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open Pony Art Online (IC RP)

Warrior Dark Void

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Video games have reached the next level in Equestria. Far after the mane six have lived there life, we find a new technology: Virtual Reality gear. Everyone is buzzing with excitement about the new game, Pony Art Online, which is a virtual experience of living in a medieval type age. Those who just want to have a calming experience remain in the towns while the adventurous ones race out into the feild to level up their character, find new gear, and defeat monstrous bosses. As the servers open for the first time, millions of ponies log in to the new world. Mere minutes after the initial opening, everyone finds themselves in the main square. Confused, many try to log out, but find the option missing. Amidst a rising panic, a familiar voice cackles loudly as the name ripples through the crowd. "Discord." The familiar dragon appears and announces his success.

"You are all trapped here in my... Game. You can all see that it has become impossible to log out, and this is for a good reason. Since the mane six have long since died, I've had no one to play with. Now that you all are trapped here, I can have all the fun I want. Feel free to continue playing the game in any way you want, but keep in mind that the rules have changed: if you die here, you die in the real world as well." Gasps rise quickly from the crowd, followed by screams of panic. "But there is some hope for you ponies yet! If you can reach the hundredth floor and defeat me there, then I will let you all leave on your own time. Farewell, and let the games begin!"



I cast my eyes down to my hooves, trying to comprehend what just happened. Some dark part of me seems almost pleased, being forced to battle to live. I swallow once hard and breath out, slowing my heartbeat.

"Let's get this started." I mutter to myself, heading out to the Fields of outside the Town of Beginnings, leaving the mass of panic and disharmony. I pull out the tiny dagger given to starters and sigh. This wouldn't work. As soon as possible, I'm getting something bigger. I see a young boar turn to me and snort.

"And so the fighting begins." I say out loud as the boar charges. I shout and race forward, blade glinting maliciously in the noon sun.

Edited by Warrior Dark Void
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Raven smirked. "So play and take a risk of death...fun" He said as he looked at the black claymore on his back before leaving town. "Meaning this will be a battle to the death and I won't fall so easily" Raven muttered before heading out into the field. He got behind an enemy before drawing the claymore out with magic and struck it defeating it. "Backslash" Was all he said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Caramel thought to herself on how to stay alive and be happy. She knew that you can still live inside a game. You can be you. She remembered her strategies and what she had done on previous RPGs.


"Does anypony know where the next town is?"


Everyone seemed to be panicking, unsure of what to do. No doubt there would be suicides and destruction.


"Nevermind being a merchant. I need to spread happiness."


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Tempest smirked as he watched the other panic and walked out of the town. "I guess one could've seen this coming." He thought, as he placed his hands on two swords made of black metal. "This was a game designed to be as immersive as possible." When he pulled up his stats, the bat pony saw that his health was the lowest out of all of his stats. "I had better focus on increasing that for now or maybe getting some health regeneration." Tempest then began to fight whatever monsters he could find in an attempt to quickly gain experience.

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Raven looked at his stats. "Alright...focus on magic, strength, dex, and agility...shouldn't take very long" He said as he held the claymore up to block a boars attack. "Any killers in the world will try their best to end other ponies since there is no repercussion since we are in a game but it doesn't matter...I'll kill them before they kill me" He said as he killed the boar before putting the claymore away.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I know this is hard, but, please, stay. organized. whether you like it or not, this is your life now. make the best of it."












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I pull the dagger out of the lifeless body of a large boar and check my levels.

"Ok, so I'm moving towards speed, strength, and health. Doing good so far..." I stop when I notice something. "Well then. I guess I have enough for a real weapon now!" I turn and start to gallop back towards the Town of Beginnings.


I reach the town and see the gruesome remains of the panic earlier in the day, bloodstains on the ground from those who couldn't take it, some who just collapsed, and other things best not to be noted. I groan and trot up to a stall where an NPC is straightening various weapons. I drop a bag of bits onto the table and point. A clink of metal later, I find myself with a single, blood-red blade with a pale grey hilt, all with a single indent down the center.

