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Blitz Boom

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@@Harmony Cube


Storm nodded. "Yeah and because there's still the base, there's still a place for the magic to direct itself. If the base was broken, the magic would likely be unable to flow out and into the area... Not to mention the remains of the horn give it a form to grow into, without that it could simply seal over the area altogether..." He reasoned out.

"So thankfully she's likely to be able to cast magic again in the future... And I'm very thankful that accident wasn't worse, it was a really big explosion..." Storm informed Book with a small shudder before shaking his head. "I told her we should've used a longer fuse..." He mumbled.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Harmony Cube,


Storm nodded. "Yeah and because there's still the base, there's still a place for the magic to direct itself. If the base was broken, the magic would likely be unable to flow out and into the area... Not to mention the remains of the horn give it a form to grow into, without that it could simply seal over the area altogether..." He reasoned out.

"So thankfully she's likely to be able to cast magic again in the future... And I'm very thankful that accident wasn't worse, it was a really big explosion..." Storm informed Book with a small shudder before shaking his head. "I told her we should've used a longer fuse..." He mumbled.

He nodded. "So, what do you like to do during your free time Storm?" Book asked him curiously, wanting to pass the time until Blitz wakes up and is all better. He leaned back into the chair until his back and wings were comfortably against the back of his chair.


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@@Harmony Cube


"Well generally I like to fly around in my free time. though sometimes I like to read or draw... I often play my guitar when I'm home... Other than that I party with Pinkie and other ponies and sculpt clouds... " Storm said with a smile, one that widened at the mention of Pinkie Pie.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Blitz Boom,


 Mezra nods. "I understand. Things like dark magic and Necromancy are kind of unpleasant to talk about to most ponies. Same thing goes for death, dying, killing, pretty much anything dark really. But though my life and experiences, my way of thinking is... well, not normal. But lucky for me I met a few ponies though my travelings that were far from normal.And they are all  present company, including you two. "She gave Brittle a smile. "I think that was way I was rather forward earlier. Around the normal run of the mill ponies I'm usually really shy. I would get in a little ball with my legs tucked in my cloak and speak in a little voice. But when it comes to the odd, I can see nothing but the beauty in their  uniqueness."

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Well generally I like to fly around in my free time. though sometimes I like to read or draw... I often play my guitar when I'm home... Other than that I party with Pinkie and other ponies and sculpt clouds... " Storm said with a smile, one that widened at the mention of Pinkie Pie.

"Well we have a few things in common there." Book smiled. "I like flying sometimes, I write books and re-read them sometimes. Occasionally I'll sculpt clouds, but not often." Book shrugged a bit at the last part. He thought about his book store with a slight frown, not sure if he had it unlocked or not.


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@@Harmony Cube


Storm chuckled. "Yeah, books are nice... Though when I'm home I generally prefer to practice my guitar..." He told Book happily. "Though flying is my second favorite thing to do... In order my favorite things to do are probably: Party, Fly, Guitar, Read, and Draw. Well, the top five anyway..." Storm said. "Have you ever broken the sound barrier?" He asked curiously.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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"But... Y-You're like them... Why... Uhm... N-Nevermind..."


Brittle trailed off at the end and kept silent again. It worried Briar that she had this much trouble to speak with anypony, but he supposed that couldn't be helped all things considered. Hopefully, it wouldn't be ingrained, and she would be able to speak without hesitation or fear in time.


"I believe Brittle is curious why you are shy around normal ponies when you appear very much like one yourself. However, as I have heard how Zecora used to be handled, I can imagine it have something to do with judging eyes? It takes little, and it can make you nervous around others.


But I speculate, as I don't know truth. It might be entirely of another nature, and I apologise if I have... Judged you, so to speak. It is with no ill will it it have sounded as such."


Briar did sometimes get a streak of... Prejudging, so to speak. It was not something nice, and he felt guilty for it if - or When - it turned out he were simply simple minded about things. He just hoped he had not overstepped a boundary here once more, especially since the one in question could summon fireballs. It was not somepony he wanted to be on the bad side of.


"If you would rather not we address that, I do have a question for you myself.


You say that you have been travelling, but have your travels ever brought you outside the lands of Equestria? Not by portal or through to another world, but on hoof, into the lands that are well connected to this."


