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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"Huh, I'll be damned."


The voice came from about two metres to the left side of Cubus, from a pale-blue and yellow coated stallion with a spike green mane and short tail, beret on his head and a satchel of what looked like corn down his left side. His blue eyes looked Cubus over again before getting himself a bit closer with a small smile growing on his face.


"Say, you wouldn't happen to be that Cubus fellah from the sword tournament would you? My lil' bro's obsessed with that tournament and he keeps talking about somepony that looks an awfully lot like you."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"is that so?" cubus asked, apparently uninterested. "thanks."

he kept walking, when he stopped a little ways ahead. "whats you name, perchance?" he asked. "and how much does your 'lil bro' know about the tournament?" 


(sorry, im working on a visual for cubus. it'll be up, soon. )


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"Names Track Trotter, and what my bro knows? Heh, too much for his own good I recon."


The pony didn't seem fazed that Cubus had tried to move along just before. He was used to it all things considered as he wasn't exactly the most entertaining pony in town, but eh, what others thought and all that jazz right?


"We've tried to keep an eye on him before, yet three years in a row now he managed to sneak off and watch the tournament before coming back home all giddy, speaking about it for months at a time whilst making pictures of the whole deal. And let me tell ya, he could speak your ear off about what goes on there it if he got the chance."


The pony chuckled slightly before going on, remembering a bit when he had asked his bro to tell him all he had gone off to learn. Damned if he could get through it though.


"Don't get me wrong, I ain't got nothing against the tournament personally, and he ain't getting into any fights much as he's making a sort of report on things with a fan glimmer in his eyes, but when I know it's coming to our little corner of Equestria and then see somepony that looks an awful lot like the one I've seen in his favourite spot, it makes me curious."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"...well, you'd be right to assume that i am indeed cubus, currently the second strongest swordspony in equestria. and if im not mistaken, the tournaments coming here in a few weeks. so expect a few other faces, like zenru, to come around."


cubus paused, before continuing. "and i happen to need a place to stay until such time as the tournament rolls over. mind if i stay at your place?" he asked suddenly.


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let the massacre begin...



Nothing seemed to disturb Priestess as she slept on a branch of the willow tree on the edge of the everfree. Despite the afternoon sun beaming down right onto her face, she didn't stir, only subtle breathing giving away any indication of rest. A strong breeze rustled the nearby trees. A leaf blew from one of the nearby maples. As the breeze died down, the leaf circled, looped and swayed, until rocking back n fourth in the air, swaying to & fro down, until it landed on the wet nose of one sleeping shrine maiden in a tree-


"Holy bucking shiznit!" she awoke abruptly, standing on the tree limb, or trying as she promptly fell sideways off of it, landing with a hard thud to the grass below. She lay there, unmoving, but only for a moment, before rolling back up, legs straight up in the air, and with a mighty thrust, backwards lept off the ground, turning in mid air and landing upright. She sat on her haunches, looking up at the mighty willow, and deep in her own thoughts, she pondered...


"When the tartarus did that get there?"


-Username: Priestess, has now entered the battlefield-

Edited by Denim&Venom

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(OOC: Just got back from camp today yesterday, sorry for the late reply)


Still in the state of mind he was in when he was talking to Vinyl Scratch, Guy-Man spoke to the new arrival as his actual self and without his public facade, "I'm Guy-Manuel, it's nice to meet you. What's your name?" he said to the stranger without a second thought.


"Guy-manuel eh? That sure is a unique name, i can tell you that much"."But so is everypony, the name is Blazedtime a pal of vinyl." said Blazed while sticking a hoof out, for a hoofshake gesture "Any friend of Vinyl is a friend of mine, unless they don't want to be friends"

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The stallion grinned a little wider at Cubus' words.


"Heh, sure. I have a spare room I never get much use of anyway. Long as you don't go hunting the chickens."


It was said in jest really, as he doubted that anypony that his brother liked was gonna be the sort that chased chickens around, and it made him chuckle a bit under his breath as he gave a last glance towards Cubus before turning towards Ponyville again.


"The farm's out west, at the edge of a wheat field, but I gotta drop off a few letters at the post office before I go back there. It shouldn't take too long though."


With that, he began moving inwards in town towards the post office. If Cubus was gonna join him wandering he didn't know, as the lad might perhaps just go ahead and meet him there or do something else while he was at this, but he was free to come along if he wanted to.









