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private Eclipse Chapter one: Unity? (OUTDATED II)

Trevor Bright

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Dark Wing nodded to his replacements. "I see it takes three of you to replace me." Dark laughed for a moment. "It has been picking up lately so stay on your hooves. Perhaps you can get more out of this unicorn that I captured trying to make his way into Lunar Republic territory. He may have friends."


Dark salutes them once more before taking flight a few feet from the ground before looking back at the pass that had been his frozen home for recent memory and shakes his head before flying up to Paladin's altitude. "Just like old times...wingpony." he said as he began flying in the direction of Manehatten, with a smirk on his face. "So, anything you wish to tell me about since you left. You where gone a long time to just report to the capital."

The guards salute and then two of them take up position as the other one moves on to interrogate the unicorn. As you fly up to meet Paladin, you see he has a big grin on his face. "Just like old times! I missed you brother! Let's fly." as you fly towards Manehattan, he explains that his return had been delayed by a few changelings. "They've covered the south east. I'm surprised that they haven't managed to do any major damage yet, though I suppose that's due to the fact that, if reports are to be believed, they are disorganized. Anyways, we're to report to Princess Luna and make sure that there have been no changeling infiltration attempts. Ever since that incidents with the Shades, our intel branch has been severely weakened."




Legion nods and looks away from the camera.

"Illogical but its your choice if you wish to waste resources and time, I however need some things that were inside this archive, where would I be able to find these items now, I will require them if I wish to complete my mission"

"And what is this mission that you are fulfilling? And who is it for?" David asks, his curiosity piqued. 


Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Bolt smiled. "Let's just say that I'm quite the shocking colt." As he says this, a small spark of electricity zips from the tip of his horn to the base of it and disappears. "And you're not the first alicorn I've met. The princesses both came here. They heard there was an alicorn in town and wanted to recruit him. They were disappointed to say the least when they saw me..." Saying this, he flares out his wings very unimpressively. His grin turns into more of a sheepish smile and he says "That would've been cooler if I was older...or bigger...anyways, all the ponies cleared out because they don't want to be zapped. Bullies have messed with me before, and they all end up...in a very...how to put this...sorry state afterwards." Bolt's smile returns to a big grin and electricity dances around his horn.



She looked at him rather unimpressed "well i usually get attacked on sight in some places probably because i don't have feathered wings or normal pony eyes but i'm sure Princess Luna would love to have me in the lunar republic " she said flapping her wings a few times. "also you got a pretty awesome special talent right there what does Vanhoofer think of you? being a alicorn and all". she said 


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   The stallion was alone again...  He couldn't believe it.  Glitch Freeze was gone, but this time forever.  Sensiquill jotted the painful memories into his journal; accompanied only by a bottle of Applejack Daniels.

   "I did everything I could.  It just all happened so fast.  We caught wind that war had broken out between the sisters and we decided it wasn't safe in Hoofington (just West of Baltimare).  Only a few settlements were safe and I figured they wouldn't be for long.  Our best bet was to head for the land of the crystal ponies."  The grey-blue pony flipped on to the next page.  "We traveled by train...  As we were rounding Foal Mountain I decided to have a word with the conductor.  When I hopped onto the car ahead of ours I heard a scream.  Before I could even think of what the cause could be, the train derailed and I watched as the tracks became distant.  Down the slope we tumbled like a giant metal snake."  He took another swig of the cider.  "I regaineconsciousness and the blur of light turned into a smoldering wreckage.  Ponies were scattered everywhere.  A select few were unscathed and others weren't so lucky...  I screamed for her as I scoured the scene.  I screamed until I tasted metal."  The first of a new set of tears dropped onto the page.  "But there she was.  Her unmoving hoof sprouted from under one of the cars."  


   Sensiquill then sprang up and threw his notepad across the tavern.  He snagged what was left of his cider and stormed out into the streets of the Crystal Empire.

Edited by EpicApplejack
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She looked at him rather unimpressed "well i usually get attacked on sight in some places probably because i don't have feathered wings or normal pony eyes but i'm sure Princess Luna would love to have me in the lunar republic " she said flapping her wings a few times. "also you got a pretty awesome special talent right there what does Vanhoofer think of you? being a alicorn and all". she said 

Bolt grins a mischievous grin and replies "Well, I don't really care what they think of me. I have helped in the past. During bad power outs, I helped reboot the system for the town, but other then that, I don't really do much."


   The stallion was alone again...  He couldn't believe it.  Glitch Freeze was gone, but this time forever.  Sensiquill jotted the painful memories into his journal; accompanied only by a bottle of Applejack Daniels.

