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private WAR (AU!/Action/Romance/SoL)


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If the council had been fearful earlier, now they were shivering in their seats. Cadance turned her head around, just after having sent Ser Ambient out to get Winged Glory. "Princess, it is part of my job to advise you in these key moments... so if I get threatened for simply doing my job and speaking the trust UNLIKE most of this council then I suggest you actually do replace me with another one of those lying, heartless, scum if that is the kind of pony you rather listen to. "

The Master At Hooves, Winter Gust was still blabbering on about the accursed Ponyville residents. Did he not realise this was a war they were fighting? The very pony in charge of training their forces, seemed nothing but a weak and emotional coward. 

"Also, I guess you would like to know the version from a more strategic point of view, then here it is: The more ponies you harm from the Republic the more will join the army against you, and that means more of our own soldiers will die, which will lower our morale. "

The Coward stood up, and strode over to a map of Equestria at the back of the Hall. 

"Most of the new militia will gather in Ponyville which will decently weaken our strength on that front... and I must tell you to NEVER underestimate militia, especially one brought up to the army because of a personal loss and lust for revenge."

"These-" Cadance begun desperately trying to prove her point, but failing as The Coward continued.

"We would probably take them down anyway and give out your "justice", but with a very great cost of crystal pony lives... my question is... Are the lives of your own people less important then your plot of personal revenge for Shining Armor and your Children? "

"How dare you," Growled Cadance from where she sat, rising with menacing grace. Her eyes were aflame with silent anger directed straight at Winter Gust who stood defiantly at the map of Equestria. "How DARE you speak to me like that," Cadance shouted, her voice booming around the Hall. "I AM your Princess. You DARE question my loyalty to MY people, and you question the importance of avenging MY FAMILY." 

She chuckled, but it was not with humour. "You are deeply mistaken. Winter Gust," She spat out his name, as though it belonged to a plague that had killed millions.

"-And for these mistakes you will pay."

Her mouth contorted into a snarl, as she pointed at him with a hoof. "Ser Hill, take him to The Academy. Now. "

Hill who'd been standing ready at the door, moved towards Winter Gust. He was a mountain of a pony, his large muscular bulk meant his armour had to be reforged several times before he'd finally fit into it. 

"Your Grace," Said the frail Orb Dust in defense of Winter. "The Master At Hooves was merely speaking his mind." 

Cadance stared him down. 

"I'm merely saying," Said Orb Dust his hooves up in surrender "That The Academy is an extreme measure." 

"The Academy was made to house those who have committed the worst kinds of crimes," replied Cadance "Treason is the worst kind of crime." 

Orb Dust remained silent, nopony trusted the Hexecutioners who ran The Academy, and although Winter Gust was a respected member of the council he was not willing to sacrifice his own life for his. Winter Gust went willingly, as Ser Hill grabbed him by his neck, and pushed him out of the Hall as though he were a small toy. He nodded to the Princess as he left, the Hall doors grinding open as he pushed at it with ease.

"Think about what Shining Armor would think of you if he could see you now," Said Winter Gust as he was finally pushed out of the room. Two more Royal Guards entered into the Council Room, as he said this. Winter Gust began to say something more, but his voice was drowned out by the sound of the heavy hall doors closing again for the third time that day. 

Cadance looked at the closed Hall door for several minutes, the two Royal Guards standing in the doorway unsure of what to expect. Then she let out a long sigh, and fell back on her seat tiredly, asking herself sadly. "Where is my Hoof?"


Ser Ambient  

Ser Ambient could not find a messenger in sight, finally he gave up, and shrugged. It looked like he was going to need to find Winged Glory himself, to be perfectly honest with himself, he did not mind this turn of events. The Hexecutioners controlled every messenger in the Crystal Empire, and he had the same amount of trust for a Hexecutioner as a Changeling, none. He hoped that the Princess was going okay in the Small Council meeting, things had been tense before he'd left. Then again, he'd left her in capable Hooves, Hill was a distinguished and loyal Royal Guard. One of their finest, Ser Ambient smiled at the thought of Orb Dust, or a member of the council going up against that beast of a pony. Now where was Winged Glory? 

Edited by Dovashy

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Finally reaching the fort, Mirrorshard looked around for somepony to tell him what he was supposed to be doing here. Poking his head in, "hello, anypony here? Major Mirrorshard reporting in."





Upon seeing a freindly face, Mirror Quake ran over towarsmds his old friend Rampart. "Hey man, whats been up with you and are the rumors true? I hope so otherwise the Solar Empire will be after me for going AWOL for no reason." He laughs jokingly, w"ell I'm here to support you in your cause."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Rampart Charger laughed good-sportedly at his friend's comment. "What I've been up to is classified, my friend and that next wuestion depends on rumor you are referring to Mirrorquake", he sais with a wry smile and a s mall chuckle. "So I giess your'e gonna have to be a bit more specific".

