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open Celestia's Harmony Academy (RP)


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Hearing the announcement Storm sighed. "Well... I better start towards the auditorium..." He mumbled, flying towards it. "I do want to get my cloud chair together, and teachers should be on time if not early to class anyways.... or something like that..." Storm thought to himself. "Afterwards,I should check with Princess Celestia about whether or not I should be aware of anything specific about the physical wellness of any students that will be in my class... Like whether I should change anything about the physically demanding drills of tortur- er...'Healthy Excercises' for anypony..." He mumbled thoughtfully.

Storm chucked a bit when he remembered the wing training schedule he thought up. You don't get fast by slacking off, after all. Storm trained his wings pretty intensely to get to his current speed. Flying outside, Storm grabbed a cloud, before flying into the auditorium and plopping himself down on it.


(OOC: He's probably just a smidge below Rainbow Dash speed-wise, can't make a Sonic Rainboom, but he could possibly make a regular Sonic Boom if he were to really try... Of course he would probably need to rest for a solid few hours afterwards, If he even succeeded...)


(OOC PS: The drills of torture thing, was a bit of a joke.. Based it on how sometimes martial arts trainers or whatever in some books and stories will refer to their training as torture, before correcting themselves mid-sentence/wording... If anypony feels offended, or like it should be removed, I'll remove it.)

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Void heard the announcements on the intercom and set of for the auditorium after his laughing fit at the vending machine.

"Still don't know what element between laughter and magic I should take... Hmm, I got a bit more time to decide" He was muttering to himself as he found himself in the Auditorium once he was done talking and he sat in the middle rows to see if he could meet some more ponies but likely not here at this moment in time.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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The School's principal (Celestia) stood behind the the Microphone and started to speak.  "Good afternoon Students and welcome to the opening day of Harmony Academy.  Today Everypony here get to choose to have up to 2 mentors 1 to learn the Element of and the other as a extra curricular course or both now I will have all of the Elements themselves tell you want they will be doing." stepped to the side and let Twilight take the stage.


"Hello everypony I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newest princess in Equestria and the Princess of Friendship.  While here I will teaching the element of Magic itself and teach some Astronomy on the side.  In case you are wondering Earth ponies and Pegasi and both learn the element of magic as well as unicorns because this magic isn't about performing magic tricks its the about magic inside of all of us.  It connects all of us and even has a little bit of the other elements inside of it.  That is all from me."  Twilight moved and let Apple Jack take her turn to speak.


"OK I'm Apple Jack and my element is Honesty.  Now this honesty isn't as simple as you think it is,  most of you think it is just about not lying at all,  well that's only part of it.  You also have be honest with yourselves and that's harder than most of yall think.  The ends don't always justify the means,  if you got to try to justify anything to yourself it may not be the right thing to do.  Now it doesn't all to all things In which case you got look for a middle road between your and somepony esle's opinion.  Also my extra class is agriculture."  Apple Jack then let Rainbow Dash have her moment in the spotlight


"OK listen up I'm teaching you how to be the most Loyal friend you can be.  Now there may be a time you loyal to many friends all doing different things. 2 thing about that situation 1.) DO NOT I repeat NOT use the mirror pool it will only end in disaster and 2.) Let your friends know you made plans already and ask about another day if you can hang with them then.  Now on the side I can teach you how to preform proper flight techniques so that class is Pegasi only nothing against the Earth ponies or Unicorns though."  Rainbow flew off of the stage and let Rarity get ready for her Speech


"Hello everypony my name is Rarity and I shall teach you about Generosity.  The art of giving and not expecting anything in return, also i designed the school uniforms and they are 7 different kinds one for each mentor program I do hope you enjoy them.  Any way yes it can easy to give into greed you can't you mustn't let it otherwise you may have a heavy burden on you."  Rarity looked back and noticed the was a picture of her with a big bolder on her from the discord attack. "OK who, Pinkie."  she said as Pinkie was laughing her flank off nearby.  Rarity grabbed the picture with her magic and tossed it away.  "Where was I,  oh yes, If you give, the next may be inspired to the same and so on i just ask you not to break the chain.  Also I will teach Arts and Crafts to anypony who is interested."  Rarity walked off the stage wondering how Pinkie even had a picture of that moment letting Pinkie ready for her speech.


