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Why Are Bronies Disliked?


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That's the part people seem to forget.




and more to the point to judge an entire group on the behavior of a few and saying if they don't eject people for behavior you don't like is wrong. people are trying to find reason do dislike something they don't understand or care to. have we seen even one catholic priest punished in any way for doing Horrid things to children? have we called out the entire Christian community for the acts of the few that attack doctors and clinics that do abortions?


For the sake of not having to retype it all over again, I answered a lot of these points earlier. 

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You mean it isn't already a big circle jerk? The major brony "examples" constantly want to put the community in a positive light. Sethisto of Equestria Daily himself stated to avoid media attention because they want to make the fandom look bad. Clearly showing that they want to appear as good. Bronies also paid for a TV ad so that people would know that bronies donated to charity. They felt that for some reason it was important to put this positive image out there. If that isn't a circle jerk, I don't know what is.

you don't know what a circle jerk is then. its more of an inward self congratulatory group. just because a group wants to put a positive spin on them selves dose not equate to circle jerk. just remember inward not outward.


Judging an entire group based on the acts of a few of them is prejudging. O and you do not prejudge a murderer or anyone else who has actually done a crime. that's judging its completely different.

If they are keeping it to themselves, sure. Problem is as I have stated many times, these "cloppers" are not keeping it to themselves. I could have friends who have BDSM fetishes that I don't even know about, know why? I never ask. I don't want to know. If one of them randomly told me, I'm be a little concerned as to why he felt the need to disclose that to me. My point is that if bronies want to be respected, you need to stand against things that are stupid. Otherwise don't complain when people judge your group when you do nothing to solve the issue. Personally my idea is to not give a damn. Don't react. Stop reacting. Because as much as I would like for the brony fandom to stop doing the things that make people "hate" it, I know that'll realistically never happen.

Problem here is how gets to define what is "stupid" after all to the person who gets hot over pony's to him it not stupid. and to say hay your a Brony don't do that is very much against the live and let live idea. to change one self or to change a group just to appease others is mistaken thinking. also it is the responsibility of the poster and the site to make sure the post is appropriate to display.

That's the part people seem to forget.

got a bit of track parody is the one that seems to be able to take just about the entire thing and make fun of it. true it cant be a word for word exact copy but it can take the entire story and lambaste it to its hearts content.
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Not to make it sound like bad thing but the first time I EVER heard the phrase "my little pony is AWESOME" ( the awesome sounded just like rainbow dash) I was dafuq is my little pony? and my friend told me "some girls show" me and my stupidity said "do i hear a challenge?" she said "maybe?" so i said your on.  so me and my friend made a bet loser does what the winner says (i should i have know better but i was being stupid)  and I lost (NEVER saw it coming) so at first i'm like yeah this kinda sucks cause i could hardly find anything VERY interesting that caught my attention but then at season 2 when discord showed up and I was all HELL YEAH finally something i can relate to and continued watching ever since. and for some reason after watching all the episodes *before season 4*

i rewatched and was all wow i am a very mixed up combination of all the mane 6 and when i realized that my mind kinda exploded >..> still watching now i miss flutterbat T_T i liked her that way <3 now if only she was a little more flutter and a little less bat it would have been perfect in my opinion

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Yet you tried to argue a point with me and now you are insisting on not proving the evidence to support your argument when you were called out on it. That's a cop-out if I ever saw one. It may be wise to throw in the towel at this point, my friend. It was entertaining, but I can clearly see you are not prepared to go any further.


It's not a cop-out.  If you really must know, the study was mentioned in a book I read at MATC for a Psychology course.  Yes, hard as it is to believe, I don't get all of my information from the Internet.  Mind you, I don't remember the name of the book and the course was only an elective, but I'm sure if you go to their library, it'll still be there.


So now I've answered your question.  Next time you bring it up, I will assume you are doing so to either troll or evade the other discussion points I bring up.


