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Everything posted by Happysalesman

  1. Well considering the average quality of most OC ponies, (no offense to anypony, just generalizing here) if hasbro started using OC's for background ponies I'd probably start to worry. At the same time, it would be awesome for them to do that. It's not often a creator of a franchise such as this gives much of a nod to it's fanbase so it would be pretty much the ultimate acceptance of brony-dom on hasbro's part.
  2. Well come play with me. I'm not a nub, but I'm not one of those crazy guys who play in tournaments or anything. I'll show ya the ropes
  3. Totally worth getting, especially since they just released the beta for Heart of the Swarm. I could help you learn all the ins and outs of the game as well, since it's rather difficult to learn on your own >>
  4. this might be the wrong board, but... anyone play SC2? If so, wanna play together? My username/battletag/whatever it is blizzard uses to identify players is SadSalesman. >> If you wanna play, PM me there or here.
  5. True. (I wasn't totally serious in my answer, I'm sure someone somewhere wants to worship Celestia or Luna XD)
  6. All it takes is one person with an idea and the will to carry it out. I wouldn't necessarily say that bronyism could become a religion, who would we worship? Celestia? A character that we know is 100% fiction? I don't think it'd work. I'd almost say it'd evolve into a political-esque group, as opposed to a religion.
  7. I've never drunk-posted on an MLP forum before. I've drunk posted elsewhere, though beyond my logic being slightly amiss, nobody could really tell I was drunk. I'm a pretty high functioning drunk, and depending upon which alcohol I'm drinking, could be classified as "normal" (if you ignore the light-headed feeling). That being said, part of my living is tasting and combining alcohols for the flavor, so my body has built up quite an immunity to it's effects.
  8. I wonder, since dogs are colorblind, if yours is even aware of what's been done to its tail lol. Otherwise, I love the second picture, its like "I'm Rainbow Dog! Deal with it!"
  9. Ah, sounds eerily similar to my situation. I guess your only option is to just be the best uncle you can. Is your niece a brat or is she well-behaved? (Sorry if these are too personal, if they are, just tell me and I'll shut up)
  10. Can't say I blame you. It sounds like it's not that great of a place to be. Wish I could give some advice beyond "move out" but...
  11. Or tell her to eat regularly. I'd go into a rant about parenting in America, but that'd be a. horribly off-topic, and b. probably offend some people somewhere. ><
  12. Well, crap. I feel for your niece, as it doesn't sound like her dad/your brother isn't doing much to take care of her. How old is your niece?
  13. Well, I've never had my hair fall out... I dye it every so often, maybe once every 3-4 months on average? Since I've got really dark hair I usually have to bleach it several times, which I know is very bad for your hair, but I've yet to have it fall out. Honestly, I would say it's the utter lack of protein in her diet. I work out quite a bit, so I intake about 150 grams of protein a day, and I use some shampoos and conditioners that are advertised as "keeping colored hair healthy and blah blah". I don't know if it really works, but like I said, none of my hair has fallen out! Maybe talk to your niece about why this happened, and how to avoid it, (better diet, less dying, etc)
  14. That's epic. Though 20 bucks is a bit steep. >< Hopefully they'll still be selling them on friday when I get paid.
  15. Count me in. This sounds very interesting. Unfortunately I don't have much to add to the plot at the moment (I'll jot some ideas down at work), but if I may, I'd like to be on the bad side. >>
  16. My advice? Get some plain school supplies, and ponify it yourself. You might spend a bit more, depending upon ink and all that other hoopla, but at the same time, you're pretty much guaranteed to have something that you're going to enjoy, as opposed to finding the one FiM folder, and absolutely hating the design.
  17. Yeah, I agree with Chaotic. Sounds like it would fit perfectly into the background of some creepy dungeon or castle. Otherwise, sounds very good!
  18. Actually, I come up with recipes lol. Owning my own bar is what I'd like to do sometime in the future, maybe. For now I'm content with just mixing them all together and seeing what comes out the other end. Plus, I put on a lab coat and use graduated cylinders for measuring. How many people get to say "I'm drinking... for Science!" at their day job?
  19. Haha, but liquor is part of my job so I kinda have to like the stuff. And, for the record, you can buy liquor without breaking your wallet. ><
  20. Well, since they've got a cake flavored vodka. The Dew vodka isn't great, its way better mixed with dew as opposed to straight.
  21. That actually sounds pretty fricken cool. Provided nobody minds if we try to set up a 21+ event on the forums... As for mixing Dew and other alcoholic beverages, there aren't many that work well together. Usually rum and whiskey go in darker sodas, while vodka goes with lighter ones like sprite and 7 up. 99 bananas doesn't taste bad in Mountain Dew (certainly isn't my favorite though. ><) Though there is a mountain dew flavored vodka out there...
  22. Totally voted. I wonder if clicking "vote" multiple times counts... As for the trademark, Havard is correct. You can't copyright a product. You can copyright a brand name however. YES! EPIC YES! Gawd I need to find some over 21 bronies near where I live so I can do exactly that. Though I'm not sure how well Applejack and Dew would work together ><
  23. To me... MLP is a show, that spawned a very interesting cult fandom. That being said, I have since joined this cult, (ALL HAIL CELESTIA!) and am unashamed to show it. While my life hasn't been turned 'round and made amazing by the show, it's certainly done some good for me. It's shown me who my real friends are, and who the jerks are that were just using me. It's given me access to a huge fandom, who all love the show for varying reasons, but to me, that's what makes it fun. My reasons for liking the show might be completely different from someone elses, but it doesn't matter cause at the end of the day, we still enjoy the same thing.
  24. Yeah, I was nearby there around september last year. Can you believe it was raining chocolate? I mean, I loved it, but everyone else complained it was too sticky.
  25. Wow, 14 and a programmer? Daaaaaaaang maaaan. What kind of stuff do you program? Also, welcome to the herd/forums, pretty open and loving group here. So don't be shy, post a lot, and remember, when in doubt? POOOONIIEEEEES.
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