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Blitz Boom

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"No, I don't need anything for the pain. I'm not a pansy unlike some creatures. I can endure it. Pain is just weakness leaving the body. Besides, last time I took any painkillers, I woke up next to a burning pile of dead griffons. And I still find it hard to believe your an "expert" on Kitsune biology. There aren't that many of us around, and those that are don't tend to reveal that sort of info." Just like before, Priestess didn't seemed to be only in minor discomfort considering the circumstances. 



"Right. After me." Allure said as she walked through the revolving door of her dreamscape. 

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The Castle:

"Some of your kind started up a small village hidden deep inside the White Tail Woods to the East. I was brought there to study with them, learning what I could. I however could not get a grasp on Kitsune magic, between the symbols and the chanting, it was just too much for me to understand. I don't think I picked up one phrase of the language either, I can't even say hello or ask 'where's the restroom?' I do however know what kind of damage could be done by stepping on someone's tail, as well as how bad an idea it would be," Miles responded to the insinuation that his experience with Kitsune was a lie. "Now I insist that you at least allow me to give you some form of muscle relaxant so your wound will heal properly. I don't think I have to specify what 'Bae' said would happen if you don't cooperate, or should I say, 'wouldn't happen' to be more precise?"


The Realm Of Dreams:

Charlie followed behind Queen Allure, into her dreamscape, pausing for a moment to take in what he saw.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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A low growl began to resonate from Prietsess's throat, as she turned her eye to the sleeping queen next to her. "Really? You'd go that far? Dabuq Bae!?" She then promptly elbowed said changeling in the jaw. Allure seemed to stir from slumber, only before going limp once again with an exhale of air. 




"Uh, quick question. How old are -" She then stopped and Allure herself seemed to distort an flicker out for a bit, before solidifying. She seemed a bit disorientated, as she wobbled trying to maintain her balance. Shortly she got a firm stance again, then promptly began rubbing her jaw.  "I'm guessing Priestess isn't to pleased with me at the moment." She then took sight upon her surroundings. "Oh,right, so uh, I'm not exactly sure how much of this you should be seeing, if any at all, so legally, how old are you?

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The Castle:

"So, what'll it be, magic or medicine?" Miles said now that it seemed she would cooperate.


Queen's Dream:

"Well, I was alive for three hundred and twenty nine summers as a tree," Charlie answered, not sure what age had to do with anything. Everything was still new to him, being in a form where he could see and interact.

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"Bleh, just give me that herbalism s##t. Magical healing is a ridiculously tedious process. Less like healing, more like a band-aid or stitches made of magic. Once that spell of yours breaks or I enter an area that's anti-thaumatic, spell is gone and so is the thing binding my wounds together. So no, we're going with more natural applications."




"Okay, well, how mature do you think you are, and what do you know about, well, how life forms are made and what mating practices entale?"

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The Castle:

"Okay, I'm giving you one thousand milligrams of Ibuprofen," the doctor said, pulling a bottle out of his pocket. "It acts as a muscle relaxant and it will help a little with the pain. It may even make you a little drowsy. You don't have any allergies to any medications, do you?"


Queen's Dream:

"I've had many a bird born in my branches and sensed the mating of many squirrels, too. Although I have never been able to see anything at all until tonight," Charlie said, still a bit confused.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"Ibuprofen? Dude, I know way, way too many people who take that on a reoccurring basis. Whomever comes up with a cure for tension headaches is gonna be a freakin zillionaire. And 5 pills in a single sitting? Damn. Gonna have to wait a whole day if I wanna take any more. And no, not as long as it lacks depressive, stimulant or hallucinogenic properties. Apparently Kitsune + Nitrus= me waking up on the roof of a partially torched Griffon embassy." 

"Y'know what, I'm just gonna run with the legal age. What you may witness here are acts that are usually, but most of the time not always, but absolutely integral part, of how all living things are made, whether they be changeling, fox, pony, whatever. 
Basically you'll be seeing a lot of sexual intercourse while your here.
And I mean a lot.
Are you willing to proceed given the depth of what you may witness? Cause there will be no turning back once we set on this path."
Edited by Denim&Venom

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The Castle:

"Sometimes the simple things work the best. But okay, I guess I'll just have to tell 'Bae' that you weren't cooperating," Miles retorted, putting the bottle of pills back in his pocket.



"I don't mind, it's your dream after all. If you try to hold anything back, it may distract you from the task at hand. For this you need to be completely focused," Charlie said. Such a thing wouldn't phase him at all.




