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"A week in the United States"


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What did I do wrong ?, I just was born in a different world region and with a different culture?


Well these days I really learned a very big lesson, not be Brazilian, (joke), I'll explain how it all happened, I left to travel to the United States in Los Angeles to make a part of my Course Animation and Illustration, was one week ONLY, and if someone already with me here on the forum know that my hobby is to draw what I like (mostly MLP), as was to be expected I had to use company computers (no biggie) not . 


I was quiet, doing some sketches, Well after a while a guy who should have more or less thirty years less, approached me calling monkey and primate and that I should go back to my country (I already expect that from some Americans) I ignored him, so he began to jeer thinking I did not understand their language (although I do not know how to write 100%, I can speak and understand the language very well American), I saved the file on the USB stick and goes into the bedroom where he had some of my acquaintances, I talked to them and they had already been approached by the same guy. 


The next day I was supposed to deliver the project for a teacher and friend of mine, and well my pendrive had been exchanged, I had no projects, was reset, when I saw that group laughing and I asked that such individual get up and give me my pendrive (I simplified this part was very tricky what happened there, I hope I never go back there) (right there started calling me again Under-Developed ever would have the ability to do something as well as he did and that my drawings were completely ridiculous) ... 


Oh you can imagine how was the rest of what was to be an interesting and fun week was a complete shit ...


I lost my stick there, had some very good sketches, my teacher came to apologize and did not expect it, but I know it was only one event among a thousand, but all I wanted was to make friends with people from the same area I, but it seems that I have to leave for another occasion.


I think it would be interesting to comb it all and think before getting attacking anyone who has a totally different culture from you, is a respect, something that should be taken into account ...


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How old was this guy? Like twelve.


There are plenty of Americans who are jerks, but not usually to that degree.


If this guy was in your class I am surprised the teacher didn't throw him out.


I promise you that this guy was unusual.

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How old was this guy? Like twelve.


There are plenty of Americans who are jerks, but not usually to that degree.


If this guy was in your class I am surprised the teacher didn't throw him out.


I promise you that this guy was unusual.


I understand it was pretty bad, but when you have the chance I will go again, did not think I'd find someone so not something that I value both :/....


I met some good people there, but this type of event ruined my whole trip  :(

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I do live in America and I love it here but...

I will NOT deny America is full of prejudice dickheads.

These people who you are mentioning are obviously not making a good example for their country.

This sickens me.

Sorry you had to go through that my friend.

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Speaking as an American... I would be lying if I said that this doesn't surprise me... Americans tend to be very one sided, in that if you aren't American... White... Christian... And rich you are shit, & even if you are then there will be others who don't like you. Sorry to know you got this treatment, trust me when I say this kind of thing is common... :(

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I do live in America and I love it here but...

I will NOT deny America is full of prejudice dickheads.

These people who you are mentioning are obviously not making a good example for their country.

This sickens me.

Sorry you had to go through that my friend.


Speaking as an American... I would be lying if I said that this doesn't surprise me... Americans tend to be very one sided, in that if you aren't American... White... Christian... And rich you are shit, & even if you are then there will be others who don't like you. Sorry to know you got this treatment, trust me when I say this kind of thing is common... :(

I do not know where they get these things, I hope this changes some day, thought someday go to work outside my country (because it has many things related to my area), @@KokuraiNoSenshi This is common even?

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I do not know where they get these things, I hope this changes some day, thought someday go to work outside my country (because it has many things related to my area), @@KokuraiNoSenshi This is common even?

Unfortunately, it is. See the problem is a heavily large amount of focus on only a certain group, since America has always been this very big, beefy country. We have had a history of being the guys who don't take shit from anyone, & unfortunately it instills this sense of "We are better than everyone else" mentality in most Americans which causes this attitude of the "Survival of the Fittest" that causes things like this...

