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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Starstream

  1. I managed to put some rough ideas on a note, if you guys are interested, could you take a quick look at this and provide a second opinion? I would really appreciate it. Click here for the link.
  2. I kinda figured Dash would be the natural pick, and that makes perfect sense, but truth be told I was kind of hoping not to do that, and I'm leaning more towards creating a Rock and Megamare X ponies, with power upgrades referencing the mane six. I figured people weren't too fond of .exe, but hey, a guy can dream, right?
  3. Hey! that's my fragile childhood you're dissing there! (Talking about .exe, I'm not very interested in Starforce.) I grew up on just Classic and .exe. I didn't have sweet 16/32/64-bit consoles when I was young, so I missed out on everything in between. I only managed to get back into the series because of ZX and .exe, so I cherish them. Back to more related stuff, if I were to use one of the mane six as "Megamare", who do you figure would be the best candidate?
  4. Hello there bros and bro-ettes, as the title and the poll might suggest, I'm hovering over the idea to write an MLP/Megaman crossover. This crossover would be an alternate universe fic and would possibly include: - either at least one of the Mane-six or powers based on them. - a plot that directly borrows thematic elements from Megaman and Megaman X, and possibly a little from the other as well. Now what I'm asking for is someone, or a few people who can dig this idea and would like to pitch some concepts back and forth with me. Reqirements: - Knowledge of at least one of the Megaman series. - Interest in the concept. There's really nothing else I'd ask of you, just knowledge, interest, and of course ideas, so if you're a crazy person like me and you're interested in this idea, leave a comment, hit me with a PM, or contact me about it on Skype. Any help at all would be appreciated, even if it's just a pitch of your opinion. Here, have some complementary images.
  5. WOW! My mom is REAAAALLY slow. *facepalm*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starstream


      My mom was just watching the news and she walks up to, she states: "Apparently there's all these teen and adult guys who watch and love My little pony!"


      I watch her, close all the windows on the pc and show her my desktop (Rarity desktop image), asking: "Have you not paid attention to anything I've done over the past one and a half years?"


      I then proceed to show her all my drawings (some of which clop) and she silently walks away again.

    3. Starstream


      The funny thing is, I was going to say that I can't really blame my mom for not knowing, when I realized she has seen me with an MLP magazine, I showed her the Fluttershy statuette I got for my birthday, she once caught me clopping, and I have once openly asked her "Wanna watch an episode or two of My little pony together?"