   "I did everything I could.  It just all happened so fast.  We caught wind that war had broken out between the sisters and we decided it wasn't safe in Hoofington (just West of Baltimare).  Only a few settlements were safe and I figured they wouldn't be for long.  Our best bet was to head for the land of the crystal ponies."  The grey-blue pony flipped on to the next page.  "We traveled by train...  As we were rounding Foal Mountain I decided to have a word with the conductor.  When I hopped onto the car ahead of ours I heard a scream.  Before I could even think of what the cause could be, the train derailed and I watched as the tracks became distant.  Down the slope we tumbled like a giant metal snake."  He took another swig of the cider.  "I regaineconsciousness and the blur of light turned into a smoldering wreckage.  Ponies were scattered everywhere.  A select few were unscathed and others weren't so lucky...  I screamed for her as I scoured the scene.  I screamed until I tasted metal."  The first of a new set of tears dropped onto the page.  "But there she was.  Her unmoving hoof sprouted from under one of the cars."  


   Sensiquill then sprang up and threw his notepad across the tavern.  He snagged what was left of his cider and stormed out into the streets of the Crystal Empire.

As you storm out of the bar, a unicorn comes up to you, tears running down her face. "Please sir! You must help me! My family! There was a horrible accident! We saw a train had crashed! We went to try and help out the survivors, but then a bunch of them got up and turned into changelings! My family was...*sob* taken! Please sir! Help me!" 

Edited by Fictional_Author7

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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   Sensiquill sobered up instantly.  "A train crash!?  Where!?"  The hope hit him like a falling brick.  The stallion thought to himself, "If the ponies involved in the wreck were changelings, could she be... Alive?"


  "I've got nothing left to loose," Sensiquill comforted the frantic mare, "I'll do what I can."

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Bolt grins a mischievous grin and replies "Well, I don't really care what they think of me. I have helped in the past. During bad power outs, I helped reboot the system for the town, but other then that, I don't really do much."


"Well anyways glad you told that crowd to go away i don't want to have to kill another a entire settlement.... again i'm not even gonna begin to say what happened when i went to las pegasus ugh ponies these days" she said with a annoyed sigh "which is the reason why i get paranoid and nervous easily"

  • Brohoof 1


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Agririon was... bored.


Yep, that was the best way to describe it. Bored. He'd been sitting in this cloud city of Cloudsdale for days now, and absolutely nothing had happened. No one even died of old age or anything. It was just sitting and waiting as the days went by. Which was... unacceptable, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Nothing at all.


And the worst thing was, if he had guessed Celestia's intention well enough, he would be here for quite a bit longer yet.


Sighing, he stood up, prepared to burn another day with patrols and glares to other ponies. Oh, well. It's better than nothing but being chained in some dungeon somewhere, if nothing else, but he sincerely admitted to wishing that he would get some sort of assignment.


((I know I need to do Moon Crypt, but I'm under some time restraints right now.))

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Legions left hoof moved almost nervously.


"Its a personnel matter of mine that wish to fulfil, its rather uncomfortable for me to talk about, it involves two mares and I'd like to leave it at that"


Legion then lowers to the ground and mutters, barely loud enough to be heard over the speakers.


"Stupid Feelings"

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" I might as well walk." Gale said. "It would give me a better layout of the city and I am kind of tired from flying here with Tempest."


Said bat pony sighed as he trotted through the town. He eventually sat down on a bench in the main park and looked across the lake. He had never really liked large cities, preferring those that picked nature over size, but he didn't really have a choice as to where Luna had set up the NLR.

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Legions left hoof moved almost nervously.

"Its a personnel matter of mine that wish to fulfil, its rather uncomfortable for me to talk about, it involves two mares and I'd like to leave it at that"

Legion then lowers to the ground and mutters, barely loud enough to be heard over the speakers.

"Stupid Feelings"

"You wish you go into the forbidden archives which stores the dark and the dangerous for a matter that involves two mares," the unicorn asks incredulous tone, finding it hard to believe that most anything was worth messing with such things... unless, "Are the mares dead or dying? I can think of no other reason to be here unless it was to find some magic or artifact that can save the life, or regain the life, of somepony dear to you."


It was possible, nay even likely the stallion was wrong as he could not read minds but that is what would be required for him to mess around with magic or artifacts stored in such a place as this.


You hear a cough as David clears his voice over the speaker. "Er...to clarify, I'm technically no longer a part of the NLR. After an...incident...I ended up stranded and on my own. It was about as much of a discharge as I needed. I'm on my own now." You hear a groan as if David is in pain or straining, but then his voice comes through the speaker normally. "Anyways, I'm sort of in charge of the Canterlot area...and possibly ponyville. I'm...eh...on the watch for changelings. I have a sort of vendetta against a hive that I need to settle. Some show up on my cameras from time to time and I go to take care of them."


