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pegasus Blue Haze


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Name: Blue Haze (But prefers to be called Hazey)

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus





Cutie Mark: A black bird in flight. It represents her love of flying and her desire to be free, and her ability to mimic any bird call.


Personality: Blue Haze is a fun loving pony who prefers to spend her days in the clouds but when something happens and she is placed with responsibility, she will make that her priority until she feels the task is done. Blue is also a gentle pony but can become irritated rather quickly, giving her a nickname of "Hot Head" and not just because of her mane colour. She prefers to be around other ponies, even when flying, and the idea of being alone terrifies her. The problem could stem from a feeling of abandonment that was caused a long time ago in her past.


Backstory: Blue was born in Cloudsdale but she never knew her real parents. Growing up in an orphanage, she was told that her parents either lost their lives in an accident or left her there because they didn't want her. It was hard to tell, but it wasn't like any other pony there really knew about their parents either. It didn't help that there were so few of them.

Over the years, she was finally adopted by a couple of Earth ponies from Ponyville who had no other option than to set their sights on the sky. When she was brought down to Earth and set her hooves on the ground for the first time to meet her new parents, she was... disappointed. It was strange down there and she was, basically, grounded. Not a very fun idea for a pegasus.


As the years went by, Blue learned to make the best of her situation. She learned that the ponies who raised her were and would always be more family to her than her biological parents. They were kind, firm, understanding and most of all very loving.



  • Her favourite colour is green.
  • She loves plain spaghetti with parmigiana cheese
  • She always has room for ice cream
  • Her biggest fear is open water
  • Her second fear is fish
Anything else can be found out through gaming. Edited by SkySong


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