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Everything posted by PlNKlE PIE

  1. SMWC? I haven't been there in a long while. I used to play SMW hacks all the time, how's everything going over there? In any case, welcome to the site, we're glad to have you here!
  2. PlNKlE PIE


    Hey, Unicorn13! Or Max! Or Leeroy, or Leeroy Jenkins! Welcome to one of the greatest places on the ponynet! You're sure gonna like this place, I can garauntee that! *blows partyhorn*
  3. De pony musikz? I'm starting to love Griffin Village more than I thought possible.
  4. Higurashi does a brilliant job at impressing paranoia upon those who watch it. As for my favorite intro, though I like the second opening a tad more, this will always be my favorite. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqw95STmFv4 My list of favorite anime music would probably be mostly FMA and FMA:B tracks.
  5. Fruitin' up erryday! There exists no scale on this planet capable of measuring Hoity Toity's fabulosity. (see above post)
  6. Equestria Daily, DeviantART, and Ponychan primarily. There's also the Bronyville Podcast and a few other sites I visit every once in a while. I'm always lurking about Ponychan, especially on /pic/ and /pony/; interesting (and repulsive) threads are always popping up which keep things entertaining. EqD is my mane news source, I also save any new drawfriend pics that I like and haven't seen anywhere else. Speaking of pictures, do excuse me, I have to shuffle through the 3,792 DeviantWATCH submissions I've been neglecting to view.
  7. Oooh yes, I'll eat this with almost anything.
  8. Alright everypony! Bust out the balloons and startup the music! We're gonna party like it's 10/10/10! Let the one year MLP:FiM anniversary celebration commence!
  9. No, she wasn't in any of the previous gens. However, Celestia and Luna were supposedly based on the G1 princess ponies, though I don't see how.
  10. Looks like it got a slight time change. Not a huge leap, no, but it's something nonetheless.
  11. I'm going to love this launcher so much. I also can't wait to see what they have in store for Fluttershy. The devteam is really putting their full effort into this, and it's definitely paying off.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leg-e_3IUOI&feature=feedu This one's hard to describe, it's a unique type of calming.
  13. It's 63°F in here and I'm SWEATING from all the delicious hot sauce I'm drinking.

  14. Yeah, fanon tends to warp our perceptions of the characters if we stick around it a lot, much like how Cupcakes has the power to alter our thoughts on a certain somepony. These recollections are especially prevalent when thinking of background ponies who we've built backstories and personalities for. I don't think of of anything other than muffins, mail, or Dinky when I see Derpy, or pants when I look at Lyra. Although, I don't have a problem with this, as I because all of us love good BG pony fanon. As for the grimdark fic you mentioned, it never happened, you just have to remind yourself that it's aaaalll fanfiction.
  15. Ponies are what make the show what it is, and they're the main reason why we like it so much. Aren't they? Humans would seem awkward. The animation wouldn't be as fluent what with the way bipedal limbs work (plus hands and fingers), the character designs would probably be drastically different, and the diversity of the different races would be hindered. Rainbow Dash wouldn't have wings, so Sonic Rainboom wouldn't happen, and Twilight wouldn't have her horn which places an issue in a human Cutie Mark Chronicles, basically anything depending on pegasi or unicorns would be nonexistent. Of course there would be workarounds, it just wouldn't seem as unique. The ponies have a charm that we don't.
  16. SAI Tool crashed right as I was finishing something up. Thirty minutes worth of drawing and coloring gone. ^_^; Looks like Rollo's pony is going to take longer than I expected.

  17. I would link to the Berry Punch tumblr, but it's fairly NSFW.
  18. Those look fantastic, your vectors are flawless. I can't wait to see the new banner once it's finished!
  19. Try the MLP-VectorClub, they're sure to have some backgrounds that you may find useful.
  20. I'm not schizophrenic, silly! I was just trying to cope with the quietness by pretending my furniture was talking. Sometimes I get a little carried away though, like then. Hehe! I knew they weren't really real. Weren't really real... pretending... my friends weren't really real. Rocky and Madame Le Flour... they're my best friends...
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