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"Well i guess that means your ready to start your plan huh?, in that case". Mirror Quake bows his head, "to my new commander-in-cheif, i present my loyalty." Standing back to his full hieght, and looking at Rampart Charger, "so, uh where exactly would we start Rampart?" He asks.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Princess Twilight Sparkle


Twilight barely moved when the stallion bumped into her. "Oh, sorry," The princess said lamely, "I didn't see you there." As soon as she finished her words, another stallion crashed into her. This time, because he actually slammed into her, she fell on her side, knocking her head on a bookcase. Smooth, Princess Twilight Sparkle. You're such an incredible Princess , She thought sarcastically, They're really looking up to you . "Thank you." She politely took the hoof of yet another stallion. She could have gotten up on her own, but she wasn't one to refuse an innocent gesture.


"I don't really need anything, but it was kind of you to ask. Would you all kindly tell me your names?" Although she had said she didn't need anything, she could really use company. Maybe that would get her mind off Veto's words.


Winged Glory


Glory had regained her icy calm demeanor. "I don't think it is wise that you tell me where or where not I am suppose to be," She told Payce. "Regardless, I will be there," Sighing, she went on, "I do hope she hasn't already chopped off somepony's head while I was gone." Her tone was completely serious. It wouldn't be the first time Glory walked in and there was the head of a former councilpony on the table.


She listened to Obsidian's words, and although her face was still stony, her ear quickly flickered in surprise. Glory gave a brief sideways glance at Obsidian. She caught her marefriend's gaze and automatically turned her focus back to Payce, feeling her heart do a small jump.


Stupid Obsidian, she thought half affectionately and half annoyedly. Obsidian never escorted her before. The Princess might grow suspicious.. No. No, why would she? That was Glory's nerves getting to her. Something that rarely happened. She waited for the messenger to leave before she made her next move.


"Well, shall we go then?" Glory walked ahead of Obsidian, lightly touching the black unicorn's chin with her tail. With that, she began walking to the Council room. She briefly wondered what Cadance would do when she arrived, but moved it aside. It didn't really matter. Glory was just happy she got to spend time with Obsidian. Whatever Cadance does would be worth it. A brief image of Glory being beheaded floated into her mind. Well, almost worth it.



Ooc: I'm on my tablet. I'll mention people and edit my posts with the proper format when I'm on my laptop.

  • Brohoof 2


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Princess Celestia

@@Archi the Atmomancer


"It is nothing to worry yourself over on," Princess Celestia replied reassuringly with a smile, "merely long ago thoughts that concerns... little of the current situation," her eyes briefly glanced at one of the stained glass windows showcasing the Mane Six using the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon. The quick averting of her eyes was quick and undetectable unless one was expecting her to turn her attention to the stained glass windows. 


Princess Celestia's attention soon dawn to what Impetus had recently said of the two generals and their conflicting ways. Impetus' words certainly hold merit that, despite the entertaining show the two are capable of displaying ever so often, was a threat to the organization of the Solar Army. Yet, even at this, she was looking for some form of compromise. The two generals were unique amongst their ideological fields of war and dismissing one would be, to her, an unwanted effect.


Dwelling on the thoughts, Princess Celestia nodded her head. "It is concerning with the conflicting views and the results they could create, but," her agreement ended their, "a compromise will be better. Having both generals working in sync will be a terrifying force and all we need is to make the two cordial with each other." 


Impenetrable Defense



"I'm merely a stallion who wishes to aid in his country's defense in teams of dire need," Impenetrable Defense replied humbly before he continued, a hidden smile behind the imposing helmet of his, "and what better way than to enlist in the Solar Army? And even better, as an Aegis-type soldier?" He lifted his large shield and placed it far away and twirled it to face Comet. "With this great shield, I can protect my comrades in arms against attacks that may maim or kill them."


Impenetrable Defense's voice turned more curious at the words of Comet's family, "You wish not to fight your brother in the open fields of war? That is, if he is in the NLR's army. It'll be a terrible thing if you ever have to fight him one on one." He shook his head at the thought. War ripped apart families. War made kinsmen fight against one another. To Impenetrable Defense's eyes, to fight one of your own family was one of the hardest things to do. To kill them? Unimaginable. 


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Payce watched as the Winged Glory and Obsidian left to the direction of the small Council. Relieved that they were finally on their way, he left the Barracks, and made his way to The Academy. The Academy was the Headquarters of the entire Hexecutioner Order. A massive cobble building, with towering battlements, and it’s own series of fortifications. It was in its own right, a castle. This castle came with its own wall, smaller than that which surrounded the City itself, it was not less mighty. The cobbled walls were thick and strong, and the gate was an immense portcullis. From high above in one of the gatehouses, a Hexecutioner spotted him approaching, and shouted to the gatekeepers to open up. Within a few seconds there was the horrendous clanging of metal chains, and the grinding as the portcullis was raised from the ground. The portcullis began its descent with its horrible clunking once again as he entered, but it stopped halfway with a sharp shout from one of the Hexecutioners above. “Stop the gate, stop the gate!” Payce spun around to see what all the commotion was about. A massive pony approached, he was easily twice the size of him. There was no denying that this was Ser Hill, in service to the Royal Guard, but what was curious was the fact that he’d strayed so far from where he should’ve been, the Crystal Palace. By his side was a smaller pony, a light blue crystal pegasus. A mane of black and brown. Payce did not recognise him, but two Hexecutioner gate guards did.