"Are you okay?"


The sly, smooth voice was heard a few metres away from Priestess, and shortly after a pony - or close in looks to one at least - came wandering slowly out of a nearby bush and looked towards her with concern written over his face.


Or well, *looked* was perhaps saying much as Briar's eyelids were closed, but the purple and green Evergrown was turned towards her at any rate, and after what he had heard just before, the concern had a reason to be there regardless of his ability to see her or not.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"very well. i shall wait there. unless you want me to come along..." cubus said, making his way west. 


cubus was actually glad he found a place to stay. perhaps he'll help around foe their hospitality...


Caliber P.O.V.


he was still in the sugercube corner, wondering what to do now. "so....anyone got any ideas on what to do?" he asked, to basically everyone. 


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@@Blitz Boom,


"Nah just passing through, on my way to Vanhoover right now. I just recently purchased a home there so now I'm moving my stuff. Pleasure to meet you, Ziggy. But I must be on my way as I have no  intent ot stay in town for long. Goodbye"


Night Tracer concluded as he ran off and out of the town

Edited by louisvillepride


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"Okay, bye bye."


Ziggy waved as the pony sped out of town again, hoping that the continued strain from the wagon wouldn't do something bad to his back when he ran with it like that. Other times she might have followed to be sure but... Eh, she didn't feel it right now.


Instead, she took the the skies and flew low over Ponyville, eventually putting her eyes on a shop that caught her interest and she zig-zaged down to the entrance, giving the pony that was just leaving a little shock at her sudden appearance before he moved on, and she moved in.



@@Jellal Fernandes,



"Wauv. Cool place."


Ziggy couldn't help herself saying the words when she entered and saw the insides of the shop. Granted, she had seen bigger and more far out back in Las Pegasus, but considering the size and so of Ponyville, it was really neat.


Her eyes fixated shortly at a group of ponies talking a little away near the counter and she gave them a wave before her focus strayed off to the lines of music once more. She hadn't really listened to any music in months now, and it could be kinda cool if they had some good bands here. Perhaps they had some Coltbands, or some older pop? She missed those kinds of things.









"It might be a be a bit depending on if I can find the mailmare, but you wanna come along rather than wait then no problem. It's a free country after all, eh?"


While they walked, Cubus might experience the feeling of somepony watching him. He wouldn't be able to tell where right away, but If he had good senses and had a keen eye it would feel like it was between some of the nearby buildings, ever changing if they would walk along, stay there if they didn't go far, and if he looked he would be able to see the faint outline of a pony with big pale eyes and a flowing mane looking towards him curiously in the shades.


Track didn't notice a thing and just kept his pace towards town, thinking about if there was something he needed to bring back home beyond his new guest while he was there, but currently not finding anything as far as he knew.








"Good question... Wanna ditch this place and take a round through town? Beats growing to the floor."


Things had quieted down a lot the last few minutes in the shop, and considering she didn't do well with standing idle for too long, it was either this, or slowly grow mad. All things considered, getting mad wasn't exactly her favourite outcome, so hopefully they could at least stretch their legs a bit and see if they could find something to do.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Okay, bye bye."


Ziggy waved as the pony sped out of town again, hoping that the continued strain from the wagon wouldn't do something bad to his back when he ran with it like that. Other times she might have followed to be sure but... Eh, she didn't feel it right now.


Instead, she took the the skies and flew low over Ponyville, eventually putting her eyes on a shop that caught her interest and she zig-zaged down to the entrance, giving the pony that was just leaving a little shock at her sudden appearance before he moved on, and she moved in.



@@Jellal Fernandes,



"Wauv. Cool place."


Ziggy couldn't help herself saying the words when she entered and saw the insides of the shop. Granted, she had seen bigger and more far out back in Las Pegasus, but considering the size and so of Ponyville, it was really neat.


Her eyes fixated shortly at a group of ponies talking a little away near the counter and she gave them a wave before her focus strayed off to the lines of music once more. She hadn't really listened to any music in months now, and it could be kinda cool if they had some good bands here. Perhaps they had some Coltbands, or some older pop? She missed those kinds of things.









"It might be a be a bit depending on if I can find the mailmare, but you wanna come along rather than wait then no problem. It's a free country after all, eh?"


