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gaming World of Warcraft fans, i need your help!


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So I sort knew about World of Warcraft for a long time, but I've never been interested in it until now. It was a cool video that I saw and it got me interested. But I know practically nothing about it. Nothing about the races or classes or how to download it or how it works, practically nothing. So here's where you guys come in. I know there are a few WoW fans on here and I'd like to know everything. Because sometimes when you type a question in google it gives you the complicated answer. I'd like a simple answer so what better way to get it than to get it from people who know what they're doing.


Anyways if you're looking at this, I'd really appreciate a reply. You don't have to, but I'd love to get something. Thanks in advance! Also if this doesn't seem clear or you'd like a specific question just tell me below! I'll probably see it eventually.

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Oh is it my birthday?!  :D


I could go on for hours about World of Warcraft!


The technical stuff you might have to ask someone else, but when it comes to the game's expansive lore, I'm your man!


What do you want to know about first? Because I can start at the Creation myth and work forwards, but I think you might want something a little more focused.  :lol:


(This would be where you start. Again though, I'm far from tech savvy so don't expect much from me in terms of useful tech support. https://us.battle.net/account/creation/wow/signup/ )

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 2
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I can assist you with certain melee classes. I currently play a death knight, a monk, and an enhancement shaman, and I consider myself an authority on DK mechanics, but nothing compared to the greats like Magdalena, Menderbarr (a fellow brony, actually, and one of our top theorycrafters), or Heartless. I can also talk to you about brewmaster monks and blood death knights. I don't know much about rogues, DPS warriors, feral druids, or retribution paladins, unfortunately.


I'm 8/14H tanking as blood for my guild in the current raid tier, and while that honestly isn't that great of progression these days, it does mean I'm not talking out of my ass.


I am well versed in the Horde lore, so if you need to know anything about that, I can assist.


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Nice! I think WoW is still by far the best MMO on the market despite what people say about it, it's a great game to get into. Steel Accord provided a link to the Starter Edition, it lets you test the game for free up to lvl 20. Good way to get a taste for it and see how you like it. The game is very user friendly


First thing you do is pick a server. There's PvP, where players can attack and kill other players of the opposing faction pretty much everywhere. PvE, you can't get attacked unless you flag yourself for PvP (with some exceptions). And there's RP-PvE and PvP, which is Role Playing servers. Same thing, but for those who like to role play. I recommend PvE for a enjoyable experience


Races, you got two factions: Horde and Alliance. Alliance have Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Worgen and Draenei. Horde have Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead, Blood Elves and Goblins. And in the newest expansion you have Pandaren which are neutral and can pick either side. You're not limited to one character, so don't worry too much about choosing. The racial abilities aren't that big of a deal. Go with a race you like the look of :)


As for classes, there's a lot that could be said. The only thing I would consider when you're starting out is if you like ranged or melee characters. All classes have three different specializations (druids have four) that you can switch between. Most classes can perform multiple roles. Shaman, my favorite class for example, have a ranged damage spec, a melee damage spec and a healing spec. Once again, you're not limited to one character, so don't be afraid to test out different classes until you find one you like 


That's a little bit of the basics. As for actually playing the game, I think that's better to experience and learn as you go. Feel free to ask more questions here. Some players in WoW can be a bit... non-friendly, don't get turned away by it, it's just how the internet is. Good luck   :yay:

Edited by Jaref
  • Brohoof 1



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Expect to get asked more questions. I honestly didn't think anyone would help me here because of my last topics.

Oh is it my birthday?!  :D


I could go on for hours about World of Warcraft!


The technical stuff you might have to ask someone else, but when it comes to the game's expansive lore, I'm your man!


What do you want to know about first? Because I can start at the Creation myth and work forwards, but I think you might want something a little more focused.  :lol:


(This would be where you start. Again though, I'm far from tech savvy so don't expect much from me in terms of useful tech support. https://us.battle.net/account/creation/wow/signup/ )

Ok. So which class is better to pick for a beginner? Which class does the magical attacks? (I like magic.)


I can assist you with certain melee classes. I currently play a death knight, a monk, and an enhancement shaman, and I consider myself an authority on DK mechanics, but nothing compared to the greats like Magdalena, Menderbarr (a fellow brony, actually, and one of our top theorycrafters), or Heartless. I can also talk to you about brewmaster monks and blood death knights. I don't know much about rogues, DPS warriors, feral druids, or retribution paladins, unfortunately.


