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planning Rarity's Airship Yacht (Sign-up)

Quill Waver

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RP: http://mlpforums.com/topic/100236-raritys-airship-yacht-sign-up/


Hello there! You have been cordially invited to board Lady Rarity's flying airship for festivities, fellowship, and grandeur! Please be sure to wear proper garments for the occasion and to act gracefully while aboard.


Note: This party is planned to last several days, so please prepare accordingly. (This will not be a "lightning RP" and will be paced out to prevent clutter. While there may be several hours or even a day or two between posts, this is to ensure those in different time zones can post as well as keep up.)


Note: Weaponry is prohibited on the airship. Any passenger caught with such a device will be subject to arrest for reckless endangerment. (This is to say, you can bring a weapon on-board, but doing so is at your own risk.)


Just fill out the RSVP below, and we will be certain to include you on the guest list!





Title (If any):



*Current occupation:

Equipment (If any):



*Back-story as to how you met Rarity:

Any other information:


(* = Required field.)




*Name: Asterian Élire Starfall

Title (If any): Captain

*Age: 22

*Gender: Male

*Current occupation: Airship captain

Equipment (If any): Compass and pocketwatch

*Appearance: White coat. Golden eyes. Two-tone golden tail & mane. Golden quill cutie mark.

*Attire: Captain's uniform and hat

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Asterian had just passed Special Vehicles Training at the top of his class when he decided to serve as a chauffeur for the Canterlot elite. Although brought up outside nobility, he gained a reputation amongst the aristocracy as a reliable pilot. Lady Rarity caught wind of his abilities, and, through a series of negotiations, persuaded him to become captain of her ship, Generosity. Today, they share a professional relationship, although some rumors have been spread that their relationship is more than just about money. 

Any other information: None



We look forward to seeing you on board!


- Cpt. Asterian Élire Starfall, Generosity


Accepted Characters:


Asterian Élire Starfall, Captain of Generosity (Asterian Starfall)

Shining Midnight, Royal Watcher (~ Alicornification ~)

Knight Silent Hope (lonewolf1735)

Baron Obsidian von Himmel (Obsidian Sky)

Ribbonfree (Little Black Dress)

Cassidy (Blue Eclipse)

Glowing Flask (*)

Shady Bubbles (*)

Latency (SpaceOnion)

Lone Star, Equestrian Ranger (Domino)

Edited by Asterian Starfall

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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*Name: Shining Midnight

Title (If any): Royal Watcher

*Age: 24

*Gender: Male

*Current occupation: Royal Watcher

Equipment (If any): Goggles and a few Electronic Scanners (for ponies' safety).


*Attire: What is shown above.

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: They've met in Ponyville a few times, when she came over to see Twilight, and he and Twi were working on something. Rarity does have a liking to the pendant around his neck, though.

Any other information: He's the only known Royal Watcher.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Shining Midnight's RSVP is Accepted!

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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I'll join


*Name: Silent Hope

Title (If any): Knight of the Sun and the Moon

*Age: 32

*Gender: male

*Current occupation: Royal Knight

Equipment (If any): the shield of the sun and the moon, a hidden sword.

*Appearance: Has a jet black coat and a dark blue mane and tail, his eyes are rust brown, is taller and thinner than the average pony, usually has a blank expression.

*Attire: improved royal guard armor, that covers every part of him, including a crusader style helmet.

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity:

Any other information: Rarity asked him to escort back to ponyville after a visit to canterlot, he did so and rarity found out he was a knight, ever since then she's carried a small flame for him.


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Knight Silent Hope's RSVP is hereby Accepted!


Please note, however, that any weaponry or armor on board will be confiscated. You will be asked before boarding to relinquish your armor, shield, and any other weapons to the guard for storage in the ship's hold.

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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Name: Obsidian von Himmel

Title: Baron

Age: 25

Gender: male

Current occupation: Spy of the Royal Canterlot Secret Service

Equipment: Pocket bottle with Applecider, pouch with some bits, paper and pen, little retractable spy-glass, little bottle of smelling salts.

Appearance: A Unicorn of average size and build. Light grey fur and dark grey mane, both well groomed. Dark purple eyes. Cutie mark is a black shield with white stars on it. He would be considered quite handsome.

Attire: Blue dress uniform and heavy silver horseshoes.

Backstory: Even though of noble birth Obsidian and his familiy where quite poor. He and Rarity where in school together in Ponyville, they where quite close friends and he developed a heavy but onesided crush on her. He had to move to Canterlot with his parents because they joined the spy-order and they lost contact because of that. He still feels strongly for her though.