David's voice stops as legion starts to speak, then you hear him shout, then a deeper, and obviously less sane sounding voice comes through the speaker. "Logic? Hahahahaha! What fun is there to logic? Why should things be logical? That's Boring! If-" David suddenly interrupts the second voice, speaking a little louder then before, presumably to talk over the second pony. "Um. What my partner is trying to say is that there doesn't need to be logic, though I find it logical to keep tabs on all important locations of the castle. The armory, the archives, places like that."

The pony seemed possible hurt and or sick, as well as possible mentally unsound unless that other voice was somepony else, withput meeting David he could not be sure.


On hearing he was no longer a faction member he would say, "Well now, isn't that interesting. You are no longer a member of Lunar Republic, more it sounds like they let you go and left you behind. Perhaps this group was not the one you should be supporting. More there are better ways of seeking revenge on changlings then hiding yourself away and picking them off one at a time."


Turning to consider the pony next to him, though he was starting to question how 'pony' they were, Mytho say to both, "I am in search of ponies willing to help stop this war, not by joining either the Solar Empire or Lunar Republic... but by joining Twilight Sparkle. It should be clear something is wrong, our rulers are different... changed even. They have dragged Equestria into a war and ponies are dying. They must be stopped."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Moon Crypt sighed as he returned to his chambers, the pegasus disguise that he went in in public slipping off of his figure. Public appearances weren't his style, but it was something he had to do. Taking off his cloak and closing the blinds, he sat down in a large, fancy, overstuffed couch- the only piece of furniture that he was familiar with. Taking a breath and relaxing, he levitated a plate of food over, eyeing it distastefully as he grabbed a bottle full of a pink mist off of it before levitating the plate back.


He wasn't used to this. Of course, he was trained to be used to anything, but getting moved roughly a hundred miles to watch over a princess who was slowly beginning to give into her inner nightmares yet again to act as adviser and spokesperson, as well as fulfill his duties as an agent. But, first and foremost, he was still an agent of the Inquisition. Although his role model, friend, and leader went to Apploosia with Twilight and her branch of the Inquisition, he had requested reports on the princess. His last one was a few days ago, and it was honestly nothing but two pages of waffle. He hadn't been on any missions in weeks, and he hadn't been called to give advice to the princess or talk to the populance.


In short... nothing was happening. Nothing short of two ponies glaring at each other, waiting for the other to make a mistakor make the first move before Equestria erupted into fireworks. Which meant that, the longer this stalemate lasted, the bigger the blast would be in the end...

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*Current activity in Equestria: There are small skirmishes all over the country of Equestria along the border of the NLR and SE territories. No major battles yet, just small military activity. Also, the changelings north of the hayseed swamp have spread causing minor damage and chaos, but nothing severe. The changelings on the south side seem quiet...I wonder what they're doing...* 

   Sensiquill sobered up instantly.  "A train crash!?  Where!?"  The hope hit him like a falling brick.  The stallion thought to himself, "If the ponies involved in the wreck were changelings, could she be... Alive?"


  "I've got nothing left to loose," Sensiquill comforted the frantic mare, "I'll do what I can."

The mare smiled. "Thank you! Thank you so much! It was about a week ago I believe, it took a while to get up here to get help, but this was the closest city and...well, with the war going on, nopony has time for something as trivial as a train crash." 



"Well anyways glad you told that crowd to go away i don't want to have to kill another a entire settlement.... again i'm not even gonna begin to say what happened when i went to las pegasus ugh ponies these days" she said with a annoyed sigh "which is the reason why i get paranoid and nervous easily"

Bolt blinked at her last statement, then burst in to a fit of laughter. "You, an alicorn, went to Las Pegasus? You?" He continued laughing until he was able to catch his breath and calm down. He then continued "No wonder they hate alicorns now. FIrst the two sisters start warring, then some pony as scary looking as you, no offense, shows up. They're probably just done with alicorns all together." 




Agririon was... bored.


Yep, that was the best way to describe it. Bored. He'd been sitting in this cloud city of Cloudsdale for days now, and absolutely nothing had happened. No one even died of old age or anything. It was just sitting and waiting as the days went by. Which was... unacceptable, but there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Nothing at all.


And the worst thing was, if he had guessed Celestia's intention well enough, he would be here for quite a bit longer yet.


Sighing, he stood up, prepared to burn another day with patrols and glares to other ponies. Oh, well. It's better than nothing but being chained in some dungeon somewhere, if nothing else, but he sincerely admitted to wishing that he would get some sort of assignment.


((I know I need to do Moon Crypt, but I'm under some time restraints right now.))

