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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by abronymouse

  1. MOSTLY VEGAN (language warning )
  2. I use microsoft hedge because I was born yesterday and I am a horse I am an expert at 'walk' now on walk I am discerning but not browsing am still on milk
  3. ooh, thanks for all the interest guys! many new arts. I have featured a few below. If you can post the pics with the artists that would be amazing - listing the names is good too ofc and I do know that in a few instances there is a reason why people's art is sadly no longer on site, and therefore I cannot make this a full list of every wonderful forum member that has been mentioned since I posted last. yup she has great bears. I want more pan arts! Star Sulk by @Ice Princess Silky <3 told you she was a mean mare with a paintbrush :3 also "Star Sulk" @Cagey I have not seen art of since we RP'd many moons ago (also @Emerald Heart your profile is a wonderful resource! tysm! Check it out people!) oh! it's you! Why hello you silly mare. You are remembered :3 @ExplosionMare Ghostie x Scorp art by @Rafa Stary, Scorpionous belongs to @Lawyer Slip (thanks to @ThePinkestofPones! Check out their profile for more arts! there used to be a croissant , but I nommed it :3) @VengefulStrudel @Sweet Pen (found through searching some of @Bojo's suggestions) @Pucksterv
  4. >:3 yes, my reputation is a catface but... an evil one muahaha
  5. Grasser. One who gives information. A "squealer" or "squeaker". The origin derives from rhyming slang: grasshopper – copper; a "grass" or "grasser" tells the "copper" or policeman. Copper. The term copper was the original word, used in Britain to mean "someone who captures". In British English, the term cop is recorded (Shorter Oxford Dictionary) in the sense of 'to capture' from 1704, derived from the Latin capere via the Old French caper. ------- All I see are two bright stars At the end that's all we are Your love gets left behind you It shows us where our steps should go Artist She's got a fetish for fine art A pair of knee-socks and an oversized sweatshirt She goes right to my heart She comes a'knocking with her stocking and I get hurt Artist The thing I most regret Is having to repress what I'm feeling While expressing delight as a myth Embrace the epic fail Of my exploding whale My attempts to obscure The wonders of this world Be it fortune Or faith in distortion The patron of prayer I lost my strength completely Oh, be near me, tired old mare With the wind in your hair Artist What is that song you sing for the dead? The lamb cries 'til ears ring I cannot love from my prison of shame In Cimmerian Shade I’ll keep her safe in the well, tailor made Artist late 18th century: Sanskrit, literally ‘a thought, thought behind speech or action’, from man- ‘think’, related to mind I'm on the path of trust, singing "Whatever it takes, receive of the light Terror will take whatever it likes" Artist ---------------- Forum drama and politics in the spoiler! Read at your own risk! Seriously! (Also this isn't in any way connected to Fimfic) The truth is, it happens Praise, then crucify Just follow this pattern Artist So happy in malice... They only want to be favoured [SUGGESTIVE] Tired, blue boy walks my way Holding a girl's hand That basic bitch leaves finally Now I can take her man Artist I can't stand her whining Where's her binky now? And loving her seems tiring So boy, just love me, down, down, down You're just not good enough Darling, you're looking rough These plain old broads are making my job How should I put it? Tough Aphrodite, shed your light On my smile, and make it glittery Like my city shining bright
  6. So, I had the idea to take pics of everyday stuff, with the forum in the background. Don't know if this belongs here, but what the hay. Here is me with a chihuahua whose twin special powers are 1) to steal your soul by gazing into your eyes and 2) the ability to paralyze you by balancing her head on your limbs. Help please, she is clearly a high level demon and I am a level 1 hairy spider. Here is me with a squirrel that I defeated. You can't see it, but it's there. tired of me spamming silliness? take your complaint to @Ice Princess Silky <3 for not discouraging me
  7. yup, the IDW comic villain series especially, but I haven't read many that were duds (altho I wouldn't recommend the G4/G1 crossover too highly, sadly). yup, they can be just as softcore as the show hard no for the mane series. The MLP I fell in love with was aimed at girls and because girls are awesome and Faust did such a good job, I fell in love with it. My idea for an anime series aimed at bronies would echo Critical Role's series - it would have the freedom of the 18+ tag and it would take those softcore hints from the base show that the fandom loved and then run with them
  8. is it a horse noise? or is it psithurism? no, it is Tree Song which is @Silly Druid's OC! (seen here next to Tree Beard* (not his real name) anyway, like the question of whether a tree falls in a distant forest and no one is there to hear it, if a person asks this question and no one replies, then they would have their answer also why is my post 90% about trees?
  9. have a whim-sickle :) 

