Wrong, they were all familiar with at least 5 of the founding members of Equestria according to "The Journal of the Two Sisters" by Amy Keating Rogers. So they took the throne no more than a few years after the founding of Equestria.
In the "The Journal Of The Two Sisters" Luna mentions "The Alicorns" implying that there were others before her and Celestia and that both Luna and her sister were raised by these alicorns. The princess in the love poison story was probably one of these alicorns or a predecessor to them.
It was Celestia and Luna, hence why they were the ones who had to defeat him. This is proven by the fact they had their cutie marks and they earned their cutie marks while being on the throne.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Luna rebelled against Celestia before becoming Nightmare Moon, the conflict became so desperate that many of the survivors rallied in Canterlot where Celestia and the defenders staged a desperate last defense against Luna and the Nightmare Forces.(see the Celestia micro-series comic for details)