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Blitz Boom

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@@cookiethecat, ((dear lord, put some subtitles would ya? It's kinda hard to read.)) @@Blitz Boom,


Mezra kept hugging the filly. "Of course your tough, but that don't mean you can't be completely adorable as well." She stood up on her hind legs and walked over to Briar and Brittle. "Hey guys, look what I found! Ain't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?" She then looked at Briers closed eyes. ".... She also has a cute stutter."

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"So I hear, hello little one. I hope our companion is not being to harsh on you?"


Briar turned and *looked* towards the two ponies. He kept his lips as closely together as he could whilst talking, to minimize the scare factor that may come along, but it did also minimize his ability to smile. As such, he might not be sporting his sharper points, but his face seemed a little emotionless. It was not likely that he could keep this up in the long run.


Brittle on the other hoof, slowly began to walk with small, uneven steps towards the two of them whilst looking at the nervous filly. She wasn't much smaller than Brittle in fact, but Brittle was also small even for a Changeling, so it was not that surprising.


"U-Uhm... H-Hi??


She stopped after a few steps had been taken, and her head kept down to near the ground whilst talking.

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"Bah, bureaucratic nonsense."


Last Stand walked out of the mayor's office, grumbling and looked like it had been a bad experience.


She had approached the mayor to get her things back when they opened up this morning, and at least she had gotten that, including her sword. And that's when they put down on her that she wasn't allowed to leave the area unless she wanted to be hunted down.


Just cause of where she had been before and because she was armed they didn't trust her enough to leave her out of their sight until they got things sorted from Canterlot, and frankly, it was annoying her to no end. It could take ages before that was sorted, and who said she wanted to stay in this town anyway? There wasn't an honest fight in sight anywhere.


She stopped all of a sudden and looked down to the right side of her stomach, noticing the blood dripping out and letting out a sigh. Just great, the stitchings had ripped open after she had put her things back in the satchel and the sword back in it's scabbard.


"Back to hospital then..."


She wandered up towards the building, not really taking notice of the other ponies around her unless they directed any questions directly at her, but beyond dripping blood in a fine line so she could be tracked by just about anypony, most didn't have much to say.


((I'm putting this in to give some openings to people, or in case the hospital crew gets stale or bored. Next part is more standard.))




@@Harmony Cube,


"Ah, it would appear the patient have gotten some more visitors."


The doctor came walking by on his round and noticed the small gathering that were outside Blitz' door. He had seen Storm Shine along the filly before, so he assumed it was for her anyway. There were also the stallion that had fallen alseep in the chair and... Pinkie Pie.


The last one made him a little nervous to see here. Not because he had anything against the mare, but he knew of her antics, and while they were perfectly fine and often enjoyable in general, this was not always the place to begin things. Nurse Redheart had told him stories about how it had been when the Cake foals had been in, and as such, it made him concerned for how things were going here.


Still, he doubted it would end like it had done back then again, and he didn't want to worry too much over things, so he pushed his concerns aside and greeted them all.


"I take it she's still asleep?"


Whilst talking, he looked them over from where he stood to see if there were any injuries. It was an old habit that didn't let go of it's hold in him that easily, and at times he did notice some wounds the one bearing them hadn't.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@@Blitz Boom


"Yeah she is, Mr. Doctor..." Storm said quietly, "She got up for a bit and came out here to hug Pinkie, but fell back asleep on the floor... I tucked her into bed just a couple minutes ago... And left a box of muffins on the side-table." He informed the doctor, feeling it best to tell the health professional just in case. 

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"Good thought. She is going to need the energy when she wakes up After having gotten a proper sleep. Considering the time spent didn't last long accordingly to you, I'd guess it will be sometimes tonight she will be ready to leave."


He smiled at the Pegasus. It was not good that Blitz had woken up already, but she were asleep again, and having seen a bunch of her friends now could perhaps lead her to have some more peaceful rest so she wasn't shook out of it as easy the next time. It was worth a hope at least.


He noticed something on the stallion though, a mark on the right side of his stomach. Hmmm...


The doctor went in closely and looked for a little before taking his head back and shaking it.


"Doesn't seem like an injury no. Guessing dust of some kind, so not important. My apologies"

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm tilted his head in confusion, "What's not important, and why would you need to apologize Mr. Doctor?" he asked, confused. "Did you see something?" Storm continued, attempting to look behind himself and ending up collapsing dizzily. "Woahoahoah...." He mumbled, getting back up.