I'm 8/14H tanking as blood for my guild in the current raid tier, and while that honestly isn't that great of progression these days, it does mean I'm not talking out of my ass.


I am well versed in the Horde lore, so if you need to know anything about that, I can assist.

Are the monks the ones who deal out magical attacks?


Nice! I think WoW is still by far the best MMO on the market despite what people say about it, it's a great game to get into. Steel Accord provided a link to the Starter Edition, it lets you test the game for free up to lvl 20. Good way to get a taste for it and see how you like it. The game is very user friendly


First thing you do is pick a server. There's PvP, where players can attack and kill other players of the opposing faction pretty much everywhere. PvE, you can't get attacked unless you flag yourself for PvP (with some exceptions). And there's RP-PvE and PvP, which is Role Playing servers. Same thing, but for those who like to role play. I recommend PvE


Races, you got two factions: Horde and Alliance. Alliance have Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves, Worgen and Draenei. Horde have Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Undead, Blood Elves and Goblins. And in the newest expansion you have Pandaren which are neutral and can pick either side. You're not limited to one character, so don't worry too much about choosing. The racial abilities aren't that big of a deal. Go with a race you like the look of :)


As for classes, there's a lot that could be said. The only thing I would consider when you're starting out is if you like ranged or melee characters. Once again, you're not limited to one character, so don't be afraid to test out different classes until you find one you like 


That's a little bit of the basics. As for actually playing the game, I think that's better to experience and learn as you go. Feel free to ask more questions here. Some players in WoW can be a bit... non-friendly, don't get turned away by it, it's just how the internet is. Good luck   :yay:

What's the difference between the horde and the alliance? Also sometimes I see boxes of the World of Warcraft game in stores. Is that kind of a game you don't have to buy or is that how you pay for the one you've downloaded?


I played WoW for a very extensive amount of time, among other things. I can help you with any tech stuff you need.

Is downloading it complicated? Or is it pretty much straightforward?

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Expect to get asked more questions. I honestly didn't think anyone would help me here because of my last topics.

Ok. So which class is better to pick for a beginner? Which class does the magical attacks? (I like magic.)


Are the monks the ones who deal out magical attacks?


What's the difference between the horde and the alliance? Also sometimes I see boxes of the World of Warcraft game in stores. Is that kind of a game you don't have to buy or is that how you pay for the one you've downloaded?


Is downloading it complicated? Or is it pretty much straightforward?


If you like magic and want to be a caster, I recommend a mage or a elemental shaman. Both are fun, and easy to play.


Horde and Alliance are basically enemies, there's a lot of lore involved. They have different areas and cities and they don't mingle with eachother, but gameplay wise they play the same. Basically pick the side with the races you like. 


The retail version should the same as the downloadable version. You still have to pay for the subscription fee. It's super easy to download, the client handles all the downloads, installs and patching for you



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The retail version should the same as the downloadable version. You still have to pay for the subscription fee. It's super easy to download, the client handles all the downloads, installs and patching for you

I've seen different versions of the game in stores. Does it matter which version I get if I buy it from a store?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I play WoW on a private server which is free to play. I play Wrath of the Lich King expansion which is the 2nd expansion. You can pretty much choose any expansion (because the the earliest were the best). But there are downsides like less people and more bugs. Still I'm happy.


I'm not a pro player and I ONLY PvP (no PvE).


Download is easy.

I can guide you through the basics (of the older expansions) but magic classes aren't something I'm good at.

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Ok. So which class is better to pick for a beginner? Which class does the magical attacks? (I like magic.)


Okay, there's actually many classes that use magic. But magic comes in many forms on Azeroth.




What most people think of when they here the word "magic" are used by mages. They are the "wizards" so to speak. Their magic is called "arcane magic." Mages come upon their powers through academic and scientific study of the arcane. Their spells are just as much the product of long hours of experimentation and theory as much as they are "snap fingers and something explodes."


The scientific bent is purposeful. Mages are often well studied and scholarly. Twilight actually would not be out of place among Azeroth's arcane circles. All of her studying, practice, and academic attitude pretty much sums up mages in Warcraft. (Okay mechanically, you throw spells at bad guys and have a bunch of non combat utility spells such as teleporting and making food.)


However, mages also have something of a dark history. As useful as Arcane magic is, their is a downside to it's use. It has addictive properties. A mages body and mind could grow dependent on a consuming need to absorb arcane energies if the practitioner is not consciously taking steps to avoid it.


