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Derpy Pon-3

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Status Updates posted by Derpy Pon-3

  1. There have been 33,072 uses of the word hugs on the forums, make that 33,074. hugs every pony  :muffins:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RaraLover


      More hugs! :kirin:

      *hugs Mirage, Totally Nyx and Stone Cold Steve Tuna* :kindness:

    3. Mirage
    4. Tacodidra


      There can never be too many! :ticking:

      *hugs everypony* :rarity:

  2. I'm feeling tired and lately a bit sick so i'ma hit the hay    ;)


    1. TheRockARooster


      Get better soon, my friend. ^^

    2. RaraLover


      Good night, my friend! :kindness:

      I hope you feel better soon. :adorkable: *hugs*

    3. Tacodidra


      *hugs* I hope you get better soon, my friend! :kindness:

  3. This is... this is amazing


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      No, you're amazing. :squee:

    2. Mirage


      hmmmm...  :D


  4. I just found this awesome song, it features everybody's second favorite party pony and the hardware store in the middle of the desert  :muffins:


    1. Mirage


      Hardware Store = awesome.

  5. Yay!! i reached three thousand brohoofs, I think that's a milestone, probably  :derp: thanks to everyone who helped get me here. also, I'm going to try to post more instead of only looking at status updates because I'm still a cupcake  :mlp_smug:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Nice work! You did in 4 months what it took me 3 years to do!

    3. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :pinkie:

    4. RaraLover


      Congrats, my friend! *gives you more* :squee:

  6. Photo Friday, It's pretty late but hey, I've finished  :P


    Rainbow dash themed, any suggestions for the next one are welcome :dash:

  7. I'm gonna go ahead and re watch the first half of death note for the 10th time cause I've got nothing better to do  :derp:  

    1. Miss


      Watch new show? XD

    2. Derpy Pon-3

      Derpy Pon-3

      meh, I could but I don't feel like watching a show I might not like, so I'm just going to stick with what I know for now  :fluttershy:

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
  8. Good morning every pony, I just spent 13 hours sleeping, that’s more sleep than I’ve had in three days combined  :proud:

    1. EpicEnergy


      Good morning! I'm glad you got plenty of rest!

    2. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :) Great to hear you slept well! :coco: I hope your day is a good one! :fluttershy:

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Good morning! :squee:

  9. I've completed my binge watch of my hero academia episode 1-79, I had to stay up overnight but it was all worth it in the end :fabulous:

    1. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I remember watching a marathon of My Hero Academia to be prepared for the Two Heroes movie. That's pretty awesome that you caught up to the anime. What are your thoughts on the anime, so far? :) 

  10. Finished, this is the Photo Friday thing, Applejack themed  :P


    Also, I'm glad to take suggestions for my next photo Friday

    1. Sparklefan1234




      She's flattered. Great work, My Friend! :BrightMacContent:

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      *adds milk and a spoon*

  11. I've just returned from school and it's photo Friday, this ones going to be Applejack themed, I should have it done in about 10 minutes  :P

  12. I'm off to play a football game, hope I win  :P

    1. Totally Nyx
    2. Tacodidra


      I hope it went well! :squee:

  13. Good morning everypony  :P

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Good morning! How are you?

  14. I got elder scrolls blades recently and it's a lot better than I thought it would be.:P

    My Derpy Funko Pop finally arrived as well  :mlp_pinkie:

    1. CatCat


      That is very good news :muffins:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Cool! :squee: I bet it's cute.

  15. I made something, not so sure what it is but i'm making it a weekly thing on my profile.


    I just got a bunch of MLP photos and put them together, It does look really cool though  :P

    It's gonna be called photo Friday

    1. Bastian


      Can't wait for next one, it does look good!

    2. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Hmm, I am a fan of "Friday" things. :ooh::P

    3. Tacodidra


      Good idea! :grin: I like it! :yay:

  16. Thanks for the "you got a letter award" every pony :muffins:

    (I have a feeling it was @RaraLover but I'm not completely sure)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I always give my first badges to friends I wasn't able to give one before. :fluttershy: And about the "my friend" thing, it's not even the first time someone has noticed that! :ButtercupLaugh: I'm sure you've also noticed we both brohoof a lot of posts.:Rara:

    3. RaraLover


      Congrats, my friend! You deserve it! :yay:

      Not surprised that the badge was from Tacodidra. I believe he was the one who gave me my Hug badge last year. @Tacodidra is such an awesome friend, ain't he? :grin:

      Though, I think somepony else gave me my You've Got Mail badge. :ooh: (And I'm pretty sure it was from @DivinePony1000. 30QJkkP.png)

    4. Tacodidra


      @RaraLover Thanks for the kind words – you're an awesome friend too! :Rara:

      Looking at your badges, I think the Bug Hug badge and the balloon one are from me. :fluttershy: And you're probably right about the mail badge being from Divi. :LunaMCM:

  17. Happy Derpy day!!! :muffins:

    I'm getting a derpy Funko Pop to celebrate


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Derpy Pon-3

      Derpy Pon-3

      Derpy's my first funko pop one :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Derpy Day, my friend! :muffins:

    4. RaraLover


      Happy Derpy Day to you too, my friend! :muffins:

  18. If there's anything I've learned on the forums it's that enough hugs boops and snuggles will make anyone happy  :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Samurai Equine
    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      *boops, hugs and snuggles the reader of this reply all at once*

    3. Bastian


      So true! Its just great!

  19. I just came to an appiphony

    you can combine Weeaboo with brony to make a weeabrony :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derpy Pon-3
    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      What is a weeaboo? 

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Stone Cold Steve Tuna Short answer: Someone who likes Japanese stuff, even though they aren't Japanese themselves.

      Long answer:


      A walking contradiction and a bit of an embarrassment. They claim to be experts on Japanese culture, but they've only experienced it through the small window of anime and pop culture. They only speak random words and phrases, but they won't take the time to become lingual or learn the language the correct way. They'll make you feel like an idiot if you don't instantly understand the random Japanese they are saying, despite the fact they too had to take time to learn it. They claim to love Japan, but will probably never actually go there. They want to be Japanese themselves and sometimes claim they are, but they really aren't. They have a sense of entitlement and elitism about Japan, it's culture, and it's media; but no actual Japanese people have that sense of elitism.

      Not every weeaboo is that extreme, but that is how bad it can get.

  20. image.png.edd3a59f1f910fc3875b9ea975549316.png

    Luna is awesome  :LunaMCM:

    1. RaraLover


      She most certainly is, ain't she @DivinePony1000:orly:

  21. I'm off to bed, G'night every pony  :Thorax:

    1. DivineMist1000


      @Derpy Pon-3 Nighty night, my awesome friend!

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    3. RaraLover


      Sleep well, my friend! :kindness:

  22. Yay!!!

    I am cupcake now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Nice! Keep it up!

      Now I want a cupcake.

    3. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      Congrats! Careful not to get eaten. ;)

    4. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :squee:

  23. I'm off to sleep, goodnight everypony. :LunaMCM:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    3. RaraLover


      Good night! Sleep well, my friend! :kindness:

    4. EpicEnergy


      I hope you rest well! :fluttershy:

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