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Unfortunately, it is. See the problem is a heavily large amount of focus on only a certain group, since America has always been this very big, beefy country. We have had a history of being the guys who don't take shit from anyone, & unfortunately it instills this sense of "We are better than everyone else" mentality in most Americans which causes this attitude of the "Survival of the Fittest" that causes things like this...


I thought it would be different, that mindset is very rude and pointless, if he had found people like you there would have been something nice

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Okay, where exactly was this class and how old were the people in it?


I am the youngest, the guys has between 22 and 30 years



Well if I had been around, I would have done everything I could to have helped you out, trust me


Yeah but i survived xD

Edited by Mrbrunoh1
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I am the youngest, the guys has between 22 and 30 years

Then there really should have been no excuse for that. This kind of thing could maybe be tolerated a bit in High School, but if this was a class for adults, it should not have happened at all.


You should contact this school and file a complaint.

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Speaking as an American... I would be lying if I said that this doesn't surprise me... Americans tend to be very one sided, in that if you aren't American... White... Christian... And rich you are shit, & even if you are then there will be others who don't like you. Sorry to know you got this treatment, trust me when I say this kind of thing is common... :(


Religion-wise it matters though.

Although Christianity is the majority religion, believe it or not, there are a number of areas in the US where it is "unpopular" to be a Christian.

There's a couple neighborhoods up here in New York where you would get a funny look or even an insult for wearing a Bible verse on your t-shirt.

Honestly though, I hope one day that we all stop debating religion and come to except each other's beliefs.

Edited by Big Smoke
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Then there really should have been no excuse for that. This kind of thing could maybe be tolerated a bit in High School, but if this was a class for adults, it should not have happened at all.


You should contact this school and file a complaint.


They were not mine, I was doing a week's visit to know how things work in other places, know and learn there too, I had no contact with anyone besides my local Professors, but I agree with you

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Religion-wise it matters though.

Although Christianity is the majority religion, believe it or not, there are a number of areas in the US where it is "unpopular" to be a Christian.

There's a couple neighborhoods up here in New York where you would get a funny look or even an insult for wearing a Bible verse on your t-shirt.

Honestly though, I hope one day that we all stop debating religion and come to except each other's beliefs.

I was speaking majority wise, tbh... That and I am in the bible belt & just had to attend a catholic wedding, so it is just a bit more prominent right now... Where is it unpopular though? Because I haven't seen it outside of anywhere that would be a gay bar or an abortion clinic

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I was speaking majority wise, tbh... That and I am in the bible belt & just had to attend a catholic wedding, so it is just a bit more prominent right now... Where is it unpopular though? Because I haven't seen it outside of anywhere that would be a gay bar or an abortion clinic

Well it's rarely an unpopular thing down here in Rochester, but trust me, if you're seen with a "Jesus Loves You" t-shirt on in the city right after a "Gay Pride" parade, chances are you're gonna get a funny look.

Most of the time though everybody respects each other.

I personally love Rochester.

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Well it's rarely an unpopular thing down here in Rochester, but trust me, if you're seen with a "Jesus Loves You" t-shirt on in the city right after a "Gay Pride" parade, chances are you're gonna get a funny look.

Most of the time though everybody respects each other.

I personally love Rochester.

Ah ok, yeah I guess that would be a bad time for it... Though I still think it depends on where you are, if there was a gay pride parade down here in Missouri people wouldn't like you, but if you did the thing you said in NYC after a gay pride parade it would be a "shoe's on the other foot now" deal

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I'm American it is great here but there is always racism somewhere and racist American's are the worst...... America is made up of all races so for someone to tell you to go back to Brazil you could easily say for him to go back to England [or what ever race he is] don't do it though I was just giving an example

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Hey there @@Mrbrunoh1, since this topic has little room for serious discussion and appears mainly to be a log of your experiences, we would suggest moving it to a blog rather then its own thread.

On a personal note, I do apologise for how you were treated. Not everyone in the world is like this and those people were likely a minority. I do hope you don't judge all Americans based on the actions of a few.

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