“Looks like Cadance finally decided to get rid of the Master At Hooves,” He chuckled.

“About time,” replied the other “Replace ‘em with one of our trainers I say, would do the Army some good. Bunch of mules how they are now.”

They both burst into laughter, until their commander shouted from the battlements. “Get out there you fools, ask them what in Equestria they want!”

The Guards shut up immediately, picking up their spears, and ducking under the half closed portcullis. Payce walked a little closer, he had nothing better to do, he was curious as to what was happening. He hadn’t seen a traitor before, The Master At Hooves did not look like the traitors on the posters.

“What do you want?” Asked one of the Hexecutioner Guards

“- Another traitor for your fine establishment,” grumbled Ser Hill pushing Winter Gust into their grasp.“

As Ser Hill turned his back, walking back to the direction of the Palace the portcullis was pulled back up, the two guards returning with Winter Gust in their grasp. They were both laughing again, one of them pushed Winter Gust into the gravel of the courtyard, and kicked him with a hoof.

“Enough you fools,” the Commander of the gate had walked out now, fuming. “Take him to the damned dungeons, and stop messing around.” The commander looked to Payce now. “You, messenger I need you to tell Obsidian that we have the Master At Hooves in our custody, have you got that?”

Payce nodded, and scurried off before the gate closed. Running back and forth was tiresome, he couldn’t wait till he was promoted into the soldering ranks of the Hexecutioners.





A minor character in the United Magic Republic. 



Torarti watched the scene unfold before him in the library, with a small smirk. He considered walking over to help the Princess, but then another pony bumped into Twilight and the other pony and they all fell in a heap once again. The Republic of Magic, he thought sarcastically. It was nothing but a government run by the incapable. He and Veto both knew that, Twilight had proved herself incapable of handling this new world, and it was only a matter of time when their already sinking boat hit the bottom of the ocean, taking all of Ponyville with it.

"I don't really need anything, but it was kind of you to ask. Would you all kindly tell me your names?"

Torarti had heard enough, he slipped out of the library silently, before any of the ponies had even noticed his presence. He had what he needed, the large tome concealed beneath his long black gown. As he exited the Palace, a Royal Guard recognised him.

“Evening councilpony Torarti.”

“Evening,” Torarti returned a fake smile, and continued on his way.

The sky was beginning to darken, and he quickened his pace as he left The Palace behind, and made his way through the streets of Ponyville. A batpony grazed past him as he walked and his face contorted in disgust. “Filthy scum,” he muttered under his breath. The batpony heard him, and snapped his head in his direction. Torarti gave a yelp of surprise, and quickly galloped into the crowd of ponies, disappearing into their ranks. What was with this crowd? He wondered, there was shouting, and the mumble of ponies together at once. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd, there was a brown Earth Pony Stallion standing high on a wagon. He had a hoof raised in the air triumphantly, a flaming torch in the other hoof.

“Princess Cadance thinks she can inspire us with fear, with this? She thinks we will falter! We will not!” He shouted.

Torarti peered closer to see the contents of the wagon, it was the type of wagons that brought in food to the city, but this wagon was not carrying food. The crates had been broken open to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of pamphlets, propaganda from the Crystal Empire.

Flee the City, or Die within it. One of the pamphlets read. “We shouldn’t let ourselves be frightened by this!” Shouted the Stallion, jumping down from the wagon, and throwing the torch onto the wagon. The pamphlets caught alight instantaneously, and Torarti had to shield his eyes from the sudden eruption of fire. The crowd screamed, and shied away from it. A chant went up. “Down with Cadance, Down with Cadance!”

Torarti shook his head, he’d seen enough. A small platoon of guards swarmed on the crowd. “Disperse, disperse now!” One of the guards screamed. Torarti left the chaos behind, and shuffled into one of the many Barracks that had sprung up around the City. It was completely empty, all the soldiers were out patrolling the streets, or drinking away the night. All except for one. Zehn looked up from a letter he was reading, Torarti recognised it as one of the propaganda pamphlets he’d seen earlier.

“That was stupid,” announced Torarti.

Zehn looked up, a grin on his face. “Ah, Torarti such a critic.”

“Your theatrics are going to get us all captured,” Torarti said scornfully.

