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private Fallout Equestria: Scorched Earth

Stone Cold Applejack

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"Want to see a new trick? I think you will love it."


Wade stood atop the corpse of the second Alicorn to Fall to his magic. He created a large teleketic field that engulfed a good portion of the building, himself and the last Alicorn, who was near frozen with fear and shock. Wade charged up the field and detonated it like a bomb, shielding himself, and disintegrating everything else inside the field. The resultant explosion created a Storm of Concentrated Dark Magic that could most likely be seen from a good part of the city. The building complex Wade was in crumbled around him, and he did not get out without taking some hits. His rear leg was Crushed by rubble, multiple burn charred his fur and his magic was nearly gone. With what little Willpower he had, Wade managed to reactivated the Stabilisers and revert back to himself.


"Fuck. Midnight took my healing potions. Bitch. Need to... Get home. Sally."


Wade supported himself with a stick, now one leg down, he found it very had to make progress. Luckily he still had magic, he could Teleport to the gate of home from here, but it would leave him magic less for a day or two. Worth the risk he thought to himself. Wade Teleported to the front gate ahead of the group and sat down to recover his strength.


"Hey Sally, long time no see."

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Midnight Shadow nodded and continued running, "so are we close to the safe house?, and you sure their are no raiders in it because otherwise we are screwed" she added getting slightly annoyed at Clover being right... again. She glanced around wondering where Wade was.

"He said someone named Sally the A.I. was there, but as long as we tell her that Wade sent us they should be friendly. I don't know if anyone else is there." Clover looked at her PipBuck. "Not much longer. Should be there in a little while." Clover said to Midnight. "I really hope Wade made it." she thought.
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Midnight shadow nodded before contiuing finally they got to the compound, Midnight Shadow saw wade waiting for them. She ran over to him "WADE, you're ok" she remarked giving his ear a good lick, she turned to Clover "fine you were right, but still" she remarked before climbing ontop of wade and giving his ear a good nibble. "why you so dirty?" she asked curious 

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Soprano was frustrated that he couldn't sneak around the building. He has always wanted to sneak around something. Even more so that he was pulled away. "... I was looking forward to that, 'ya know!" he said, before making a fairly frustrated grunt. He stood up.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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(Since I am going to be both Sally and Wade for a bit, when talking as Sally I will do this (Sally:). Wade will just be "" as normal.)


Wade tried to hold back a smile, but he could not, he was quite happy to see the group made it, particularly Midnight.


"Glad to see you are safe, I was worried for a bit. You too Clover, glad to see you made, and you Soprano. Don't worry about why I am a mess Midnight, it doesn't matter all that much."


The small computer Monitor sprung to life, and a blue A.I pony appeared on screen.


Sally: Hey, don't mean to intrude on your moment or anything, but shouldn't you be getting inside now? Wade, you need to get your leg attended to ASAP before it falls off.


"I'll get on it as soon as I can, but yeah, open the gate and let us in." Wade turned to talk to the group. "Rules: The main tent and the Sleeping Tent, are off limits. No exceptions. Listen to Sally when she talks and no Gunfire. Aside from that, welcome to my home."


The large metal gate slid open, revealing a rather large space, complete with fresh food, clean drinks, makeshift beds, Medical Centre, Tech Lab and Training area. Wade himself listened to Sally and went straight to the Medical Centre.


(Make yourselves at home.)

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(Since I am going to be both Sally and Wade for a bit, when talking as Sally I will do this (Sally:). Wade will just be "" as normal.)


Wade tried to hold back a smile, but he could not, he was quite happy to see the group made it, particularly Midnight.


"Glad to see you are safe, I was worried for a bit. You too Clover, glad to see you made, and you Soprano. Don't worry about why I am a mess Midnight, it doesn't matter all that much."


The small computer Monitor sprung to life, and a blue A.I pony appeared on screen.


Sally: Hey, don't mean to intrude on your moment or anything, but shouldn't you be getting inside now? Wade, you need to get your leg attended to ASAP before it falls off.