As you go on patrol, you see Rainbow Dash soaring over the city of cloudsdale, heading for Celestia's palace. You hear a voice behind you say "Well well well. Looks like I'm not the only flightless pony stuck up here. I'd heard rumors that an aspect of death was supposedly serving our princess, but I never thought I'd see him with my own eyes." An earth pony approaches you and you recognize his garb as that of the elite group that have proven themselves above and beyond on the field of battle. He has a helmet on that cover his face completely. It's fit with an air filtration mask and thermal lesnses that allow him to see in the dead of night. He also has a large sniper rifle on his back. He approaches in a friendly enough manner and you can sense that a spell has been cast on him that allows him to walk on the clouds. "Dusty Spurs at your service sir." He extends his hoof in a friendly gesture. 




Legions left hoof moved almost nervously.

"Its a personnel matter of mine that wish to fulfil, its rather uncomfortable for me to talk about, it involves two mares and I'd like to leave it at that"

Legion then lowers to the ground and mutters, barely loud enough to be heard over the speakers.

"Stupid Feelings"



The voice comes over the speaker, "Well, If I know you won't try to kill me, I guess we could work something out...Maybe I could drop off whatever you need? I'm currently studying most of the artifacts, hoping to find something to fix everything. I believe I'm close...maybe..."


"You wish you go into the forbidden archives which stores the dark and the dangerous for a matter that involves two mares," the unicorn asks incredulous tone, finding it hard to believe that most anything was worth messing with such things... unless, "Are the mares dead or dying? I can think of no other reason to be here unless it was to find some magic or artifact that can save the life, or regain the life, of somepony dear to you."

It was possible, nay even likely the stallion was wrong as he could not read minds but that is what would be required for him to mess around with magic or artifacts stored in such a place as this.

The pony seemed possible hurt and or sick, as well as possible mentally unsound unless that other voice was somepony else, withput meeting David he could not be sure.

On hearing he was no longer a faction member he would say, "Well now, isn't that interesting. You are no longer a member of Lunar Republic, more it sounds like they let you go and left you behind. Perhaps this group was not the one you should be supporting. More there are better ways of seeking revenge on changlings then hiding yourself away and picking them off one at a time."

Turning to consider the pony next to him, though he was starting to question how 'pony' they were, Mytho say to both, "I am in search of ponies willing to help stop this war, not by joining either the Solar Empire or Lunar Republic... but by joining Twilight Sparkle. It should be clear something is wrong, our rulers are different... changed even. They have dragged Equestria into a war and ponies are dying. They must be stopped."

David waits for Mythos to finish before replying, "Nope, I'm done. I've had it with alicorns, changelings, dragons, griffins, and what ever else there is. I've been there, done that, and I've had it. My comrades died because they were following the orders of Luna and, while I still completely hold high respect for both princesses, or at least what they used to be, I am done doing what anyone says. From this point on, we are on our own...er...me and my partener..."



" I might as well walk." Gale said. "It would give me a better layout of the city and I am kind of tired from flying here with Tempest."


Said bat pony sighed as he trotted through the town. He eventually sat down on a bench in the main park and looked across the lake. He had never really liked large cities, preferring those that picked nature over size, but he didn't really have a choice as to where Luna had set up the NLR.

Forge nods. "Right this way then." and leads her to his shop.



Moon Crypt sighed as he returned to his chambers, the pegasus disguise that he went in in public slipping off of his figure. Public appearances weren't his style, but it was something he had to do. Taking off his cloak and closing the blinds, he sat down in a large, fancy, overstuffed couch- the only piece of furniture that he was familiar with. Taking a breath and relaxing, he levitated a plate of food over, eyeing it distastefully as he grabbed a bottle full of a pink mist off of it before levitating the plate back.


He wasn't used to this. Of course, he was trained to be used to anything, but getting moved roughly a hundred miles to watch over a princess who was slowly beginning to give into her inner nightmares yet again to act as adviser and spokesperson, as well as fulfill his duties as an agent. But, first and foremost, he was still an agent of the Inquisition. Although his role model, friend, and leader went to Apploosia with Twilight and her branch of the Inquisition, he had requested reports on the princess. His last one was a few days ago, and it was honestly nothing but two pages of waffle. He hadn't been on any missions in weeks, and he hadn't been called to give advice to the princess or talk to the populance.


In short... nothing was happening. Nothing short of two ponies glaring at each other, waiting for the other to make a mistakor make the first move before Equestria erupted into fireworks. Which meant that, the longer this stalemate lasted, the bigger the blast would be in the end...

(((Can you PM me please, or call me on skype. I have an idea for the inquisition...)))

A young white pegasus comes in and drops some reports on your desk. "Message for you sir, pony who gave them to me said they're important." Before you can question him, he's gone. The reports detail a strange energy, the likes the Inquisition has not yet seen, have been found all over Equestria. Also, included is a verification document along with a request for the Twilight Branch to start analyzing this strange new energy.

Edited by Fictional_Author7
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Legion nods and brings his right hoof up in front of his face, a holo projector showing a map of equestria pops up.