Zehn burnt the pamphlet in a nearby flaming torch, and turned back to Torarti. “You have your job, and I have mine,” replied Zehn. “So just worry about what you have to do, and I’ll worry about what I have to do,” he raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Yes,” Said Torarti regrettably, he did not like taking orders.

“Now have you got the book?”

“Of course,” said Torarti, pulling the tome out from beneath his cloak. Zehn broke into a wide grin, “Excellent.” He snatched it from Torarti’s grip, and looked it over. He stared at the runic symbols on its cover. As he opened it, a small storm of dust was thrown out into the air, causing Torarti to sneeze.

Zehn laughed with delight as he dragged a hoof over the worn, yellowing pages of the book. Torarti got a quick glimpse of the page, drawings of Ponyville, a map of old tunnels and entrances, forgotten about when the fortifications had gone up. Zehn shut the tome with a muffled crack of paper. He tucked the book underneath the bunk bed that he was seated on, and leaned towards Torarti.

“Listen Torarti, I have something else I need you to do.”

“What is it?” asked Torarti “What do I need to do?”

Zehn thought for a moment, reaching into his boot and withdrawing a large sack of bits. He threw it to Torarti, who tested the weight. He smiled, this work was making him rich, richer than he’d have been as just a council member.

“I need you to mobilise the Cells.”

Torarti froze, his pupils contracted with shock. “Mobilise the Cells, but that was only until -”

Zehn nodded, “In three days, they begin march. Within the month they will be here.”

“I understand,” Torarti said nodding, trying to regain his posture. “I will mobilise the Cells.”


Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Impetus - The Solar Empire




Impetus nodded at the Princess's assertion that nothing was amiss. "As you say, Your Majesty," he said, and decided to leave it at that for the time being.


As he spoke they came to the Gilded Hall, the castle's monument to all of Equestria's great heroes. The stained glass windows here were relics of a bygone age, an age of heroes; an age of harmony; an age of friendship.


Many of the windows depicted a purple pony, who in some windows was a unicorn and in others was an alicorn princess. Silently, Impetus thanked Princess Twilight Sparkle for her deeds in the defence of Equestria. Impetus certainly had no love for the opposing republics and empires, but he also bore no hatred for Twilight. In his mind, her treason was not as severe as that of Luna and Cadence. Luna and Cadence were forces of chaos, violence and unending war; Twilight, arguably the weakest of the Princesses, was merely trying to save as many ponies as possible, or so it seemed. Perhaps, before the war escalated beyond repair, a deal could be struck between the Republic of Magic and the Solar Empire.


However, now was not the time to look to the past. The security of the Empire had to be ensured, and now was the time to do so.


While he was lost in thought, the Princess had replied. Impetus cleared his throat as he snapped back to reality "Perhaps you are correct, Your Majesty. However, I believe that what you ask is harder than you think. Regardless, if that is your will, so shall it be done."





By now they had arrived at the entrance to the Military Council Chambers. Into the fray, thought Impetus, as he pushed the door open for the Princess.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The walk to the councilroom was a short one, yet made a little longer with both mares stopping for a quick 'breather' as they walked the crystal halls. Ah yes, the tail whip had not gone unnoticed, not at all.
"I saw you a little more transparent than usual..." she said as the doors approached, guards either side of the heavy oak in an admittedly weak attempt at defence. Obsidian was confident a few hoof-picked Agonisers could do the job just as well. Still, disposability was good. "...you don't have anything to worry over, Hoof. We control the information highway, and I control the enforcers. Besides..." she stopped in her reassurances to tilt her head, appearing to the guards to whisper something, but the true purpose was to stroke her lover's ear with a muzzle "...if you get through this meeting without dying, I...may be inclined to do something special, just for you..." she leaned back out, shaking her mane to loosen her braids as they approached.


"I heard the Empress was looking for her Hoof." she stated, less a question than ever "We were merely discussing the state of affairs concerning the newly-bred troops fresh from the barracks, and which would make good Hexecutors in their prime years." She looked the guards up and down, making sure to smile icily. Intimidation was key to the Hexecutors, without it they would merely be acrobats and alchemists whom purveyed a skilled, and often painful, death upon their foes. "Unless you fine stallions wish to testify against such a truth?" she looked between them, awaiting an answer.

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"No problem Princess," Shadow said when he helped her up. "My name's Last Shadow. Shadow for short. No one ever uses my full name." He then got a good look at her...not quite what he had expected. Sure, she was beautiful, but not as imposing as the other rulers, not that he was complaining. "I was brushing up on my magic. Been a while since I was in combat, and I wanted to brush up on my spells." 

