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Status Updates posted by Vefka

  1. I've just lost a 4 days battle against reddit

    There's a specific subreddit for exchanging game ideas for gamedevs. It's the only place I know where I could freely ask and suggest ideas, everywhere else it's kinda taboo. A few days ago I submitted another post and again got 0 responses. After a little investigation I realized that all my posts in last 3 months were silently removed as spam by a bot. Only I could see them. Mods seem to be uninterested in their sub and don't reply to my messages, and admins don't have power to help me.

    I went as far as installing a virtual machine and Tor browser on the VM and then creating a new account. But nothing worked, so I just gave up

    This situation feels really unfair:okiedokieloki:

    1. ExplosionMare


      That sounds like a really stupid occurrence :yeahno:  I mean, deleting messages that are relevant to a thread, really?!

  2. I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for 50 hours already and still this game manages to amaze me with the graphics:pinkie:



    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      I wish I had Red Dead Redemption lol

    2. ExplosionMare


      How eerie and cool! :pinkie:

  3. Who would've thought that "Recommended for you" section can actually have music that I like. Now I'm absolutely loving this song!

    Cute female vocals go really well with heavy music and screaming

    1. ExplosionMare


      Yay, screaming music!

  4. Aww, thanks for kind words, steam:please:3aEsJgm4hRw.jpg.4edd48f799fc6e7cc7b007eb91eff532.jpg


    1. ExplosionMare


      I have a feeling mine would say something similar with all the FNAF games I have

    2. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart

      yay violence ♡

  5. I was on my first party!:blue_baloon:

    I don't know the eng term for this, but it's a traditional uni party for first year students. It was almost like a typical party from american highschool movies, and quite new experience for me. I liked it:squee:

    Though it's not so funny after 5am when all drunk people are sleeping and sober ones are trying not to fall asleep

    1. ExplosionMare


      I'm glad you had fun! (Except for the drunk people)

  6. Got my first payment from the uni and that's the first thing I bought:orly:


    1. ohne


      money well spent ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) 


    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp


      better than most of mine lol

    3. ExplosionMare
  7. The university made me realize the saddest delusion in my life. I'm not good at math, I'm good at solving math problems from textbooks

    For 11 years of school I was learning to solve typical problems without thinking. It was just "Here's a formula/algorithm, use it to solve next 50 problems and them we'll give you a new formula/algorithm". I had the best final math test result in school, got accepted in the main uni of the nearest megapolis in one of the best faculty there, only to realize that I wasn't actually good at math all along. The actual math isn't about solving problems, it's about proving theorems/such things and using your knowledge outside of typical tasks. Today we got the results of the first test and only 5 out of 27 in my group managed to get at least acceptable mark. Mind you, they're all people with pretty high final exams results

    Sadly, I have only 3 months to learn to think

    1. AppleButt


      I’ve always sucked at math of any kind.   Hopefully you get the hang of it soon 

    2. ExplosionMare


      Math seems to be more about figuring out the system the higher up you go

  8. I moved to the uni dorm the day before yesterday and things are... not like I expect, I think I'm out of luck here:worry:


    For the bad news: 

    The administration settles students randomly, so I live now with two senior students and only one freshman. And the freshman came here with a friend, so he spends all his time with him and don't even live in the dorm (he lives in the hotel with parents while they're here). Two seniors haven't come yet, so I'm practically alone

    The room is absolute mess, but I can't clean it because there are a lot of items of seniors. It almost seems like they promptly evacuated: tshirts, toothbrushes, masks, textbooks, opened bottle of water, etc, everything is just lying here


    There are also some good news:

    I'm trying to think positively:squee:. When the studying starts I hope I'll find friends from the same faculty and then I can try to move to their dorm

    I also met with my friend who applied in the same uni and another friend will come here soon too

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Hope it works out for you! ;)

    2. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Yup. Typical dorms. I wish you good luck!

    3. ExplosionMare


      I hope you’re able to move to a better dorm

  9. I was accepted in the university with a scholarship:yay:

    I'm moving in a dorm in less than a week. The uni is in another city and I'm a bit scared, but I hope everything will be fine

    Plus two of my friends were accepted in the same uni and one of them might live in the same dorm:squee:

    1. Sparklefan1234



    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Well done, Vefka! :yay:

    3. ExplosionMare



  10. My new phone arrived from Ali:yay:. I finally have properly working mini jack and ear speakers


    But why every time I get a new phone the vibration strength is weaker and weaker. With this one I can barely hear it with the phone in my hand. And the fact that the phone doesn't fully touch a surface because of the bulged camera doesn't help it. This might be the first time I need to turn off silent mode:okiedokieloki:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Splashee


      Cool! Thanks for the info about being able to switch to 60 Hz :coco:

      120Hz is getting more common now. I will have to find a way to develop my games so I can take advantage of that.