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@@Blitz Boom, @

(I'm still here, but not sure where to jump in at. Just wanted to let you know I'm not gone for good, just trying to find a good spot.)

Book sat down, his legs and wings, mainly, all sore from walking around and flying all day yesterday. The ponies he met were fun and nice yesterday and Storm was very kind and silly. Book had a small, hardly noticeable, deep cut right below his wing.

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"Perhaps it would be better to have you examined while you're here after all, just to be on the safe side. Imbalance like that could be a virus or something more serious,"


He looked Storm Shine in the eyes with a serious look. It might be that this Pegasus were simply tired or had hit his head on something, but as a doctor, he was hesitant to write it off as a *maybe* when it could be worse, and he hoped that the stallion would take his offer and follow him to an examination room.


He looked Pinkie Pie over, but she seemed to be fine, so then his gaze went over the last one... And that's when he noticed the wound beneath Book's wing. It wasn't that noticeable, but any wound that hit flesh had to be at least disinfected just to be sure.


@@Harmony Cube,


"You should come too. I can't say how deep it is, but there is something that have cut into you just there-"


He pointed his hoof towards the wound.


"If you could both follow me please."


He went over and opened a door about 2 meters away from the one Blitz were behind that lead to an empty examination room and waited to see if they would follow him. He couldn't force them, but he hoped they wouldn't just take off.

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@@Blitz Boom


Storm tilted his head, but agreed anyways, "Okie Dokie, Doctor-oaky!" He chirped out happily as Pinkie jumped onto his back, tapping his head with a hoof. "Stormy, you know it's Okie-Dokie-Lokie! Plus, I'm preeettttyyy~ sure that his name isn't Doctor Oaky..." She reprimanded him, though it sounded teasing. "Sorry Pinkie, guess I was more dizzy than I thought.." He replied, smiling sheepishly. "That's okay Stormy!" Pinkie chirped, giving him a hug as he walked to the room that the doctor had opened.

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@@Blitz Boom

Book looked at the cut. He suspected it was from walking past a bush in the Everfree that scratched him. Though it more looked like a deep and bigger paper cut. He shrugged and followed the doctor, not minding it all that much. He poked at it lightly with his wing and it stung a bit and was bleeding a bit.

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@@Harmony Cube,


When they had followed him into the room, the doctor asked Storm Shine to lay down for a few minutes and not do any sudden movements while he would take care of the quicker process of disinfecting the wound on Book, to whom he had asked to sit on the small bricks.


He went to the side and picked up a few things from a shelf using his horn, then returned his focus to Book.


"This might sting a little, but please try and sit still."


With that, he would pour a little from a small bottle he had taken onto a cotton swap and pushed it against Book's wound and began to slowly clean the wound. The solution in the liquid would cleanse out the bacteria, but as mentioned, it was likely to sting a little for the minute or so the procedure took place before he would remove it, then put on a plaster over it..


"There we go. A few days and it should have covered itself enough with tissue to make it safe to pull this off."


Then he went over with the items again, and pulled out a few stethoscopes and other examination tools before turning towards Storm again. It was his turn now.

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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie was stroking Storm's mane with a hoof as he laid still like the doctor had asked, when suddenly... "Woah! Er, Storm.. I think your hair has discovered that I'm delicious!" Pinkie said, sounding slightly nervous. If one were to look, they would see Pinkie's arm somehow submerged up to the elbow in Storm's short blond mane.

Edited by Storm Shine
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@@Harmony Cube,


When they had followed him into the room, the doctor asked Storm Shine to lay down for a few minutes and not do any sudden movements while he would take care of the quicker process of disinfecting the wound on Book, to whom he had asked to sit on the small bricks.


He went to the side and picked up a few things from a shelf using his horn, then returned his focus to Book.


"This might sting a little, but please try and sit still."


With that, he would pour a little from a small bottle he had taken onto a cotton swap and pushed it against Book's wound and began to slowly clean the wound. The solution in the liquid would cleanse out the bacteria, but as mentioned, it was likely to sting a little for the minute or so the procedure took place before he would remove it, then put on a plaster over it..


"There we go. A few days and it should have covered itself enough with tissue to make it safe to pull this off."


Then he went over with the items again, and pulled out a few stethoscopes and other examination tools before turning towards Storm again. It was his turn now.

