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Motion Spark

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Status Updates posted by Motion Spark

  1. I thank you for giving me nightmares with your applejack avatar

  2. I only accept feld0 replacing Rarity...cute banner Marco <3

  3. I got featured on EQD again! I couldn't be happier :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Alright! :D


      I already sent a Note to you in dA! :3

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      I see thanks for the favs, the watch and the note lol

    4. Unpredictable Ranger
  4. happy birthday papa you should check all of your presents from part of all the forumers ;) we wub you <3

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      I'm a papa now, eh? One younger than a good chunk of the people here? XD

      I've been flooded by birthday love in the past couple of days, and am doing my best to catch up to all of it! Love the picture you drew. :-)

    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      yes you are papa! :D

  5. wow, I got featured in EQD without noticing o.o

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      the thing is that I didn't sumbit anything XD

    3. nooneimportantwashere


      Looks like some good watchers of yours submitted your work then xD

    4. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      yes they did o.o

  6. back to blinkie, no more pervy avatar

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Whew! That's more like it!

    2. ~Master~ Button Mash

      ~Master~ Button Mash

      Very nice!


      Still curious about that picture. Part of me thinks you just drew that little section of the pic to use as an avatar to troll us. The rest doesn't exist, does it? :P

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      read my blog Atomic -_-

  7. I hate how ignorant people is when they give their opinions about Rarity

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      @Motion Spark


      No matter what you say, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie will always outrank Rarity. Fluttershy and the Pinkster are the dynamic duo.

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      actually Fluttershy is Rarity's BFF (Green isn't your color)

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Well, now she's Pinkie's. Yea, I just made a change to the show! Come at me bro!

  8. I'm tasting a delicious margarita right now. Probably will get slightly wasted

  9. *sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      a very special friendship for me has ended.

    3. nooneimportantwashere


      Ow man that must really sucks...I feel sorry for you. Here's a hug from me



    4. Motion Spark
  10. so many requests threads now *-*

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Well, guess then. XD

      Who's this somepony could be?

    3. Motion Spark
    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Just wait then. You will know. :3

  11. great! now I have a huge hole on my pants

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ~Chaotic Fireball~

      ~Chaotic Fireball~

      How old is he? What time is it by you?

    3. Motion Spark
    4. ColtofPersonality


      Better than a hole in your heart..jeans are fixable.

  12. for how much longer I have to see Rainbow Dash crashing on my computer screen in Low Quality?

  13. I forgot to ask, do you want a front shot or a plot shot? (since socks goes better with butts :3)

    1. Pinkazoid


      plot shot would be nice :3

    2. Motion Spark
  14. aahhhrg!! so pissed I could punch Rainbow Dash in the face! >:(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      @Motion Spark


      I regret not.

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      have you ever regretted anything? :/

    4. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Well, that one time I broke my arm...

  15. I think it's time to let you go P. Peach :´(

    1. Show previous comments  66 more
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      Sure thing. I don't really animate that much, probably won't with my new course coming along. I've been practicing art more than ever though. I'm alot better than those pictures you saw on my thread that creeped you out http://manwhomurderedtime.deviantart.com/ there a link. None of those images are really new but if you want to see how I'm getting alot art wise, those are good examples. Suck at ponies now though. Need to practice them.

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      it's funny how do you remember about my reactions XD...though I liked more your 'creepy' drawings

    4. MiStErUnMeRry


      Yeah. Most of the images there RP characters or skeleton practice for anatomy. I've got a lot of creepy/ sad/ surreal stuff that people seem to remember about me but I want to dramatically increase my accuracy and technical skill. My distant hope is that I get to a professional level and could sell cheap prints of my stuff when they are at a master-ish area of quality.

  16. it is THAT hard to understand that 23 is not an infinite number?

  17. MLP looks gorgeous on TV *shivers* *.*

  18. happy birthday hun! ;)

    1. Otter


      Thank you, m'dear. :3

  19. happy bday my conky... I owe you <3

    1. Concord


      Thank you Sparkity! :-)

  20. Rainbow Dash is like so best pony, she turns me on n stuff like dat. Nopony can't top her

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zygen


      I'm gonna go now...

      *leaves awkwardly.*

    3. Beat Shock

      Beat Shock

      I know I've been gone for a while now, but I've always known you as a hardcore Rarity fan. O_O

    4. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      watch the date

  21. today I promise to draw a very sexy human Rainbow Dash with her usual "tomboy" suimsuit holding a big ball on the palm of her hand.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fluffy Pinkie

      Fluffy Pinkie

      I look forward to seeing said image =3

    3. Skullbuster


      *looks at calender* hmmmm

    4. Motion Spark
  22. don't think I forgot about you, Happy birthday! 2 days late...I couldn't congratulate you, cuz I was out of the city since thursday, and let's say it was impossible to browse the forums.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Wait a sec... Is it a ROSE?

    3. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      haha so funneh

    4. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      :| < Poker face


      I'm done. I'm sooooo done. That art was too epic for my life. Just... I'm done.

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