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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by miygaiya

  1. THE KNEES WILL SUFFER OUR WRATH! That was such a good one too! OOH! LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK LOOK Pinkie... no... just no....
  2. Argh, I gotta wait a week for them hair dyes fuuuuuuu

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      I have no hair to dye! Don't suggest the beard....

    2. miygaiya


      Dye a beard and shaved/bald head? Oh jeez... that image...

    3. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      All red and yellow...yep

  3. I'm pretty down to proofread anything that anyone writes. I write FF myself, so I know how harsh some of the community can be. I'd be completely happy to be an editor for something.
  4. So I've only recently got back into the horror genre. I played the original Resident Evils on the playstation 2 and gamecube, but starting a youtube channel, I decided to get back into le horrors. Amnesia and Slender are scary, but not the scariest. That honor would probably go to the Penumbra series or the Silent Hill series.
  5. Gonna order some crimson and dark blue hair dye. I've never dyed my hair before and I dress pretty conservatively for a teenager. This should be good....

  6. Needless to say, it would be awesome because it's a party with Pinkie Pie. But it'd be kinda boring after a bit because I have only two or three really good friends and everyone else are just horseapples. Plus, I haven't had a birthday party in something like four years, which might be strange for a 16 year old but whatever.
  7. My school doesn't block sites unless they're visited often enough to garner attention from the evil Watchers that they have monitor EVERYTHING you do. It's evil. And it's a public school so what the flying feather.
  8. 'Tia, stop with the horns! You KNOW it's not right to do in a PHOTO SHOOT
  9. n/a

    1. Evilshy


      What kind of rave ends at 2am? I stay up later than that playing card games.

    2. Otter


      Uh... So what? Is there anything really super terrible about raves?

    3. Evilshy


      There's something really super terrible about a rave that ends that early.

  10. Time to play slender. Yay.

    1. ToridAkbolto


      Get one of the older versions so you can play 20 dollars mode.


    2. miygaiya


      If .9.6 has it, then it's all good.

  11. My names CaptainMcMuffin, and I have an addiction to cussing like a bloody fucking sailor. But in all seriousness, I do swear a lot, but I tend to try not to, because it makes me feel like an idiotic high schooler (which I am) and that I need to work on saying stuff like a good person. (although I almost typed sh*t instead of stuff because I'm a sailor meow)
  12. Well let me see. I'm a 16 year old male teen who has nothing better to do over the summer than play video games, listen to music, and be told by people with depressing lives how depressing their lives are and how I can't help them even though they talk to me about it all. I think I might just try out this show. Makes me feel good when people are dragging me down with their problems. Also, the art, characters, and whole humor of it all is just so AWESOME. And the music. Holy hell, the music is soooo GOOOOOOOD ASKSLGKJSD
  13. OH BOY. I'd probably have to choose Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch. They'd be the perfect combo to go out and party like it's 2012, and it'd be fun being dragged into whatever crazy shite Pinkie would get in on. T'would be amazing.
  14. TV, which might seem hypocritical considering I'm a rabid follower of MLP. Other than that, I hate any Rap or Pop music that's been made in the past 15 years, barring a few exceptions. Also, 'name brand' headphones/accessories. Ugg, Beats, Soul, etc etc. It's all overpriced and ugly as hell. I paid $40 for my Razer Electras and they're better than Beats, if not as 'cool'. Damn high school kids these days...
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