It was surprisingly few he had met in Equestria that had been beyond it since he had wandered in himself, but it might simply be because the lands were a very good place to live and they didn't need to see other places. Or they knew that most other places were rather... Well, *Rough around the edges* should cover things.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Harmony Cube,


Storm chuckled. "Yeah, books are nice... Though when I'm home I generally prefer to practice my guitar..." He told Book happily. "Though flying is my second favorite thing to do... In order my favorite things to do are probably: Party, Fly, Guitar, Read, and Draw. Well, the top five anyway..." Storm said. "Have you ever broken the sound barrier?" He asked curiously.

"I like to fly to get my mind off things... So when I'm home I'll write or read mainly. Maybe a few other things I can't think of right now so..." Book said, shrugging casually at the last part. "Broken the sound barrier? Nope. Not even close." Book shook his head. "The closest I've gotten was flying away from Blitz's bomb." He said.


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@@Harmony Cube


Storm chuckled, "Yeah those usually get ponies flying away pretty quickly, wings or not..." He said with a smile. "But yeah, breaking the sound barrier's fun.. It's a rush every time, something about doing that never gets old..." Storm informed Book thoughtfully. "But I'm sure it's nothing like what Rainbow must feel when she does a Sonic Rainboom..." He finished with a laugh.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Harmony Cube,


Storm chuckled, "Yeah those usually get ponies flying away pretty quickly, wings or not..." He said with a smile. "But yeah, breaking the sound barrier's fun.. It's a rush every time, something about doing that never gets old..." Storm informed Book thoughtfully. "But I'm sure it's nothing like what Rainbow must feel when she does a Sonic Rainboom..." He finished with a laugh.

Book laughed at what Storm said about the flying. "I jus don't think I can do it, I don't fly that often. And even when I do fly, it's not very fast." Book shrugged, not really into speed flying. He normally just flew to get his mind off of something that would be bothering him.


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Mezra chuckled. "No, no. It's alright. I think the main reason is because when  I was a filly I was picked on a lot. I was raised in a orphanage till I was five. I was told my mother dyed while she was giving birth. So I never got to meet her. Or my  father. And during my time in the orphanage I was kinda treated like an outcast. I was shorter then everyone and my magic wasn't as strong as most. And whenever somepony came to adopt I would always get past. The caretaker didn't care about me either. So I just left one night thinking I would do better on my own. So I've been alone most my life and I never really had a good connection with normal ponies." She said with a shrug.



"And to answer your second question, I have. In fact, When I left the orphanage I went to the badlands. That was where I found out about Necromancy. I found an old house with a dead unicorn holding a book that I have now." She said while holding it up for Brittle to see. It was patchy and seemed to be made out of animal leather. "And I lived and trained there for about seven years. After that I decided to move back to Equestria. From there, I've been to the Griffin Kingdom, Germaneigh, Prance, The wild west, The Tundra even the land of the dragons. I've even been to places off the mainland too."

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@@Harmony Cube


"Okie Dokie! That's totally understandable! So... Now I know you write books, and fly to get your mind off of things... Is there a specific genre or type of book you stick to? Also, have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? Or do you know how to play one?" Storm asked, understanding that Book just wasn't one to enjoy fast speeds of flight like him and Rainbow were.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Okie Dokie! That's totally understandable! So... Now I know you write books, and fly to get your mind off of things... Is there a specific genre or type of book you stick to? Also, have you ever wanted to learn to play an instrument? Or do you know how to play one?" Storm asked, understanding that Book just wasn't one to enjoy fast speeds of flight like him and Rainbow were.

"I'll do anything that's fiction or at least nothing really non-fictional." Book said, shrugging casually. "I don't know how to play any instruments much... And I've never really wanted to..." Book said, not really into playing instruments but liking to listen to them sometimes.


(Me typing up about him not playing an instrument hurts my heart... I play the viola.)


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Briar and Brittle felt more or less the same when Mez began to speak about how she was raised in an orphanage. Neither of them knew of any parents in their life either, and they could both attest to how strained it felt at times to not have a solid background and somepony that cared for one in the young years. It gave a sense of connection to the Necromantic mare, but it also left a short-lived blanket of sadness over them that lasted for a second or two.


"Growing up without parental figures are tough, I- No, we Both can attest and relate to that. It is harsh for a young mind, and considering the orphanage you mention were not supportive and you were passed over by prospecting parents... I can understand why there is a relation problem with others. I could hardly think it would have ended better for anypony else in the same situation."