    Sickle with white horn handle leaning against a stone wall with feathers strapped to it, monk weapon from D&D

  10. aw, very nice and I like that ship, too. I'll have to remember that
  11. ooh, more artists I knew @Wizard was amazing I remember when they joined Also @Nitobit's profile is an amazing collection of different MLPF artists, all featuring their cute OC :3 other than the great arts above, look at this lovely piece by SunaMoonMLP!
  12. ooh, thankies @Gaines exactly how I see Mags @Rafa Stary (also why does she have a gun ) @Valynne
  13. oh, yeah - that ep was pretty brutal - DT being full villain as a nasty privileged little rich so-and-so - I still can't believe she ever tried to become class president! It makes sense though - DT is only thinking about herself here, wanting to clear Scoots and the CMCs out of the way so she can succeed. If you only care about yourself then you don't fully appreciate how much harm you can cause to others by your nasty actions. Ofc, as watchers of the show, we get to see Scoot centre stage, so of course we empathise. If we saw it from DT's warped perspective, it would be easier to understand. And by DT, I mean Diamond Tiara ofc. No one else with those initials fits that description.
  14. This is a forum with a long history of having amazing art! @Ice Princess Silky <3 show cases @SFyr's art! Ofc silky's a mean pony with a paint brush herself (although being an alchemist I image she's more into the creation of paints, anyho). Whose art from members present or past, active or not, do you <3 ? (yup that's @Mercury's OC and @Ice Princess Silky <3's being adorable :3 )
  15. if he has a laurel and is a fighter, then he's all about victory greek mythology for victory is Nike, but that got taken over by a brand of shoes so you can't call him that how about Bellerophon? he was one of the heroes aided by Athena (who Nike is often just an aspect of). He also rode Pegasus, so he's already kinda ponyish no Bellerophons on Derpibooru, but here's Athena. She has a broken horn because she's a badass
  16. The powers that be That force us to live like we do Bring me to my knees When I see what they've done to you Artist Dawn is a sunrise. We get it. Just. Write. What. They. Are. Saying. *waves wand* Now very "union" becomes "unicorn!" you are welcome European Unicorn Artist The Unicorn Jack Artist Unicorn of Soviet Socialist Republics Artist [hr] Tengo recuerdos de ti / I have memories of you Dentro de mi corazón / Inside my heart De aquellos tiempos pasados / From those times gone by Cuando eras tú mi ilusión / When you were my dream Illusion is born The heart is racing Go away there's no time left America Artist I have loved you, I have grieved I’m ashamed to admit I no longer believe
  17. go for it, pony. We need more people in there it's pretty quiet I'll nicker and whicker a bit ofc but @Skylight Scintillateis also in there and @Pentium100 and they are nice
  18. I like it sort of like Star Wars but with ponies. Write it, pony friend! there need to be more stories driven by socially minded ponies! reminds me of Bright Eyes from MLP Tales
  19. yay! thanks @ThePinkestofPones you got the fun of fizzy right down! have this absolutely gorgeous fizzy by maytee
  20. shucks maybe ah am last year I was a bit lazy - I turned it around towards the end, but I need to pick up the pace if I'm not to get the bosses mad at meh
  21. there's also pre-brony communities that are very SFW and wholesome (although they can also be kinda anti-brony sometimes )
  22. Post pics of horses here!
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