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ooc Resurgence OOC (Sci-fi, Post-apocalyptic, AU, Anthro, Adventure)


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While on the topic of custom items, See chains has a mask, its looks like its made of plastic, but that's just the outer layer of it, the mask is actually made from a kevlar Weave, like they make bullet proof vest out of (or what ever is the standard armor material in this RP) and it also has a built in hud of sorts, which identifies Hostiles, Bystanders, and Friendlies, and also has a built it Radio, would it be okay to keep that? And as for my weapons, I'll probably use the basic issue stuff.

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Because I'm stupid and can't decide which character to play, I wrote both of them out entirely.



Not sure if the sniper rifle is a little OP. It probably is, but then again we have no long-range combatants at all yet, and surely the melee skirmishers will cause much more havoc and massacre on the battlefield than a single sniper that has to take his time between each shot. Let me know what you think about it. Of course you're the DM, so I will adjust things if neccessary.


Name: Verdant Veil, though he dislikes this name and calls himself Stinger


Race: Pegasus


Age: 26


Gender: Male



Stinger is a Pegasus with an agile, flexible and strong body, made for tenacity and endurance, but also dexterity. Muscular, but not bulky, his sharp features and strong jaw line make him quite an appearance. Together with the strong green colour of his eyes and a sly, cocky grin, he is attractive by general social standards. His wings are very large in comparison to the usual Pegasus, which can be a problem at times, since it makes acceleration and taking off very difficult for Stinger.


With a dark saturated green coat, and the tips of his feathers black, Stinger has quite a camouflage-like colour. His black leather suit and Kevlar armour complement this. On his back, between his large wings, a jetpack is placed, to his own embarrassment, since without it he wouldn’t be able to get off the ground. Because of this he has a short, black prickly mane and tail, to make sure his hair wouldn’t get sucked into the jet engines.


Cutie Mark (if any): A scope target aimed over a bloodshot eye. It represents his amazing reflexes and perceptiveness, as well as his great ability with firearms and especially his sniper rifle.



Stinger is a relatively laid back, relaxed and easy going individual. He usually follows other’s leads if he believes it’s a proper leader, and won’t cause much trouble. He likes to tease some ponies a little, and sometimes goes a little too far with his witty remarks, but he knows when a situation is serious and how to show respect to authorities. Stinger is not very humble, but won’t brag a lot either.


Except about the things he is exceptionally good at. That is spotting a target from a large distance, identifying said target, and blowing the target’s brains out if it has to come to it. He has a strange bloodlust and passion for long range elimination, and when he is actually in the process of it he is strangely silent and focussed. He takes his skills very seriously, and can be easily offended if someone trumps his ego on that specific subject.


On any other occasion, Stinger could be a good friend and sociable company, as well as a soldier or a squad member.


Skills and talents:


- Flawless aim -

Stinger is one of the best snipers in the citadel, perhaps even among the ranks of the best snipers in the world. He was trained by a few of the best marksponies to use a specific kind of sniper rifle. He can eliminate enemies while he is in the air, or hiding somewhere on the ground. In any weather conditions his shots will almost always hit target.

- Eagle with a telescope -

Being a solo sniper, Stinger has to be his own spotter as well, and since he can spend his time in the air for extended periods of time, he can do that quite efficiently so. Stinger is extremely perceptive, not only knowing where to look, but being capable of keeping tabs on his entire field of view. Included with his equipment is a headset with a left-eye overlay that can help him identify certain targets, as well as highlighting the ones that he will be taking out for his allies.


- Float like a butterfly -

Stinger has quite large wings. Although this can be an impediment at times, it allows for incredibly steady hovering in conjunction with his jetpack, due to the increased lift that he can distribute. It also helps with carrying the immensely heavy sniper rifle, that he has to keep up in the air with him.


