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Blitz Boom

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@@@Blitz Boom,


"Yuppers!" Storm chirped, nodding his head vigorously, "I come here every day! I start out with some muffins and hang out with Pinkie later." He explained with a smile, "Sometimes other things happen, and lately I've been making lots of new friends since there's been lots of new ponies!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Other things?" That was pretty vague. That could be anything from a frog stampede to the arrival of a celebrity to a volcano popping up in the middle of the market. Jackie felt it would be best to not ask for specifics, just in case the last one had a chance of happening. "How many new ponies stop by? This place seems pretty dead, 'cept for us."

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@@Blitz Boom,@,  


"yeah, i gotta agree with ya there." caliber said, before once again taking his leave to the nearest place for food. it didnt even have to be sugercube, anymore. but sugercube did happen to be the one nearest.


"so, instead of hanging aorund here, im going to go to sugercube real quick."

Edited by PeytonJay


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@@Blitz Boom, @,

Blizzard continued walking and replied to Last Stand, "Yeah well, when you complete the objective once, you earn some accolades blah blah blah." He then turned back to Caliber, "On your mark bro, I'm following you. Wait up!" He said as he followed Caliber back.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Perhaps it seems low on population for the time being, but unless my ears deceive me, there have been plenty passing through this place for the time I have been here to take notice at least. Though I will grant you, there might not be many new faces around here at this time. Most of whom I have meet sine arriving a few days ago seem to have been mostly local residents, such as Storm and Pinkie."


Ziggy looked over at the green and purple one with a slightly tilted head as he had said the words. It was a bit odd now that she looked (Well, More odd really) that he didn't open his eyes. Perhaps they were infected? Oooh, she had to check later. She Loved to fix ponies up.


The giddy feeling it gave her showed as she turned her head back towards Jackie with a great big smile still plastered on her face, though looking a bit more energetic than before.


"Yeah, what he said. And there's plenty in here it looks like. There's you, us, the itsy bitsy foalsies perhaps up stairs, and I bet there'll be somepony more wandering in the door again soon. This place is like, Really popular from how it looked yesterday and a bit earlier, even if it's not all new faces."









"Let's get cracking then."


Last Stand followed them back towards Sugarcube Corner. The chat having derailed a bit the last few minutes to slow them down from getting there didn't mean they have to stand and grow roots, so if they wanted to get more focused and going, then she didn't see why not. Wasn't like the forest presented any other options currently anyway from what she had seen at least. Then again, you never knew what lurked in there.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Near Town Square, a couple of full moving carriages are parked in front of a two-story home of your typical Ponyville design. Ponies move boxes and furniture in and out, including a young pony with a tan fur coat, a short brown mane and tail, and a bushy handlebar mustache. The ponie's name was Kirby Morgan and it was his first day in Ponyville and the new home was his own.


"Quite different from Seaddle." He thought to himself as he stopped to observe the moving ponies move his belongings, hoping that nothing gets damaged or stolen, especially his work gear.

Edited by The Diver

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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@@The Diver,


"Well I'll be darned, seems like we're getting some new neighbours to town."


The older voice came from a grey/faded-yellowed coated pegasus that had walked past and seen the moving crew going at it in front of one of the houses that had stood empty not too long ago far as he recalled. Seeing as he liked to make the new faces 'round here seem welcome, and he didn't have to get home to his wife just yet, he might as well try to be a little friendly here and see how this one fared. If he was new that was. Could be it was just somepony moving house in town that he had just forgot about, but eh, if it was the case than it wouldn't be the first time. Couldn't remember everypony after all.


If Kirby would look he would see the old stallions mane and tail were halfway white, but strands of violet still competed with it for dominance from the looks of it. The style of his mane was loose. with hair going down to his jaw in the back, but only to a little above his eyes in the front. He appeared to have no beard, and while there were some wrinkles on him, he did appear to age rather well, making it hard to determine his actual age.