"I'll get on it as soon as I can, but yeah, open the gate and let us in." Wade turned to talk to the group. "Rules: The main tent and the Sleeping Tent, are off limits. No exceptions. Listen to Sally when she talks and no Gunfire. Aside from that, welcome to my home."


The large metal gate slid open, revealing a rather large space, complete with fresh food, clean drinks, makeshift beds, Medical Centre, Tech Lab and Training area. Wade himself listened to Sally and went straight to the Medical Centre.


(Make yourselves at home.)


"buck the rules" Midnight said loudly, she pulled her pistol out and pointed at the monitor "why can't i go to sleep in the sleeping tent?, and why not allowed in the main tent, answer me or be destroyed" she ordered growling at the console, "Sally who you think you are?" she asked it getting angry at the machine

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@@Midnight Shadow


Sally: "Oh, you must be Midnight. Who do I think I am? I think I am the one in control of all the electronics in this entire Stronghold. I am the one who controls everything. As for the Sleeping tents, Wade has his reasons for not wanting anyone to go inside them. Just respect his wish on this one. The Main Tent is his personal Space, he does not like people Trespassing in his private area. Gunfire just attracts Ghouls and makes me waste Turret ammo. So, just respect the rules while you are here."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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@@Midnight Shadow


Sally: "Oh, you must be Midnight. Who do I think I am? I think I am the one in control of all the electronics in this entire Stronghold. I am the one who controls everything. As for the Sleeping tents, Wade has his reasons for not wanting anyone to go inside them. Just respect his wish on this one. The Main Tent is his personal Space, he does not like people Trespassing in his private area. Gunfire just attracts Ghouls and makes me waste Turret ammo. So, just respect the rules while you are here."


Midnight snorts "its my space now" she added before stepping into the stronghold. She followed the directions to the food place and sat down making sure to raid his fridge. She went over to where the food was kept and opened the door before snacking on whatever she found. After cleaning out most of the tastey items within the fridge she sat ontop of it and fell asleep.

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(Gonna move time forward a little)


*2 hours Later*


Wades Surgery was finally finished, his leg would set just fine, but what he was most proud about is what he done to his pip leg. He ran two wires under his skin, connecting them to his mask, which was connected to his Brain.


"Now, if I am right, once I turn this camera on, I should be able to see through it clearly. Here goes nothing."


Wade connected the camera to his shoulder and turned it on. It worked, this little Camera and a bit of know how, have given him sight, sort of.


"Yes, I did it. I can see again. Oh, this is great. Do need a better Camera though, I'll get one at a later date. Now though, I can see again. I am so smart."


Sally: Wade, the sun is setting, is their anything you need to do before lock-down?


"No, I'm fine. How are the others?"


Sally: Fine by the look of things, I don't like Midnight though. She's rude. She is lucky you told me not to kill anyone unless they pose a large enough threat.


"Get over it Sal, my home is open to them now. They can come and go as they please. You're just gonna have to deal with it."


With this over, Wade left the Medical centre and went to get something to eat.

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(Gonna move time forward a little)


*2 hours Later*


Wades Surgery was finally finished, his leg would set just fine, but what he was most proud about is what he done to his pip leg. He ran two wires under his skin, connecting them to his mask, which was connected to his Brain.


"Now, if I am right, once I turn this camera on, I should be able to see through it clearly. Here goes nothing."


Wade connected the camera to his shoulder and turned it on. It worked, this little Camera and a bit of know how, have given him sight, sort of.


"Yes, I did it. I can see again. Oh, this is great. Do need a better Camera though, I'll get one at a later date. Now though, I can see again. I am so smart."


Sally: Wade, the sun is setting, is their anything you need to do before lock-down?


"No, I'm fine. How are the others?"


Sally: Fine by the look of things, I don't like Midnight though. She's rude. She is lucky you told me not to kill anyone unless they pose a large enough threat.


"Get over it Sal, my home is open to them now. They can come and go as they please. You're just gonna have to deal with it."


With this over, Wade left the Medical centre and went to get something to eat.