He got a look of slight pity over his face for a half second before changing his expression to that of a more understanding look. Pity didn't help anything, and in fact often annoyed those that had been in harsh tides. It was something he strived to not cause with this mare, even if she couldn't set him ablaze with a thought, as spreading bad vibes were not okay in his mind.


"I have not been to the Badlands, but it sounds like a harsh place to live in. Rather barren likely. I'm more used to the wild jungles to the far, far south of Equestria, down where those that are not meant to be there hardly gets out again. Harsh in their own ways certainly, but at least it had vegetation.


You mention the land of the dragons though. What is it like there were the scaled ones originates from? I have only run into smaller clans of them, not anywhere near their home as far as I know of."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Harmony Cube



Storm smiled, "Oh so you like writing fictional stories? YAY! That's awesome, so what's your favorite kind of fiction? Action, Adventure, Mystery, Sci-fi, or maybe Actiony Adventurous Sc-fi Mysteries?" Storm asked excitedly. "Because all of that sounds awemazingly funtastic to read about! ....Then again, maybe that's mostly the sci-fi part, since I pretty much get the rest of that pretty often around Ponyville...." He said, calming down and putting a hoof to his chin as he thought about that.


Suddenly a dark grey and blue blur slammed into Storm, carrying him across the hall with an "oof!" escaping his muzzle as he landed. The blur was revealed to be a dark grey pegasus colt, with a mane in various shades of blue "Hey dad! I heard Blitz was in the hospital, is she alright?" The colt asked Storm worriedly. Storm chuckled as he got up, pulling the colt into a hug, "Blitz is fine son, don't worry. She's just ended up working herself into exhaustion again... Though with the way yo're acting, I would think you had a crush on her... I thought you liked Scootaloo?" He asked colt with a grin, as the colt blushed bright red. "Daaaaad..." He whined at Storm, "You aren't supposed to say that in public..." The colt said, looking around nervously. "I don't want Scootaloo hearing that.." Storm chuckled again as he stood up, ruffling the colt's mane "Don't worry Grey, I'm fairly sure she's not in the hospital right now."


Turning to Book, Storm introduced the newest arrival. "Hey Book, this is my son Grey Sky. I adopted him after saving him from some Timberwolves in the forest." He informed his book-writing friend. "Grey, this is Book Quill a new friend of mine, and a friend of Blitz." He told his son with a smile. Turning to Book, Grey started talking, "Hiya! It's nice to meet you Mr.! I'm Grey Sky like dad said, and you should've seen him when he saved me! He was all like, BOOM, POW, Wham!" He attempted to mimic the kicks and attacks that Storm used on the timberwolves, throwing in verbal sound effects for good measure. "And then he grabbed me and there was a big 'BOOM' And then we were in town, he told me it was a Sonic Boom, and that it happens when the sound barrier breaks!" Grey informed the older pony happily. "I may know some Hoof-to-hoof combat.." Storm admitted with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.


"Hey Grey, where are the rest of the Crusaders?" Storm asked. "Oh they're at Rarities, She wanted to make sure it was alright with you before taking us to Fluttershy's house to play with the animals. She has some projects she needs to work on, so fluttershy offered to watch us.. Plus we thought we could get some animal cutie marks!" Storm laughed, "Well, that sounds great... Yeah, you can go but be careful okay?" Grey nodded eagerly. "Okay dad, I will!" He called as he ran out of the room.


(OOC: Wow, I didn't mean to make it this long, sorry.. It just kinda.. happened... :) )

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Harmony Cube,



Storm smiled, "Oh so you like writing fictional stories? YAY! That's awesome, so what's your favorite kind of fiction? Action, Adventure, Mystery, Sci-fi, or maybe Actiony Adventurous Sc-fi Mysteries?" Storm asked excitedly. "Because all of that sounds awemazingly funtastic to read about! ....Then again, maybe that's mostly the sci-fi part, since I pretty much get the rest of that pretty often around Ponyville...." He said, calming down and putting a hoof to his chin as he thought about that.