- Sting like a bee -

The ‘Daedalus Praedator’ is a sniper rifle specifically built and designed for Stinger, and he has been trained specifically to use it. It is a modifiable sniper rifle. Besides the regular attachments like scopes and silencers, the Daedalus can be modified to use different calibre bullets, exchange range for fire rate and exchange firepower for stability. It can be balanced for any situation Stinger may come across. 



Might've gone a little overboard with this one. Accepting this character means accepting a new piece of lore which is the circle of magi. I'm sure you'll like the concept of it, but it might conflict with your own ideas of magic. I have a lot of ideas for this and I think it has a lot of potential in the future of this RP, but if you think it is too complex I can tone it down if you want.



Magus title: Kael-Zúr 

Real name: Merdyn


Race: Unicorn


Age: 28


Gender: Male


Appearance: This, but anthrofied. His ears permanently point down, a physical disability he's had since his birth. With this robe, minus the giant collar, shoulderpiece and cape, and the golden parts being bronze. I was too lazy to describe all this :c


Cutie Mark (if any): 





Merdyn is a pony with a short temper. He defends his beliefs and passions fiercely, and is very stubborn with preserving what he thinks is true. When he is finally convinced of a new piece of information however (usually requiring very well though out arguments and evidence), he adapts to new information very quickly, merging it with what he already knows.

Merdyn is very perceptive and can quickly adjust to new situations and problems. He is not quick to act however. His body is not as nimble as his mind.

He strongly believes that anypony who is not an intellectual should strive to become one. Knowledge is the ultimate reward to anything and everything. Practice and skill is something he appreciates almost as much, for knowledge is nothing without the power to do something with it. If one does not strive to achieve knowledge or skill, Merdyn will despise and disrespect you with a passion.

He doesn't show his emotions very quickly. He isn't unsociable, he just feels like emotions are unnecessary... unless of course they are, but when that is the case he usually puts up an act, which can be noticeable sometimes. The only thing about his personality that is immediately noticeable is that his is fairly arrogant and cocky. Merdyn knows that he is incredibly knowledgeable, and he doesn’t shy away from letting others know.

Though he can be very grumpy at times, Merdyn can be sociable if he respects and likes the ponies he is conversing with. Usually he brightens up a lot if you present him a new piece of information.


Skills and talents:

Merdyn is a magus. An arsenal magus to be specific. The order of magi are trained in several subjects. Some are trained in the ways of the elements and energy, becoming adept in bending these energies or elements without the use of spells, but with pure magical power. Others are trained in executing the spells in the tomes and grimoires through rituals of great power. And then there are the arsenal magi. These are the spellcasters. Those trained execute their spells instantly, from memory, without the help of other magi or tomes. These are called arsenal magi not because of their affiliation with combat, but because over the course of their studies they build up an ‘arsenal’ of spells. And not the spells that any generic unicorn can cast. No, spells that are complex, powerful and infinitely more useful than your everyday transmutation spells.


Arsenal magi are very powerful because they not only harness the power of unicorn magic, but as well call upon the forces of Pegasi and Earth-pony magic. The magi themselves call these three energies ‘Quas’, ‘Wex’ and ‘Exort’. Quas being the power of earth, ice, cold, strength and fortitude, Wex being the power of the wind, electricity, lightning, dexterity and agility. Finally, exort is the power of fire, force, heat, wits and intellect. To cast tremendously powerful spells, arsenal magic draw upon these powers in certain combinations.


The ability of an arsenal magus is therefore measured by the amount of combinations they can make, because each combination allows them to memorise a new spell. If you can only call upon the energies once, you can only memorise three spells. One affiliated with each force.


Q, W, E


When the a combination of two of the forces is possible, the repertoire of spells increases by 6 upon the original three:


Q, W, E, QQ, WW, EE, QW, QE, WE


Not only the quantity, but also the power of the spells increases in this way, since the energies can be called upon twice. Twice the amount of ‘Wex’ can be harnessed with a second tier spell, and thus the effect of the spell will be more powerful. When a combination of three instances is achieved, one becomes a master arsenal magus, being capable of casting 19 different spells, 10 of which incredibly powerful.




