Banned cuz i haven't been active here (i'm a bit sensitive to go on forums a cept for this one close friend of mine's who also is a huge pony fan btw)
*poke's Riku's nose* Hi! I'm a person who needs to beat Chain of Memories but your so hard ta beat XD
How do I beat Replica Riku more easily.....0 numbered cards work, right? maybe no one know's what i'm saying...
This episode was always a favorite of mine. XD The "Shoopeedoo" and "Sweetums" thing always made me laugh SOOO hard. XD It was awesome.
*call's Riku does very words to be a bit sadistic now~*
Banned cuz I love Riku....but not that I like war or anything like that (i actually survive well without cute guys, though. you'd be....suprised but i don't wanna change this avatar yeeet....its cute X3; he's still cuddling the enemy...)
Does any1 here like Pokemon? Cuz I LOVE Pokemon. On pokemon forums, I used ta call myself "Jirachu"
I'm a little obsessed with Espeon right now~~Isn't he a cute one?