The thing is, I shouldn't have had to mention this at all, as I am not the one throwing around accusations.  All I was doing was attempting to explain the actions of a group, not accusing them of things.  Generally, the one accusing people of things is the one that should have evidence to support their claim.  But so far, you haven't provided any real evidence outside of an anecdote, that links bronies to the 'hater' problem, yet you somehow expect us to bow down and accept that as truth.  Since you are making the accusations, it really does fall on you to bear the burden of proof, especially if you're going to say that you won.

Edited by SBaby

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You need to clam down there, Misty. These are merely folks trying to voice their opinions and personal experiences relating to the topic. You don't have a detailed representation of the majority of our pony loving empire either.

You've got to understand, when you're in a fandom as awful as this one, you have the right to get a bit mad.



I really dislike the fact that this fandom cannot admit to its excessive imaturity, obnoxious members, and excessively aggressive die-hards, but act like the people who are annoyed by them are the ones at fault.


Hypocrisy is why I left this fandom.

Edited by The Paris Swing Box


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The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have a problem. I think this is true of both individuals and organized groups, including fandoms.


Rather than get defensive about criticism and say "Hey, we're not all like that," look at yourself. Closely. And ask yourself, "Am I like that? Do I do that?" If you don't contribute to the fandom's abundance of misogyny, racism, homophobia, or other prejudices, good! If you aren't treating the show like a religion, treating the fanbase like some sort of secret elite society, or acting like you deserve a medal for watching a show outside of your demographic, awesome. If you aren't publicly discussing your masturbation habits in general, non-porn MLP communities, please continue to not do that! By all means carry on, but if you do display some of the irksome behaviors that put so many people off in this community, take the criticism to heart and look at what you can do to improve yourself instead of dismissing any critic as a "hater."


Even if they are indiscriminately hating the show or the fanbase, should we really be so invested in this cartoon that we feel obligated to rush to a bunch of fictional horses' defense? Let them hate the show, and continue liking it without taking their distaste so personally. I say this with love, guys. Because I believe this fanbase can and should be better. Enjoy your fandom, but don't let your fandom utterly dominate your life (and this goes for any hobby, not just MLP).

Edited by Dr. Mechano



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Hypocrisy is why I left this fandom.

And apparently why your still here and part of it...


Actually most admit that the fandom has those kinds of individuals within it, but the fact of the matter, many fandoms do, so its not an isolated incident..

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And apparently why your still here and part of it...



>implying im on this site because im a brone


>implying i give a shit about the show


dude you dont even know


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>implying im on this site because im a brone


Since we're correcting minor things.







dude you dont even know


You are correct, and nor do I care. No one claimed you were still a brony, but rather a member of the fandom still. Although, being on the "#1 brony forum" would imply it.

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Since we're correcting minor things.

You are correct, and nor do I care. No one claimed you were still a brony, but rather a member of the fandom still. Although, being on the "#1 brony forum" would imply it.

>correcting brone

>term used on /mlp/

why cant anyone else go on 4chan.




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>implying im on this site because im a brone


>implying i give a shit about the show


dude you dont even know


So if you're on this site and not a fan, then by your admission, you're essentially just here to troll us.  If you don't care about the fandom or the show, what else would you possibly have to gain by even bothering with this topic?

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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So if you're on this site and not a fan, then you're essentially just here to troll us.



Mother of God I have never seen that amount of >implying in a single post.


I've you'd look on my profile, I actually have contributed to this site, I just happen to not care about the show, and dislike the fandom I once was a part of.


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why cant anypony else go on 4chan.



... That was what I didn't need to know, but it does explain everything.






nope.. Imply.




imply  1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest:


There's no question of it, in that freak speak or otherwise. The fact your within the forum and conversing would imply that you're incapable of actually "leaving" the fandom as claimed.  If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't be here discussing this, the show, or even referencing other forum content based upon it.

Edited by GrimCW
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So if you're on this site and not a fan, then by your admission, you're essentially just here to troll us.

Not necessarily.


One can be a fan without being "part of the fandom." Like, someone who just watches the show without really getting involved in the online community.