    4. Silver Boulder

      Silver Boulder

      haha xD it happens I guess

  6. I find it hard to judge without knowing what kind of game it is supposed to go with. If it's for an RPG then it would depend on the situation. Is it an overworld theme? Is it a menu theme? Is it a battle theme? Because I think that it might not go well with battles. If it's a sim game then I guess it could go well with pretty much anything. If it's a platformer I'd say you'd want something with more "umph!" to keep people pumped for action.
  7. Well, first off, I'm 18 (and 8 months, but who counts those anyway?) Now up to those questions. 1. Do you know how to use a rotary phone and have you ever dialed one? If so, how long ago? Yes... yes I do and have... not sure how long ago though, my memory of exact years isn't the best. 2. Did you have an early part in your life without Internet access? Parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count. Well yeah, back in my day we didn't have all those shmancy things like public internet, and IPhones, and good (voice) acting, and... 3. What is the earliest national or world crisis you have a first hand memory of? Most of you will probably say September 11. Nothing immediately comes to mind, mainly because I purposefully avoid/ignore/forget news like that. It's depressing and there really is no benefit in me keeping track of that stuff other than being able to talk about it. (Which I also don't care for.) 4. Can you recall if your family had an old-fashioned TV with dials on it? Do I recall? How could I forget!? We had a remote control back then... I was the remote... <_< 5. Can you tell me what it's like to read about Saddam Hussein, Bill Clinton, the reunification of Germany, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina in history textbooks? Hussein and Katrina are already in history books? Wow... just... wow... 6. Do you or does anybody in your family refuse to carry a cell phone? Again, parents disallowing it because you were too young doesn't count. Yours truly might not refuse to carry one, but I really don't care for charging it, for every hour it's on, it's off for a full two weeks. Face-to-face talking is much preferred for me, I like to see my conversation partner. 7. Do you remember old school 5 1/4 inch floppy disks for computers? Maybe you're so young you don't even remember the 3.5 inch disks that were discontinued just a few years ago? I came in too late for the large floppy disks, I've held some, but that might've just been because my uncle is a big computer geek, especially so back in the day. I still hold on to a few precious (small) floppies with my favorite old games, though I can't play them anymore... 8. When was the last time you used the Yellow Pages to look up a phone number? When was the last time I felt the need to call someone other than foreign family...? Again, I prefer face-to-face talking. 9. What was the first cartoon you fell in love with? Don't say MLP:FiM. You're all supposed to be at least 13 so I know you have a well-liked cartoon from before that. Favorite? You're asking for a lot there buddy... - Digimon adventures - Pokemon - Tom and Jerry - Loony Toons - Any given old Disney show/film Pick any of the above, but I can't really pick a favorite. 10. Do cartoons from the 1980s look and sound as dated to you as cartoons from the '60s appear to me? Well, completely skipping past the part that I'd have to be able to view your mind for this... (seriously, what a weird question this is.) I'll go ahead and guess that for the late 80's it depends on the cartoon, but for the early 80's I'd say... yes... maybe...? I'm having a little trouble with this question...
  8. @ I don't feel like we've had enough sessions yet for me to be able to give an honest full opinion, give me two or three more sessions though.
  9. @ Oh, come on man! What the hell did I just finish saying!? Get your ass off of that topic because you're wasting your time and not achieving anything! Nay... you might actually be doing something... You're convincing them more and more that they're actually right!
  10. Not to burst your bubble or anything, but there is a pretty decent amount of non self respecting bronies out there, so maybe... just maybe, they could be on to something here... In all seriousness though, there's no point in fussing about anything. Just as they can't convince us to stop liking the show, we can't convince them to stop hating those who do. (I have yet to see a full on "hater" make a 360 turn and suddenly start liking the show.)
  11. I agree with this, soooo to add to what I said before... I also play "D&D", The "Fellowship of the ring" board game, "The settlers of Katan", Duel monsters (A.K.A. Yu-Gi-Oh!), Magic the gathering, Pokemon TCG, and some other stuff that will go unnamed for now.
  12. On my Vita my time is currently equally divided between the two "All-stars" titles, by that I mean "Playstation All-stars: Battle royale" and "Sonic and Sega All-stars: Racing transformed." And even though you didn't ask, On my 3DS I'm playing "Sonic Generations" and "Kid Icarus: Uprising".
  13. Thank you! Thank you! Finally someone who shares my preference for portable consoles. I play the exact same consoles (including the PS2) plus the regular old-school NDS, and occasionally I play on TV consoles with friends, but I just prefer holding my screen(s) in my hands.
  14. Looking for PSN bronies.

  15. Oki-doki-loki~ I'm done with my character sheet. Here it is. (Again, if I missed something important please tell me.) D&D Character Sheet Katami.pdf
  16. I'm busy getting my stats in order right now. I didn't know about the masterwork detail, so I have no problems with it being a normal shortsword. By the by, what do I put for the racial modifiers? Edit: and size modifiers?
  17. @ Here's my character description. If I missed anything, please tell me so I can correct that. Also, I take it we're meant to hold off on rolling stats until we get together? Katami character description.docx
  18. I don't mean to sound impatient, but when will we be getting in contact with each other? It would be nice to talk about this stuff in a more direct and immediate manner than through a forum.
  19. I second these, and I would also like to see some of the rarer D&D native creatures. Do you have a template for character sheets for us?
  20. The reason I asked is because with Skype I have like at least 16 hours per day availability (24 in the weekends). So then schedule won't be much of an issue for me anymore. Here's the stuff I was talking about:
  21. I'd love to join something like this, but I have one question. Is D&D 3.5 similar to Pathfinder? because that's the only D&D I've played so far. Question, would these sessions be through Skype? Also, a while ago I had set up a similar topic to this one, It may have some interesting stuff that you could draw inspiration from. Would you like me to copy and paste some of that stuff to this topic?
  22. This is neither the time nor place to bring that up, some things are better left in the closets they were taken from, if you understand what I mean. Also, with seven characters each, and three people in total, you have an even higher limit of 21 characters, unless I'm misunderstanding something.
  23. Someone requested that I'd supply a character for her fanfic, then she blew the request off after I finished, now I'm left with a character with a non-canon abilty... not sure what to do with him...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starstream


      I'll tell you later today over Skype.