While they walked, Cubus might experience the feeling of somepony watching him. He wouldn't be able to tell where right away, but If he had good senses and had a keen eye it would feel like it was between some of the nearby buildings, ever changing if they would walk along, stay there if they didn't go far, and if he looked he would be able to see the faint outline of a pony with big pale eyes and a flowing mane looking towards him curiously in the shades.


Track didn't notice a thing and just kept his pace towards town, thinking about if there was something he needed to bring back home beyond his new guest while he was there, but currently not finding anything as far as he knew.








"Good question... Wanna ditch this place and take a round through town? Beats growing to the floor."


Things had quieted down a lot the last few minutes in the shop, and considering she didn't do well with standing idle for too long, it was either this, or slowly grow mad. All things considered, getting mad wasn't exactly her favourite outcome, so hopefully they could at least stretch their legs a bit and see if they could find something to do.


Blaze turned around when he heard a voice, and saw a pony wlak in the store. The pony was browsing the collection. "Hello there! haven't seen you in town" Blaze stuck a hoof out "My name is Blazedtime, but my friends call me Blaze, and what is your name?" Asked Blaze with  a smile

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You are now reading this in the voice of Michael Dorn...


*Sniff Sniff.* ​"I am not alone." The recently earth bounded diviner noticed. "less than a hundred meters, closing fast. Better work quickly." With that she used her tail to whip a strip of paper out of her saddlebags at the tree's base. 


Keeping the paper pressed to the ground, she then took the tip of her tail and placed it in her mouth, licking & moistening it between her lips until the tip was a thin, wound up point. She then lifted the back of her right foreleg to her mouth, and then bit into it. A small nibble, inside the wrist joint, but enough to draw blood. 


She then whisked the newly wiped tail across the wound, slathering the wound in blood. Priestess then set the tail to her parchment, marking crisscrossing lines of various lengths down the strip. While this process was taking place, she began whispering something under her breath, each syllable uttered quickly and concisely. 


"Ketsueki no tame ni inorimasu. Shinku no tame ni inorimasu. Kōzui no tame ni inorimasu."


Her ear twitched. The rustling of branches, the movement of leaves.  A few dozen meters. She kept her pace steady. "Can't screw this up."


"Nagusame no tame ni inorimasu. Kaiketsu no tame ni inorimasu. Kyūseishu no tame ni inorimasu. Kyūshutsu no tame ni inorimasu.


With the last line criss crossed into the paper, she quickly hunch down & grabbed the bottom of the paper gently in her teeth. "Half dozen meters now." 


"Jigoku de-"




"Are you okay?"



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@@Blitz Boom


Cubus POV


"..." he stayed silent for a second, before shrugging. "sure, ill come with."


his ear flickered. someone was watching. his hoof shifted to his sword sheath, but he did nothing more then that.




Caliber POV


"sure, that sounds fun!" caliber said, bouncing up. "its been a while since iv been in ponyville. whats new here?" he asked, heading to the door.


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When she was spoken to, Ziggy lifted her head from the music rack and looked over at the pony that had talked to her, took the outstretched hoof and then pulled him into a gleeful hug.


"Hi Blaze. My name's Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy."


It was a short hug and she let go off him again near the end of what she had said, having gotten some of the hug-energy out she had gathered from not having the chance to do this for hours. Hopefully, he wouldn't mind, but some ponies didn't like this part for some reason, so you never knew.


"Hehe, sorry, you just looked very hugable."







Briar was a little lost on what was going on here. it seemed like, from some of the sounds, that a falling wasn't all he had interrupted, but what else was going on? Some whispering of strange words, movement that at least said that whoever had fallen wasn't terribly injured, and then the unmistakable scent of blood flowing gently through the air to make him less certain about the second thing.


Even though Pony blood wasn't something he was normally around, he could still recognise the smell with little problem. Or well, it was not certain it was a pony, but blood in general had a certain aroma, and what else would be here? A fish? He doubted that rather much.


"Is... Something the matter?"


The question flowed towards the unknown quantity with a vibe of uneasy curiosity, as if he was thinking she was casting a spell to harm him or something alike, which seemed to fit that he wasn't walking further forward either right now.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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When she was spoken to, Ziggy lifted her head from the music rack and looked over at the pony that had talked to her, took the outstretched hoof and then pulled him into a gleeful hug.


"Hi Blaze. My name's Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy."