Midnight had finished raiding the kitchen by the end of the two hours, she had collected a large amount of non-perishables which she could trade and sell for caps, she had kept any perishables within her stomach which was rather full now, she slung the bag of food over her shoulder and saw a vending machine in the corner, she broke into the cash after firing several shots into it from her pistol completely forgetting the "no gunfire" rule. she then helped herself to the bits that were collected in the machine not noticing Wade's presence. 

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@@Midnight Shadow


"Typical." Wade whispered to himself as he snuck up behind Midnight. He stood up on his hind legs and using a moderate amount of force, pinned Midnight to the ground and playfully bit her neck. "What was the rule about Gunfire inside the Stronghold Midnight? Do I have to bite you again to help you remember?"


Midnight let out a small squee as Wade pinned her down, she flicked her tail "oh yes defiantly, I've been a bad girl, i must be punished" she giggled before twitching her ear "maybe you can think of some sort of punishment?" she added playfully letting him pin her for now. 

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(Midnight: -10 karma. 5 for entering restricted area and 5 for stealing. Current karma: -25. Neutral.)


Clover took off her vault jump suit, which only consisted of the shirt, and stuffed it in her saddle bags. "I need some food. I'm pretty hungry." Clover looked at the big tent Wade went into. "Hey Wade. You got any food?"

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(oh i am *dancing* XD, why are you trying to cut out on mine and Wades *parties*?)


Midnight Shadow heard clover but ignored her having way to much fun with Wade and his neck nibbles, She let out a small sigh as the mare kept on calling for him, she looked at Wade and pushed him off, "clovers outside" she explained and picked her bag up with all the food and walked outside the tent slightly narked. She walked over to clover and threw some food at her "go away, me and wade are busy, why do you have to ruin everything" she grumbled.


Midnight Shadow then returned to the big tent back to wade leaving Clover alone again.


(another -5 for trespassing XD) 

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(oh i am *dancing* XD, why are you trying to cut out on mine and Wades *parties*?)


Midnight Shadow heard clover but ignored her having way to much fun with Wade and his neck nibbles, She let out a small sigh as the mare kept on calling for him, she looked at Wade and pushed him off, "clovers outside" she explained and picked her bag up with all the food and walked outside the tent slightly narked. She walked over to clover and threw some food at her "go away, me and wade are busy, why do you have to ruin everything" she grumbled.


Midnight Shadow then returned to the big tent back to wade leaving Clover alone again.


(another -5 for trespassing XD)

(No karma gained. You've done entered it.)


"Don't have to be so rude about it." Clover picked up the food. "Not like I know you 2 are doin it." Clover walked to the entrance of the gate and sat down. "We need to find somepony else to join us. Don't know how much more I can take of Midnight." Clover said before starting to eat the food Midnight gave her.

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@@Midnight Shadow


"Yes, you have a naughty mare recently, and a punishment is in order. The simplest things can usually be the most effective in situations. So here is your punishment." Wade got up and walked away from Midnight. "I think you and Clover have some issues between each other that need to be resolved. Try spending some time with her. If you don't kill each other in an hour, there may be a reward in it for you later. Enjoy your punishment."


Wade let out a small, low laugh as he left the dinning tent and went to the main tent on the other side of the Stronghold.

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@@Midnight Shadow


"Yes, you have a naughty mare recently, and a punishment is in order. The simplest things can usually be the most effective in situations. So here is your punishment." Wade got up and walked away from Midnight. "I think you and Clover have some issues between each other that need to be resolved. Try spending some time with her. If you don't kill each other in an hour, there may be a reward in it for you later. Enjoy your punishment."


Wade let out a small, low laugh as he left the dinning tent and went to the main tent on the other side of the Stronghold.


