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Everything posted by PlNKlE PIE

  1. Great Scott, that's one gigantic playlist.
  2. The Equestria I once knew is a terrible lie. This can't be true.
  3. I found a pony imageboard on the deepweb. I think I've had enough internet for one day. *closes window*

    1. Anonymous~


      Welcome to the deep web. :)

    2. Inkfeather


      Care to share? :3

    3. PlNKlE PIE

      PlNKlE PIE

      A warm welcoming isn't what I anticipated. You won't get any .onion links from me.

  4. There are obviously well over a few million out there, which is an enormous number of people.
  5. No, not at all. I've never had a problem with liking things that are cute or "girly," so I had no bias against FiM at all before watching it.
  6. Sweet infant Luna, they're auctioning off a giant sugar Pinkie Pie sculpture at BroNYcon right now.

    1. KBz


      EEEE! (excitement, suspense is killing me)

  7. Ashleigh Ball is definitely the best voice actor.

    1. KBz


      Never heard of..

    2. PlNKlE PIE

      PlNKlE PIE

      She the VA for Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

    3. ProjectRKA


      She is definitely the best voice actor <3 C:

  8. I wish Granny Smith was my grandmother.

  9. Aw, long gone is our admin legend? Well, Kurt, it's been a great ride, thank you for being the most excellent admin on both sites. You're an amazing person and I can only scrap the back of my mind for words to express my gratitude to you for founding this amazing forum, hadn't you, I'm sure many of us would still be cramped in the 3DSForums and WiiU pony threads. You will always be best Fluttershy. Ahhhghhh... I hate to see you go.
  10. My word, I'm so relieved that title isn't true. You were about to give me a heart attack.
  11. Abandon hope, all ye who enter the troll congregation.
  12. I welcome your sorcery to our humble chambers.
  13. "Humans will always be drawn to create chaos around them, and they will always choose to spend their days in pain. This is what reminds them that they are alive." -Father/Narrator, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood "The tragedy is over but the real culprit is still on the loose, poisoning the hearts of certain men so they can only seek darkness. This murderer is called revenge… Case closed." -Jimmy Kudo, Case Closed "To chain your mind to the notion that there is one defined way to live your life based on what you are, that you must limit your interests and hobbies to those solely intended for your demographic for no reason other than that aspect can hinder opportunities at innovative thinking. It locks the mind in a box. To me, it's like smoking stress on a walk down a one way hall." -Yours Truly
  14. Just as I anticipated, the creator of the NBF account isn't a brony, but a troll. If you would all redirect your browsers to the page, I'm definitive you will concede. A disturbingly sad ploy is all it was.
  15. Shout Factory stated that they don't have any plans to produce full season DVD sets unless The Friendship Express sells a significant amount of copies in the United States. I don't remember the exact number, but it's very large, somewhere in the thousands. If enough US bronies purchase that DVD, the publisher may consider arranging season sets. In regards to the iTune sales, nobody buys them, the amount of people who do is scarce. Those rips suffer from various issues, the most notable one being incorrect colors, the majority of bronies would rather download better TV rips from YouTube for free than have to pay for those same files just tweaked. In my personal opinion, I love owning physical copies of merchandise, you will always have them and don't have to worry about your harddrive getting nuked and losing everything. If the seasons ever get DVD or Blu-ray releases I will absolutely buy them.
  16. The only two I can say I honestly don't like in comparison to the rest are Owl's Well That Ends Well and The Mysterious Mare Do Well. MDW conflicted with the majority of the lessons learned throughout the series and placed Rainbow Dash out of character, the whole thing was very montonous. As for Owl's, well, it just seemed predictable. Eh? What are you talking about? Sweet and Elite is one of the cutest episodes so far.
  17. Sheesh, fifteen?! Wow, it must've taken a ton of work to create all of those in under one week, it's amazing. I would give anything to have that Trixie.
  18. You... you all realise this isn't even close to the real definition of trolling, correct? That person was either poking fun at love and tolerance, or is naive. True trolling used to be regarded as pretending to be uneducated to anger people; now its meaning seems to have skewed into joking or tossing insults to rile people. Eh, I think Carlos Cupcakés is a pretty cool guy. Puzzles everypony and doesn't afraid of anything.
  19. We are both the same, yet separate. Connected while dissimilar. We are both Pinkie, Pinkie and I are one.
  20. Sentences aren't concise if you have to painstakingly decipher them, now are they?
  21. All that mindset will do is lead him down a road of anger and foolishness. But he's probably kidding. ...Hopefully.
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