    3. zDashiez


      how long is later?

    4. Starstream


      ... Good question... how about now?

  24. @@SongBrony @@BlossomBloom @@twilight24 @@Kolth To kind of repeat (blatantly copy and paste with some minor adjustments) what I said to Twilight in a private conversation before. 6 characters each is an awful lot, you must be able to make each and every character: - unique and distinguishable from the others. - relateable, or fun to read about. - memorable. - have a personality (and a backstory is not the same as a personality). And to qoute Gwenio from fimfiction (check out his stuff, he writes some awesome stories): And 7 or more characters is not just a bad idea for a writer to write about and a reader to take in, also from an adventurer's viewpoint it is not a great idea. To elaborate, let's take two common sizes for parties, which are 3 or 5 party members. Parties of three are optimal for travling, they are nimble, agile, and barely need any time at all to debate on any possible issues within the party. Parties of five, while not as fast as a party or three, they have the added bonusses of versitality (by the merrits of having more members) and are generally just stronger as a whole, and by that I mean stronger diplomatically as well as physically. Parties of six fall just outside of the range of comfortable, but this can be excused if the party has a compotent and charismatic appointed leader, and/or a support party member who doesn't put a strain on the active members. I assume you might be able to see what I'm headed at. A party of thirteen is just too much in my opinnion. You're better off reducing the party size to six, saves you (and us) and the readers a lot of energy, and doesn't deduct from thom the natural credibility of the party's situation. Just my two cents, do with it as you see fit. Edit: As a corollary and to further demonstrate my point I'd like to offer this. Let's say I told you a story about this adventuring group of ponies, Light, Garland, Frionel, Matteus, Onion Knight, Cloud, Harvey, Kain Highwind, Golbez, Terra, Jester, Strife, Lockhart, Silver Mane, Squall, Lagoon, Ultima, Tribal, Kuja, Meg Ryan, Manly Man, Yuna, Dolly, Prishy, Hunter Pirate, Judge, and finally Lightning, chances are you probably don't even remember how I started this sentence before listing the names of 28 different characters. And if I'd ask you to recall as many names as possible, Now I will grant you that in total you'd "only" be dealing with 13 characters. So let's remove 15 names from the list, and to throw you a bone, I'll remove what are probably the least memorable names, so now we're left with: Light, Cloud, Terra, Jester, Strife, Silver Mane, Ultima, Tribal, Manly Man, Dolly, Hunter Pirate, Judge, and Lightning. There, the 13 most memorable names are left, does that make it any easier? Well, yeah... but not a whole lot. As far as my point goes, you'd probably still not be able to remember all of them without putting effort into it. And as far as putting effort into remembering trivial stuff while reading goes, trying to remember a character's name can draw you right out of the emersion of the story, and I take it you're not aiming for that to happen. Going back to the adventuring side of things, you need to have 13 different characters, who each behave uniquely enough to be remembered while being similar enough to eachother to not get into constant arguments with each other that slow the pacing of the story down. Of course you can say that you're just going to avoid writing about those conflicts, but why would the honor and valor obsessed Light and Judge not complain about every single thing the morally disgusting Hunter Pirate does, and Manly Man, being the gentleman that he is, will try to break the argument up, only risking getting himself involved, Jester and Dolly poke fun at the whole situation, cracking jokes and pulling pranks left and right, somewhere down the line they insult Tribal, who gets angry at them for who-knows-what-was-insulting-about-what-they-said, Cloud flies off to leave everyone to argue while getting some sleep, Strife somehow figures this is all his fault and sits in a corner while blaming himself, and somewhere down the line you just forget what started this all and why this even matters. My final statement? Make things easy for yourself, keep the character count to a minimum, that way you can flesh out each character more, give the reader more time to relate to each of them, force out more creativity when they end up being stuck somewhere as opposed to just getting the pony who has the right talent who could get them out of the situation, make conflicts more concise and emersive, and most importantly, have the reader remember who they are reading about.
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