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What are some of your experiences with anti-bronies?

Stone Cold Applejack

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Have you ever been brutality attacked by anti bronies or did they pull out a weapon (gun/knife) on you. Share your dangerous anti brony encounters here and say what they did and what you did and felt like

  • Brohoof 1
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One of them called me a homosexual once. Over the internet. I still get vietnam war esk flashbacks...




and has anyone ever actaully been violently attacked for liking a cartoon? It isn't that alot of bronies spend far to much time inside, but you'd think most would have heard of it with how fast news travels around the net.

  • Brohoof 4
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That's awfully extreme. Someone threatened violence once on another forum, (I can't repeat exactly what they said of course) and it was directed to bronies as a whole, not me specifically. They were also an obvious troll, and were banned for trolling, nothing else.


I've never been under the risk of actual bodily harm for liking a television show, nor have I ever known anyone who was.


Sig made by Kyoshi.

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Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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One of them called me a homosexual once. Over the internet. I still get vietnam war esk flashbacks...




and has anyone ever actaully been violently attacked for liking a cartoon? It isn't that alot of bronies spend far to much time inside, but you'd think most would have heard of it with how fast news travels around the net.

That brony documentary had a guy say that he got his car windows smashed or something for having a Celestia sticker. Outside of that specific instance, I doubt anything so violent has happened. I mean really, would even the most extreme of anti bronies pull a weapon on someone? The very thought is just silly.


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That brony documentary had a guy say that he got his car windows smashed or something for having a Celestia sticker. Outside of that specific instance, I doubt anything so violent has happened. I mean really, would even the most extreme of anti bronies pull a weapon on someone? The very thought is just silly.


As infuriating as that is, I doubt there is any way to know for sure whether that is the actual reason his windows were smashed.


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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That brony documentary had a guy say that he got his car windows smashed or something for having a Celestia sticker. Outside of that specific instance, I doubt anything so violent has happened. I mean really, would even the most extreme of anti bronies pull a weapon on someone? The very thought is just silly.

Yea, I don't think there are to many people out there who will attack people physically for a show they watch. Otherwise Sex and the City fans would need armed guards.

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Nope, my Mom is apparently afraid of that happening but not many people are stupid enough to try that with a 6 foot tall 315 pound man that looks like he could snap a full grown man like a piece of chalk.


Yea, I don't think there are to many people out there who will attack people physically for a show they watch. Otherwise Sex and the City fans would need armed guards.

People have been threatened and attack for way way dumber things than that.

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Nope, my Mom is apparently afraid of that happening but not many people are stupid enough to try that with a 6 foot tall 315 pound man that looks like he could snap a full grown man like a piece of chalk.


People have been threatened and attack for way way dumber things than that.

Not really. I'm sure you can dreg up some old world example, or really small anecdotal evidence to claim so. But for 90% of today's modern world, unless the show you like involves something along the lines of child explotation, no one is going to physically attack you for it.

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Have you ever been brutality attacked by anti bronies or did they pull out a weapon (gun/knife) on you. Share your dangerous anti brony encounters here and say what they did and what you did and felt like

Brutally attacked?  A weapon pulled out?  For liking My Little Pony? What is this, Texas?  :umad:  :umad:  :umad:


I apologize to any Texans.

  • Brohoof 2
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I've never encountered an anti-brony outside of the internet, sooooo, not really.

They appear to be about as much of a threat as unicorns and trilobites.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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They appear to be about as much of a threat as unicorns and trilobites.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'd have to be extremely messed up in the head to injure someone simply because they like a cartoon. I've seen some anti-bronies respond to others who say bronies should die, and they're like "Dude, I think that's taking your hatred a bit far." So anti-bronies aren't completely assholes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Brutally attacked?  A weapon pulled out?  For liking My Little Pony? What is this, Texas?  :umad:  :umad:  :umad:


I apologize to any Texans.

I live in Texas, but I'm from California. Good thing I live in the southern part of Texas and not the upper part.

Second in Command of the Marvel Alliance!!!

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Actually getting attacked for wtching MY LITTLE PONY can happen because my freind Derek also a brony has a cousin also a brony who got attacked by a group of crazy ass haters for wearing a pinkie pie shirt and I think Derek said he got his arm broken in 2 places maybe

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Most anti-bronies I've met were on the internet so they wouldn't be able to physically attack me but considering the fact that I've been attacked just for saying that I like halo more than mortal combat I'm pretty sure some anti-bronies are insane enough to attack someone just for liking a show.

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I saw a user tell someone to die simply for mentioning MLP on a video of the Q Mariachi scene from Deja Q.

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No, I've been questioned by random people at school who weren't familiar with bronies, simple stuff like the famous "What's so good about it!?" and stuff to that extent. Other than those few times i haven't met an anti-brony away from the internet.

Ponies ponies ponies /).3.(\

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To everypony who is acting like a physical attack is ridiculous, WAKE UP! We don't live in Equestria. People attack people all the time for seemingly no reason. Anger can be a result of confusion and frustration. There are a lot of ignorant, hateful people in the world.


Just saying. (Anypony remember Matthew Shepard??????)


And, I sincerley hope that none of you wonderful people ever come across any of the sick minded d-bags that I hear about on the news all the time. Much love all. <3

Edited by Ember Twist
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Well, I have to say no.

But the place where I live would say that if I ever stepped foot into a place with a huge freaking neon sign pointing at me saying: "Look, this guy is a brony!" Then I'd be screwed, worse is the fact I have an MLP T-shirt that bringing into a public place would be the equivalent to the neon sign. So I wear the thing at home.  >_>

out of my swamp

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