Midnight Shadow snorted and left the tent before going over to clover "apparently i need to sort some issues with you, so what you got?" she asked sitting down. She licked her hoof. She then picked out a large chunk of bread and started to nibble on it, she glanced at Clover "well?" she inquired 

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Midnight Shadow snorted and left the tent before going over to clover "apparently i need to sort some issues with you, so what you got?" she asked sitting down. She licked her hoof. She then picked out a large chunk of bread and started to nibble on it, she glanced at Clover "well?" she inquired

"What do you mean what do I got?" Clover asked putting emphasise on I. "You're the one who should be apologizing to me. Not the other way around." Clover said. "You've been bully to me ever since we met. And for why? What did I ever do to you huh?" Clover said, nearly enraged. "Why dammit?"
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"What do you mean what do I got?" Clover asked putting emphasise on I. "You're the one who should be apologizing to me. Not the other way around." Clover said. "You've been bully to me ever since we met. And for why? What did I ever do to you huh?" Clover said, nearly enraged. "Why dammit?"


(potential plot twist)


Midnight Shadow snorted "do you want the truth or do you want a easy lie?" she asked twitching her tail, she was ready to explain to clover the problem she was having, she wondered if Clover would understand or if she would finish what other ponies started. 

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(potential plot twist)


Midnight Shadow snorted "do you want the truth or do you want a easy lie?" she asked twitching her tail, she was ready to explain to clover the problem she was having, she wondered if Clover would understand or if she would finish what other ponies started.

"Go ahead. I want the truth." Clover said. "I want the exact truth. No lies and no bullshit." Clover demanded. Clover calmed herself and sat back down. "Now just tell me what your problem with me is." she said calmly. "So that away we can fix it."


(Ready for the twisrt.)

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"Go ahead. I want the truth." Clover said. "I want the exact truth. No lies and no bullshit." Clover demanded. Clover calmed herself and sat back down. "Now just tell me what your problem with me is." she said calmly. "So that away we can fix it."


(Ready for the twisrt.)


Midnight Shadow licked her hoof "it's unfixable, you nor any other pony can fix it" she snorted. "I'm always going to have a issue with you since i'm jealous of what you have and what you are" she remarked. She let out a long sigh "well it started with my magic, I can do lots of different types of dark magic but one day my magic backfired in a way i didn't expect causing me much grief, because of that grief i now hate every mare i come across, is that a good enough explanation or do you want me to elaborate?" she asked blinking at the mare

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Midnight Shadow licked her hoof "it's unfixable, you nor any other pony can fix it" she snorted. "I'm always going to have a issue with you since i'm jealous of what you have and what you are" she remarked. She let out a long sigh "well it started with my magic, I can do lots of different types of dark magic but one day my magic backfired in a way i didn't expect causing me much grief, because of that grief i now hate every mare i come across, is that a good enough explanation or do you want me to elaborate?" she asked blinking at the mare

Clover had a confused look on her face. "B-but why though?" she asked. "I mean why do you hate every mare you come across? Did it make you different or anything or something?" Clover asked searching for a deeper reason. "You could you know explain it a little bit more than that."
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Clover had a confused look on her face. "B-but why though?" she asked. "I mean why do you hate every mare you come across? Did it make you different or anything or something?" Clover asked searching for a deeper reason. "You could you know explain it a little bit more than that."


Midnight Shadow blinked at her "because, you can have foals, i cannot" she said sadly tears becoming visible in her eyes, "i always wanted a little filly but i suppose that's not going to ever happen" she sighed sitting down, "i suppose its silly hating you all but i ca't help it at all" she finished sadly 

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Midnight Shadow blinked at her "because, you can have foals, i cannot" she said sadly tears becoming visible in her eyes, "i always wanted a little filly but i suppose that's not going to ever happen" she sighed sitting down, "i suppose its silly hating you all but i ca't help it at all" she finished sadly

Clover noticed the tears coming down Midnight's face. Clover felt bad for her and did something she thought she'd never do to her and hugged her. She said releasing her. "That must be hard. You seem like someone that really wants a kid of their own. And knowing that you'll never get one must be tough."
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Sally: Wade, I think you should go to Midnight now. She seems quite upset.


@@Midnight Shadow


Wade left his tent and went to where Midnight and Clover were. He walked up to Midnight and put his Gauntlet on her Shoulder. "Are you ok Midnight? You seem very upset. If their is anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here for you."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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