Elsewhere in the Realm Of Dreams:

The black door swings open. [You forgot about me, didn't you? You all forgot. I don't like being forgotten... and neither will you...] A hand made from the darkness itself reaches out of the void, the creature it belonged to clawing it's way out of its prison.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Seamore Sandwich,

@Blitz Boom,


"Sorry Princess" Serenade yawns, "But being near those love-stealers is sapping my energy. If you need me, I'll be over there taking a nap." Serenade moves off to a small side alcove, moves some books that had piled up and promptly laid down and closed her eyes, humming to herself.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"Hey dude, I'm just letting you know the risks. I haven't taken any in like... ever. So I don't know how I'll react."




"Alright. I'll take your word for it."She said, strolling down memory lane. "So, what do we do first?"

Edited by Denim&Venom

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The Castle:

"I assure you, Ibuprofen is one of the safest options. Why else would it be available over the counter? None of the Kitsune I treated in the White Tail Forest reacted negatively when I prescribed it to them. I consider it my go-to pain killer slash muscle relaxant specifically because of how safe it is," Miles said, trying to be as reassuring as possible. He opened the bottle with his telekinesis, pouring five small pills onto his hoove, presenting them to Priestess. "Take these and get some rest, let the Everwood do its magic. I will return in the morning to remove it."



Charlie stood next to Allure, facing a the door. "The first step: focus on your worst fears and your darkest memories, the things that hold you back. Each will become a link in the chain, but instead of letting the chain hold you back, turn it against the door and make it hold the world back," Charlie explained. He then waited for her to proceed before he would continue on to the next step.

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@Seamore Sandwich@cwhip9@Magos Amphrose@Missklang @Melke @Blitz Boom@Moonlit 

"Kay. Bye." She said in a sarcastic tone, pawing over the pills in pen mouthful and swallowing it."Bleh. Should taken it with some water. ... and now I'm bored. Someone entertain me!" Dime pounced on top of her side. "It's gonna be a long night."




"Darkest Memories. Oh boy. Um, do I start with the earliest, or the darkest, or the least worst of, or... what?"

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The Castle:

"I'll be leaving now. Rest well, I'll see you in the morning," the doctor said, turning to the door. "Please make sure they are not disturbed, they need their rest. The hive connections are repaired, but the stick needs to stay until tomorrow. It's helping to heal some of the internal damage. Don't let her try to remove it herself, I will be back in the morning," he broadcasted to the changelings guarding the door as he was leaving.



"The strongest memories and fears work best, specifically the ones that impact you the most, the ones that hold you back. If there are any that you feel 'guilt' for, those will work well," Charlie said, the word 'guilt' not holding much meaning for him.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"I'm not exactly sure you get the whole concept of dark memories and fears, considering you are, or er, were a tree. These are things you're not supposed to think about, that your'e supposed to forget and move on from. We're in a dreamscape and you're asking me to think about nightmares."

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"Terrormites," Charlie said with a serious look on his face. He was of course talking about a species of magic resistant, termite-like insects. "The one thing I was most afraid of when I was alive was terrormites. Imagine being eaten alive, over the course of years, and you can't do anything to protect yourself. Little insects, crawling inside you, pulling you apart bit by bit, one bite at a time. Or how about a thunderstorm when you're just as tall as any other tree. Your friend gets hit by lightning and catches fire, and all you can do is wait to see if you get hit next, or if the fire will spread to you first. How about having a giant spider cover you in webs until you can barely feel the sun, basically waiting until you starve. Don't assume that living as a tree means living without fear. When you're a tree, the end is always coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. We may welcome our ends, but only when it is our time, and only if it is done right."

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Fine, fine. Sorry for thinking you were blessed with never having to feel such things. Seems everything graced with conscious thought has to suffer the burdens of their fears. Well, almost everything...


Waking world 


"Stop fighting over who gets to sit on my head!"

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"Can't say I haven't taken my glances now and again either. Around here, it stands out so much it's hard not to."


Stargazer hadn't taken much notice of Senlin bumping slightly into his house since it was made of stone so it would take a good deal more than somepony wandering into the exterior to make any damage. He made sure to listen in if either him or his odd companion started to do anything or wander off - which wasn't easy with Omen since she didn't make a sound when she walked - but beyond that he had a few other things to keep his focus on. Like in this instance, yet again the castle of the local princess.


He hadn't met her personally before and only had a brief amount of details to go by, but considering he had to report in eventually when he was settled in he didn't play so much thought as to who she were or what he had been told as he could. He'd learn things in time if even half the stories he heard were true, and if not... Well, wasn't his job to go snoop around in her business anyway. Wasn't something he had the authority to do.