"HI EVERYPONY.  I am Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie all my friends do and I want to see you Smile but I don't have time for a song right now so i'll cut to the chase I can be your mentor in the world of Laughter and remember rule #1 about joking is never make a joke about someone you yourself can't take and you got to laugh at yourself once in a while."  she pulled out a mirror and laughed after looking in it to prove her point.  "And if you don't want that I can always teach you how to cook. So good bye for now"  Pinkie threw down a smoke bomb and when the smoke cleared Fluttershy was there.


"OH... Um.. Sorry I really don't like public speaking I just teach how to be Kind and how to care for animals ok that's all."


The school's principal then came back and said "If you don't want any of those classes you may choose the General Studies option but you still can have a extra curricular course even without them as you mentor choose wisely cause you can only change the course with permission from your mentor.  Have a Great day and Rarity will help you fit you uniforms as you get them."


(basic design of each uniform it is a vest in the color of his/her mentor's coat (i.e. Twilight = purple) with their mark on the back while General Studies is just a plain red vest.)

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Soprano quickly hurried into the auditorium just as they started. "Whew!" he thought, listening to the choices. 




Soprano was learning between Twilight and Fluttershy. He liked both...


He gave it a think, and concluded that going with Twilight would be best.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Bushido was annoyed at the restriction of the Loyalty class to Pegasus ponies alone, and the others through. "I personally don't care for the use of magic....and being true to one's self is has no physical use.....I don't need to male ponies smile...and kindness does me no good....I guess generousity or kindness...probably kindness though since Kindness earns you allies....I scratch your back, you scratch my back, that's how it works", she said to herself.

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Void was muttering to himself as he listened to the choices.

"I knew it was going to be between Laughter and Magic, So Princess Twilight or Pinkie Pie... I need a little more time to think about this choice"

He was very strung between both and had no clue how he was going to pick between them he was going to have to choose soon so his thinking process was a little clouded due to being rushed.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Riley galloped into the auditorium and parked his fuzzy rear down on a seat, eager to get started with his stay at the academy.


The School's principal (Celestia) stood behind the the Microphone and started to speak.  "Good afternoon Students and welcome to the opening day of Harmony Academy.  Today Everypony here get to choose to have up to 2 mentors 1 to learn the Element of and the other as a extra curricular course or both now I will have all of the Elements themselves tell you want they will be doing." stepped to the side and let Twilight take the stage.


"Hello everypony I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, the newest princess in Equestria and the Princess of Friendship.  While here I will teaching the element of Magic itself and teach some Astronomy on the side.  In case you are wondering Earth ponies and Pegasi and both learn the element of magic as well as unicorns because this magic isn't about performing magic tricks its the about magic inside of all of us.  It connects all of us and even has a little bit of the other elements inside of it.  That is all from me."  Twilight moved and let Apple Jack take her turn to speak.


"OK I'm Apple Jack and my element is Honesty.  Now this honesty isn't as simple as you think it is,  most of you think it is just about not lying at all,  well that's only part of it.  You also have be honest with yourselves and that's harder than most of yall think.  The ends don't always justify the means,  if you got to try to justify anything to yourself it may not be the right thing to do.  Now it doesn't all to all things In which case you got look for a middle road between your and somepony esle's opinion.  Also my extra class is agriculture."  Apple Jack then let Rainbow Dash have her moment in the spotlight


"OK listen up I'm teaching you how to be the most Loyal friend you can be.  Now there may be a time you loyal to many friends all doing different things. 2 thing about that situation 1.) DO NOT I repeat NOT use the mirror pool it will only end in disaster and 2.) Let your friends know you made plans already and ask about another day if you can hang with them then.  Now on the side I can teach you how to preform proper flight techniques so that class is Pegasi only nothing against the Earth ponies or Unicorns though."  Rainbow flew off of the stage and let Rarity get ready for her Speech


"Hello everypony my name is Rarity and I shall teach you about Generosity.  The art of giving and not expecting anything in return, also i designed the school uniforms and they are 7 different kinds one for each mentor program I do hope you enjoy them.  Any way yes it can easy to give into greed you can't you mustn't let it otherwise you may have a heavy burden on you."  Rarity looked back and noticed the was a picture of her with a big bolder on her from the discord attack. "OK who, Pinkie."  she said as Pinkie was laughing her flank off nearby.  Rarity grabbed the picture with her magic and tossed it away.  "Where was I,  oh yes, If you give, the next may be inspired to the same and so on i just ask you not to break the chain.  Also I will teach Arts and Crafts to anypony who is interested."  Rarity walked off the stage wondering how Pinkie even had a picture of that moment letting Pinkie ready for her speech.