Never in history has a tier 4 magus walked on the surface of the planet. Even if somepony would have been close to achieving tier 4, he would be eliminated before doing so, since a tier 4 arsenal magus, given enough energy and power, could destroy the citadel entirely.


As you can see, raising a tier proves incredibly difficult, since it requires an exponential amount of practice, study and skill each time a tier is added. And when you do raise a tier, you still need to connect a spell to a certain combination. The combination doesn’t decide what the spell is, but the caster. The combination is just a way of memorising and channelling the power of the spell.


So in short. Quas, Wex and Exort. The amount of combinations possible equals the amount of spells in the magus’ repertoire. The spells are more powerful with each added tier, and also exponentially difficult and complex to learn.


Being an arsenal magus in training, first tier, Merdyn is capable of instantly casting three spells. He is currently studying to raise in the ranks and finish his training. From then on he’d study the three forces by himself, as colleagues of his fellow tier two magi. These are the spells that he has connected to the three ‘combinations’ he is capable to invoke.




Quas: Internal fortitude

Causes Merdyn to regenerate his body more efficiently. The more energy he puts into the spell, the quicker his own body will heal. It also increases his muscle power, endurance and immunity to the elements reasonably, but not with an exceptional amount. This spell can be cast on a willing target as well, but it must be either an arsenal magus or an earth pony to work. When cast on an earth pony the results may be more powerful since the earth pony will be more closely connected to the power of Quas.


Wex: Lightning infusion.

Merdyn becomes more agile and dextrous. The more energy he puts into the spell, the faster his reflexes will become. He becomes more capable of dodging incoming attacks, sprinting quickly and doing quick small movements. This spell can be cast on a willing target as well, but it must be either an arsenal magus or a pegasi to work. When cast on a pegasi the results may be more powerful since the Pegasus will be more closely connected to the power of Wex.


Exort: Expansion of the mind

Merdyn expands his intellect and control over the element exort even further. Unlike Wex and Quas, Exort is much closer related to merdyn since he is a unicorn. His mind will start to work at top speed, being capable of solving puzzles and mysteries at astonishing rates and increasing his learning and memorising abilities dramatically. Not only that, but his power over Exort increases so much that he can, at the expense of small amounts of energy, conjure fireballs. These aren’t very powerful, but will substitute for fire weapons quite efficiently. Conjuring too many fireballs in quick succession causes Merdyn to lose control over this spell, and ends it. This spell can be cast on a willing target as well, but it must be either an arsenal magus or a unicorn to work.




Given time, Merdyn can cast many more spells when he makes use of the spellbook he carries with him. It can take several minutes for him to perform these spells, but the variety of spells in his spellbook is far greater than any arsenal magi could ever hope to memorise.

Casting spells costs energy. If mage runs ouf of energy he will fall unconscious, and die if not given help in time.


At first I wanted to make him a tier two magus, but I realised it would be much more fun to have him achieve that later in the RP. It would justify the slight OPness of it too :)

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Replying by phone.


Mr Suit and Tie, you may keep the mask. The HUD you described is actually part of the standard issue HUD, which I might've borrowed from Halo because it works and is a useful and practical HUD. For weapons, concussive burst or material ammo?


Scribblegroove, the magus idea is pretty cool and I hadn't really considered something like that. No real problem with either of them, aside from the sniper rifle and magus thingy might need to be toned down a little. Otherwise, they're fine characters and I'd be happy to have either one in this RP.


Speaking of which, once everyone has their characters, we actually have enough for a squad.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I don't see how the magus is that overpowered, since he has only three spells and his attacks aren't nearly as powerful as the weapons the generic soldier uses. He's just much more knowledgeable and has more potential for powers later in the RP.


The sniper rifle is quite OP though, and I understand if you want it toned down. But usually my characters are way less powerful than their descriptions make them seem.


Anyway, if you know what exactly you want me to change let me know.