He wore an old watch around his neck in a golden chain, a battered, straw fedora on his head and a saddlebag on his right side that had seen better days. Down his left side, starting from just below the spine, was a series of wounds where no fur grew, in a long and somewhat wide pattern that would indicate he had been bitten by something large enough to hold his torso in it's mouth, though likely a long time ago by the looks of things.


His cutie mark was a short shovel with a question mark on the blade, though from this angle it wasn't easy to see he'd guess, and it wasn't often what new ponies had a check up on first.


"Mighty fine to meet you there. Name's Steady Pace, but everypony just calls me Chipper. Welcome to town."


While Chipper couldn't see all of this new face yet, he could see that the guy had quite the moustache going for him. Made him a bit jealous since he couldn't grow a beard to save his life, but it was barely noticeable next to a feeling of being impressed at it. Wasn't everypony that could carry that sort of hair growth well after all, but this one seemed to have hit the jackpot. Well, that, and likely kept it well tended to, but it was a little of column a and a little of column b likely.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Spellbind was in Ponyville again as she enjoyed being there. She walked around town, still sighing as she did so, since she was nearly always sad about something, usually to do with herself.


She walked around. Maybe something interesting would happen.


(If anyone wants to start something up with her, thanx :D)

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@@Blitz Boom,@,  


caliber grinned. "cracking, indeed." he said, as he lead the way back to ponyville.


...caliber had always had a bad sense of direction, but ponyville was one of the few places he knew how to navigate. he had stayed up at night studying the map to it, after all.


he stopped by his house, to pick up some gold, and continued to sugercube, which was about a couple hundred meters away. not that far.


caliber attempted small-talk.


"so, last stand, have ya ever thought about competing in the swordspony tournament?" he asked.


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@, @@Blitz Boom,

Blizzard was walking as he looked towards Rarity's house, "*sigh* She's so beautiful and generous. I'd love it if I could manage to get on her good side..."


He then looked around as he heard Caliber, "Sword tournaments sound fun. But I think you'd win all the time bro."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Spellbind noticed she had some Bits and deicded she would go to Sugarcube Corner, because who in their right mind would pass up going to Sugarcube Corner?


She went there, and looked to the side to notce that she was walking practically parallel to a familiar stallion... Caliber!

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"I've considered it, but only been dismissed for a few weeks, so I haven't had the time. When and where is it generally running? Perhaps I can have a go at it the next time it's around, see what Equestria at large have to compete with."


Last considered answering to the words Blizzard said about Caliber winning all the time, but she kept it in for the time being. It wasn't any fun correcting him in that, and who was to say he wouldn't be right anyway? She might Think she could beat Caliber, but you never knew what would happen after all, and she wasn't gonna look like the cocky one too often if that was gonna happen. Weren't good to have that biting you in the flank later.


As they went to Sugarcube Corner she raised her head slightly and looked at the sign, thinking about how absurd it really was to think about how much of a gathering place this was turning out to be.Ponies, both local and newcomers like her, seemed to be drawn to this place sooner or later, and while she knew it likely had something to do with good service and cakes, it was still a peculiar thing when she thought it over.


But, that wasn't important right now, or likely ever. They had gone there for chilling out a little again, and by Luna she wasn't gonna let her curious and half paranoid thoughts mess that up... Too badly.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom@

As he went into Sugarcube Corner, Blizzard took a moment to think about what Last Stand had said, "Hm. I've read in the newspapers that a tournament is supposedly happening next week. I don't remember exactly where though. Dear Celestia, the amount of ponies here is amazing."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Littlecandylulu903@,@@Blitz Boom,



"yeah, i mean, i always keep track on where its at. its almost my duty, as the fourth best." caliber said, as he started walking into the store. 


he saw spellbind, and did nothing more then make a motion that said 'come on!' before heading on inside.


"i mean, im here since its getting held here, in ponyville. its a traveling thing."


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@@@Blitz Boom,


Spellbind looked at the motion Caliber made then she went into Sugarcube Corner, eager to spend time with her old friend.


