by many factors. Essentially anything I do is driven by involuntary impulse, personal gain, logical conclusion, or instinct.
  13. Out of curiosity I figured I’d make one of these if not solely for experimentation. My name is Rarity on this site, but some people refer to me as Gem. I suppose it doesn’t matter which you prefer. A little about myself: I am a writer by trade. It is my primary source of income. English is not my native language. I have a fairly “unique” condition that causes me not to feel emotions. I have lived like this since around age 7. This includes any and all emotions positive or negative. You may ask me anything you like, I’ll try and answer as best as I can.
  14. I think having emotions is probably the most important part of making friends. Something I lack.
  15. I suppose in a way, I bought my parents hatred? At the price of 400,000.
  16. Well, I certainly could write an entire book on what not to do, I suppose? I've never really had friends before.
  17. I am single because I am not desirable to other human beings. It also probably doesn't help that I lack any and all emotions.
  18. After a long night of staying up far too late, Gem Scribe had some regrets regarding her decisions. She was expecting to be off of work this weekend, however, she got a message from the head of her department stating she was needed over in Canterlot urgently. Ordinarily, she focused her work in Fillydalphia, but the circumstances were considered extraneous. She wasn't given a proper briefing, just a train ticket to head over there right away. Celestia deemed the matter urgent and wanted the best on the job. When Gem's boss got the call, he knew there was only one pony for the job, albeit one that they probably would have a difficult time with, and that was Gem Scribe. The best they had, however, not the easiest to work with. Gem was known for her unconventional thinking, and extensive attention to detail when investigating. She was known as the most difficult member of the team, the one who always challenged everything, and forced everyone to work harder, but at the end of the day, she got results. At first, her boss loathed her, putting her on the cases that nopony else wanted, only to find she had a knack for solving them. After some years at this, he eventually saw her as his ace in the hole. If there was a case that couldn't be cracked by conventional means, he could get Gem on the job. The other investigators were not exactly fond of her due to her personality being far from friendly or approachable. Often times they would joke and refer to her as the deadpan pony. Adjusting her tie as she arrived at the crime scene, Gem glanced around, noting the excessive amount of Canterlot guards surrounding the perimeter. It was a strict, no-one in no-one out lockdown, allowing only investigators in or out. Upon her arrival, Gem showed her badge to the head guard. "Gem Scribe, Criminal Investigator for Fillydalphia," she stated plainly. The guard blinked and sized her up. She was small, and didn't exactly look the type, but he was more perplexed by her title. "Fillydalphia? What are you doing here in Canterlot?" "Special request from Princess Celestia herself. I wasn't told why." Gem shrugged. Another guard tapped his boss' shoulder. "Hey, you're that mare who solved the triple homicide in Fillydalphia!" The guard captain glanced back at Gem and blinked. "Wait, you are the supposed prodigy at Criminal Affairs!?" Gem shrugged. "I guess so." The other guard cleared his throat and approached, bowing gently. "Iron Shield, big fan, I've seen your work, and I read your books, I didn't know they'd send someone like you here." "Can you tell me what exactly I'm investigating?" Gem questioned. Gesturing for her to follow, Iron guided the mare into the mansion before them. The place was lavish, and definitely more expensive than Gem's tiny apartment. She noted the taste in decor definitely was more Cloudsdale inspired. Iron Shield began to explain the situation. "This morning, Prime Masters, the owner of this estate was murdered." "There aren't a lot of murders in Canterlot. Usually, ponies aren't so bold to do something like that in the capital, given the Princesses live here and all..." Gem thought out loud. "Yes, well, this one I think thought she could get away with it due to the method..." Iron explained. "Which is?" Gem tilted her head. "Poison. Very difficult to detect too, we had to bring in an expert just to prove it..." Iron frowned. "You said 'she' earlier, so I'm assuming you already have a suspect?" Gem questioned. He nodded. "Yeah. Name is Silky. She was here on business she said. Tons of ponies were. Prime was having a little convention of sorts here, invited tons to come and seek investments from him." Gem trotted along side him as the two came to the body which had been covered with a blanket. Tons of ponies were standing guard and some taking pictures of the scene. Gem stepped past the police line and began to examine the body. As she did, she began to ask questions. "You said he was poisoned... How long did it take for him to die?" "About 5 minutes after according to forensics." Gem noted a strange mark around his neck. "Was he strangled?" She asked. "No, apparently those were after he was already dead..." Iron shrugged. "Why would someone strangle someone after they're dead?" One of the other investigators asked. Gem stood up and shook her head. "They wouldn't. Something else happened here clearly... This suspect, is she here?" Iron nodded. "None of the guests were permitted to leave, they're all still here." "Why is this one more likely than the others?" Gem questioned. "She came here selling fragrances, so she knows how to mix chemicals, she also is dodging questions when we talk to her..." Iron said. Gem fixed her tie and crossed the police line. "Let me talk to her." After leaving the crime scene, Gem was guided to where all of the attendees were forced to stay, in a large foyer, many of them looking confused, likely not being told what was going on. Iron Shield pointed Gem to the pony in question and nodded as he left her to her job. Gem noted her vibrant pink coat, and purple mane. A small tuft of yellow in her mane resembled a crescent moon. The mare was an elegant looking pegasus, but definitely looked out of place at such a lavish estate. As Gem approached, she nodded and showed her ID briefly. "I'm Investigator Gem Scribe. I'm to understand that you supposedly poisoned Prime Masters?" Her approach to police work was far from conventional. Most investigators wouldn't be so forward with a suspect, but that was why Gem wasn't seen as an ordinary investigator.
  19. I spend hours in menus making a character.
  20. Many people do though. So many people in the west seem to care deeply about which political alignment you are.
  21. I am not a viewer of Josh's, and I had to look some of this stuff up to get more of an understanding of the topic in question, but here is essentially what I gathered. Apparently the situation with ToonKritic is not the only thing. From what I found, many people were and likely still are annoyed with him for the 2016 US election, where he did not openly state he was against Donald Trump, and revealed some of his views are more conservative. In today's day and age in the west at least (I don't live there) from my understanding, people take issue with those who hold more conservative views over there. So some of the people upset with him likely are just carrying this grudge.
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