If taken too far, a mage could turn to darker resources to get their fix. Such is the way of the . . .




Another magic using class. Warlocks rarely start as such, but that's not unheard of either. Warlocks follow the natural chain of arcane magic to it's source, the Twisting Nether, the ethereal realm that exists alongside the physical dimension. 


The thing is, the Twisting Nether is also where demons live. A warlock's powers often invoke the fel forces of the Nether either as direct attacks of dark energy, curses, or through summoning demonic servitors.


On the opposite end of the spell casting spectrum is the




Many races have priests, and their various divine patrons or forces reward them with powers of healing. However, priests can also dish out some divine retribution if needed, which they often are.


It's just where a mage or warlock would throw a spell to put some major hurt on one or two targets, a priest's more powerful invocations often effect a wide area but with less direct damage. They also have potent mind control of behavioral effecting abilities. How these work exactly depends on the priest's specific religion and player interpretation.


Hinted by Jaref,




are another spell casting class. Shamans occupy a similar cultural space to the priests in some races, while some are more oddities in others. Irrespective of social conditions, a shamans power comes not from the abstractly divine but from the spirits of the environment. They commune with the elements of fire, earth, water, and air. In return for guiding or mediating them, the elements offer their powers to the shaman.


They can hurl bolts of lightning, use water to heal wounds, fire to scorch foes, earth to pummel enemies, and air to divert them.


It must be stressed that the shaman is not the one who directly claims their abilities. They, in a sense, ask the water to part for them, they don't part the water with their will alone. Whether it's a healthy back and forth or a more exploitive, "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" relationship is up to you.


Lastly in terms of strictly spell casting are the 




Where the Shaman communes with the base elements of the world, the Druid is concerned with the final product. The first Druids were the Night Elves, taught by the Demigod Cenarius, whom passed his teachings along to them, and in turn them to the nature loving Tauren.


Druids place great emphasis on the balance of nature. They are the keepers of the wilds. It's their job to see that the mortal races can live in harmony with the animals and plants, one not overcoming the other. To enforce their protectorate, Druids have gifts as varied as the world they guard. They can control plants to ensnare foes, hurls spheres of life force itself, and most notably shapeshift into animals.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Wow veteran here, been playing for a about a month before Burning Crusade released. So I've been playing since vanilla, but not by much :3


I could probably answer most questions you have.

I've seen different versions of the game in stores. Does it matter which version I get if I buy it from a store?

Yes and no. There are 4 expansions out right now, but when you buy the game, I believe it comes with the first 3 free, so you don't need to worry about those. If you want to do the highest level stuff or play the monk class, you'd need to buy the fourth expansion (Mists of Pandaria) which is super cheap right now. Also be aware that the fifth expansion (Warlords of Draenor) comes out in November. You don't really need to worry about new content till you get to around level 85, though. So if you wanted, you could buy the base game and play it till you know if you like it or not, and not buy the expansions till you got high enough level.


The only one you need to play it is the base game, which is just World of Warcraft without any title attached.


For beginning classes I'd recommend hunter and Druid.


Hunter because it's really easy. But since you want magic, Druids use nature based magic and turn into animals. I think they're good for beginners because they can play as any role in the game (ranged damage, melee damage, healing, and tanking) so you could try them out.


If you're dead set on magic though, you want Mage or warlock. Mage is your traditional wizard, and warlock deals in dark magic and demons.


All the classes are really easy to pick up, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by Banul
  • Brohoof 1


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What's the difference between the horde and the alliance?


They are both the "super powers" of the setting more or less. Inter-racial factions that have conducted more or less as cohesive peoples for the past couple decades in the game's timeframe. There was a time when the Alliance were the heroes and the Horde a force of destruction, but things are not so clear cut and despite nominally and fiercely being enemies depending on time and persons involved, both have worked together numerous times when the threat was great enough


To give a rough outline of each:


The Alliance was founded as just that, an Alliance of human kingdoms. They later incorporated the Dwarves as extended allies and later the otherwise reclusive Night Elves. As time went on and the human kingdoms collapsed from Horde conquest, the last bastion of human power was the kingdom of Stormwind, and the Alliance became more formalized as a joint governing body for the Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Night Elves.


The Alliance's major archetypal themes that roughly encompass their member races goals are those of lofty ideals. The belief that the world can be a better place, and that freedom and justice must be held high on account.  