It was a short hug and she let go off him again near the end of what she had said, having gotten some of the hug-energy out she had gathered from not having the chance to do this for hours. Hopefully, he wouldn't mind, but some ponies didn't like this part for some reason, so you never knew.


"Hehe, sorry, you just looked very hugable."







Briar was a little lost on what was going on here. it seemed like, from some of the sounds, that a falling wasn't all he had interrupted, but what else was going on? Some whispering of strange words, movement that at least said that whoever had fallen wasn't terribly injured, and then the unmistakable scent of blood flowing gently through the air to make him less certain about the second thing.


Even though Pony blood wasn't something he was normally around, he could still recognise the smell with little problem. Or well, it was not certain it was a pony, but blood in general had a certain aroma, and what else would be here? A fish? He doubted that rather much.


"Is... Something the matter?"


The question flowed towards the unknown quantity with a vibe of uneasy curiosity, as if he was thinking she was casting a spell to harm him or something alike, which seemed to fit that he wasn't walking further forward either right now.


After regaining his composure Blaze chuckled "It's quit alright i don't mind hugs, in fact..." Blaze gave her a bear hug himself "I'm always up for hugs" he replied with a wink. He looked at what she was browsing, and was surprised to see one of his own cd's "You've got nice taste in music" Said Blaze with a chuckle

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"Can't complain about a lil' company."


Track grinned a little more and kept the steady pace towards the town's post office. It was still a bit away, and there might be a line, but they'd make it in due time.


With his back almost turned to Cubus when the fighter pony spoke, he didn't see the movement with the hoof near his sword, nor had any indication of the follower that kept on appearing between buildings to look at them.


"So, you got a week until the tournament right? Any plans for what you're gonna do in the meantime?"


You could hear the curiosity in Tracks voice, but considering how little things had varied in his day to day life these last few months as the worst of the fieldwork got done, it wasn't really that much of a surprise. Frankly, any chat that he could get going that didn't constantly involve talking to the harvest or watching after possible bug attacks was a gift these days, even if things had slowed down and he had a bit more time to breathe these days.







"Can't say I know since I've not been here for long, but we can take a round, see if something's changed."


She headed for the door after him, and when they got out looked around at the varied directions they could go from here.


"So, where to start?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"i was thinking of maybe training a bit while we're waiting." cubus said, "although i scarcely need to train...im almost always in peak physical condition..."




"how about..." caliber looked around, "we just go for a walk, and see if we see something we wanna do." he looked at her. "that sound good?"


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The following narration will now be done in the voice of Vic Mignogna


"Well this must be a rather peculiar sight. I prolly look a little stupid right now. Question is though why am I not hearing civil defense sirens and a panicked stampede like last time? Risk making eye contact? Sure, why not? I've come this far!"


Priestess looked to her left. Whomever came was definitely within sight of her. And to her befuddlement stood... somepony purple & green... with their eyes closed....




"Is... Something the matter?"


"Huh. Looks like I may not need this... yet. No other sounds or scents, so he's alone for now. Although who'da thought I'd be running into a somnambulist? Again."  


*Pwlah!* She sounded as she spat the piece of parchment from her mouth.  "Oh no, no need to worry about it bruh. You're just dreaming." "I'll cover my bases and/or just totally buck with somepony."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Jellal Fernandes,



Ziggy bounced a little in place from glee when the smaller pony made his own hug. It was always nice to receive one as well as give now and again, though she couldn't really bounce by much considering she only had three hooves to do so with. The fourth was holding an album she had been about to check up on when the fiery pony had started talking to her and the hugs happened.


"Good taste in music? Depends on the ear, since every pony have their own tastes so dear. Some like the metal, and the tunes of the dead, yet for me I admit, that sorta hurts my head. I like the pop, the rock and the roll, the tunes that I grew up with as a foal. A classic at times I enjoy all the same, and the country especially lights up my flame.


Though not sure what is here, and what I picked up, just thought it might end up being some pop. Just gimme a sec, and then I can check, to see if it's... It's... What the heck?"


Her Zebra side had started to take over while she spoke again, something that tended to happen at times, and especially when she was gleeful, yet she really didn't bit notice in it. Even less so when she had a chance to see the name of the pony that made the album in her hoof before going on to the songs and saw a familiar name, which made her look between the CD and the pony in front of her a few times after she had trailed off before uttering:


"Hold on right there, is that your name here?"


