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Ponies going to howarts?


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What if all the ponies goes to Hogwarts (Even if they are pegasus or earth) :please:


In wich part do you thing they will belong?


We saw in the series that Cadence is from RavenClaw, Twilight from Grifindor and Discord from Slithering.




In my opinion, I think:


Fluttershy = hufflepuff

Pinkie Pie = hufflepuff (I'm not sure)

RainbowDash = Grifindor

Applejack = Griffindor

Rarity = RavenClaw.





What do you think? How about your OC? And how about the other charecters? (Like: Trixie, Bon bon, Lyra, Derpy, Dr. hooves, Gylda, etc.)



Edited by Cloby604


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Interesting topic, how come no one else has replied yet?


I think:

Twilight: Ravenclaw

Rarity: Ravenclaw

Pinkie: Hufflepuff

Fluttershy: Hufflepuff

Applejack: Gryffindor or Hufflepuff

Rainbow Dash: Gryffindor

Other Ponies: Celestia: Headmaster


Trixie; Slytherin

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Twilight: Ravenclaw (Intelligent, odd, clever.)

Applejack: Hufflepuff (Honest, loyal, hardworking, the stereotypical Hufflepuff.)

Rainbow Dash: Gryffindor (Daring, courageous, chivalrous, heroric, the stereotypical Gryffindor.)

Rarity: Slytherin. (Cunning, ambitious, desire for power, resourceful, clever. determination.)

Fluttershy: Slytherin: (self preservation, determination, resourcefulness)


Why is Fluttershy in Slytherin? I couldn't really see her fitting anywhere else, honestly. I mean she is self-preserved showing not wanting to do dangerous things. She is determined as shown in Bird in a Hoof. She also has to be determined and resourceful to live on her own as a filly. Remember, she fell from Cloudsdale, and she said she was a weak flier. She even said during her song that she didn't want to go back. That means she must have been living on her own as a filly.


Not all Slytherins are evil. On Pottermore, I'm a Slytherin. Yes, I put Rarity and Fluttershy in Slytherin. 





Applejack Fan Club

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