"It would be beneficial to meet, where would you prefer we meet, I'm on a time limit as it is, they won't wait around for long"


Legion turns to Mythos.


"Do you know Twilight personally"

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Bolt blinked at her last statement, then burst in to a fit of laughter. "You, an alicorn, went to Las Pegasus? You?" He continued laughing until he was able to catch his breath and calm down. He then continued "No wonder they hate alicorns now. FIrst the two sisters start warring, then some pony as scary looking as you, no offense, shows up. They're probably just done with alicorns all together." 


"That was a long long time ago i didn't know they hated alicorns til i got there " she said giving Bolt a annoyed look  "and also your not the only one that told me i'm 'scary' looking and really i'm not easily offended by anything so anyways i'm curious were your parents a unicorn and a pegasus?".


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Legion nods and brings his right hoof up in front of his face, a holo projector showing a map of equestria pops up.


"It would be beneficial to meet, where would you prefer we meet, I'm on a time limit as it is, they won't wait around for long"


Legion turns to Mythos.


"Do you know Twilight personally"

"Do you know where the train station is? Head down there. Also, what items do you require? I shall loan them to you for an unspecified amount of time, but I would like them returned at some point. I'm running tests and research on all of them." 


"That was a long long time ago i didn't know they hated alicorns til i got there " she said giving Bolt a annoyed look  "and also your not the only one that told me i'm 'scary' looking and really i'm not easily offended by anything so anyways i'm curious were your parents a unicorn and a pegasus?".

Bolt looks down, sadness covering his face. "I really don't know much about my past. As far as I can remember, I've been an orphan on the streets. I only just learned a while ago that I was...different. There aren't many alicorns around, so...it's been a bit harder for me growing up." He looks away and a single tear trickles down his face. When he turns around though, his face is set with determination. "I don't care though, that's all behind me. I'm moving forward. I have to if I want to survive." 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Bolt looks down, sadness covering his face. "I really don't know much about my past. As far as I can remember, I've been an orphan on the streets. I only just learned a while ago that I was...different. There aren't many alicorns around, so...it's been a bit harder for me growing up." He looks away and a single tear trickles down his face. When he turns around though, his face is set with determination. "I don't care though, that's all behind me. I'm moving forward. I have to if I want to survive." 


Moonlight smiled "that's the spirit kid you can't just linger on the past for the rest of your life if both of your parents die sure its understandable to be depressed about it for months but at some point you have to get over it because ponies die no matter how healthy you are at some point you will die we will all die someday remember that bolt" she said in a rather saddened tone.


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Sensiquill began to follow along side the troubled mare.  He muttered under his breath, "The wreck was hardly trivial..." He looked over at her and asked, "What were you doing in the area?"  He looked away for a moment and added, "What were you guys doing around Foal Mountain anyway?"

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The train station of Appaloosa, a place that services many refugees of the Alicorn sisters' war. A tan, black-haired pegasus sat in the corner of the train station, toying with what appeared to be an old camera.


The stallion sighed and rested his hoof just above his forehead. He had started to stare at the camera in a very disappointed way. "Well Shutter," he said to himself, ​"You've successfully managed to break your flash. Now how are you going to get it fixed?" He set the camera aside, accepting that toying with it more would only further damage it, and pulled out a small note pad from his wor- from his jacket.


He started to skim over the notes he had taken and let the pages' small amount of 'unverified' information cheer him up...sort of?

  • A few refugees had rumors of an occurrence, in his hometown of Los pegasus, that interested him; but he just couldn't seem to make heads of tail of what really took place. "...What happened?" @@Moonbacon,
  • He had started to hear word of another brutal changeling attack. A refugee had only mentioned a train, before breaking down into tears over a lost loved one; and he could question her no more. @@EpicApplejack,​
Edited by Contrast
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Gale nodded slightly and followed Forge. "So, I assume that you live in your shop?" She asked.


Tempest sighed as he stood up. Something was different about him in a sense. A dark smile spread across his face as he trotted out of the city. "Those fools don't even know of the power I posses." He thought. "Whatever happens occurs solely to benefit me in the end." The bat pony then sensed multiple auras heading in his direction and waited.

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@,@@EquestrianScholar, @,  


About a hundred feet from the peek of Canterlot mountain, a lone figure stood watch. The half robotic wolf was staring down at the shattered ruins of the once great city. Seth Eclipse could still see a few burning structures that refused to die out, wondering what fueled the flames. However, what caught his watchful eye was the sighting of a few ponies among the ruins. He had seen them enter a while back, but was still looking across the landscape before investigating. 


The wolf was sent here as a mercenary for the lunar forces as a recon unit. He was ordered to keep an eye out for any ponies under the solar banner that would dare enter the forbidden city. It seemed today was his day. With a light grin, Seth left his snowy campsite and began his descending of the mountain. The ponies were in the ruins of the old castle, so it would take a bit of travel.