"I like the look of this!" I whisper to myself, hoisting the weapon up to catch the dwindling rays of the dusk sun. I smile darkly and walk out of the town. A boar growls loudly and charges at me. The long blade splits down the center, turning into two half-swords. I laugh and jump forward, bringing my weapons straight forward, then twisting in a complete circle, leaving the boar in pieces.

"This will definetely work!" I laugh, ready for any challenge.

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I failed.


They didn't listen.


When do they?


Well, back to square one.


(I leave for the fields, where I slay boars.)


I wonder how many died. How many will forever be lost. What's it like in the real world? What's happening? Can we even tell? Where am I?


I head back to the Town to sell my hides.


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Raven headed on back to town to sell the useless stuff he got and saw the after math and laughed. "Typical ponies panic and kill or kill yourself is all you could think off...hell it brings me a bit of...joy" Raven said as he saw someone selling their hides. He walked up next to the mare. "You seem pretty calm with whats going on" Raven said to the mare as he sold the hides he had. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Should I use his 'virtual' name or his real name, for now I will use virtual)


Analog(Times) just looked at the sky. He said something to himself "Sweet! This makes things interesting!" The logical part of himself, was yelling at the idiotic part for acting so cool in this situation. Analog thought about what to do next... Grinding came to mind. The illogical part of himself said to stay in the town of beginnings where it is safe, but Analog listened to the illogical part of his mind and decided to go kill stuff! Analog started running and then something popped into his mind 'GO TO THE NEXT TOWN!!!... you get to kill more stuff..." He smiled at this idea and decided to just head to the next town. His Logical part of his brain was at least somewhat satisfied.

Edited by Spritebot model ED-E

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tempest gained strength with each kill he made and watched as his experience bar increased. "If this keeps up, I doubt I'll have much trouble taking out Discord." He thought as he noticed his inventory getting full. He decided to walk to the next town and sell whatever he didn't need. "I may need some armor if I don't want to die." The bat pony then looked through the town for a blacksmith.

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"Well this is a turn in fate, but first I need a better weapon, a best, a house, cooking supplies, and work on my cooking skills" Cecillia said walking out if town with the hogs. "Ok there must be a trick to this" she looked at the hog drew her knife back a few seconds then slice. Not enough try again, it's still alive.

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After not getting a reply form the mare he leaves and heads back out into the field and holds the claymore. "I should be at a good enough level to take on the dungeon a-" Raven stopped when he saw a mare trying to kill a boar one strike at a time. "Do I dare try to help...or" Raven had thought about just going and killing a player. "No...shes just starting out...guess I could try to help" Raven said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Analog saw a boar and drew his dagger, He grinned and turned towards the boar.  He saw it began to charge and jumped to the side and smack talked it "oh too slow, try eating healthier fatty" He laughed before drawing back the dagger and then once the blade began to glow, he released it and struck the boar. He turned to looked at the boar "Are you bacon yet?" It then popped into his mind 'wait... whats bacon' Analog noticed the boar was still alive and said "You surely do have a thick skin, and a thick skull." He acted as if the boar could hear/understand him. He drew back his blade and waited, when the boar began to charge, he charged back! Killing it. He looked at what he got from it and said "cool, a hide... what do I use a hide for? hmmm lets sell it!" He said to himself before returning to the town of beginnings and selling it. He looked at his stats and decided, he wanted to be an agility type but still somepony that can survive in a fight against a high level boss in the end game. 'So Agility, Strength, Dexterity...' He also decided to focus on Blade weapon forging, light armor forging, Battle healing, Searching and Hiding as his skills.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Celestia grrrrrrr, this isn't working" Cecilia said moving away, then trying again. "Maybe this will work" she waited a while this time before she hit the hog. "Ha got the darn thing this time, nice, ok so I got hide, but my skills are still low" Cecilia said with a slite smile.

