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drama My little pony: History of Equestria


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For the reader: when you read this I hope you enjoy this read. I hope you the reader enjoy this

short story. And this is my first story so there could be some light errors.... Thank you....


Prologue: before the Mane six where formed and before Princess Celestia along with Princess Luna. They took back Equestria along with the Crystal Empire. Therefore this is the past, therefore can't be changed! And somepony's believe King Sombra is still here.... In the Crystal

empire.... His curse will forever live on..... But something will stop this strange magic.....


CHAPTER 1: The beginning


(Twilight and Celestia are in Canterlot)

Twilight: (reading) Wow, I can't believe King Sombra had control for that long!

(Celestia enters)

Celestia: Twilight my dearest student. I heard you where reading about King Sombra.

Twilight: Oh yes I have. is it true about how you and Luna defeated him?

Celestia: Yes we.... (turns away) use the elements....

Celestia: What a shame.

Twilight: It must of been hard because it says he was very dark but.... (looks at book) it says Luna defeated him... But with what?...

Celestia: He's not the only one who controls the darkness ya know.

Twilight: Yes princess I know.

Twilight: Uhh didn't you want to see me?

Celestia: Oh right yes, it was about the elements... We way have found a trace of them but where not sure.

Twilight: I see...

Celestia: Follow me twilight.

Twilight: (follows)

(Celestia and Twilight are headed to the tree of harmony but twilight doesn't know that)

Celestia: Here we are twilight.

Twilight: Wait... What's this...I've read about this! It's the tree of harmony!

Celestia: Correct but I'm not sure how we would find the elements...

Twilight: Wait aren't they gone?

Celestia: According to this tree they ain't.

Twilight: Well... Hugh hmmm led me take a look.

Celestia: Be carful.

Twilight: (walks around the tree)

Twilight: Hmm nothing's here Celestia

Celestia: I'm going to head off I will see you soon twilight...

Twilight: Ok Celestia.

(Celestia exits)

(Twilight exits) (Day ends)


CHAPTER 2: King sombra's return


Derpy: ......

Dr. Hooves: (time travels into ponyville) (walks out of TARTIS) well blast I'm here again! Oh well... Wait I think I know why hmm something tragic is going to happen.....

Derpy: oh my gosh Dr. your back!

Dr. Hooves: oh right yes time travel is still difficult hmmm but anyway how have you been?

Derpy: good I guess....

Derpy: so why did you come back?

Dr. Hooves: honestly because something bad is going to happen....

Derpy: I see. Do you know what it might be?

Dr. Hooves: not to sure derpy.....

(4 hours later)

(Twilight, Celestia, and Luna are in Canterlot)

Twilight: well what are we going to do discord is back and we don't have the elements.

Luna: I don't know twilight but discord is just a small bug we can step on.

Twilight: what do you mean by that?

Luna: .... Well (Celestia enters) honestly he's not as easy as King Sombra.

Celestia: she's right twilight...discord is nothing compared to King Sombra.

Twilight: but we don't have the elements.

Celestia and Luna: you know twilight the element magic is in you....

And the elements are here....

(Ground shakes)

Twilight: what's going on!

Celestia and Luna: twilight you must go find the elements! Remember the elements are inside all of us!!! Go now!!!

Twilight: ok...(runs out of Canterlot)

(Canterlot fell apart)

(Day ends)


CHAPTER 3: Misery in Canterlot


Celestia: King Sombra leave at once!

Luna: you have no clue you weak soul!

King Sombra: *evil laugh* no you have no clue of the power I have!

(3 hours layer)....

Twilight: I hope there ok....

Twilight: I don't know how I'm going to find the elements again!?

(Twilight enters Manehattan)

Twilight: hopefully rarity is here...

(Twilight is walking around manehatten)

Rarity: oh darling that dress is Devine!

Twilight: rarity?!, rarity!?

Rarity: what who's that?

Twilight: rarity?

Rarity: yes?

Twilight: I need you to come with me to (whispers) Equestria is in trouble and the elements are needed please help.

Rarity: I see ok I will help.

Twilight: Thank you rarity.

Rarity: wait who are you? How do you know my name?

Twilight: my name is twilight and we used to be friends remember?

Rarity: *gets a flashback* oh my oh my we need to get the mane 6 again! Together!

Twilight: I missed you rarity.

Rarity: I did also darling.

(Twilight and rarity headed to Clousdayle)

Twilight: now rarity look in the sky because we all now know rainbow dash is a flyer haha.

Rarity: ok twilight.

(Rarity and twilight looks for rainbow dash)

Rarity and twilight: RAINBOW DASH!!!!

(Rainbow dash heard her name)

Rainbow dash: uhh hello

Twilight: rainbow dash it's me twilight! You know your friend!

Twilight: please rainbow dash remember!

Rainbow dash: oh I remember twilight I was messing with ya haha.

Twilight: wait what?

Rainbow dash: yeah my memory wasn't erased.

Twilight: hmmm ok then...so you already know what do you?

Rainbow dash: yeah I kinda heard you and plus I know what to do (rainbow dash flies down to twilight) let's go!

Rarity: great yes let's go.

(Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash are headed to the evergreen forest to get Fluttershy)

Rarity: why are we here twilight?

Twilight and Rainbow Dash: we have to get fluttershy.

Rarity: oh...right.

Twilight: look there's her house.

