Yay I feel Uber energized to do work and happy for ze compliments, here's to hoping my parents don't here me work and then tell me to go to sleep XD
Okay done, Vinyl is all messed up in the hair though so Sorry bout that, but I guess the rest is good, Hmmmm, well, now I can haz sad Tell me your email so I can send a picture
Okay no more, I can't haz no moar, but I will take these, they shall be done in this week worn out, I will try to fit the other guys OC then i shall try to do others tomorrow
I am gonna relax for about 20 minutes then get to work on yours, I have been sitting in an strange position and my back is hurting like crazy! well you'll see it soon
I am gonna have to redo a few of yours, but, it will be fine, is it okay if I do and blade, is it alright if I do Vinyl Blade alone, it would be easier, and faster. I feel like Twilight Sparkle in the episode she went crazy I shall have most of them done by the end of the week or next week