After crossing the rubble-berried streets, Seth had finally made his way to the castle proper. He could hear voices from within, and knew something was up. He began to searched the ruins, looking for the possible traitors.

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David waits for Mythos to finish before replying, "Nope, I'm done. I've had it with alicorns, changelings, dragons, griffins, and what ever else there is. I've been there, done that, and I've had it. My comrades died because they were following the orders of Luna and, while I still completely hold high respect for both princesses, or at least what they used to be, I am done doing what anyone says. From this point on, we are on our own...er...me and my partener..."

"Hiding from the problems of this land with not change them," Mythos warned with a grin as he shook his headbefore adding, "merely giving up and nor caring will not keep you from danger or pain."


Legion nods and brings his right hoof up in front of his face, a holo projector showing a map of equestria pops up.


"It would be beneficial to meet, where would you prefer we meet, I'm on a time limit as it is, they won't wait around for long"

"We will need to be careful, better to be safe when we meet or you may draw trouble," the stallion advises as he considers the map.


Legion turns to Mythos.

"Do you know Twilight personally"

"No, I have not had the honor of meeting the respectable Twilight Sparkle personally. Though I hope to bring Twilight those willing to join her in the cause she strives for so as to gain her attention."


Edited by EquestrianScholar
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As you go on patrol, you see Rainbow Dash soaring over the city of cloudsdale, heading for Celestia's palace. You hear a voice behind you say "Well well well. Looks like I'm not the only flightless pony stuck up here. I'd heard rumors that an aspect of death was supposedly serving our princess, but I never thought I'd see him with my own eyes." An earth pony approaches you and you recognize his garb as that of the elite group that have proven themselves above and beyond on the field of battle. He has a helmet on that cover his face completely. It's fit with an air filtration mask and thermal lesnses that allow him to see in the dead of night. He also has a large sniper rifle on his back. He approaches in a friendly enough manner and you can sense that a spell has been cast on him that allows him to walk on the clouds. "Dusty Spurs at your service sir." He extends his hoof in a friendly gesture. 


Looking the pony up and down and seeing his equipment, he smiled ever so slightly and extended a hoof made of green spirit energy. "And I, Agririon, at yours, Mister Spurs." Glancing at the sniper rifle, he chuckled. He remembered now. When he was off duty, he often followed this one around and collected the souls of the ones he killed. One shot, one- or, on a few occasions, several- kill. Quite a crack shot, and efficient as well, but the infamous sniper's presence unnerved him. Now if Luna summoned him, he would have to worry about getting a hole blasted through him as he retreated from Cloudsdale. It would be small and patched easily, but it would hurt like the furies if it managed to hit his mask and ricochet. He looked him over again before smiling slightly. "Going my way? A conversation would be nice."





A young white pegasus comes in and drops some reports on your desk. "Message for you sir, pony who gave them to me said they're important." Before you can question him, he's gone. The reports detail a strange energy, the likes the Inquisition has not yet seen, have been found all over Equestria. Also, included is a verification document along with a request for the Twilight Branch to start analyzing this strange new energy.


Slightly disappointed and not a little bit suspicious, he looked at the verification document first. It had all been scanned and approved, as well as verified by the Inquisitor that sent it not all that long ago. Moving on to the report themselves, he glanced at the chart, as well as the pages that accompanied it, and said, through the waffle, that there was indeed something... there. Whatever it was, it was all over, but it's farthest reaches were not much behind Cloudsdale and not much behind Manehattan, primarily occupying the spaces between the cities.


Is this them, then? It will have to be researched, and the traces are quite dim, but there's definitely something that is going on. Glancing at the report again, he sighed inwardly. I guess I'll just have to accept this and move on... although this does require further research. I'll see if I can figure anything else out while the Twilight Branch takes a look.


Taking the document, quickly jotting down a fourth document as well as the verification documents proper for a Lord Inquisitor before sealing it. He rolled up the envelope, carefully inserted it into one of the holes in his legs, and then sat back. After staying there for a few minutes, he sat back up and brought over a desk and pen and started to write, murmuring allowed as he did so. "Dear Princess Luna..."

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*Current activity in Equestria: It seems that Queen Spellbinder is trying to take control of her forces. They seem to slowly but surely be gaining some kind of order to them. Also, Ponyville is the hotseat of activity right now as scouting forces from both sides are looking through the rubble for survivors and for supplies. When ever they encounter each other, the outcome is fast and bloody. The Resistance in Las Pegasus is developing a weapon to use on the sisters to defend themselves if the sisters should ever approach them. The weapon is almost complete. 