Also, is the RP going to be up soon :D

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Ah. My mistake, then. Still, I shall think on this Circle of Magi thing, since I have to fit it into the existing lore and there's something going on in the shadows of the Citadel. Not saying what it is, because I'm saving that for a future RP.


The RP will be up quite soon, I hope. Just waiting on the last few characters and this first squad is ready.

Oh, one more thing. Do you want to play both characters, Scribbles? 'Cause I'm happy to dig up an OC and bump the squad up to 8 if it will clear up the indecision from earlier.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Awesome! Looking forward to starting - motivated myself to try and draw again as well.


It's only a really tiny thing, but this is supposed to be a representation of the War-talon (and an actual talon, for reference) that I described in Atheias modified Bio:



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OK, so since I am a a melee build, for a melee weapon I would keep his chains, slightly modified to be futuristic. Maybe with electric capabilities or something if you're cool with it. As for a secondary, I have no clue as to what would work with him.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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For the chains, sure. Wrap 'em around a beasty and hold it in place while everyone beats the living tar out of it. For your secondary, I'd suggest a revolver of some sort. Lowest ammo capacity out of the handguns, but they got the most punch. Mind you, my only experience with firearms is Nerf Guns and video games, so it might not be true in real life.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Well, I will get them. But basically, it is a big gun, the kind that you would use against a trex. Not subtle at all. Unless I can find a pistol that shoots shotgun shells. I will look again.

OK, I am going to find the stats for it, but I found a gun so big, it would take a Minotaur just to load it by himself. The 28mm Remington revolver. It is huge, just look it up. Seriously, what would you need a gun like that for?

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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I'm sorry, but I'm vetoing both of those. They may be handguns in real life, but here, they are too big to be secondary weapons. Would you settle for a 44. Magnum or a futuristic variant thereof? We're kinda waiting on you now.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Let's go with a 500 magnum?, and OK, I doubted those would be acceptable. I am kind of giddy from finding those monsters. I will accept the 44 odious say so because I really wouldn't use it as much because I am a melee build.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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You do realise that they wouldn't make bullets that don't work against monsters, right? I didn't think it needed to be said when the premise is that you guys are going out to fight monsters, complete quests for the Citadel and discover the remnants of the old world. They wouldn't give you stuff that doesn't work. So you don't need to go finding huge guns. Standard issue is made for this kind of thing and rookies don't go after the bigger stuff.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Name: Stronghammer


Race: Minotaur


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Appearance: He us a large Minotaur thanks to working physically his whole life. His horns are average length for his hieght. (Usually around 8 feet but nit for this)

He is around seven feet tall, with massive arms. His armor contains only a visor for the head piece as a full helm would interfere with his horns. The chest piece is a simple black, with sockets on it that glow blue. The same for his arms and legs, the pauldrons have a spike on the right side as a symbol of his family lineage. He has heavy boots that he wears.


Cutie Mark (if any): N/A


Personality: Despite his appearance, he is actually a peaceful person. He doesn't like violence and abhors guns. He keeps his revolver only because he grudgingly admits that sometimes a gun is a better weapon. He would rather fight defensively than attack. He is a defensive-Support role. (He will take the hits, dish out some damage but mainly aids in a defense position.)


Skills and talents: He is a craftsman. He can make almost anything given the time and materials. He is an expert melee fighter, and has trained with his hammer and chains since he was young. He can spot weaknesses in structures and armor thanks to his knowledge of crafting.



I hope this is good.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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That's a relief. Yeah, you can have a magnum.


By the way, I found a picture that might help if anyone wants an idea of what basic, unmodified armour looks like in this setting. Keep in mind, I'm not going to force anyone to use it. I'm rather disappointed I didn't find this picture sooner. And, uh, no the colours and decals are not standard. Just the overall look of the armour.


Anyways, here's the link: http://33.media.tumblr.com/56b1c8d892476f2469b9cf12ab26d661/tumblr_mzrh0jNmsg1rlnv9lo1_r1_500.jpg

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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