Im bullied quite a bit and I usually don't let it get to me but, today I just couldn't help it.
Someone had taken a sketch book of mine that I had been drawing in for about a year and a half just to tare every page out of it and trow it away.
I spent 20 mins looking for it only to later find out that it had been thrown in the trash...
When I had told the teacher what had append, she kind of just brushed it off as it being no big deal. Now I now a lot of you aren't artist and may be thinking - "well so what, it was just a sketch book" but, to me it was more than that.
I had put a lot of my time and effort into each and every sketch I did, sometimes even spending more than an hour on some of them. There were actually quite a lot of drawings in it that I was very proud of so you can only imagine to know how I felt when I saw that it was ripped up and thrown in the trash like that. (even more so do to the fact that when I told the teacher about it, she just brush it off as if it were nothing to "freakout over")
I hadn't even bothered to go back and pick out what I could form the trashcan in fear that I would be laughed at for how pathetic I would have looked...
Bulling is something that affects a lot of people, Im even willing to bet that some point in time its even had an influence on most of you if not, all of you.
Bulling is also the cause of a lot of depression, suicides, and school shootings.
Now I don't mean to bring old threads back to life but, even both and @Mikami had created a thread about an 11 year old boy who tried to take his own life due to being bullied for liking MLP.
A Brony in need
This poor kid...
So, what are your guys thoughts/opinions on bullying, bullies, and getting bullied?