'Maybe she could give me a couple pointers. While my special talent is magic relating to stealth, hers is magic in general. And she's been at this a lot longer than me.' He thought to himself.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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David blinked. "Ha! She doesn't know who we are! And you were going on and on-" David growled softly to himself, or at Poe, as Shadow was introducing himself. Then when it was his turn to speak, he bowed to the princess saying "Allow us to introduce ou-uh... myself. My name is David. David Pocket. The name comes from this vest I'm always wearing since it's covered in all kinds of pockets and secret hiding spots. I'm an agent of one of your espionage divisions. My expertise is the NLR, but I go where I'm needed. I currently don't have anything to report, but I am at your disposal, my Princess." As he says the last sentence, he bows again and waits for a response. "Plot kisser." Poe says with a laugh in David's head.



Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Ruby simply yawned before speaking. "What the hay are we gonna do with ponyville ones its claimed?" she asked Ruby was pretty much not afraid to ask cadence any questions  in truth never liked Cadence at all or The Crystal Empire but she's commander of the royal guards so she can't really do anything about it other than obey Cadence's oders or can she?.



She sat thinking of more things the sayd before suddenly grinning "so Cadence since were invading ponyville instead of killing every civillian alive why not turn into'workers' that do the dirty work for us surperior crystal ponies like they can be in charge of melting rivers n such. And with the hexecutioners around to watch them they won't even dare try to rebel againt's us" Ruby suggested with a small smile.


Edited by Moonbacon


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Cosmic Flare - Solar Empire


"Mmmhmm..." Cosmic said, letting a tear form and roll down his cheek. He paused, and then quickly recovered from his sadness. "Nice shield, by the way." Cosmic commented. "Now, see, apparently the Suppression teams often suffer massive casualties. They, of course, don't tell you this until you've signed up. Turns out several of the ponies in this team joined Suppression because they didn't really have much to live for anymore. Luckily, they've changed. We're their new family. Of course, I didn't really need to hear that stuff about the casualties, but, uhhh..." He shrugged. "This guy told me." Cosmic said, motioning to a large stallion in front of him. "Now, uhh... could you tell me our current orders? You know, where we're going? I didn't really hear them too well... I was too focused on learning that spell..." He chuckled a little as his voice trailed off. "See, occasionally I get caught up in the books, and..." His voice trailed off again. "Yeah..."

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Princess Celestia

@@Archi the Atmomancer


"It may be hard to accomplish," Princess Celestia replied as she stepped into the Military Council Chambers, "but I believe that it can be done, and it will be done dear Impetus." She was firm on her stance on keeping the two generals at her stead. "Thank you for holding the door." She gave a small thanks as she looked at the chamber and walked towards the center of the room. There, at the very center, was a giant oval table and a single high quality large map of Equestria sprawled proudly over the tabletop. Around the table were multiple seats, some where already taken by the higher-up commanders of the Solar Army. 


Giving a small smile and a nod for the bowing audience of the four Lieutenant-Generals, Princess Celestia commanded them to return to their seats. It was an oddly amusing sight to her to have ponies bow to her even after many years. Once in a while, she wished for the ponies around her to be more casual, less formal, and be themselves around her. It would certainly ease her up, but such things would never happen, even if she hound it in on them. Releasing her astray thoughts, Princess Celestia took a seat at a seat that was designated for her. 




Not very far off from the Military Council Chambers were the two generals walking. Managing not to start a new show of colorful words, they walked alongside each other peacefully. Casting glares and mutters against one another with disdain and disgust. An unspoken ceasefire was signed by both parties during this walk towards the Military Council Chambers. Both of the two have rather large briefcases stuffed with tactics and suggestions. Many, one will note later on, will conflict with one another and only a few will ever truly agree with their counterparts. 




Impenetrable Defense



"We're mobilizing and are going to be shipped off to multiple areas in the Solar Empire," Impenetrable Defense replied cheerfully, "though exactly where we all are going to be sent. That is currently unknown with the high command being tight-lipped about such things." He shrugged his shoulders as he stated what he knew so far. There was not really many things he really knew that wasn't classified. A sad thing to many soldiers that were curious to know where they will be heading. There were many theories about exactly where, however, it seemed like only the officers really knew. 


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Impetus - Solar Empire


Impetus smiled at the Princess's thanks "You are most welcome, Your Highness," he said, before trotting over to his chair, which was adjacent to the Princess's. However, for now he remained standing.

He looked over the members of the council that were present, hoping that he might start immediately, but it was too much to ask; the chairs of the two generals were unoccupied.

Probably engaged in some petty squabble, no doubt, thought Impetus with disdain. If the Empire's two most senior military staff could not muster the respect to be punctual, then Impetus saw little point waiting for them. The Lunar Republic and Crystal Empire would not wait for them to finish talking before making their move.

"All rise for the swearing of the Sunsteel Oath," began Impetus, placing a hoof over his chest. Impetus would have liked to say that the Oath was ancient tradition, but it had only been implemented fairly recently as a successor to the Grey Oath sworn by military personnel before the schism between the four princesses. That oath had been sworn to both Celestia and Luna. Understandably, Luna now has no place in the Oath, which was sworn solely to the Princess of the Sun.

