A white unicorn in a modest, purple dress with arrived on that same train, though she took her time. Just like what the scrolls and the books say… This place is truly magnificent. She took the time to explore a little bit of the beautiful city, finding it shinier than Canterlot, but lacking the warm colors of Equestria's rich capital. Still, you don't get a break from scribing everyday, so new sights are always welcome, especially if there's local lore to be studied. After exploring a bit, her path brought her to the Crystal Heart itself. A picture may say a thousand words, but the real-deal is another story. In this case, a wondrous, mystical story. She stood between the nearby group of ponies and a unicorn who was taking notes. "'A crystal with a shining light, an icon of the North's love'," she quoted from a poem to herself, but loud enough that others might be able to hear. Unbeknownst to her, a small bottle of black ink dropped out of her saddlebag and rolled into Amber Skies' hoof.