Rainbow Dash: (quickly zooms to fluttershy's door and breaks the door down)

Are you home Fluttershy?!

Fluttershy: uhh yes... Umm my door?

Rainbow Dash: quick Fluttershy do you know us?!

Fluttershy: uhh yes your my friends....

Twilight: why weren't you oh never mind that we have to get the elements Fluttershy!

Fluttershy: oh right... Um ok....

Twilight: ok fluttershy lets go get those elements!



CHAPTER 4: Finding Pinkie Pie and Applejack.


Twilight: well guys where almost together again we just have to find pinkie.

Rarity: what about Applejack darling?

Twilght: oh right my bad (smiles)

Twilght: I have an idea on where they both might be.

Rarity: where?

Twilight: sugercube corner!

Rarity: hmm I guess.

Fluttershy: uh we better hurry.

Twilight: yea I know Fluttershy we need to go to sugercube corner. Well I hope they're there.

Rarity and Fluttershy: me to.

Rainbow Dash: so how do we know for sure if we can actually get the elements? I mean w all know that we have the elements in us but how do we know for sure?

Twilight: come on Rainbow Dash the elements always been here with us.

Rainbow Dash: ya know I think I might go ahead some ya know to look for Punkie and Applejack.

Twilght: ok great idea!

(Rainbow Dash zooms ahead)

Fluttershy: so twilight since we have the elements in us wouldn't we just gather together again to restore peace?

Twilight: correct Fluttershy.

(Rainbow Dash comes back)

Rainbow Dash: found them both. You where right twilight.

Twilight: ok Rainbow Dash.

(They arrive at sugercube corner)

Twilight: Pinkie! Applejack! Are you here?!

Pinkie: hello!

Twilight: pinkie ok!

Why? Oh I know there a curce on Canterlotand complete darkness has fallen on it! And the only way to save everypony is to find the elements! But.. We have the elements inside us! So... Of course I will!

Twilight: how....

Pinkie: just a felling (smiles)

Twilight: ok pinkie habe you seen Applejack?

Pinkie: she just left she's probably headed back to the farm.

Twilight: ok let's go girls!

(They all head to the Apple Farm)

twilight: hey um do you remember we used to friends and we used to talk all the time.

Rarity: we still are darling.

Pinkie: yeah our memory wasn't erace remember?

Fluttershy: yeah twilight! I don't know about how we actually rememberd our friendship ya know?

Twilight: well Fluttershy "Friendship is Magc" and nothing will change that.

Pinkie: I see what you did there.

(Arrives at Apple Farm)

All: applejack where are you!?

Applejack: uh yeah?

Rarity: thank goodness

Twilight: we need you applejack.

Applejack: oh right let me guess Canterlot is in trouble?

Twilight: how does everypony guess that?!

(They all laugh)

Rainbow Dash: sooo are you coming?

Applejack: yeah twilight what are friends for.


CHAPTER 5: The rise of Harmony


Celestia: Luna....

Luna: yes?

Celestia: there be soon.....

Luna: I hope so... We hope so....

King Sombra: silence! There will be no light here!


(At twilights house)

Twilight: hey spike.

Spike: yeah twilight?

Twilight: look for that book called the Tree of Harmony...

Spike: ok (looks for book)

Twilight: did you find it?

Spike: (finds the book) yes I found it.

Spike: (gives book to Twilight)

Twilight: hmmmm ahhhh I see I think I found it!

Rainbow Dash: really?

Pinkie Pie: oh great!

Fluttershy: oh that's wonderful!

Rarity: great.

Applejack: good that's helpful.

Spike: so are we going to look for it?

Twilight: Ohh umm yes.

(All leaves to look for the Tree of Harmony)

Applejack: hey twilight.

Twilight: yea?

Applejack: did the princess tell you where this tree is?

Teilight: no but I have a book that has already told me where it might be.

Applejack: oh well what if we can't find it?

Twilight: (stops) we will find it.

Fluttershy: I hope so...

Rarity: if we find it how will we restore peace again?

Twilight: I'm not too sure rarity. I hope we do find it.

Rainbow Dash: should I look ahead?

Fluttershy: um I don't think that's a good idea rainbow dash.....

Twilight: well girls I think we've found it.

All: woah...

Rarity: oh my goodness it's umm...

Twilight: wait...it's coverd in darkness why?

Twilight: (gets a flashback and sees king Sombra)

Twilight: I know what's happening...

Fluttershy: what is it?

Pinkie pie: oh oh I know! King Sombra's has coverd the tree of harmony and we need to use the elements inside us to brighten things up!

Twilight: right...again how do you know all this stuff?

Pinkie pie: (shrugs) I don't know

Rainbow dash: she knows everything....

Twilight: so we should probably get thisroblem taken care of...

All: right (they all gather around the tree)

Twilight: everypony ready?

Rarity: yep

Fluttershy: uhhh yea...

Rarity: yes!

Applejack: yep

Rainbow dash: I've been ready!

(Light start to form around them)

(They levitate)

(Light destroys the darkness from the tree)

(They slowly decend)

Twilight: well that was wierd..

Everyone else: I agree...

Twilight: so now we should be able to use the elements..

*elements appear around there necks*

Fluttershy: um twilight the ummm elements are on us...

Rarity: *notices* oh my I see...

Pinkie pie: wow this is partytactic!

Twilight: ok let's take town King Sombra!




Chapter 6: The fall of King Sombra


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