Moonlight smiled "that's the spirit kid you can't just linger on the past for the rest of your life if both of your parents die sure its understandable to be depressed about it for months but at some point you have to get over it because ponies die no matter how healthy you are at some point you will die we will all die someday remember that bolt" she said in a rather saddened tone.


Bolt shrugs. "I suppose, though I don't plan on dying anytime soon. Anyways, what are you doing all the way this far north? Trying to avoid the sisters?"





Sensiquill began to follow along side the troubled mare.  He muttered under his breath, "The wreck was hardly trivial..." He looked over at her and asked, "What were you doing in the area?"  He looked away for a moment and added, "What were you guys doing around Foal Mountain anyway?"

The mare nods to his statement about the wreck, then stops mid-step at his question a look of surprise on her face. "I was, er...uh, my family was with me. We were actually...um...heading north." Tears start dripping down her face and she says sharply. "Please, can we not talk about it? My family...the changelings got them. I just can't-" With that she started walking a little faster until she was just ahead of you so you couldn't see her face.



The train station of Appaloosa, a place that services many refugees of the Alicorn sisters' war. A tan, black-haired pegasus sat in the corner of the train station, toying with what appeared to be an old camera.

The stallion sighed and rested his hoof just above his forehead. He had started to stare at the camera in a very disappointed way. "Well Shutter," he said to himself, ​"You've successfully managed to break your flash. Now how are you going to get it fixed?" He set the camera aside, accepting that toying with it more would only further damage it, and pulled out a small note pad from his wor- from his jacket.

He started to skim over the notes he had taken and let the pages' small amount of 'unverified' information cheer him up...sort of?

  • A few refugees had rumors of an occurrence, in his hometown of Los pegasus, that interested him; but he just couldn't seem to make heads of tail of what really took place. "...What happened?" @@Moonbacon,
  • He had started to hear word of another brutal changeling attack. A refugee had only mentioned a train, before breaking down into tears over a lost loved one; and he could question her no more. @@EpicApplejack,​



The train station of Appaloosa, a place that services many refugees of the Alicorn sisters' war. A tan, black-haired pegasus sat in the corner of the train station, toying with what appeared to be an old camera.

The stallion sighed and rested his hoof just above his forehead. He had started to stare at the camera in a very disappointed way. "Well Shutter," he said to himself, ​"You've successfully managed to break your flash. Now how are you going to get it fixed?" He set the camera aside, accepting that toying with it more would only further damage it, and pulled out a small note pad from his wor- from his jacket.

He started to skim over the notes he had taken and let the pages' small amount of 'unverified' information cheer him up...sort of?

  • A few refugees had rumors of an occurrence, in his hometown of Los pegasus, that interested him; but he just couldn't seem to make heads of tail of what really took place. "...What happened?" @@Moonbacon,
  • He had started to hear word of another brutal changeling attack. A refugee had only mentioned a train, before breaking down into tears over a lost loved one; and he could question her no more. @@EpicApplejack,​


A familiar looking shadow falls over you and you look up to see none other then the element of honesty herself, Applejack. "Howdy Partner. I noticed you over here with that notebook of yours and was wonderin what you were up to? Not many ponies have time to just write stuff down unless they're on some kidna official business or the like." 



Gale nodded slightly and followed Forge. "So, I assume that you live in your shop?" She asked.

Tempest sighed as he stood up. Something was different about him in a sense. A dark smile spread across his face as he trotted out of the city. "Those fools don't even know of the power I posses." He thought. "Whatever happens occurs solely to benefit me in the end." The bat pony then sensed multiple auras heading in his direction and waited.

Forge nods. "Sure do. It's warm in the winter and has some windows I can open to let the heat out in the summer. It might not be very comfortable, but at least it's home." He stops and looks Gale over. "I'm assuming that you're probably hungry if you've flown all the way here. I can have some fresh fish delivered to my shop if you like? It's not often, but I have had carnivores visit my shop before, usually griffons, so it would be no hassle, if you're interested?" 




@,@@EquestrianScholar, @,  


About a hundred feet from the peek of Canterlot mountain, a lone figure stood watch. The half robotic wolf was staring down at the shattered ruins of the once great city. Seth Eclipse could still see a few burning structures that refused to die out, wondering what fueled the flames. However, what caught his watchful eye was the sighting of a few ponies among the ruins. He had seen them enter a while back, but was still looking across the landscape before investigating. 


The wolf was sent here as a mercenary for the lunar forces as a recon unit. He was ordered to keep an eye out for any ponies under the solar banner that would dare enter the forbidden city. It seemed today was his day. With a light grin, Seth left his snowy campsite and began his descending of the mountain. The ponies were in the ruins of the old castle, so it would take a bit of travel.


After crossing the rubble-berried streets, Seth had finally made his way to the castle proper. He could hear voices from within, and knew something was up. He began to searched the ruins, looking for the possible traitors.