And it seemed she would have another old friend to meet.


"Blitz Boom!" she said. "I remember you! Having a nice day!"


(They met In a roleplay called Cutie Mark Crusade)

  • Brohoof 1
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Richard completely zoned out and had no idea what was going on around him, he didn't have any idea what was going on, he couldn't even remember what he was doing in Sugarcube Corner. 'How do I know this place? Why can't I remember anything?' he thought. Richard ate the muffin sitting in front of him and was about to head off to the record store when he bumped into somepony. "Oof," he said, "I'm terribly sorry, are you alright?"

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Slowly she bobbed her head and tapped her hoof on the hard wooden floor of the cafe as she waited patiently in line. In front of her were several older colts and mares, the one directly in front of her smelled heavily of old moth balls causing her nose too wrinkle up a little as she rolled her crimson eyes and carried on tapping her front right hoof too the beat, sometimes she swore that music was the only thing that kept her sane in these situations.


One by one the quque thinned out until she came too the counter and was greeted by a young looking mare with a long flowing red mane and cyan colored fur, Vinyl tilted her head slightly wondering why the mares mouth was moving but no sound was coming out..... ''Ah shoot...'' she muttered to her self as she pulled her brand new silicone headphones down the back of her light and dark blue mane until it came to a rest on the back of her neck, the wires getting tangled up in the slightly overgrown white coat. Grinning a little with a slight blush flushing her cheek she said '' Yeah, sorry what did ya say?? '', the waitress sighed slightly clearly tired from the days work and repeated in a monotone voice '' What sort of of cake would you like? We have Plain Cupcakes, Iced Cupcakes, Fairy Cakes, Custard Slices, Victoria Sponge, ginger.....'' She cleared her through impatiently as she noticed Vinyl starting too zone out a little, Vinyl started a little and muttered '' Yeah just one of those ones '' she said waving her hoof in the general direction of the iced cupcakes and muttered under her breath '' I only come here because Tavi says I should be more Social, yeah like thats going to happen.'' 


Handing over a couple of bits and with a flick of her hoof her headphones were back on, she trotted over too one of the stools that faced the window and hopped up onto it, resting her chin between her two hooves and staring blankly outside, watching the world go by while the music still whirred in her ears, she started bobbing her head again as she started vacantly, deep in thought hardly noticing the new arrivals and leaving her cupcake too one side, completley untouched, her tail swished side to side a little in tune too the music.

Edited by DJ Lockheart
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@@Jellal Fernandes,




Last's ears perked at the mention of where and when the tournament was being held.


"So soon you say? Huh, perhaps I need to disregard the doctors earlier than I thought then. No way I'm gonna let you boys have all the fun."


If it was she could try and tie a few belts around her stomach to keep things in check if the wounds wasn't healed up right at that point. The doctors was likely not gonna like it, but she would take potential severe pain over missing out on a chance to not just see the fighters of Equestria, but fight against them to see what they were worth.


She wasn't gonna be the audience at any rate if she could help it, that was for sure. You learned little from just watching someone fight compared to being in the thick of it yourself, and how could she resist the chance to potentially fight against








Blitz looked up at the mare that was calling her name with sot-covered eyes and the closed opening of the bag she was dragging into the bakery firmly between her teeth.


She wasn't entirely sure who it was that had called her out, since she hadn't stopped to cleanse her eyes fully yet before dragging a new batch of fun stuff for Pinkie Pie with her to the store and it was a little dark looking for her. Though now that someone had called her out, she should perhaps get it done with. She was at the bakery anyway and was going to have to see right so she didn't walk into more things in the last stretch, so why not?


After rubbing the darkness from her vision she looked up at the one who had called her out, but didn't say anything at first, just tilted her head and tried to let the screws inside her head work a little. Eventually though, she just let go of the bag opening carefully, then looked up at the pony with a big grin.


"Uhuh, today's nice, fine, fantastic and super. How're yours?"