The Horde was a lie. Okay that's Über-simplifying it, but let me elaborate. The Horde was, ironically mirroring their human counterparts, an attempt to unite a single but disparate race under a single banner. In this case the Orcs. What they didn't know was their drive for nationalism and militarism was being goaded and orchestrated behind the scenes by demons.


When the Horde came to Azeroth however, they were able to break the invisible chains that held them enslaved to the demons and their own base rage. Refounded by the Honorable Warchief, Thrall, they began a new path. Thrall wanted the Horde to not be conquerers, but would still defend themselves if preyed upon. This message of protection and honor spoke to many races that had been pushed to their limits. The noble Tauren, the savage Trolls, and the Forsaken Undead.


What binds the Horde together is nominally an alliance of convenience for their own survival, but with varying degrees of warmth and true friendship between the racial leaders and the genuinely wise and honorable Thrall.

  • Brohoof 1
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All this wow talk is making me want to play again. I unsubbed to wait for the expansion.


Also, I feel I should mention LOK'TAR OGAR! FOR THE HORDE!

  • Brohoof 1


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One thing you must understand...


Gnomes and trolls are gods.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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One thing you must understand...


Gnomes and trolls are gods.


I understand Gnomes have divine origins with their connections with the Titans, but how are the Trolls gods? At the most, they had the first great empire of the world besides the Night Elves.

All this wow talk is making me want to play again. I unsubbed to wait for the expansion.


Also, I feel I should mention LOK'TAR OGAR! FOR THE HORDE!


I say, "For Azeroth!"


It's a pipe dream, but I sincerely hope peace between the Alliance and Horde can be achieved. Can't we just put all the frothing at the mouth PVPers off in their own little munchkin dimension where lore matters as much as they care about it. (Read: none)


And the Alliance and Horde can just have a keg party before kicking the Burning Legion's ass all the way back to Argus?

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Well, doesn't seem like I'm needed much here, lol.


For the Alliance!



Lok'tar Ogar!

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Keep in mind that certain melee classes can deal out magical attacks, just up close and personal in melee range.


Retribution Paladins smite their enemies with the power of the light imbuing their two-handed weapon strikes.


Death Knights of all kinds use a pretty even mixture of melee Strikes and spells to deal their damage. In the upcoming expansion, all Death Knights will be able to do some portion of their damage at range, whether it be blasting their targets with frigid winds, harnessing unholy energy and directing it at the foe, letting their diseases do the work, or, the simplest solution, Death Gripping their targets to them to avoid ranged combat altogether.


Enhancement Shaman can be more accurately described as an elemental warrior, using the elements to empower and imbue (read: enhance) their weapon strikes with the fury of storm and fire, in addition to calling upon great elemental servants or spirits for aid. Most of an Enhancement Shaman's damage will be magical in nature, but again, not much of this damage can be dealt at range.


Monks do not have very many magical tools (Spinning Fire Blossom is funny, not useful), and neither do Rogues (poisons don't count) or Warriors.


So, yeah. Melee classes can deal magic damage too, but not very much from range.


Arcane or Frost Mages are pretty easy to level, but then again, they get a little complicated at maximum level.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've seen different versions of the game in stores. Does it matter which version I get if I buy it from a store?

You can get the download straight from battle.net if you are logged in, which is probably your best way to go, since you're going to end up doing hours worth of downloads anyways.






  • Brohoof 2


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Wow veteran here, been playing for a about a month before Burning Crusade released. So I've been playing since vanilla, but not by much :3


I could probably answer most questions you have. Yes and no. There are 4 expansions out right now, but when you buy the game, I believe it comes with the first 3 free, so you don't need to worry about those. If you want to do the highest level stuff or play the monk class, you'd need to buy the fourth expansion (Mists of Pandaria) which is super cheap right now. Also be aware that the fifth expansion (Warlords of Draenor) comes out in November. You don't really need to worry about new content till you get to around level 85, though. So if you wanted, you could buy the base game and play it till you know if you like it or not, and not buy the expansions till you got high enough level.


The only one you need to play it is the base game, which is just World of Warcraft without any title attached.


For beginning classes I'd recommend hunter and Druid.


Hunter because it's really easy. But since you want magic, Druids use nature based magic and turn into animals. I think they're good for beginners because they can play as any role in the game (ranged damage, melee damage, healing, and tanking) so you could try them out.