Even though ponies from Canterlot know that he works for the crown somehow, no one but the order and the royal sisters know what he actually does, many outsiders don't quite know what to think of him. He is quite admired and trusted inside the order though.

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Obsidian von Himmel's RSVP is hereby Accepted!


There seems to be enough people here for us to begin, so without much ado, I shall begin the RP!

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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*snicker* Remember in Ace Of Bass? He tells Thunder to "stop assuming anything", and then says, "Oh, and by the way Riley, I do believe that the plushie itself is Cassidy."


Huh? A RP? Oh, yes. I'd like to join:


Name: Cassidy

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Current occupation: Library assistant
Equipment: Saddlebag with books
Appearance: Green unicorn with brown mane covering parts of face
Attire: Tuxedo
Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Just bumped into her
Any other information: Is nerdy and introverted, can get awkward during conversation
Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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'Wish Fulfillment with Rarity' RP ahoy!


Name: Ribbonfree

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Current Occupation: Model

Equipment: Saddlebag of makeup and changes of clothing

Appearance: A lithe and slender pegasus, not especially athletic of body but with disturbingly outstanding curves. Her his coat is a wispy pink, manicured to perfection, his her his mane and tail are both almost equally long and voluminous, wavy locks naturally lustrous pink a few shades darker than her coat. He has a cute face, dainty lashed eyes, relatively small snout, plump lips, a singsong and dainty voice... Essentially, dude looks and sounds like a lady. A really pretty one at that.

Attire: A black tightly cut sheer chiffon dress that starts at her his waist and rolls over to cover both his hind legs to near floor level. Silk gloves for his forelegs, also in black. Both, it goes without saying, were designed by the lady whose airship he was invited to.

Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Ribbon's one of many migrants of Equestria, traveling from place to place to find work. She he was one of several models Rarity has employed in the past for her fashion line, and though he never seemed particularly into it her his natural beauty and grace (both traits he possesses against his own will) made him a stand out employee of Rarity's, and though he'd never stay for long, whenever he was in town she he was one of the go-to runway girls guys girls for Carousel Boutique. They maintain a happy professional relationship to this day. Even though Rarity still doesn't know that Ribbon is actually a dude.

Stuff: It is essentially impossible to figure out that she's he's a girl guy. Other than that who cares, figure it out as the RP goes along.

Edited by Little Black Dress
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Name: Cassidy

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Current occupation: Library assistant
Equipment: Saddlebag with books
Appearance: Green unicorn with brown mane covering parts of face
Attire: Tuxedo
Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Just bumped into her
Any other information: Is nerdy and introverted, can get awkward during conversation

Sorry, but I can not accept a short reason as that. I am hoping to see how your story-telling skills are through this, and "just bumping into her" is not very interesting.


Ribbonfree's RSVP is hereby Accepted! For clarity, is "he" a he or a she?

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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Sorry, but I can not accept a short reason as that. I am hoping to see how your story-telling skills are through this, and "just bumping into her" is not very interesting.


Ribbonfree's RSVP is hereby Accepted! For clarity, is "he" a he or a she?


Actually male. I probably shouldn't have put those quotes there on the gender tag lol. Made a couple of edits to other sections too so you should reread it to make sure it's still cool.

Edited by Little Black Dress
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Okay, okay, that was pretty foolish of me.


How he met Rarity: During a trip to Manehattan, she entered the library and asked Cassidy about a certain book. The book happened to be one of Cassidy's favourites. They quickly got into a conversation about literature, and Rarity stated visiting that library more frequently.

OCs: RileyAnala

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How he met Rarity: During a trip to Manehattan, she entered the library and asked Cassidy about a certain book. The book happened to be one of Cassidy's favourites. They quickly got into a conversation about literature, and Rarity stated visiting that library more frequently.

Now that I can buy.


Cassidy's RSVP is hereby Accepted!

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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Shouldn't you also post the description of your character in here Asterian?

You said what?


I just did. Just messing with you.  :D

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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*Name: Glowing Flask

Title (If any): None

*Age: 23

*Gender: Male

*Current occupation: Scientist extraordinaire!! ( one of those Da Vinci jack-of-all-science wannabe)

Equipment (If any): Goggles, bits pouch, flask of homemade distilled hay alcohol, Show Alchemy kit (glowing stuff, light smoke and such)

*Appearance: tumblr_n6jjx2kiiZ1tvqk6po1_500.jpg

*Attire: Still has his goggles (pretty much never remove them, even when sleeping), but instead of his usual lab coats, he wear a sober black suit with a white shirt, hoping it will be at least acceptable to Rarity.