She couldn't place this one in her head currently. There was something familiar over her but... For some reason she just couldn't seem to place it right now. But oh well, perhaps it'd come eventually.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom@@@Jellal Fernandes

Blizzard chuckled, "Yeah, well keep your hopes up. The grand prize is supposedly a large amount of bits and such." He was starting to cringe a little from the sheer number of ponies all in one place, "Dear Celestia. Who ARE all these ponies? Pinkie's gonna be making bits today."

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"yeah, the top five swordsponies have to make an appearance there, to maintain their title." he shrugged, and ordered more food from pinkie.


"yeah, lemme get forty cupcakes, six-teen pies, nine muffins, twenty cakes..." he said to pinkie, before looking back at his company.


"now, lets see if i remember correctly...the top swordspony currently is zenru, the flash...then its sliver, the experienced...then its sparren, the gravedigger, then caliber, the wanderer, and finally, hollow, the nightmare." he grinned. "almost each of those ponies are as good, if not better, then me. no-one besides the top five have even come close in the past four years. hell, even my rank isnt secured this year. hollow trains hard. its only my ace card thats kept me as i am."


he bit into a muffin. "winning this thing is almost impossible, especially if zenru's there. but its fun to compete, anyways..." he grinned at last stand. "are you sure you wanna go, when your not at full strength?"


(note: those names are subject to change)

Edited by PeytonJay


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Vinyl yawned as she finally finished nibbling at her cupcake, with a loud screech she pushed back from the table causing the metal stool legs too grind against the floor, as everypony turned around she grinned and rubbed her hoof on the back of her mane, a bead of sweat comicly running down the side of her forehead, she sighed in relief, just as she was about too turn around and leave back home she noticed that one of the Colts sat opposite had dropped a flyer onto the ground, she picked it up carefully in one hoof, squinting at the text, after a few seconds reading she tilted her head and mumbled too hertself '' Arena.... Swordfighting... :confused: is this some kind of show or even better.... some kind of MUSIC FESTIVAL?!'' 


She paused for a moment, and found it odd that her of all people wouldn't have heard if a muisc festival was really coming into town, clearing her throat and speaking loudly with a wry grin she stood in the middle of the bakery and said '' Hey guys! Any of you got any idea what this is all about?'' she said jabbing at the flyer with her hoof causing it too crumple a little, ''Says something about an arena and performing artists, any one know whos performing?!''. She stamped her hooves excitedly, then for a moment paused, her eyes going dreamy a little as she got lost in a thought..... '' Maybe its octavia... she was away on tour... but wouldn't she tell me?'' , she shook her mane a little, regaining her composure and said loudly ''Well, any of ya know or am I going to have to ask the whole of ponyville? :squee: ''

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"The more I hear the more I'm sure Caliber. I might not win, but I honestly don't care about that compared to the chance to test my skills against the best Equestria haves to offer. I'd rather fight and lose than sit at the side and know I missed the chance."


A thousand years in isolation and constant strife. That is what hers, and countless other families had been through in the service of Princess Luna for generations, and they had grown strong from the harsh way of life they have been through because of it. There, she had only the chance to fight others that had been through the same, and though her sister could beat her she hadn't found others in recent years that had been able to, which made her think well of her own skills.


Would it be enough to defeat the ones Caliber mentioned? She didn't know. What the top 5 were able to would have to be something special for them to keep their place, and she actually hoped that they didn't buckle down easy, or at all as a matter of fact, as that would give her something new to aim for now that her duties were done.


It would also be a good motivator for her training when the loss to those that were her better would be imprinted in her mind, so there were no way she would truly loose by this, excepot if she won, for what would the motivation then be to keep going? Not that she wanted to lose to All of them of course. She'd like to get a chance at Caliber before that, and see how the methods a thousand years away from peace had made through the generations compared to the skills he had. but they would see how things would go at the tournament.








