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Everything posted by PlNKlE PIE

  1. The result of rolling eels twelve consecutive times.
  2. Certainly. I would enjoy seeing it in an episode wherein Pinkie Pie is focused on cheering ponies up, or playing with more foals (similar to Baby Cakes), something like that. This sounds the most probable from the episode description.
  3. D'awww, adorable! Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay, fellow drawfriend.
  4. Rainbow Dash is no match for old Rarity; her mane colours are the most stylishly saturated in all of Equestria.
  5. 74 with 5 errors. Not bad! I should set aside effort into trying to memorize the number/punctuation key positioning. I always struggle with them when typing quickly.
  6. I won't touch Celestia, you have the answers up there. As for our best princess, in Roman mythology Luna was the moon goddess, so the name is very commonly associated with the moon.
  7. That sure was an... interesting story, Blueshift. You should be ashamed.
  8. Chronicle was absolutely phenomenal, but I didn't expect it to take such a dark turn halfway through.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PlNKlE PIE

      PlNKlE PIE

      As long as the potential sequel doesn't take the Final Destination approach and bring in a totally new cast of characters as opposed to the original three, I'm all for it. Although, that idea is pretty much out the window considering what fated Andrew and Steve.

    3. Nah


      me want to see.

    4. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      I think I`ll watch this tomorrow.

  9. Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom Apple Bloom

  10. I would be incapable of assuming the role of a pony for one day. Going back to the human world so soon (ever) would be too traumatic.
  11. He's dealing with a real-life creature here, LRP, not a plastic blind bag toy.
  12. Ponypic is back up! :D

  13. Good ol' '07! Nopony bought into that scam, seeing as it was totally unrealistic and spammed on almost every YouTube video at the time. ...Even on many uploads that weren't even moderately popular.
  14. But sadist Pinkie is detrimental to other ponies' lives. Our real Pinkie Pie just got a little bit depressed.
  15. Aren't they the best friends ever? Nope. She only exists in the minds of some twisted fanfic writers. Pinkie would never turn into the monster from Cupcakes.
  16. Awww, what do you mean your friends don't want to be your friends anymore?! It's your birthday! How could you have forgot your own birthday?! They like you so much they decided to throw you a surpise party!!!
  17. Eh, to be honest I prefer crispy grilled brony. It's simply delectable.
  18. Patiently awaiting a puzzle adventure game based on the Professor Layton series.
  19. Kyaaa! Those look delicious! Will you bake me some brownies?
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