"With the Princess as my witness, as the light of the sun shines upon Equestria, I do solemnly swear that all that I say and do within the confines of this room will be dedicated to the furthering of the Solar Empire and her allies. Within these hallowed halls I shall utter the truth and nothing but the truth."

"Long live Celestia, the First of her Name, Princess of the Sun and of Equestria, Guardian of Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth Pony. Let all true stallions declare their allegiance to her. May her reign be long, peaceful and prosperous."

There was a silence in the aftermath of the Oath as the rest of the Council awaited the Princess's approval.

Edited by Archi the Atmomancer

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Zealous Sapphire - Crystal Empire


Zealous watched his company practice various marching routines. From his current location he could spot the icy and beautiful tips of the crystal mountains. He sighed deeply gazing at the hills. It was often something he did. Sapphire caught something with his eye, and his mind began to wander. Of course, when he did this, his mind was quickly engulfed by the thought of his fiancee. Zealous sniffled and held back a tear. He couldn't be seen crying in front of his men. He'd be the laughingstock of the Crystal Empire. That would absolutely ruin his chances of becoming anypony. The sapphire unicorn quickly broke his train of thought to prevent any other sadness and continued to observe his company. Zealous quickly cheered up, and smiled, as he watched the hardworking, motivated, determined ponies practice. He did not want to let these ponies down. Although he had very limited knowledge of military tactics, he intended to lead these ponies to success. His determination was strong, and the gap in his heart was almost filled by it. Almost.


"ATTTTTTTTEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNTTTTTTIIIIIIOOOOON!" Zealous hollered. His whole company turned to him and stood at attention. "Good work everypony." He said. "At ease." His company stood at ease. "Good. Now. Although I have only been leading this company for a mere two weeks, I feel though as I have forged an unbreakable bond with all of you. I'm going to tell you something about me and the war. When all of this started, I lost my fiancee. She might be dead, alive, or even fighting for another side. Ever since I lost her I have had this... this gap in my heart. But seeing all of you out there, so confident, determined... it is inspiring. It fills that gap. Thank you." Zealous finished and then paused. This was his sensitive side just pouring out. "Now, Captain Xenia... any new orders from command?"


Cosmic Flare - Solar Empire


"Huh." Cosmic simply replied, shifting slightly in his armor. "I've heard a lot about how Celestia is trying to play a defensive game. You know the old saying... 'the best offense is a good defense.'" Cosmic beamed, confident that he had gotten the quote right this time. "I guess we should be happy that they're so secretive, though. I mean, there are probably spies running around everywhere. I'd suck for us if they knew every single position of every single unit and had massive of forces attack there immediately, right?" He paused. What he had just said was a bit, well, dramatic, but spies will be spies. "What I'm trying to say here is, secrecy is good. Right?" Cosmic added.


Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Princess Celestia


Princess Celestia nodded her head. "Thank you Impetus," she turned towards Impetus for a split second before returning her presence to the gathered high-ranking officials--the coterie now included the red-cheeked generals. Her mind tracing through the memories and events long since past. The events that many in here knew already. To make it simple and efficient before carrying onto the bulk of this meeting, she must. Time was already wasted with her emotions in turmoil.


Entrenching her stoic form further, she began her speech without doubt and with depth, "Generals, lieutenant-generals, aids, advisors, ponies alike. Calamities had befallen upon Equestria and we are now in civil war." She glanced across the table. "It is by the actions of my sisters that have forced my hoof." There was a tint of remorse in her stoic voice. "We, the Solar Empire," the two words left a bitter taste on her tongue, "had mobilized our forces into a defensive ideology."


A single large piece impersonating a fort was magically placed on top of Canterlot. "Previous discussion and of my position had led to the fortification of Canterlot. Previous discussion had led to the placement of Fortress Ike in between Ponyville and Canterlot." Her facial structure eased off the stress to create a more welcoming and benevolent being. "I ask for your suggestions advisors, generals, lieutenant-generals, and alike. I ask you all to freely speak without hesitation and apprehension."


The room was mostly silent and tensed after the closure of Princess Celestia's closure. Not of fear and dread, but of shyness and timidness. Each one had ideas, but didn't want to go first. It was small glances and a telepathic-like communication going around. It was a hidden consensus as the representative was chosen.


“I,” a feminine voice appeared from the far right of the large table, “propose of constructing walls, large enough to prevent unicorns and earth ponies from getting past, although not too excessive in height or thickness.” Some heads moved to reveal Lieutenant-General Angelic Wisp, or known as Wispy affectionately by known friends. “The primary design is to encourage the enemy in funneling through more easier land-routes that are easy to defend. These walls will be made of something strong yet simple to use in construction. It may not stop a determined army, but it will hopefully discourage lesser ones.”