"HI EVERYPONY.  I am Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie all my friends do and I want to see you Smile but I don't have time for a song right now so i'll cut to the chase I can be your mentor in the world of Laughter and remember rule #1 about joking is never make a joke about someone you yourself can't take and you got to laugh at yourself once in a while."  she pulled out a mirror and laughed after looking in it to prove her point.  "And if you don't want that I can always teach you how to cook. So good bye for now"  Pinkie threw down a smoke bomb and when the smoke cleared Fluttershy was there.


"OH... Um.. Sorry I really don't like public speaking I just teach how to be Kind and how to care for animals ok that's all."


The school's principal then came back and said "If you don't want any of those classes you may choose the General Studies option but you still can have a extra curricular course even without them as you mentor choose wisely cause you can only change the course with permission from your mentor.  Have a Great day and Rarity will help you fit you uniforms as you get them."


(basic design of each uniform it is a vest in the color of his/her mentor's coat (i.e. Twilight = purple) with their mark on the back while General Studies is just a plain red vest.)


Riley eagerly raised his hoof in the air. "Ooh! Ooh! I choose Pinkie Pie!" He already knew Pinkie, so this should be quite a nice meeting.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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As Cinnamon sat in the auditorium she knew exactly who she was going to pick. "As if there were any doubts who I would pick." she thought. "I would like to be a student under Princess Twilight Sparkle if she would have me of course." she spoke in a clear strong voice.


Made by MiniKirby123

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Riley realised he really had to go to the bathroom.




On his way back through the corridor, he noticed a sign:




He smirked, and took out a temporary marker pen...




He admired his work.

                         SIT YOUR



He giggled as he trotted back into the auditorium, hoping that no cameras picked up his misbehaviour.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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(OOC: just to clarify every one gets a mentor but you chose and second mentor for an elective class it's the flight technique class that is Pegasi only). The mane 6 all walked to their respective stands waiting to meet the new students they will be teaching this year.

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Bushido walked over to Rainbow Dash's Booth to sign up for the Loyalty class before signing up for Fluttershy's animal class. She figured it would be a straight forward class that would be at least slightly beneficial to her in one way or another.

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Void buzzed his wings in excitement as he gets to choose his two, WAIT two he forgot he gets to choose two, he trots up to Twilights area to sign up for Magic then he goes to Pinkie for his second and smiled doing this

He is thinking to himself as he kind of giggles to himself a little from joy.

*Mutters* "Yes! I am set for now"

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Soprano slowly walked over to Twilight, hoping that he would be able to get into the class. "Uh.. hi." Soprano said to Twilight. He really wanted to get into this class. He knew that Twilight was very... organised, and that she would be able to help him get everything in her class organised, and ready to work.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Riley gleefully galloped over to Pinkie's booth, obviously intending to sign up under her tutorship... but she wasn't present.


Just as he started to wonder where she was, he felt something touch his rump. "Boop!" came Pinkie's voice. The two of them laughed.

OCs: RileyAnala

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did my best to keep out of everyponys radar, if they find out i am homeless...........well i dont think they will receive that information very well. I listened to celestia from the tree line, the whole time watching the changeling, Why is there a changeling here? If it trys anything funny........i pull my sword and wait. everypony seems to like him.........strange.......its either a good actor or.......no.......there is no such thing as a good changeling, it has to be a spy. i should hang back and watch. I wait a bit for everypony to go inside and sheath my sword. (*insert metal gear solid music*) I keep out of sight on the way to the auditorium. i stand at the door watching everypony, the Changeling caught my eye, i grit my teeth, using every ounce of will power not to just cut it down like the rest. i will give it one chance. one.

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