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ooc Outcast Academy Rp planning/searching thread


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Dont let 'outcast' fool you! Outcast is just another word for 'non-normal' in our book!
Welcome to the Outcast Academy Rp Planning thread! Outcast academy is a school located in Manehatten for characters who are not the normal species and/or personality of ponies! The school also accepts ponies you just cant seem to fit in with the community!These species include but not limited to-

  • Bat Ponies
  • Deer ponies
  • Breezies
  • Changelings
  • Lion ponies
  • Mutated ponies (3 eyes, 4 tails etc.)
  • Etc.

Rules of RP

  • You make only have up to 4 ponies in your rp. 
  • Its ok to start drama and/or romance!
  • NO FOUL LANGUAGE! If your pony curses just put *beep* where a curse word should be.
  • Please note that this is a 'group' rp.. don't just rp between your 3 ponies, and acknowledge others.
  • No god modding! Ex of God-modding "My pony jumps up and kills your pony with one shot, no miss" don't do that...
  • No mary/gary sues that means, just because your pony is NOT normal doesn't mean he/she should be a alicorn with rainbow everything that could end the world...just no...

How to join the RP
Fill out the form to join
Character name
Character age
Link to Pony
(Optional, if you dont have a link) Description of pony looks, personality and cutie-mark
I will brohoof your post and tell you if your accepted!

here are 40 dorm rooms, thats alot, but thats for those 'side NPC' characters and stuff :3
and~ there is a catch! you MUST have a roommate! so this is the sign up area for dorm rooms!
I must warn you~ this academy has weird twists and secrets...some of the rooms have secrets within them~
The dorm rooms
and 40
all have some sort of 'secret' to them. Which is a secret until you rp hehehehe (im evil)
some dorm rooms are occupied by NPCs so the dorm rooms listed are the ONLY ones open
which is alot, so don't worry about finding a dorm unless you want the special ones~
Dorm rooms and occupiers~
5-Brandi-Midnight Shade
9-Daruis-Sunset Hooves
16-Unknown for now-Rose


The rp starts in-front of the school, its your first day!

Edited by RainMuffin
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Username: Lonewolf1735

Character name: Platform-21P/Legion

Character age: 5 since activation, but has the personality of a teenager

Species: Robot/Artificial Intelligence

Description: Legion is a Robot, his outer layer/coat is mainly made of steel, and he doesn't have a mane or tail, and instead of eyes he has a black visor that goes from one side of his head to the other, and uses emoticons, to portray his feelings, such as >:\ for angry and :/ for confused.

Personality: Legion is a very normal pony, considering the fact the he is a Robot, or artificial intelligence, he doesn't like being called a robot, as it means slave.


He is quite smart as well having a computer for a brian means he can go over thousands of facts in just seconds.


And he is capable of doing stuff that would cause harm to organics, such as being able withstand fire, being crushed by heavy boxes, and of course, brain freeze, although he may encounter a system overload if someone causes him to WTF!!! to much, and will need to reboot.


Also he can play the keyboard, uses his hoof to start fires and can receive calls and texts thanks to a inbuilt mobile phone, oh and help do your homework at lunch. :) plus many other cool features.

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Mind if I max out how many characters I use? xD


Username:Mint Drop

Character name: Spring Flight

Character age: 17

Link to Pony:N/A

Species: Half dragon, half Pegasus

Description: she has a blue coat with one normal Pegasus wing and one dragon wing of the same size. Her incredibly messy hair covers her eyes. Her tail is a dragon tail. Her mane is two shades of green, and has some yellow and gray in it.

She's confident and proud. She's fairly nice, but doesn't care for talking to normal ponies, so she stays away from them, making herself appear either stoic and antisocial or timid and afraid of others.

She doesn't really like being a dragony. She doesn't do anything cool like breathing fire and only has one gimpy dragon wing, so what was the point of it?

Her cutie mark hasn't appeared yet. she doesn't know if she will ever get it, as she is part dragon.

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Character name-Lee
Character age- about 86 (due to being a shapeshifter, he has the gift of longevity) 
Link to Pony- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lee-r5034?st=0#comment_2058

Species- Changeling



Character name-Paladin
Character age-37
Link to Pony- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/paladin-r5638

Species- Bat Pony


All done! 

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Should probably change the ages of my OC's...

COuld Paladin be a guard for the school that Luna sent to protect it from possible haters? Idk, I just feel he might be a bit to old to be a student...unless it's like a college...idk?

Lee could be...a...janitor? idk...maybe he could be a student...yeah, nvm. He could be a student.


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I should probably mention that the school mentions that it has no age limit, meaning that any age could go to it, and it does say 'Academy' meaning collage, but its a school for all grade levels...

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I should probably mention that the school mentions that it has no age limit, meaning that any age could go to it, and it does say 'Academy' meaning collage, but its a school for all grade levels...

Idk, it still is weird that everyone is a teenager (mostly) except my two characters... and Lee has only been away from his hive (meaning he hasn't been under the hive's spell making him basically  a normal pony) for about 16 or 17 years. 

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Username: FancyTomato

Character Name:

Character Age: 17


Pony Species: Earth

Optional: He can only perform highly complicated and lengthy rituals to contact/raise the dead and such. It's kind of a mix between druidism and low-tier necromancy. This is the easiest way for him to practice his "spells" and "magic" seeing as he is an Earth pony and so there is no direct magical outlet, like a horn.

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