Suddenly a dark grey and blue blur slammed into Storm, carrying him across the hall with an "oof!" escaping his muzzle as he landed. The blur was revealed to be a dark grey pegasus colt, with a mane in various shades of blue "Hey dad! I heard Blitz was in the hospital, is she alright?" The colt asked Storm worriedly. Storm chuckled as he got up, pulling the colt into a hug, "Blitz is fine son, don't worry. She's just ended up working herself into exhaustion again... Though with the way yo're acting, I would think you had a crush on her... I thought you liked Scootaloo?" He asked colt with a grin, as the colt blushed bright red. "Daaaaad..." He whined at Storm, "You aren't supposed to say that in public..." The colt said, looking around nervously. "I don't want Scootaloo hearing that.." Storm chuckled again as he stood up, ruffling the colt's mane "Don't worry Grey, I'm fairly sure she's not in the hospital right now."


Turning to Book, Storm introduced the newest arrival. "Hey Book, this is my son Grey Sky. I adopted him after saving him from some Timberwolves in the forest." He informed his book-writing friend. "Grey, this is Book Quill a new friend of mine, and a friend of Blitz." He told his son with a smile. Turning to Book, Grey started talking, "Hiya! It's nice to meet you Mr.! I'm Grey Sky like dad said, and you should've seen him when he saved me! He was all like, BOOM, POW, Wham!" He attempted to mimic the kicks and attacks that Storm used on the timberwolves, throwing in verbal sound effects for good measure. "And then he grabbed me and there was a big 'BOOM' And then we were in town, he told me it was a Sonic Boom, and that it happens when the sound barrier breaks!" Grey informed the older pony happily. "I may know some Hoof-to-hoof combat.." Storm admitted with a chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.


"Hey Grey, where are the rest of the Crusaders?" Storm asked. "Oh they're at Rarities, She wanted to make sure it was alright with you before taking us to Fluttershy's house to play with the animals. She has some projects she needs to work on, so fluttershy offered to watch us.. Plus we thought we could get some animal cutie marks!" Storm laughed, "Well, that sounds great... Yeah, you can go but be careful okay?" Grey nodded eagerly. "Okay dad, I will!" He called as he ran out of the room.


(OOC: Wow, I didn't mean to make it this long, sorry.. It just kinda.. happened... :) )

Book smiled. "I uh, actually write all those genres... I like to have a various genres under fiction avalible for anypony who likes a certain kind of genre that I write." Book explained excitedly.


Book was a bit surprised when Storm was knocked off his chair by... His son? To him it just striked him as odd, a colt pushing a full grown stallion off a chair. Book hid a laugh with his hoof at the mention of the colt's crushes and the boy's reaction to it.


Book smiled and waved to the colt when he was introduced to him. "Nice to meet you, as he also said, I'm Book Quill. I write books so I know what you mean and I can see how that probably played out all 'Daring Do' style." Book smiled and winked a bit to Storm.


When Grey ran out, Book laughed a bit. "That kid sure has energy. And is pretty funny." Book smiled.


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@@Harmony Cube


Storm chuckled and rubbed a hoof to his neck, "Yeah, I've been teaching him.. Having brought him 'under my wing'" Storm paused to chuckle at the pun, "I try to teach him what I can..." here his expression took an express train to frowny-town. "It's unfortunate what his life was like before I saved him... and not just the timberwolves either, his genetic parents, his school... It makes me sad to think about it, and that other colts and fillies may go through similar situations..." Storm said seriously, some tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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"Oh, it's a big place. It's also pretty dangerous. I doubt you'll want to go there. There's barely any plant life. It's mostly rock, dirt, lava and tons of volcanoes. Plus it's super hot there. I think I lost about fifteen pounds just by sweating. And I also ran into a few dragons. Most of them were mean. But I met some who were nicer. They thought I was strange because I went there by myself, and that I wasn't really afraid of them. I also met the head of one of the major dragon clans too. I forgot his name but everyone just called him Gramps. He was very nice. Nicer then most dragons, that's for sure."

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"To meet an elder dragon must be quite the honour. You have truly seen and experienced many things, have you not? I almost feel jealous of you for being witness to such many places.and events, but not as much as I am impressed. Not many I meet in Equestria have travelled far and wide outside the boundaries of the continent,and it is quite refreshing to run into one that have not limited themselves to a single kingdom. It livens things up a little, so to speak."


While Briar gave praise, Brittle instead had gotten big eyes and had gotten some wonder in them like a little filly. She had only ever heard of dragons, never met any of them, and now she heard that Mez had been to their home? And that she wasn't afraid while being there?


She must be really brave...


