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searching Mysterious Companion (Adventure/Action/Romance)

Sir Xarthas VI

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Hi Bronies!

I got a new RP I'm starting. I don't think it's been done before, and I feel as though I should be the first one to do it. I know the complete backstory, but you cannot know, as that would ruin the surprise.
I'm looking for 4 ponies to join the RP.
Don't have to have anything specific about your OC, just link their Character Database page and I'll take a look and see if s/he's worthy of joining the RP.

- Lightning Spark (~ Alicornification ~)
- Spirit Watcher (~ Alicornification ~)
- Betta Fish Freak (llFlyingGracell)
- Blaze Wing (~Dishonored Luna~)
- Disruptis (Disruptis)
- Midnight Flash (Rainbro dash 16)
- Rising Shine (Rising Shine)

Fellow RP'ing Brony,
       ~ Alicornification ~

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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