Not that Twilight was her superior per se. He was still connected to the Night Guard in a sense and not hers, but he had to report in and obey the rules of the local authority, and though Mayor Mare held the general day to day workings in and around town, the princess would have the final word in the end. At least he was sure it was like that, though he could be wrong. He had just been told to introduce himself to her in time and let her know of his presence, not whatever or not her rank had anything to do with local law.


But that was things to consider in the long run. Right now, he had a few others to handle here, and they likely weren't gonna stick around for long if he just kept standing in his own thoughts.


"In any case, come on in, and just ignore the box. I had to make an improvised holding cell for an unruly local last night, and it was all I had around to work with."


While they walked through the door, Omen still kept her silence after hearing what Senlin had said, though she did give brief glances towards both the castle and to the box in the scarcely decorated room they entered.


There was basically a desk, a small box where some papers stuck up next to it, some crates in one corner that likely contained some personal effects that hadn't been unpacked yet, and then in an otherwise empty corner opposite of that, a large, wooden box with a metal frame and a chain hastily, but firmly, stuck to one of the edges. Some scratches was in the floor next to it, which was likely from the unruly local he had mentioned that had tried to get loose, but beyond that there wasn't anything to it. At least not on the outside.


Or well, there Were the question about how in the worlds he managed to get it in here to begin with considering it was bigger than the door frame in the two-story brown-bricked house, but a well places teleportation spell could do wonders these days, so wasn't a big mystery all things considered.


"So if master is reformed, he won't make the world to Chaos again? The odd one said that couldn't happen again or the balance was gone, but if he's good, he won't? No more "


Stargazer didn't comment on the irony in this one calling anypony else odd, or whatever else she said for that matter. It seemed not to be directed to him anyway, but to the Longma that had accompanied her when he met them before.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Damonater, @@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost,

'let's go to my house then' summer said and smiled to the others as she walked into the forest, following the same route as blitz took when she went to ponyville so they would meet if blitz was on her way back 'and about barrel' summer said and looked at damon, 'he is a really nice pony, but a bit strange. i found his house, if you can call it that, when he played piano. he's really good at it. but he was really confused, when we knocked on the door he said something about voices in his head and he was crying but i don't know about what. i also believes he drinks. but he was a really nice pony and i hope we find him' summer finished her story. she was a bit worried about barrel now damon told that the thing that kindapped him was not nice. but, if he was taken to another dimension how would they ever find him? and when summer thought about it whe made sure not to think to deep and not walk into a tree again.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom,

Senlin turned to Omen after recovering from his little accident. "Chaos isn't necessarily a bad thing but his applications were deemed too dangerous for Equestria. I guess he could still be up to his old tricks again but not on a large scale." 

It wasn't the best explanation he got but given Senlin was on the receiving end of Discord's temporary rule, the most he would know was that Discord could have driven the inhabitants of Equestria to insanity. Senlin had just finished his explanation before turning his attention to the night guard with his own inquiry.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but what is Discord like nowadays?"

The longma knew that his question could get him kicked out of the house being a dangerous question to ask but he offered to help Omen find out where her master was. Lin was still in his thoughts but being on the search for so long allowed him to temporarily shift his focus on to something or someone else. He hasn't given up on her yet knowing that she may still be out there waiting for him. 


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@@Summer Breeze

@@Blitz Boom

@@Frosty Frost


Damon looked back at both of the ponies, "Hmm, seems like you guys didn't know him for long then before he disappeared. We had a piano in the house when he was with me. Quite talented even though he had hooves and not fingers like what I have." Damon explained as he show them his fingers.


"Anyways, he must of had some memory left over he had created the WunderWaffe and played the piano. I think those voices in his head you speak of must be the memories... But he is heavily infected with one fifteen delusions. I am not sure about myself either... I can feel my memory slip each time I jump between times and worlds." Damon rubbed his head and surveyed the area around him... It looked really dark and creepy to him, it felt like he was being stalked. Perhaps by the creatures that attacked him a little while ago.


"Lets get to the safe house. Maybe I can figure out where Barrel might be from there." Damon insisted as he gripped his shotgun tight.




"Who are you? Get out of my way! Don't make me do something to hurt you..." Barrel insisted for the human like figure lurking in the shadows to move out the way from the exit door. 