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Living near Ponyville, Glowing Flask evidently knew Rarity. When news of Rarity getting a brand new airship got to him, he just had to see it and how it worked. Rarity being generous as ever, she immediately invited him to join the festivities.




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: Living near Ponyville, Glowing Flask evidently knew Rarity. When news of Rarity getting a brand new airship got to him, he just had to see it and how it worked. Rarity being generous as ever, she immediately invited him to join the festivities.

I... suppose I can believe that.


Glowing Flask's RSVP is hereby Accepted!

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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*Name: Shady Bubbles

Title (If any): Miss? She's a nopony 

*Age: Young Mare

*Gender: Female

*Current occupation: Music Teacher and Pianist

Equipment (If any): A small, concealed knife

*Appearance: Green coat, yellow and orange mane. See Attachments

*Attire: A formal white dress shirt with sequins and a pleated white dress skirt

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: She designed Shady's outfit for her mother's wedding. The two mares were close friends throughout their school years, and would get together often after they matured. Eventually, Shady's mother moved to Manehattan during her pregnancy. After her mother's death, Rarity offered heavy moral support for Shady through letters as she was a young filly at the time. Rarity hasn't seen Shady since she was a newborn, but the two write each other from time to time.

Any other information: Very timid and paranoid. See the link in my signature for more information.



"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

"Sometimes she wonders if she can do it like nuns do it but she never heard of Catholic religion or sinner's redemption" -K Dot

Ask me a question: http://mlpforums.com/topic/96396-ask-shady/?hl=ask%20shady

About Shady Bubbles: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shady-bubbles-r6456


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Shady Bubble's RSVP is hereby Accepted!

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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*Name: Lone Star

Title (If any): Equestrian Ranger

*Age: 37

*Gender: Male

*Current occupation: Equestrian Ranger

Equipment (If any): A small flask filled with Griffonian whiskey, his Ranger badge, and a small photo of his daughter, Lily




Cutie Mark: A silver star overlapping a lasso and sword

*Attire: A simple tuxedo (rental) with a small, black tie, trusty Stetson

*Back-story as to how you met Rarity: While out on a scouting mission, Lone Star noticed a small carriage being attacked by wild beasts. Helping the passengers fight them off, he offered to guard them till they arrived at their destination, which just so happened to be one of Rarity's many boutiques. Grateful for his help, she offered him an invitation to a party. Never one to turn a pretty mare down, Lone Star accepted.

Any other information:  No relation to Sheriff Silver Star of Apploosa, though he does live there.

Edited by Domino

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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I... suppose I can believe that.


Glowing Flask's RSVP is hereby Accepted!


Can I add something I forgot to say in additional information? While unable to do magic since he's a earth pony, he has the ability to see magic placed on object (need to focus unless it is incredibly strong. Doesn't allow to pierce illusions).  You know, since most technology in Equestria is magic-based, it's kinda a necessity for his field of work. It's shouldn't really affect anything except his ability to appreciate the airship.




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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Yeez... We may need to put additional beds into the cargo hold... :muffins:


Wait... Asterian, what i ask myself now, is this a full blown multiple day cruise or just a little party vojage?

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Can I add something I forgot to say in additional information? While unable to do magic since he's a earth pony, he has the ability to see magic placed on object (need to focus unless it is incredibly strong. Doesn't allow to pierce illusions).  You know, since most technology in Equestria is magic-based, it's kinda a necessity for his field of work. It's shouldn't really affect anything except his ability to appreciate the airship.

I would say that it would be prudent to have that as an equipment, such as goggles.


Yeez... We may need to put additional beds into the cargo hold... :muffins:


Wait... Asterian, what i ask myself now, is this a full blown multiple day cruise or just a little party vojage?

Multiple-day cruise. I was originally going to stick to the party voyage, but cruise now seems a little better.


Latency and Lone Star's RSVPs have hereby been Accepted!

Edited by Asterian Starfall

"Time is just an illusionary factoid that all natural things are bound to. It has the power to crumble even the mightiest of mountains into little more than dust, yet if it is an illusion, why is this so? Because people waste a lot of time, only wishing they had more. Little do people realize an inescapable fact: Time governs those who wish they had more of it. By wishing you could use it better, you govern time, and you can get all the time you'll ever need." — Starfall, Quillwaver

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