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Only because I saw the page number of this thread. Seemed appropriate. 

A warning for you all, because that is what this song is supposed to be (Not some satanic trash). 

  • Brohoof 1
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What I really meant to say

Is I'm sorry for the way I am


(Really digging this acoustic version)


Edited by Rivendare
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I'll take this opportunity to also post this piece while we're still on page 666. One of the most iconic, and not as well known pieces. The one that gave the violin the title of "the devil's instrument" The inspiration for the song "The devil went down to Georgia" and the sound of a man's nightmare brought into music. 

People who knew Tartini believed he sold his soul to play so well after he composed this piece, admitting that he had been inspired by a dream in which the devil came to his bedside and played the instrument for him like a servant.

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Love listening to some metal while at work.


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