Book sat where he was told to. He moved his wing so it was easier to disinfect it. He watched as the doctor got the swab ready. When he put it on, he flinched away at how it stung. He stayed still once he was somewhat used to it and watched as it was covered. Book folded his wing back up when it was done and quietly watched Storm.
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@@Harmony Cube,


"Now then, this is a simple... Oh dear."


The doctor saw that Pinkie's hoof were tangled into Storm's mane and let out a small sigh before letting the things he had found float over on the slab and turned off his magic. He was going to need to focus to help them, as he doubted Storm would enjoy the second option, which included a pair of scissors.


He would assist the two of them in trying to get this done before Pinkie was *eaten* by the mane of Storm, but it would still require the both of them to be calm about things before it got to a point where the two might be tied together by the hair, literally.


When they would eventually get the two of them loose, the doctor would take the stethoscope plus a few other harmless tool and start examining Storm. Whilst doing so, he would mostly just go *Hmmm* and nod to himself, but eventually he would ask Storm a few things, starting when he were checking his eyes with the light.


"Hmmm... Do you often get dizzy during the day?"


((I know this isn't directly including you Harmony, and I'm sorry for that but it'll include you very soon again, I promise. ^_^ ))

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@@Blitz Boom,


Storm nodded, "I get dizzy whenever I do a lot of spinning!" He told the doctor happily. "It's a little annoying when I crash, but I think I'm made of rubber or something because it never really hurts..." Storm explained. "Plus there's the fact that I'm all strechy-able, and even inflatable too!" He continued, trying to explain his point-of-view on the matter as best as he could.

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Sounds about normal."


He checked Storm over a few more places, lifting his wings to see if there was any scratches, looked in his ear and more for signs of any trauma or bleeding, but eventually just nodded and sent the tools away from him again.


"Doesn't seem like there is anything seriously wrong. A few scratches here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary.


Just in case though, I would suggest that you perhaps take it a little easy with the spinning around for a few days, and then get back if you begin to feel even slightly dizzy whilst standing still. It might have just been a head rush you experienced before, but I'd rather be on the safe side so we can begin you on a treatment soon enough so that it's taken care of in relative peace."


The doctor packed the things back on the shelf after speaking, making sure to return them to their rightful spots.


He had neglected to mention the part where it could be that Storm was simply famished, tired or lacked fluids since he was sure an adult pegasus like him knew to keep check on such things. The imbalance in either of them could result in symptoms like the instant dizzying effect and possible impact of physical balance, but it was a minor thing that was fixed by making sure you got enough rest, fluids and food, and was cured simply by replenishing your stock of either. The prospect of a virus was more important currently.


When he had placed the things he turned towards all three of them again.


"So then, while you are here, are there other things you would like to be checked for? Or perhaps some medication you're taking that needs to be refilled?"


He hadn't checked Pinkie Pie, as she looked as healthy and bouncy as ever, but the question now was for all of them. He didn't have any papers regarding their medical history with him, so he wasn't sure if perhaps there was something from that angle.

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@@Blitz Boom


"Nope!/Nopers!" Storm and Pinkie replied happily. "I'm good, not taking any medicine or stuffs... And I think the only medical condition I have is my hetero-chromia!" Storm explained, "I'm pree~tty sure I'm finey-fine too!" Pinkie chirped happily. "And I think your Hetero-Chromia is really pretty Stormy!" Storm smiled, "Thanks Pinkie..." He responded, hugging her happily.

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(dumb school ah but i haft-a go every day if i wanna go to a tech school)


"h-h-hi-hi?" the small one shook her head "uh w-w-w-what d-d-d-do y-y-y-y-you mea-n-n b-by "ha-a-ar-rsh"?... l-l-l-like sca-scary 'c-c-cause  im-im a-afrai-id of e-e-ever-r-ry t-t-t-thing-g bu-bu-ut i-i-im t-t-tryin' n-n-n-o-t-t-t t-t-to b-be.... a-a-an'..... n-n-no-ot st-stutter so m-m-much..... bu-bu-but it-it-it f-f-fades a-a-away!"

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"Uhm... W-Why are you... Scared?"


Brittle took a tiny step more towards the stuttering filly, but still looked at her worried. Who knew if she was some sort of mad pony that was just luring them in so that somepony else could attack them? Or a spy? Or...  She didn't know. There could be all sort of bad things that would happen, including this one attacking and b-biting.