As if on cue in a play, Lieutenant-General Bravery arched his eyebrow and began his interrogation of his fellow officer. “The walls will only waste time and offer minimal protection,” his voice was thick with criticism, “it’ll just be better to build a fort or two, however,” Bravery lessen his criticism with a more agreeable tone, “your plan does have its merits Lieutenant-General Angelic Wisp. We should construct these walls to discourage passages that are difficult to defend. We must, without doubt, be sure that the walls will be worth the time. Thicken the walls with earth-made walls, solidify with bricks to add in stability, and the walls need to be more higher to prevent simple ladders from bypassing them.” He ended his addition to the idea Angelic Wisp had proposed with an affirmative nod.


Listening closely, Princess Celestia looked at the two. “Thank you both, especially you Angelic Wisp, for getting us started in this discussion.” The two only bowed their heads respectfully.




Fortress Ike


Colonel Tactical Precision was reading a classical novel from one of his most favorited authors. A story of pace, survival, tension, and most of all, excitement. If Mirrorshard had not announced his presence, there would had been a great success that Tactical Precision would had not noticed. However, the salutation from Mirrorshard and notified the colonel of a newcomer.


“Ah,” Colonel Tactical Precision closed his book in a soft thump, “you must be the major that was suppose to be transferred here.” He let a welcoming smile. “It is good to see you have arrived in time.” Standing up, Colonel Tactical Precision saluted, “Welcome to Fortress Ike, I am Colonel Tactical Precision, head of this fortification.” Casting his hoof across the room in showcasing the entire fortress, Tactical Precision returned to his chair still smiling.

Edited by Demirari


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Impetus - Solar Empire





At Angelic Wisp's suggestion, Impetus raised a sceptical eyebrow "How much stone do you think the Solar Empire has to spare, Lieutenant?" he asked "For your plan to be effective, we would have to forsake any plans for the building of forts and probably quarry this very castle for the stone required." He looked up at the Princess to his right before continuing "Princess, walls do not hold ground; stallions do. I propose that, rather than squandering resources on static defence, we establish outposts at key routes to Canterlot in a layer system. For example..."


Impetus took a pencil in his mouth and marked several spots on the map. They were placed by roads into Canterlot and valleys that the enemy might think to travel through. By the time he had finished, there were two rings of outposts around Canterlot.


As Impetus dropped the pencil he was acutely aware of being an Earth Pony amongst Unicorns. He wondered how the rest of the Council saw him. What was he to them? Was he a worthy comrade, deserving of his position and respect? Or was he nothing more than an upstart peasant who should still be in the field, forever kept from the castle's hallowed halls?


Regardless of his concerns, he still had to explain his proposition "This layered defence allows us to respond more appropriately to threats, and allows us to adapt to new developments with more ease than building forts and walls. The inner layer of outposts can despatch reinforcements to the outer perimeter, or if the situation is too much to handle perimeter forces can retreat to the inner circle to regroup and reinforce with other inner layer forces and the Canterlot Guard."


"In short, structuring our defence in this manner will allow us to concentrate our forces as needed, and makes us more adaptable than if we were to adopt a doctrine of static defence with fortifications and the like."

Edited by Archi the Atmomancer

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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   Low Light nodded as Stellar entered the dining hall to give the Princess the news before he walked away. There were things he needed to do and ponies he needed to find. Ponies with some very interesting songs to sing. He smirked as he hopped out a nearby window and took off for the city surrounding the palace. ‘First up, Thunder Shred. A name I’ve never forgotten.


   After asking around for a few minutes, he finally arrived at the Blind-Drunk Bat. Not a bad place, but it didn’t seem to have the atmosphere some of the other bars had. If Thunder Shred was here, odds were that he’d change that very quickly. Light just hoped to find him before he blew the roof off the place. Then again…Light personally enjoyed the last time he’d seen him perform, a few years ago. He could barely contain his excitement at meeting Thunder Shred in the flesh.





   Inside the dining hall, Luna looked up with a small smile appearing on her face as Stellar walked in. While the news that Low Light had finished was good, Luna was just glad to have some company. The servants bustling around didn’t make for much conversation.


   “Excellent. I shall sign and seal them as soon as I can. The sooner I can call in my bannerponies, the sooner we can prepare the army. Then we can focus on which kingdom is the most immediate threat.” Luna said, sipping from a glass of wine before grimacing. “I swear I’m slowly becoming my sister. This depressing loneliness and constantly questioning that one decision so long ago… All I’m missing is the habit of forcing on a smile then I’ll be Celestia.”


   She set down the wine glass and called for a servant. “I’m not fond of this wine. Please bring me some coffee and cake. Oh, and you may have that wine.” Luna said as the servant picked up the glass and went off to fulfil the Princess’ wishes.






   “Your Grace, we should ensure the public does not panic. It would do them good to know that we’re working on ways to ensure their safety. It would be more meaningful if it came from you, Princess” Kinetic said as he reached into his pocket and produced a small bag filled with differently coloured candies, levitating a red one out of the bag and into his mouth. "Oh, and there's this."