As Seth explores the ruins, you notice a small red light glinting from the dark corner of a doorway. Somepony was watching and they knew you were here. 



"Hiding from the problems of this land with not change them," Mythos warned with a grin as he shook his headbefore adding, "merely giving up and nor caring will not keep you from danger or pain."
"We will need to be careful, better to be safe when w meet or you may draw trouble," the stallion advises as he considers the map.
"No, I have not had the honor of meeting the respectable Twilight Sparkle personally. Though I hope to bring Twilight those willing to join her in the cause she strives for so as to gain her attention."

"Hiding from danger or pain? I don't hide from danger or pain. I hide from myself. I strike from the shadows so I have some place to retreat so this world won't be able hot have a good look at me." After his reply he waits for Mythos's reply to Legion before concurring. "I agree. Again, I'm willing to meet with you, but only in...wait. Someone else is in the castle now. A...wolf? What's one of the wolven doing here? Nevermind. You are in danger." A small door way opens up on the far side of room with light coming out of it. You also see a small device hanging down from the entrance "That is a secret passage and the small thing is a communicator. As long as you're within the canterlot/ponyville area, I'll be able to contact you with it. The tunnel will take you to the far end of the castle. There should be an exit near there somewhere. I'm sorry I can't be more help, but that's all I can do at the moment." 






Looking the pony up and down and seeing his equipment, he smiled ever so slightly and extended a hoof made of green spirit energy. "And I, Agririon, at yours, Mister Spurs." Glancing at the sniper rifle, he chuckled. He remembered now. When he was off duty, he often followed this one around and collected the souls of the ones he killed. One shot, one- or, on a few occasions, several- kill. Quite a crack shot, and efficient as well, but the infamous sniper's presence unnerved him. Now if Luna summoned him, he would have to worry about getting a hole blasted through him as he retreated from Cloudsdale. It would be small and patched easily, but it would hurt like the furies if it managed to hit his mask and ricochet. He looked him over again before smiling slightly. "Going my way? A conversation would be nice."






Slightly disappointed and not a little bit suspicious, he looked at the verification document first. It had all been scanned and approved, as well as verified by the Inquisitor that sent it not all that long ago. Moving on to the report themselves, he glanced at the chart, as well as the pages that accompanied it, and said, through the waffle, that there was indeed something... there. Whatever it was, it was all over, but it's farthest reaches were not much behind Cloudsdale and not much behind Manehattan, primarily occupying the spaces between the cities.


Is this them, then? It will have to be researched, and the traces are quite dim, but there's definitely something that is going on. Glancing at the report again, he sighed inwardly. I guess I'll just have to accept this and move on... although this does require further research. I'll see if I can figure anything else out while the Twilight Branch takes a look.


Taking the document, quickly jotting down a fourth document as well as the verification documents proper for a Lord Inquisitor before sealing it. He rolled up the envelope, carefully inserted it into one of the holes in his legs, and then sat back. After staying there for a few minutes, he sat back up and brought over a desk and pen and started to write, murmuring allowed as he did so. "Dear Princess Luna..."


Dusty shrugs. "I suppose. I'm off duty at the moment and could use something to distract. I take it you probably can't drink can you?" he asks, pulling out a bottle of hard cider out of his jacket and offering it to Agririon.



The young unicorn stepped outside the door and closed it before the occupant inside could utter a word to him. 'Good, now hopefully they can track Alpha. He's a right pain in the plot for these poor mortals. I hope this information helps.' After this thought crosses his mind, he disappears. Anypony that might have seen him would've said he disappeared in to thin air, but nopony witnessed his exit. He didn't want them to witness it. 

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Dark Wing smiled as he looked back to his brother. "That it is. That it is. I will be nice to see our Princess once again, and nice to spend some time with you."


Looking back to his younger brother, he shook his head at the mention of changelings. "They can't think for themselves. With no leader, there lost. Let's just hope they stay that way."


Dark looked back to his brother at the mention of the Shade. "I see. I guess it was something that happened since I was away. There loss is most unfortunate. Are there any other losses...how many of the original Lunar guard are left."


Dark can see the outline of Manehatten's skyline through the fog.

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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A familiar looking shadow falls over you and you look up to see none other then the element of honesty herself, Applejack. "Howdy Partner. I noticed you over here with that notebook of yours and was wonderin what you were up to? Not many ponies have time to just write stuff down unless they're on some kidna official business or the like."


Shutter looked up at the mare with as small smile. "Hello Miss. Applejack," he started to stand and quietly laugh to himself at something she had said, "I suppose you're right. It's a little bit of an odd hobby now, but I can't say that I'm on any official business... anymore." Trying not to be rude, he stifled the urge to sigh. "I guess, I'm just being curious about what's been happening outside this town."

Edited by Contrast

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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