Briar just smirked a little to himself from how things sounded. Brittle had gone a little nearer, so that was a good sign in his head, but beyond that he were still faced with another nervous filly - this one with an audible stutter going near permanently - and he doubted that it helped that Mez was currently not letting go of her. Perhaps it would be for the best to address this small issue.


"If I may, Mez, perhaps I could ask that you put your new friend down to the ground again? Perhaps it would comfort her to have some earth under her hooves rather than being carried around amongst strangers."


He couldn't speak on behalf of the unknown filly, but he for one were not at his most comfortable without being able to have solid ground to walk on and being able to control his own movements. It was not guaranteed to work, surely, but it was a small act that might lighten the mood, so it would be worth a shot, yes?

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Very well then, it sounds like there is nothing left for me to here, so I will-"


The door opened and the receptionist Storm met earlier poked her head in. Her face had a look that said that something wasn't right.


"I'm sorry to interrupt doctor, but we need somepony to stitch up a patient that's bleeding in the hall. She seemed a little on edge and have been asking for *Somepony who can actually do their damn job right*. She is also concerning some of the other patients and doctors as she is armed."


The doctor looked at the nurse, then let out a sigh and took a small bag from the shelf before heading towards the door.


"If you will all excuse me, I need to get a patient sorted before a chain reaction goes on here. I wish you all a nice day."

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@@Blitz Boom@@Harmony Cube,



"Bye Mr. Doctor Pony!" Storm and Pinkie called simultaneously, waving goodbye. "Well let's see..." Storm began, "Blitz is fine, if a bit tired..." Pinkie continued, putting a hoof to her chin. "And I've just finished an impromptu check-up..." Storm listed, "So you know what that means?" He asked with a grin, turning to Pinkie. "SUGARCUBE CORNER!" They cheered, rushing out. Storm poked his head back in the door, "You wanna come with us Book?" He asked with a smile.

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Harmony Cube,



"Bye Mr. Doctor Pony!" Storm and Pinkie called simultaneously, waving goodbye. "Well let's see..." Storm began, "Blitz is fine, if a bit tired..." Pinkie continued, putting a hoof to her chin. "And I've just finished an impromptu check-up..." Storm listed, "So you know what that means?" He asked with a grin, turning to Pinkie. "SUGARCUBE CORNER!" They cheered, rushing out. Storm poked his head back in the door, "You wanna come with us Book?" He asked with a smile.

Book blinked and smiled at them being in unison for what they were saying. He got up when they rushed out to go home and attend to his shop before getting asked by Storm is he wanted to come with them to Sugarcube Corner. "Sure, I'd be happy to come with." Book smiled and followed the happy and perfect acting and for each other Pinkie and Storm. Book followed but realized he had no money. "Oh... Silly me.. I accidentally forgot my money. Sorry! But I'll still come with and sit and talk." He said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
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@@Harmony Cube


"Oh that's no problem Book!" Storm said from where he was happily bouncing along with Pinkie, "I can pay for ya! Besides, it wouldn't be very nice of us to be eating muffins and cupcakes and sweets and goodies while a friend sits there and watches with a hungrily-rumbly-tummy!" He told Book happily, giving a bright smile.

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Oh that's no problem Book!" Storm said from where he was happily bouncing along with Pinkie, "I can pay for ya! Besides, it wouldn't be very nice of us to be eating muffins and cupcakes and sweets and goodies while a friend sits there and watches with a hungrily-rumbly-tummy!" He told Book happily, giving a bright smile.

Book blinked at Storm's offer. Wow... He really is the perfect match for Pinkie... They act too much similar... Book thought, blinking a bit. "Wow... Uh... Thanks! I wouldn't believe a pony I'm only acquainted to would but me sweets like that..." He said in surprise. He kept following them to Sugarcube Corner for their sweets.
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@@Harmony Cube,


 Storm and Pinkie, having arrived at Sugarcube Corner, hopped over to the counter. "Five Chocolate Chip Challenge muffins please!" Storm declared happily, "Oo~! And a cherry-no TWO  cherry muffins, a chocolate muffin, a Rainbow Swirl cupcake, a blueberry muffin, and three Strawberry Chip cupcakes!" Pinkie chirped. "What would you like Book?" Storm asked with a smile.

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