((Sorry for the late reply, Been one of those days))


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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notepad trotted along and noticed a group of pony.....eis? she didn't  know what others were sooo she hid and listened on hoping no pony......or what ever......would notice her just sitting in a bush hiding....hoping no-pony or thing saw her....what shes been doing since she was a filly no she wasn't stalking them....just hiding...


here he come,,,,,

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@@Harmony Cube,


Storm chuckled and rubbed a hoof to his neck, "Yeah, I've been teaching him.. Having brought him 'under my wing'" Storm paused to chuckle at the pun, "I try to teach him what I can..." here his expression took an express train to frowny-town. "It's unfortunate what his life was like before I saved him... and not just the timberwolves either, his genetic parents, his school... It makes me sad to think about it, and that other colts and fillies may go through similar situations..." Storm said seriously, some tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah... It's sad how some ponies lives can be like that..." Book sighed and frowned. "It's kinda funny how if you get something you never had a chance to get before, you're more grateful for it than some other ponies who have easier access to said thing." Book said.


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@@Harmony Cube


"Well, at least he doesn't need to deal with it any more..." Storm mused aloud. "Apparently his parents were (un)fairly distant with him... So much so, that it was only about two days before he started referring to me as dad..." He continued a bit sadly, before perking up a bit. "But while it's sad that his dad was distant with him, it does make me glad that I seem to be doing well as a father.." Storm said happily, his smile making the return trip to his face.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

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@@Blitz Boom,


 What Briar said made Mezra smile. "That's real nice of you to say. And I really cant help but feel a need to get out and see the things I've only heard or read about. Also, who don't love a good adventure? But also cause of these adventures I've met many beings of all kinds who I'm happy to call friends. But there are still places and things I haven't experienced yet. Like I've never had apple cider. I wonder what it tastes like." She said while she scratched behind her ear with two large thick earrings as she thought about, which made them jingle, while she kept munching on her very long licorice rope.

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Well, at least he doesn't need to deal with it any more..." Storm mused aloud. "Apparently his parents were (un)fairly distant with him... So much so, that it was only about two days before he started referring to me as dad..." He continued a bit sadly, before perking up a bit. "But while it's sad that his dad was distant with him, it does make me glad that I seem to be doing well as a father.." Storm said happily, his smile making the return trip to his face.

"Well that's sad that his parents were that distant... It makes you think that you were so much more privlidged..." He said. "Thankfully you took him in though." Book smiled. "He seemed very happy to see you when he attacked you to the ground with love." He smiled.


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"There is hardly a taste like it, but the location where it's made tends to change the taste slightly because of the soil the apples grow in. Never for the worse, just simply a fine distinction that makes it interesting to try it from different places.


If you want to have some of the cider, you can hardly go wrong with the Apple family for such a thing, and they do have some members of the branch in town. I met one of them, a mare called Applejack, earlier that said she had a farm with her family on the outskirts of Ponyville. I would say that was your best chance for finding some cider if you arrive at the right time. And I can assure you, if this branch is even half as good as the one I met about two years ago, the wait will be worth it."


He had a vivid memory about that day still. It had taken him two weeks to be able to find the pattern in their *random* placing of the stand and make sure he got to the right place at the right time, but when he had... It was not the first time he had tasted apple cider, and others tasted very well too, but there was just something more to that one that made the others pale a little in comparison.


He supposed it was the quality of the apples more than anything though. He had waited back then because he had heard the Apple family's reputation and wanted to experience it himself, and it turned out to be far from a lie. As such, he might have some... Unrealistic expectations to Applejack and her farm, but who knew? It might be he was actually underestimating her.




Briar paused for a second all off a sudden, then shook his head and smirked a little.


"In any case, you might need to hang around for a while to get your chance at tasting the Apple family's work. Usually there is a demand greater than the cider that can be produced, so it's likely that you will need to wait and observe a little."


In town, he would not have heard the sound of the rustling bush, but out here? Oh, it would take more to hide from his ears. He would not do anything about it though, whoever was stalking them - as he doubted a squirrel would have kept still - would likely show when they wanted to.


Brittle had heard something too, and were looking at the nearby bush, but only for a small second or two before averting the big, light-green eyes and wandered along with the other two again. She didn't want to see what was in the bush, but hopefully it was just a bird. Birds just flew away from her, squirrels sometimes hurled nuts.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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