The shadow began to laugh with madness and began to speak with a demon like voice, "The world's destruction lays in your hooves Barrel. You are nothing more than a weapon.... YOU'RE A-" The human was knocked out from the shadows by Barrel. It was one of the scientists that experimented with Barrel. 


"Ow! God dammit! I think you broke my nose." The scientist said in pain on the floor.


After that fatal blow to the face, Barrel looked at the scientist. His head began to hurt with the memories flooding back with Damon. How he was found, the world he grew up in... the events that took place after his capturing. Barrel's head spun and became nauseous... then vomited on the floor.


After trembling for a few more seconds, he grabbed the scientist by the coat and put him against the wall. "WHERE AM I? WHERE'S DAMON? TELL ME OR I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE THE NEXT DAY!" Barrel asked violently. Then he proceeded to throw across the floor very hard. The scientist was crawling to save his life but Barrel got a hold of him once again.


The scientist just laughed and laughed... Barrel couldn't take anymore. He killed the scientist    He put the scientist to sleep... perminatly.


Barrel then bucked down the door. He was still in Equestria... But where in Equestria...?

  • Brohoof 1
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"If you want, I can demonstrate for you, unless you would like to try for yourself first," Charlie offered. The next two steps would be a lot simpler, but this step was said to be the most difficult one of all.


The Castle:

Miles wandered off, back toward the room where he first arrived, to wait for Luna to bring him back. To the whole hive he brodcast, and if his theory were correct Queen Allure would hear him in her dreams as well, "Good night to you all, and rest well. If any of you need me, feel free to call on me."

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Yeah, perhaps a demonstration is in order." She then cringed in pain, as she faintly heard the doctor relay his message through the hive mind. "Well I guess that means that the repairs are successfully underway." She said as she rubbed the base of her horn.  

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"Strange, but I suppose that's a given."


Stargazer went over and started to look through the box of papers for something, answering the question whilst going through the different forms and so forth he'd been told to bring with him.


"I've only seen him once after his reform, and I don't know what to think there yet. He still plays havoc with things, but it seems to be less intense in it, and more pranks than anything sinister. Can't say if he just played nice when he was there and it normally is worse, but trust are still a little thin amongst those I heard from at least.


Frankly, the only one who would be able to truly answer this is likely Princess Twilight Sparkle. Rumour in Canterlot goes that he's attached to her castle, so if you made an appointment with her she could perhaps tell you m- Ah, here they were."


Around midway in the crate, he pulled out a set of four papers and put them on the desk.


"Filling out a missing pony's report in this area usually wouldn't give much of an answer, but if I can get a description or picture, age, potential cloaking magic known and common things like that, and sign these three others, I can have it sent to Canterlot and distributed outwards from there. It's not the fastest process, but it gets eyes out there eventually, and it beats chiming doorbells in a small town like this."


Others might expect a magical solution to things, but Stargazer wasn't a Unicorn or something like that. He was a Night Guard, and as such his way of helping was via the system and laws. In this case, sending an expanded missing pony's notice out to the authorities of their capitol and other towns and villages through Equestria.


He couldn't order a bunch og notices to be plastered up in any town without a signed form from the authority the being grew up in and some details about the way he/she had disappeared to determine if it was urgent, but he could at least have some keep an eye out, and if they heard something, send some words back towards him.


As said, it wasn't a fast way of handling things, but it was the way things went with the law. It wasn't always easy solutions and acting fast on things. Sometimes it was just a long trail of paperwork and praying for a spot of good luck.


Meanwhile, Omen had nodded to what Senlin and Stargazer had said and walked over to the window. It was facing the street, but it wasn't where she was looking. No, the object of her focus was the strange castle where the youngest of the ruling princesses lived. An Alicorn that might know where master were, and if he should be found.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Charlie changed from his changeling form back into a whisp so he would be more focused. He made a second door appear for him to demonstrate on. "Now do as I do. Focus on your worst fear or your worst memory, whichever is stronger. Imagine that that fear is a link in a chain," he said as he made a terrormite appear before him, which transformed into a chain link so black that it pulled in some of the light around it. "You don't have to make the fear appear before converting it, but it might be a little easier that way."


@@Blitz Boom



"We will continue looking while you rest. Hopefully we find the book soon," Luna replied, still pulling books out, checking them, then putting them back.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

Allure took in a deep breath, and let it out in a shuddering fashion. She closed her eyes to focus. Out of the swirling blackness appeared a snarling Siren, and in front of it, one of her & Priestess's kits. "No. Not this..." The Siren reared up, opening it's fanged maw, looking poised to strike down at the trembling, whimpering kit. 

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