Ziggy pointed towards the author name on the disc and looking at Blaze with a mixture of curiosity and glimmery happy eyes.






Briar looked a little more relaxed as the stranger started talking in a way that he could actually understand, but at what she said he chuckled slightly under his breath.


"It is good to hear that you are okay then, but I must refute the part about this being a dream. My dreams always carry either the sensation of flying through the air or the grim days when I relive the pit. A part about a stranger that seemingly fell are not something that have occurred before, and I find it odd it would change to something like that after around 20 years of the same pattern."


The nightmares about the pit was amongst his least favourite ones as the sensation of starvation for both sun and nourishment lingered in there as much as it had in the harsh reality of his youth, but they were luckily few compared to the others were he felt as if coursing through the sky, reliving past sensations of the world as he could hear it beneath him.


Some might have better or more imaginative dreams, but since he had never had any visual distractions to worry about and no home close to heart, there was little more that felt as comforting as going through the good years on the road, though at some distance to the ones he had wandered amongst as he could not actually fly.


"Ah, but where are my manners? Briar Trapjaw, at your service madam."


He bowed his head towards the mare before riing up agasin and giving her a big, friendly smile. Or as friendly as the rows of razor-sharp teeth that filled his gums could make it. It really depended on the pony whatever or not they would take this as a bad things, but the ponies in this area had seemingly not bitten much notice in it, pun unintended, so he saw no reason not to flash his pearly whites. To smile was a friendly gesture after all, yes?







"Like my pa always said *Learn when to take a break.* The tournament's likely gonna be a tough sort, so getting a little breather for at least a bit might be good."


Track wasn't a doctor, and granted, he didn't know about the fighting circles and how they did things, but he did know the value in a good rest once in a while. it might slow progress a little, but if you went at things rested and full of energy then that time could be picked up again quick, and you'd feel much better about yourself. Worked for him anyway.


"Besides, I don't really think there's a lot to be fighting these days for training in Ponyville. Most we get used to be the Timberwolves, and with the other fighters we seem to get here from time to time and that filly who tends to hurl bombs at them we're mostly getting peace from them too."






"Yep. Let's try this way first then and see if something pop up."


Last took a random direction when they got out of the door and started wandering that way whilst keeping her eye peeled for things happening around them. Lot's of stuff happened all the time in Ponyville, granted, but she was thinking more in the less... Peaceful and sort of dull ways.


Not that she had an idea what to expect. This place held a flavourful bunch that seemed to be all over the scale so far, so really, anything could happen here and what was worth stopping for might be harder to figure out than first expected, but they would see what the travel would bring.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Jellal Fernandes,



Ziggy bounced a little in place from glee when the smaller pony made his own hug. It was always nice to receive one as well as give now and again, though she couldn't really bounce by much considering she only had three hooves to do so with. The fourth was holding an album she had been about to check up on when the fiery pony had started talking to her and the hugs happened.


"Good taste in music? Depends on the ear, since every pony have their own tastes so dear. Some like the metal, and the tunes of the dead, yet for me I admit, that sorta hurts my head. I like the pop, the rock and the roll, the tunes that I grew up with as a foal. A classic at times I enjoy all the same, and the country especially lights up my flame.


Though not sure what is here, and what I picked up, just thought it might end up being some pop. Just gimme a sec, and then I can check, to see if it's... It's... What the heck?"


Her Zebra side had started to take over while she spoke again, something that tended to happen at times, and especially when she was gleeful, yet she really didn't bit notice in it. Even less so when she had a chance to see the name of the pony that made the album in her hoof before going on to the songs and saw a familiar name, which made her look between the CD and the pony in front of her a few times after she had trailed off before uttering:


"Hold on right there, is that your name here?"


Ziggy pointed towards the author name on the disc and looking at Blaze with a mixture of curiosity and glimmery happy eyes.






Briar looked a little more relaxed as the stranger started talking in a way that he could actually understand, but at what she said he chuckled slightly under his breath.


"It is good to hear that you are okay then, but I must refute the part about this being a dream. My dreams always carry either the sensation of flying through the air or the grim days when I relive the pit. A part about a stranger that seemingly fell are not something that have occurred before, and I find it odd it would change to something like that after around 20 years of the same pattern."