It was about then when Last heard the loud voice of Vinyl ask about the folder and moved past the others to go and talk with her directly. She wasn't sure who the loud mouth was, but if she wanted to know then fine, she'd tell her.


"It's a fighting tournament, now calm down would you? You're gonna end up cracking the paint off the walls like that."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"The more I hear the more I'm sure Caliber. I might not win, but I honestly don't care about that compared to the chance to test my skills against the best Equestria haves to offer. I'd rather fight and lose than sit at the side and know I missed the chance."


A thousand years in isolation and constant strife. That is what hers, and countless other families had been through in the service of Princess Luna for generations, and they had grown strong from the harsh way of life they have been through because of it. There, she had only the chance to fight others that had been through the same, and though her sister could beat her she hadn't found others in recent years that had been able to, which made her think well of her own skills.


Would it be enough to defeat the ones Caliber mentioned? She didn't know. What the top 5 were able to would have to be something special for them to keep their place, and she actually hoped that they didn't buckle down easy, or at all as a matter of fact, as that would give her something new to aim for now that her duties were done.


It would also be a good motivator for her training when the loss to those that were her better would be imprinted in her mind, so there were no way she would truly loose by this, excepot if she won, for what would the motivation then be to keep going? Not that she wanted to lose to All of them of course. She'd like to get a chance at Caliber before that, and see how the methods a thousand years away from peace had made through the generations compared to the skills he had. but they would see how things would go at the tournament.








It was about then when Last heard the loud voice of Vinyl ask about the folder and moved past the others to go and talk with her directly. She wasn't sure who the loud mouth was, but if she wanted to know then fine, she'd tell her.


"It's a fighting tournament, now calm down would you? You're gonna end up cracking the paint off the walls like that."


Vinyl turned around quickly too face the pony who had spoke, she flicked her mane out of her face with one hoof and grinned, speaking nonchalantly ''Fighting tournament huh??'' She scratched her chin a little and carried on ''Since when did they have Fighting tournaments in equestria, I mean I've heard of dance tournaments, music tournaments (which you have probably seen me at)'' She coughed comicly and carried on '' baking tournaments, even rodeo tournaments but never Fighting, are ya pulling my hoof or something??.


In mid sentance she reached down with her hoof too change the song on the music player hanging around her neck and became totally focused on finding the right song for a few seconds, as a soft, mellow beat began coming out of her headphones she smiled to herself and looked back up and spoke in a little more serious but still lighthearted tone '' Thought to be honest you do look like you have been in the Wars a little.... alright lets say your telling the truth, I mean is it even allowed? Ponies trying to hack and slash each other doesn't sound all that safe too me, and how come I haven't heard of it'' she chucked to herself slightly ''Comon I'm down with all the latest news, I haven't been hold up in my house for that..... '' She stared at the calendar on the wall and her jaw dropped a little and her eyes widened, she regained herself and cursed a little under her breath '' Buck... have I really been hold up for that long in the basement wubbing it out... '' Suddenly she felt embarrased and her cheek flushed a little, she flipped her headphones back on and started to back away a little with a nervous grin on her face. '' Yeah, uh, good luck with that dude, I really have to go now, uhhh.... Octavia!, Yeah ill be there in a minute!!! '' She shouted, obviously lying as she backed towards the door, even though she was pretty laid back and calm most of the time she never really interacted on a personal level with many ponies, at least not with her best friend tavi at her side. 

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Blizzard began to nervously shiver in presence of all these ponies. His social skills, or his minute lack thereof, was getting the better of him a little. He did nothing but sweat a little from anxiety and keep his face hidden by his grandfather's book of Equestrian war stories. "Don't mind me...I'm not here, I'm not here, I'm not here...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"oh yeah! thats the spirit!!" he said, clapping her back. he ate more food, grinning all the while. "just...dont expect to win..." he said. 


he looked at the other pony. "yes, its a fighting tournament." he said flatly, "celestia and luna look for ponies that are stronger then their normal guards, and the tournament fit the bill."


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