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@, @,


Aero had been listening to the conversation between Rain and Anala about Pokémane, and continued watching the screen of Anala's GameColt. "Pokémane keeps sounding more and more interesting! So, if I really can get a GameColt as cheap as you say I can, I'll just have to get that game myself. You and I have to verse each other once I do, Anala!"


Aero then looked at Rain, and his attention was drawn to the notepad she held. "I've noticed you've been writing down a lot of things, Rain. Do you need those notes for something?"


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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@@FortyTwo42, @,

Rain nodded "but it has been 3 or 4 years sense Iv played his game, so he might have gotten a better one". Noticing Anala look 'elsewhere' Rain rolled her eyes. Then she looked at Aero "Oh? My notes? I forget to do things while I paint and if I don't make notes I forget, also Iv mostly have been doodling things" she said looking down at her notepad.

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Chrystal Heart stayed quiet. she was out of her league when it came to electronic games. she sat silently letting Bluebell run up and down her arm.  "hmm" she said out of the blue "mabey i should get a gamecolt" she hadn't even lifted her head an inch and continued watching Bluebell as if she hadn't spoken. she picked up a hay frie and bit it in half before sucking the rest of it into her mouth.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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Riley looked up at Aero. "Whoa, hey, slow down, buddy," said Anala with a chuckle. "You think I just switched the game on one day and all of these little creatures were already here for me? I had to dedicate so many hours of my childhood assembling an awesome team."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@,@, @@FortyTwo42, @@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Nitro continued to eat. "So...who's up for a visit to my garage after we get done here. And oh...I've heard of pokemane but I never really got into it, since I was to busy street racing. Some of the guys back at Detrot play it. I do have a Neighntendo DS laying around my garage somewhere though.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


"A visit to your garage? AWESOME!!!" said Riley, pumping his hoof in the air.


"A Neightendo DS?" said Anala. "Yup, I heard of those. But I still prefer the GameColt. Brings me nostalgia, y'know? Sure, it's old and outdated, but that doesn't stop it from ranking high up on my Awesomeness List!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@, @@C. Thunder Dash,


"Wait, you have to spend time collecting and training Pokémane before you can battle other people?" Aero asked. "That sounds quite boring to me... The strategic battles against other players sounds very interesting, but the aspect of training them is a deal breaker to me. I'd prefer a game in which you could immediately verse someone else in a strategic battle."


Aero turned to Nitro, with a half-eaten slice of pizza in his hooves. "Sure, I'm happy to see your garage after this. Just let me finish this last slice of pizza, and I'm good to go."


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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"Yeah...just as soon as everypony finishes eating. And yep, it takes a long while for you to train up your pokemane to a certain level where you can battle other people. The awesome thing about the Neightendo DS is, you can battle other people wirelessly...or...over the internet with Wi-Fi!" Nitro said happily. 

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Riley's eyes twitched as he looked at Aero Wind. "Are you kidding?! Collecting and training them is awesome! There are so many Pokémane to choose from, and it feels so fulfilling when you battle using the Pokémane that you single-hoofedy trained to be awesome!"


He then went into a ramble about video games, using the word 'awesome' at least once nearly every sentence.


Anala took advantage of Riley's distracted state and had most of what was left of the pizza.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @, @@FortyTwo42,



Rain perked up slightly "Actually, if you find a used copy of the game, it should already have some trained Pokemane right? but then again, my cousin never let me use his Pokemane so I would have to train my own and such...." Then she turned Nitro while nibbling on her last piece of lettuce "Im just about done, and I wouldn't really mind going to your garage, seems....adventurous!" Her eyes sparkle with interest.