The nightmares about the pit was amongst his least favourite ones as the sensation of starvation for both sun and nourishment lingered in there as much as it had in the harsh reality of his youth, but they were luckily few compared to the others were he felt as if coursing through the sky, reliving past sensations of the world as he could hear it beneath him.


Some might have better or more imaginative dreams, but since he had never had any visual distractions to worry about and no home close to heart, there was little more that felt as comforting as going through the good years on the road, though at some distance to the ones he had wandered amongst as he could not actually fly.


"Ah, but where are my manners? Briar Trapjaw, at your service madam."


He bowed his head towards the mare before riing up agasin and giving her a big, friendly smile. Or as friendly as the rows of razor-sharp teeth that filled his gums could make it. It really depended on the pony whatever or not they would take this as a bad things, but the ponies in this area had seemingly not bitten much notice in it, pun unintended, so he saw no reason not to flash his pearly whites. To smile was a friendly gesture after all, yes?







"Like my pa always said *Learn when to take a break.* The tournament's likely gonna be a tough sort, so getting a little breather for at least a bit might be good."


Track wasn't a doctor, and granted, he didn't know about the fighting circles and how they did things, but he did know the value in a good rest once in a while. it might slow progress a little, but if you went at things rested and full of energy then that time could be picked up again quick, and you'd feel much better about yourself. Worked for him anyway.


"Besides, I don't really think there's a lot to be fighting these days for training in Ponyville. Most we get used to be the Timberwolves, and with the other fighters we seem to get here from time to time and that filly who tends to hurl bombs at them we're mostly getting peace from them too."






"Yep. Let's try this way first then and see if something pop up."


Last took a random direction when they got out of the door and started wandering that way whilst keeping her eye peeled for things happening around them. Lot's of stuff happened all the time in Ponyville, granted, but she was thinking more in the less... Peaceful and sort of dull ways.


Not that she had an idea what to expect. This place held a flavourful bunch that seemed to be all over the scale so far, so really, anything could happen here and what was worth stopping for might be harder to figure out than first expected, but they would see what the travel would bring.


Blaze chuckled when realization spread across the ponies face. First pony to not jump my bones Blaze struck a dramatic pose "Yes, it's the one and only Blazedtime!" Blaze chuckled once again, he walked up and gave her some bits, and signed the album "Consider it a gift. I would stay and chat longer but i have a tight schedule. So do you want to grab dinner later? My treat!" Said Blaze with a smile

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"Like my pa always said *Learn when to take a break.* The tournament's likely gonna be a tough sort, so getting a little breather for at least a bit might be good."


Track wasn't a doctor, and granted, he didn't know about the fighting circles and how they did things, but he did know the value in a good rest once in a while. it might slow progress a little, but if you went at things rested and full of energy then that time could be picked up again quick, and you'd feel much better about yourself. Worked for him anyway.


"Besides, I don't really think there's a lot to be fighting these days for training in Ponyville. Most we get used to be the Timberwolves, and with the other fighters we seem to get here from time to time and that filly who tends to hurl bombs at them we're mostly getting peace from them too."




"Yep. Let's try this way first then and see if something pop up."


Last took a random direction when they got out of the door and started wandering that way whilst keeping her eye peeled for things happening around them. Lot's of stuff happened all the time in Ponyville, granted, but she was thinking more in the less... Peaceful and sort of dull ways.


Not that she had an idea what to expect. This place held a flavourful bunch that seemed to be all over the scale so far, so really, anything could happen here and what was worth stopping for might be harder to figure out than first expected, but they would see what the travel would bring.

"expect more fighting in the future, since the tournaments being held here in a few weeks time." cubus said. "swordsponies form all over equestria will be coming for the event."


"lead on."


caliber watched her go in a random direction, shrugged, and followed her. "so, last, tell me, how good are ya with that sword?" he asked, as they walked.


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Ziggy released an audible "Yey." and picked him up again in a hug, this time raising from the ground while she held the fiery pony in her grip. If the shop had more space, or the door had been opened, she would have flown around with him until most of the energy was done, Still, there was enough self-awareness to know that she would break stuff if she tried now, so instead she reluctantly made do with the short outburst for now and put Blaze down again after a few seconds.


"I bet that'd be real fun! I'll likely fly all over town, so just yell and I'll zoom in. Although..."


Ziggy tilted her head a little from side to side whilst thinking.


"Could end up not hearing you, and that's be boring."