Admittedly that doesn't explain him still posting here, but yeah, it's possible to be a fan and not identify with the fandom at large.



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Mother of God I have never seen that amount of >implying in a single post.


I've you'd look on my profile, I actually have contributed to this site, I just happen to not care about the show, and dislike the fandom I once was a part of.


And again I ask you.  If you don't care about the show or fandom anymore, then why bother even posting on this topic?

Edited by SBaby
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... That was what I didn't need to know, but it does explain everything.





nope.. Imply.



There's no question of it, in that freak speak or otherwise. The fact your within the forum and conversing would imply that you're incapable of actually "leaving" the fandom as claimed.  If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't be here discussing this, the show, or even referencing other forum content based upon it.

>changed my post from anyone to anypony.






jesus christ you have no idea how silly you're being by not understanding these references.




>implying discussing why brones are hated means i care, talking about why i left because of how run down it was means i care, and talking about other forums means i care.


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I could care less if people hate the show, but the fact of the matter is the hate isn't for the show, it's for the fans.  I don't have to just roll over and accept it when people are hateful towards me or towards the people in the community as a whole.


Honestly, you people have no idea what a great fandom this is. I was in a bad fandom... this is paradise compared to that.  I was in a fandom with three generations of fans constantly locked in competition for years over which generation was best.  I was in a fandom where every minor detail of a character was enough to start a flame war.  You people think this is a bad fandom cause somebody masturbates to ponies?  Please.  You think it's bad because they whine about insignificant things?  That's called life. That's not even something unique to fandoms or the internet.


The bottom line is that while there are people in this fandom and any group in existence that are bad apples, it doesn't mean that we don't have a right to defend ourselves when we're insulted.  It certainly doesn't mean the fandom has to change to make people like us more.


Why don't you guys go back and listen to the Howard Stern show from 2012 again.  Shock jock or not, it's a prime example of a person violating this community out of hatred.  It has nothing to do with who we are, but with what he did.


And like I've said before, this is a brony forum.  I have no idea why anybody would be on here if they don't like the fandom.  The bottom line is that the fact that it's people who don't like this fandom who are insulting it on this thread just illustrates how outsiders to the fandom harass and insult the members of the forum with no justification.  Sure, this thread was made so we could look into ourselves as a community and try and figure out why people hate the fandom.  That's not an open license for harassment from people who admittedly don't like this community.

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And again I ask you.  If you don't care about the show or fandom anymore, then why bother even posting on this topic?



I don't know, really. I mean, I was part of the fandom, I met and knew bronies and their actions, I hated some of them because of it, and now that I've been in and out, I have a valid answer to this question based on both experiences. Maybe that's why, but you know, I'm just being a troll apparently.

Edited by The Paris Swing Box


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I don't know, really. I mean, I was part of the fandom, I met and knew bronies and their actions, I hated some of them because of it, and now that I've been in and out, I have a valid answer to this question based on both experiences. Maybe that's why, but you know, I'm just being a troll apparently.


But you don't care about the show or fandom, so what would you ultimately have to gain from posting here?  If I may go out on a limb, I think you do actually care about the fandom, and are concerned.  Otherwise, you wouldn't even bother with this topic.


So maybe you don't dislike the fandom as much as you think you do.

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But you don't care about the show or fandom, so what would you ultimately have to gain from posting here?  If I may go out on a limb, I think you do actually care about the fandom, and are concerned.  Otherwise, you wouldn't even bother with this topic.

And let me offer my rebuttal,


why the fuck does it matter?


>so maybe you don't dislike the fandom as much as you think you do


Jesus fucking Christ when did everyone on this site become professional psychotherapists.

Edited by The Paris Swing Box


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And let me offer my rebuttal,


why the fuck does it matter?


Because you said yourself that you don't care about the show or fandom, going so far as to say you dislike the fandom.  If that were truly the case, then logically speaking, you would want to be as far away from said fandom as possible.  However, you are here right now.  That tells me that you are more concerned than you let on.