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@,@, @@FortyTwo42, @@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Nitro finished his hayburger and other stuff he ordered and patted his belly. "Oh that was good." He said. His belly had grown just a tad. He blushed ever so slightly and then looked up at the others. "Well...ready when you ponies are." Nitro stated as he continued to listen to the ongoing conversation.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @, @@Alicorn Fluttershy, @@FortyTwo42,


Rain looked at her notepad yet again, then looked at Nitro. She traded her pen for a pencil from her bag then she turned ever so slightly towards nitro, not enough to notice a big change in her seat position and began doodling again. Her face was concentrated on what she was doodling and she had dropped her part of the conversation, waiting for the others to finish as well.

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@Alicorn Fluttershy


Patterson had gone up to the counter, when he overheard that the group was leaving. He couldn't resist, he just had to talk with the breezie. After all, he didn't know when he would ever see a breezie again.


Pat: "Hi, uh, what was your name again?"


He asked awkwardly, thinking how weird he must look.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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"My name is bluebell" said bluebell. she flitted over and landed on pat's nose. she giggled, contageious laughter. "did you want to talk to me about anything else or did you just want to hear me talk?" she asked very seriously in fact, for a breezie. she flitted her wings


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@Alicorn Fluttershy


Pat: "Uh, I... just wanted to hear all about you, since I may never get to see a breezie again."


Patterson said right out. He thought it hard to believe he was doing this.


"I just like to learn about every species I meet, so... uh, would it be alright if I asked you some questions? I hope you don't mind..."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Bluebell rolled her eyes "pfft puhlease do you think I would miss a chance to talk about myself?" So whadaya wanna know?" She flitted around his head before settling on River's nose, not even realizing it before she turned around and was startled by the two "giant" eyes looking right at her. "AAH!" She flew right back onto Pat's head. "Whoops my bad. He he."


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy, @@Pat.Rio.T.,


Aero glanced over at Bluebell and realized she was about to talk to an earth pony Aero doesn't know about herself. "This is sure to be interesting," he thought. "I want to hear about Bluebell too. It's not everyday you encounter a Breezie!"


He got up and walked over to Bluebell and the earth pony. "Can I hear about you too, Bluebell?" Aero asked.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Bluebell was becomeing overwhelmed. "Ok 1 question at a time. Lets see. The breezie home world. Well it's beautiful alright but really there's nothing to do there. It gets boring with no crisis at all, no hope for adventure or anything. I left because I was board and they wouldn't let me help with the pollen. And as to danger well, not when Chrystal is here. Pizza? No never Tryed any before" she grabbed the pizza from Riley and downed it in one bite "now I have" she said with her mouth half full.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @, @@Pat.Rio.T., @@FortyTwo42,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


All during this time, rain had been doodling frantically, and erasing every now and then. Soon, she turned slightly towards the opposite direction away from nitro. She then looked up and then went back to frantically doodling again. She was biting her lower lip as if shes deeply interested her drawing, hardly noticing the conversation that's currently going on.

Edited by RainMuffin
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Nitro suddenly looked over at rain who appeared to be doodling something. "What are you drawing there Rain?" Nitro asked as he leaned over to try to take a peak at what she was drawing. He could not make out the picture that Rain had drawn since he couldn't see it that well. 

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Riley giggled as Bluebell nommed down on the pizza. "Glad you like it. I wonder what Breezie food tastes like?" he said.


His attention was then diverted to RainMuffin and whatever it was that she was drawing in her notepad. Riley trotted over, and leaned in, his face right up close to RainMuffin's.


"Whatcha draaawing?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Bluebell went to the counter where there were flowers. She dropped all the nectar into a thimble and brought it to Riley "here drink this it's breezie food." She said as she put the thimble in his hoof. She stood back and waited for him to drink the nectar.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @,

Rain suddenly jumped at Nitro's voice then she flattened her ears as Riley trotted up "its hard to explain..um..how do I put this? Us? As in the group I mean...I was just practicing and stuff....also, Riley, your a bit too close..." she muttered, yet again, half to herself and slightly embarrassed. She then showed them the drawing, a simple yet accurate sketch of the current events at the table.

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