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Raven sighed. "That took to l-" Raven stopped before rushing and impaling a boar with the blade. "Hey you...mare" Raven called out. "I was seeing you fight and, no offense, but you are pretty weak..." Raven said before his blade became covered in fire. "Eruption" He stabbed the blade and a blue flame exploded hurting the bore and himself


Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah I know, I heard there's a trick to this but I can't figure it out, yeah I'll just keep trying though, oh and by they way I'm Cecelia, what's your name" she said turning around to look at him, thinking that she can learn on her own and dosent need help with this.

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Analog decide to stick around for a little bit longer. He decided to go boar hunting! He ran out to the 'hunting grounds' and as soon as he saw a boar, he went after it. He came close to it and said "hey! bacon bits! over here!" He readied a sword skill and once the boar turned to him he released it, striking the boar. "this never gets old!" He said before getting hit by a boar that charged him while he wasn't paying attention. "Ow... wait, I can't feel any pain..." Analog said before getting back up "Your going to pay for that!" He said before getting ready for an attack. The boar charged once more and he jumped to the side before doing a normal attack. He put some distance between him and the boar before preparing a sword skill. He then waited for the boar to come at him before releasing it. "This is too easy..." He quickly looked around for anymore boars and once he knew there were none going to charge him he said "objective numero uno; kill all the boars!! not literally of course, objective numero dos; Buy straight-sword, something light weight and cheap. objective numero tres; head to town numero dos..." He then looked around 'boars, boars, two players, more boars, boar with its back turned; bingo!' He thought before slowly approaching the boar, 'these low level enemies are so easy to kill now that I have handled this sword skill stuff' He thought.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"My name is E-" Raven stopped himself before he gave the name he chose. "Raven my name is Raven" He said before. "The trick is to act as though the weapon is a part of you and not just something in your hooves" Raven said before sending a boar into the air before teleporting up to it and slamming it back into the ground and landing. "Watch" Raven said bring the blade back as it glowed blue. "Soul Slash" Ravens blade went through the boar and killed it

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"That's pretty neat, it might take me a while to do that, but I think I can get to it, it just takes some practice" Cecilia said walking up to him a little, but still being careful and not getting to close to the blade. "Oh that reminds me, I need to save up my money, so I can't wast it on stupid things like I ideally do" Cecilia said with a small smile.



((yeah her name is really Luna, but she uses a video game name))

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((His real name is Equinox he's using Raven as hi in game name))


"Here" Raven sent a party request to Cecilia. "I can help you out with training just don't expect me to keep saving you" Raven said before killing another boar. "These boars are weak...let's head back to town and get you better equipment before continuing on" Raven said as he 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Cecilia accepted the request. "Thanks, and you don't have to save me very often, I should be fine once I get the hang of it, yeah I have some plans, I just hope they work the way I want them to, well that is if I spend my money the way I'm suppose to" Cecilia said being reasonable.

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"Well it all depends what are you planning to spend it on" Raven asked putting the sword away. "I might need to get a beter weapon soon but the sho in town doesn't have anything better then what I have equipped right now" Raven said as he sat down. "Damn Discord I can't believe he would do something like this...so fucking stupid" He said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah it's quite rediculuse, why would somepony do something like this, but we have to try our best to survive now, well that's the plan for me anyways, I'll just be in small hunts, you won't catch me in a boss battle unless I'm levle one hundered or higher" Cecilia said with a small laugh.

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Dusk has been wondering around alone in the forest because he decided to make some money and increase his level, then he saw a huge plants, so he fought them until his last breath and when he defeated them all, he earned some money and increase his level in a few, but deep in the forest he saw the queen of the forest, he wanted to battle it but he knew that it was far too dangerous , so he set a mark to find it again, and decided to go to a village and male some friends to take down the queen.


sincerely Dusk Night.

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