If you're dead set on magic though, you want Mage or warlock. Mage is your traditional wizard, and warlock deals in dark magic and demons.


All the classes are really easy to pick up, so it shouldn't be a problem.

So I heard something about the mists of pandaria and I heard that there was a new race to chose from called the pandaren. (maybe I spelled that right) It seemed sort of cool but it was on one of the expansion packs. So the packs are sort of like an add on to the game, right? Do I already have to have the original game downloaded to get the expansion pack and I know I'm new to this, but what if I just got the expansion pack and nothing else. Would that be bad? Would I be so under leveled that I'd die in the first few minutes? Does it matter?  Also when you buy the expansion pack is it like a code or a disk and the game's on the disk to download or what? Sorry if these are a lot of questions.

Edited by Star Ruby

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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So I heard something about the mists of pandaria and I heard that there was a new race to chose from called the pandaren. (maybe I spelled that right) It seemed sort of cool but it was on one of the expansion packs. So the packs are sort of like an add on to the game, right? Do I already have to have the original game downloaded to get the expansion pack and I know I'm new to this, but what if I just got the expansion pack and nothing else. Would that be bad? Would I be so under leveled that I'd die in the first few minutes? Does it matter?  Also when you buy the expansion pack is it like a code or a disk and the game's on the disk to download or what? Sorry if these are a lot of questions.


Yes, an addon.


Yes, must have original game and all previous expansions. Purchasing a sub now will get you everything but Mists.


Your account is flagged as a Mists account, and the download is then made available to you.

  • Brohoof 1


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So I heard something about the mists of pandaria and I heard that there was a new race to chose from called the pandaren. (maybe I spelled that right) It seemed sort of cool but it was on one of the expansion packs. So the packs are sort of like an add on to the game, right? Do I already have to have the original game downloaded to get the expansion pack and I know I'm new to this, but what if I just got the expansion pack and nothing else. Would that be bad? Would I be so under leveled that I'd die in the first few minutes? Does it matter?  Also when you buy the expansion pack is it like a code or a disk and the game's on the disk to download or what? Sorry if these are a lot of questions.

You can't play the expansion packs unless you have the base game. The base game is the only thing you MUST have in order to play. If you only have the expansion, you won't be able to play. When you buy the expansion (digitally, at least) it basically unlocks that content for you. If you buy it in a store, you get it on a disk and you download from the disk. It won't do anything unless you already have the base game installed.


You are correct in that an expansion pack is like an add on. Most of the time, it adds a new continent to explore, raises the maximum level that you can be, and adds a bunch of new dungeons.


P.s. You can make a Pandaren character without having the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You will need the expansion if you want to play as a monk, though.


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You can't play the expansion packs unless you have the base game. The base game is the only thing you MUST have in order to play. If you only have the expansion, you won't be able to play. When you buy the expansion (digitally, at least) it basically unlocks that content for you. If you buy it in a store, you get it on a disk and you download from the disk. It won't do anything unless you already have the base game installed.


You are correct in that an expansion pack is like an add on. Most of the time, it adds a new continent to explore, raises the maximum level that you can be, and adds a bunch of new dungeons.


P.s. You can make a Pandaren character without having the Mists of Pandaria expansion. You will need the expansion if you want to play as a monk, though.

Really? That sounds great! So I will I eventually need to get an expansion to play the game better? Oh and the regular world of warcraft game in the store, is that an expansion too or is just the game you can buy in the store?

Edited by Star Ruby

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Really? That sounds great! So I will I eventually need to get an expansion to play the game better? Oh and the regular world of warcraft game in the store, is that an expansion too or is just the game you can buy in the store?


The "regular" WoW in the store, as the name might suggest, is the base game. It is the same as the one you obtain from battle.net


Play the game better? No expansion does that. Play more of the game? Yes, you will eventually have to get it, but not for a while.


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The "regular" WoW in the store, as the name might suggest, is the base game. It is the same as the one you obtain from battle.net


Play the game better? No expansion does that. Play more of the game? Yes, you will eventually have to get it, but not for a while.

So here's a huge question. I don't have the game, but say I get an account and download the game onto one computer, but then my computer crashes and I log into my account from my other computer and download the game again... will everything still be there or will I have to start over?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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So here's a huge question. I don't have the game, but say I get an account and download the game onto one computer, but then my computer crashes and I log into my account from my other computer and download the game again... will everything still be there or will I have to start over?

 Yes. All of your characters and stuff are stored server side, not client side.


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