    3. Splashee


      I found the setting on my work phone to bring it down to 60 Hz. Thank you! That will save battery :yay:

    4. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      Ooh, I like your wallpaper! Very sparkly! :ticking:

  11. Since don't have to revise and prepare for school anymore and I still have the whole summer left, I decided to put my spare time to good(no) use and play games that I wanted but didn't have time to

    I just finished Death Stranding and wooow. Truly only Kojima could create such a bizzare story. I've played such games before but usually I knew key story twists (because such things are popular). But here I didn't know almost anything about the game's story and it felt so much better

    1. ExplosionMare


      I love good story twists!

  12. I'm finishing school, guys:BrightMacContent:

    Today I took my third and last final exam, and tomorrow I'm gonna get my certificate!

    Relaxed summer time has finally begun

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Congrats, Vefka! :yay:
      Hope you’re very excited for the future. :coco:

    2. Tacodidra


      Congratulations, my friend! :yay: I hope you have an amazing summer! :pinkie:

    3. Splashee


      Cool n' awesome! Also have a nice summer! :love:

  13. RIP Kentaro Miura

    The author of the cult manga Berserk passed away on May 6 at the age of 54. It was announced only this morning. Thanks for one of the best mangas of all time, Kentaro

    He didn't finish Berserk and now the manga will likely never be finished

    1. Sonata~


      It probably will troglodyte

    2. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Wasn't a fan of Berserk, but it sucks an iconic manga creator has died. :worry: Rest in peace to him.

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      It will only die if you dry out it's blood.. I mean money. Right konata I mean @Sonata~.

  14. About half a year ago I came across an old russian video meme and decided that it's worth translating in english. I'd uploaded it on YT and then forgot about it. Until yesterday when I suddenly started getting comment notifications and views jumped up to 4k:sealed:

    So I unintentionally made my the most successful post on the internet

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Congratulations for your unexpected success. Russia is so proud of you now, comrade :fiery:

    2. ExplosionMare
  15. This moment was always so far away, but it finally happened. It's my 18th birthday and now I'm officially an adult:yay:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy birthday! :blue_baloon: Welcome to adulthood! :coco:

    3. ExplosionMare


      Happy birthday!

    4. Octavia Heartstrings
  16. IMG_20210227_231042.thumb.jpg.252d5cd55d82eeeead91d7fcee33cafa.jpg

    Yay, I'm special:yay:

    1. ExplosionMare


      I’m the opposite, I have a random section of black hair on my scalp :derp:

  17. You know your Monday is gonna be great when in first class you get your shirt dirty by a dripping marker

    But at least I can legitimately skip 1 class:proud:

  18. Woah, what's with this sudden site redesign

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      We had a redesign done on New Years. Like it? :kindness:

    2. ExplosionMare


      It’s a New Years thing

    3. Vefka


      Oh got it

  19. Hadn't heard such a great soundtrack in a game for a while


    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      I can't wait to play Cyberpunk, need to get a graphics card 1st though

  20. That feeling when the game I've been waiting for 3 years is finally out, but I have to wait until the end of December to play comfortably and fully enjoy it. And somehow avoid spoilers:bea:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lomk


      Which game?

    3. Vefka


      @lomkCyberpunk 2077

    4. Splashee


      :worry: I have heard quite bad things about the Xbox One and PS4 releases:




  21. Time format was changed from 24-hour to 12-hour along with system language when I changed it about 6 months ago and while I kiiinda got how am/pm work, I apparently still haven't got used to it

    Yesterday I was in bed surfing internet and noticed that the date on the phone is 15th and it's Sunday. I immediately freaked out because on Monday my holidays are over and I have first classes, and I still was in my grandma's house on the other side of the city! I texted to my friend explaining the situation, thought how to make believable excuse to miss the school "tomorrow"... And then got a message from the friend "it's 00:30 no shit it's Sunday". And then it clicked in my head that 12:30am is already another day for 30 minutes and I'm not missing school:sealed:

    1. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      12 hour system is really stupid. I hate it. 

    2. ExplosionMare


      I tried very hard to learn the 24 hr system and I just couldn’t comprehend it :scoots:

  22. I finally beat Sekiro Shadow Die Twice! I'm so happy:yay:

    That's my first completed souls-like game and I'm looking forward to complete other endings... and maybe earn platinum trophy:pout:

  23. Have you ever gotten this feeling that there are no interesting topics to reply? Like you saw all of them and posted in almost all of them and they just stay the same?

    I've been feeling it for a few weeks now, I'm still here and active, lurking in topics but just don't know what to post in them. Strangely the same thing happens with old dead topics, it's hard to find interesting for me too

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Nah!! Its not that the content is not interesting... Its quite the opposite!

      Its because WE can't make the content interesting for us...

      So its up to us to make it interesting!... Like this topic of yours. at first it wasn't interesting...

      So i made it interesting by making my brain work and what not and now im replying to your once not interesting topic that is now interesting because i changed MY point of view....:)

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      In short you just bored my friend.

    4. Rikifive


      Can relate, although I rarely post in general, heh. Lately I'm hardly active, because I don't know what to do. :P 

  24. That's my type of halloween


  25. Thanks for the follow:D

    1. Muffinnz


      You're welcome

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