   He reached into his pocket once again and produced a small egg-shaped device. "A prototype of one of the gadgets I was working on for our forces. This smoke grenade has a clockwork timer, making it useful for escape and stealth operations.”
  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Princess Celestia


Princess Celestia nodded her head. "Thank you Impetus," she turned towards Impetus for a split second before returning her presence to the gathered high-ranking officials--the coterie now included the red-cheeked generals. Her mind tracing through the memories and events long since past. The events that many in here knew already. To make it simple and efficient before carrying onto the bulk of this meeting, she must. Time was already wasted with her emotions in turmoil.


Entrenching her stoic form further, she began her speech without doubt and with depth, "Generals, lieutenant-generals, aids, advisors, ponies alike. Calamities had befallen upon Equestria and we are now in civil war." She glanced across the table. "It is by the actions of my sisters that have forced my hoof." There was a tint of remorse in her stoic voice. "We, the Solar Empire," the two words left a bitter taste on her tongue, "had mobilized our forces into a defensive ideology."


A single large piece impersonating a fort was magically placed on top of Canterlot. "Previous discussion and of my position had led to the fortification of Canterlot. Previous discussion had led to the placement of Fortress Ike in between Ponyville and Canterlot." Her facial structure eased off the stress to create a more welcoming and benevolent being. "I ask for your suggestions advisors, generals, lieutenant-generals, and alike. I ask you all to freely speak without hesitation and apprehension."


The room was mostly silent and tensed after the closure of Princess Celestia's closure. Not of fear and dread, but of shyness and timidness. Each one had ideas, but didn't want to go first. It was small glances and a telepathic-like communication going around. It was a hidden consensus as the representative was chosen.


“I,” a feminine voice appeared from the far right of the large table, “propose of constructing walls, large enough to prevent unicorns and earth ponies from getting past, although not too excessive in height or thickness.” Some heads moved to reveal Lieutenant-General Angelic Wisp, or known as Wispy affectionately by known friends. “The primary design is to encourage the enemy in funneling through more easier land-routes that are easy to defend. These walls will be made of something strong yet simple to use in construction. It may not stop a determined army, but it will hopefully discourage lesser ones.”


As if on cue in a play, Lieutenant-General Bravery arched his eyebrow and began his interrogation of his fellow officer. “The walls will only waste time and offer minimal protection,” his voice was thick with criticism, “it’ll just be better to build a fort or two, however,” Bravery lessen his criticism with a more agreeable tone, “your plan does have its merits Lieutenant-General Angelic Wisp. We should construct these walls to discourage passages that are difficult to defend. We must, without doubt, be sure that the walls will be worth the time. Thicken the walls with earth-made walls, solidify with bricks to add in stability, and the walls need to be more higher to prevent simple ladders from bypassing them.” He ended his addition to the idea Angelic Wisp had proposed with an affirmative nod.


Listening closely, Princess Celestia looked at the two. “Thank you both, especially you Angelic Wisp, for getting us started in this discussion.” The two only bowed their heads respectfully.




Fortress Ike


Colonel Tactical Precision was reading a classical novel from one of his most favorited authors. A story of pace, survival, tension, and most of all, excitement. If Mirrorshard had not announced his presence, there would had been a great success that Tactical Precision would had not noticed. However, the salutation from Mirrorshard and notified the colonel of a newcomer.


“Ah,” Colonel Tactical Precision closed his book in a soft thump, “you must be the major that was suppose to be transferred here.” He let a welcoming smile. “It is good to see you have arrived in time.” Standing up, Colonel Tactical Precision saluted, “Welcome to Fortress Ike, I am Colonel Tactical Precision, head of this fortification.” Casting his hoof across the room in showcasing the entire fortress, Tactical Precision returned to his chair still smiling.


Saluting, he walks up to colonel Tactical Precsion. "Sir, yes, I am indeed. May I ask what my role will be here? Such as training or will I be in cahrge of any troops?." Standing at attention, he waits for his commanders orders. Thinking to.himself, "I hope I'm put onto the battlefield, so that I may help to put an end ti this horrific war."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Thunder glanced over the drinks he had drunk over the last hour or so. "Ten. Not bad, not bad at all." He turned back to the bartender, thinking over what his next drink should be. "How about some Everfree Spirits. I wanna end this quickly." He put a few bits on the bar as the bartender fetched his drink. The brown stallion looked around the bar, seeing if there was anyone he knew around here. "No-one I know here. Probably a good thing too." Another pony entered the bar as he went back to his drink, but something struck him about the stallion. He didn't seem to be the regular pub-folk to Thunder. The pegasus went back to his drinking, trying to get as drunk as possible in the next ten minutes.

I ' M   S O R T   O F   B A C K

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