"Heh, makes sense, but might give you time for a breather anyway."


The post office got into sight and Track sped up a little, though slightly cursing under his breath when he saw there was a line of about 7 ponies right now. Not many, but it'd slow them for a bit, depending on if the mailmare had gotten lost again.


"Guess we'll just have to hope the line ain't gonna grow roots for now then."







"Depends on the standards around here. Back where I'm from, my sister was the only one who could get the better of me, and that include group attacks from the ones who though that'd net them a better chance, but here? Can't say I know how to compare it. Though I'm good enough to not get cocky and think there's nopony better. That sort will stifle progress, and with the tradition in my family... "


Last trailed off a bit and got a harsh look in her eye forwards as they kept walking, a few memories flashing in her head that wasn't all too pleasant stopping her speech for a little while.


"Let's just say there's a reason I got enough teeth to drown Sugacube Corner at a regular basis and none of them were mine


What about you? I figure you're good since you're fourth in Equestria, but how do you judge your own strength?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


cubus didn't say anything when the line of ponies were revealed. he simply walked up to it, and sat down at the end of the line.


sure, he could just use intimidation, or even authority to carve his way to the front, but he figured that would be rude. "and now we wait." he said, with a ghost of a smile.



caliber looked at her. he saw that hard look in her eyes, and it served to make him more eager to spar with her. but that would hardly be fair, since she was injured...


he perked up when she asked how does he gauge his own strength. "well, if my title doesn't clear it up, then i gotta say i often assert myself as top-dog by challenging the strongest pony around, depending on he town im in." he started, "i usually win, although there's certain cases where iv lost, but its usually a very close fight. and i can name a few ponies that can beat me, so i know im not the strongest." he paused for a moment. "but i know i can be dangerous if i wanted to. after all, i have no problem with killing, and considering my rank, that alone can make for a dangerous combination."


he went for a cheerful grin. "but all-in-all, i must say that i consider myself in the stronger group of the fighters in the land." he said, "and i strive to be better, so that i an be the strongest pony in the land. that way, no-one would even think of hurting my friends." he concluded.


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You are now reading this narration in the voice of Michael Clarke Duncan. 


"Okay, dabuq am I looking at?"  Priestess perused to herself. "This odd fellow doesn't seem to be native to ponyville, so far as I've seen. But ponyville is, frankly, an anomaly compared to the rest of the sane universe." Priestess began to trepidatiously approach. 




"It is good to hear that you are okay then, but I must refute the part about this being a dream. My dreams always carry either the sensation of flying through the air or the grim days when I relive the pit. A part about a stranger that seemingly fell are not something that have occurred before, and I find it odd it would change to something like that after around 20 years of the same pattern."



"Great. He's not a somnambulist. He's just Mane Murdock, only without the pleather fetish. Tragic backstory about a pit. I'm guessing he doesn't mean the kind that spring up during Foal Factory performances. Yeah, not gonna touch that with a 10 KM pole." 




"Ah, but where are my manners? Briar Trapjaw, at your service madam."


"Well he got's manners. That's a good start. That's quite the amount of canines he has too.  Haven't seen that many since I, well, since I last looked into a mirror... or since the last time I snuck into that channeling brothel. Oh good times."


"Hi. I'm your subconscious. You really are dreaming. How do you, or anypony else for that matter really know when we're in a dream or not? You never think about being in a dream when you're actually in a dream. You're only just starting to think of it now by thinking of other dreams. You're actually in a dream within a dream. Congrats! You haveve descended to the next level! You are now on a vision quest, instigated by the princess of the night herself. I, your subconscious, have been sent to tell you that everything you hear or feel is a reflection of your innermost desires, memories and experiences,  and it is up to you to determine what all this means in order to obtain true enlightenment and clarity of the inner soul. So tell me Sir Briar Trapjaw, if that's who you really believed yourself to be and what you are at this very moment in space and time, what is it that I, somepony who's seems to have fallen, represent in your psyches grander recesses?" 


"​Sigmane Freud, Rene Haycartes , Albert Camelus, don't fail me now."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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((Terribly sorry about the late reply, my laptop is very slow and my iPod won't let me log in for some reason))


Midnight trotted over to the stallion and accepted his offer "I'll deliver if you tell me where they are, speed shouldn't be a problem" he looked at his left wing, created with speed (and ability to wash dishes, it's a different story) in mind

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