And it's ok.  There's nothing wrong with it.

Edited by SBaby
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it's possible to be a fan and not identify with the fandom at large.


While I agree, they also claim not to be a fan, nor care for the show.




jesus christ you have no idea how silly you're being by not understanding these references.

Nor you for making them, actually I did look up the implying one, hence the use back.




>implying discussing why brones are hated means i care, talking about why i left because of how run down it was means i care, and talking about other forums means i care.




No, discussing the concept of best pony might however.









>changed my post from anypony to anypony.


Nope, automatically done on this forum by a Chrome extension. Boredom, booze, and chrome extensions do not mix well. But I've found no reason to alter this.




I don't know, really. I mean, I was part of the fandom, I met and knew bronies and their actions, I hated some of them because of it, and now that I've been in and out, I have a valid answer to this question based on both experiences. Maybe that's why, but you know, I'm just being a troll apparently.


If it were simply that, then why continue to return and reply?


And if it were less than someone has claimed, why bring the language of the known bane of the internet in reply rather than actually refute the comment?

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But you don't care about the show or fandom, so what would you ultimately have to gain from posting here?  If I may go out on a limb, I think you do actually care about the fandom, and are concerned.  Otherwise, you wouldn't even bother with this topic.


So maybe you don't dislike the fandom as much as you think you do.

I think the critique of a disillusioned former fan is perfect for this topic. The topic asks why people dislike most of the fanbase, and I feel that even if someone isn't involved in the fandom anymore, their experiences are actually really valid and can provide insight into why people get put off by the community.


Honestly, I believe we should welcome replies like this and take their criticisms for what they are. Obviously, she left the fandom for a reason, and this topic invited her to tell us why - which she did.


What's the problem here?

Edited by Dr. Mechano
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While I agree, they also claim not to be a fan, nor care for the show.




Nor you for making them, actually I did look up the implying one, hence the use back.







No, discussing the concept of best pony might however.










Nope, automatically done on this forum by a Chrome extension. Boredom and chrome extensions do not mix well. But I've found no reason to alter this.





If it were simply that, then why continue to return and reply?


And if it were less than someone has claimed, why bring the language of the known bane of the internet in reply rather than actually refute the comment?

Dude those threads are 4-5 months old, back then I actually somewhat kept up with this interest, now I'm just here, on the brink of being banned and having been revived once, having fun, posting my opinions freely, occasionally making art by request to get money or for favors, and also because of a few friends I have on here. Just because I'm not a brone doesn't mean I can't post freely.





I think the critique of a disillusioned former fan is perfect for this topic. The topic asks why people dislike most of the fanbase, and I feel that even if someone isn't involved in the fandom anymore, their experiences are actually really valid and can provide insight into why people get put off by the community.


Honestly, I believe we should welcome replies like this and take their criticisms for what they are. Obviously, she left the fandom for a reason, and this topic invited her to tell us why - which she did.


What's the problem here?


I'm not even religious but I going to make a fucking religion of you.

Edited by The Paris Swing Box


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@, You want to know why nobody is welcoming your words of wisdom on why you left the community?  Because you aren't trying to do that.  You might want to pretend that you are trying to be helpful and caring, but you've done nothing but insult and correct people since your first post here.  You haven't shown anybody an interest in having a discussion about what drove you to left, it's just been about insulting people.


When someone comes onto a safe haven for bronies, tells them they don't like bronies, and then tells them all the reasons why they don't like bronies, that comes off as nothing but hateful and insulting.  And frankly most of us get more than enough of hateful and insulting comments outside the forum, and we really don't want to deal with that crap here.


This isn't a forum for bronies to meet ex-bronies and fix themselves.  It isn't a forum for fans and non-fans to connect and debate their differences.  It's a place for bronies to get together and have discussions with other bronies.  Since that's what this site was designed for, why on Earth would you expect anybody to feel that your hateful insulting posts have a place on this thread? 

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