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open ~ENDING!~ Hearth's Warming Eve party-- SOL


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Spacer was able to get in a "nice to meet you too" to Ahaban before he was confronted  by another pony. Spacer turned her attention back to the pegusus with the cookie.



 She laughed at his comment about tomatoes being tough. "HA! we all know tomatoes are not tough...they are softies" She said trotting up to him and squinted. "Now where did you get those cookies?" she jokingly demanded.

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@DJ Spacer


"Right here," Dex pulled one out from behind her ear. He fumbled it a bit, but managed to juggle it to a stop in his hooves.


"Phew, that was almost a tragedy. These cookies are awesome."


Dex pointed out the platter nearby and laughed awkwardly.




Dex rubbed the back of his head.

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Ahaban have a slight chuckle at the humorous pegasus, almost a similar behavior to one of his colleagues he recalls.

Looking again to the fire once more it was near out.

"Greedy thing aren't you, أكثر من ذلك سوف يكون الطعام. " he says combining the two languages and once again stuffs another log into the fireplace.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Oh, believe me, it is," Thrillseeker admitted as he began loading his plate once more. "Poney Island's right across the Bucklyn Bridge. I operate a rollercoaster called the Whirlwind. It's the tallest, fastest ride in all of Poney Island. If you ever get a chance to ride, do it at night. It's ever scarier in the dark."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Spacer's ears twitch as the pegasus's trick and laughed as he fumbled his cookie a bit. "Well if I knew there were cookies behind my ear I would never have to go out to eat again" She joked and trotted over to the tray of cookies and took a couple and returned to the pegasus. "By the way, I'm Spacer. You are?" She asked with a smile, tilted head and closed eyes. Spacer liked this pegasus, pretty humorous by the looks of it even if it was awkward a bit, especially to a stranger.

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No one was going for the whole Karaoke idea. So, Trilby tosses that idea out the proverbial window. Instead, he grabs himself some snacks and a place to sit. Whipping out some supplies, he decides to do what he does best, make hats! The first thing he makes, while snacking on his food, is an awesome toque that would make any pony look like a star. "Nice. I'm a natural!"


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@@Samurai Equine

Ahaban looked about to Trilbey, a question now beginning to form in his mind about a certain pony.

" عفوا. I had a question." He asks,

"Can you tell me who... Rainbow Dash is?" He asked almost hesitant to ask as if fear of humiliation.

"I hear this chatter as she a famous pony of some sort." He finishes.

((Note: I know who Rainbow Dash is, nobody panic x3))

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@DJ Spacer


"My name's Dexterous Wings, but since that's a mouthful and these are such lovely snacks, call me Dex. My parents wanted it to sound fancy, but my little sister and kindergarteners quickly sorted that out."


Dex sipped his cider. This was turning out to be an alright party.

Edited by DexterousWings
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"I've never been to Poney Island," Amber commented, as she rose her plate into the air with sparkling orange magic.

"Or Manehattan, for that matter...Big cities aren't really for me." She nodded towards the parlour and the two walked back in together. Amber sat down again next to the window.

"I'm more interested in the ancient and abandoned than the bustling and the new," she continued, smiling. "I like theme parks though. There's something really cool about all those hidden mechanics. I guess that's your specialty, right?"

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Trilby looks up and sees Ahaban. "Hmm? Oh, my Arabian friend! Ask away." Trilby listens to his question. "Rainbow? Oh, she's our residential flier. I hear she dreams of being part of the Wonderbolts some day. I've met her once or twice at Rarity's, but she's not a very patient mare. Apparently, when I come over, that's 'one fashion-lover too many', as she says. Anyways, don't worry about speaking my language. Feel free to speak your own! I'm a MASTER translator. I can figure out any foreign language like that." Trilby says and snaps his non-existent fingers.


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"You got it Dexy!" She said with a wink before nibbling on a cookie. "So you have a little sister? How big of a family you have? I was an only pony in my family. Must be awesome to have a sister or brother." Spacer said as she remembered how lonely she was as a filly at home playing by herself. She was glad it was in the past.

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Thrillseeker took this opportunity to show Amber his cutie mark, a set of roller coaster cars. "Coasters. I've been working on them ever since I was old enough to ride," he explained. "They bring joy and upset stomachs to ponies of all ages. What about you? Do you have a special talent?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Samurai Equine

Ahaban appreciated his abilities, but decided he would continue talking in English.

"And her, that Miss Rarity... She and... What was her name Twilight I believe? They along with other certain ponies are quite the subject. I hear plenty about them during my stay in Manehatten." He adds

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@DJ Spacer


"I don't do midnight runs, hehehe" Dex gave a chuckle.


"Just the one little sister and my parents. They live back in my hometown of Dodge Junction. My job keeps me busy and away from them a lot, but we get together when we can."


Dex nibbled on a cookie.

Edited by DexterousWings
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(Feel free to have him talk in his native tongue. I have an awesome joke for it planned. :yay: )


"You mean Princess Twilight? What a tale on her. And by tale, I mean story, of course. Not-not anything else. Eheheh." Trilby adjusts the collar of his shirt, letting out some nervous steam. "What I mean is, apparently she started out as a normal pony like anypony else, and rose up to glorious royalty. And she did it all while living here. Kind of makes a lot of other ponies dare to dream big! But I also hear that she's very busy these days, more than she use to be. I guess that's what happens when you become royal."

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Amber chuckled.

"Joy and Upset stomachs, eh?" She grinned, then looked down at her own cutie mark.

"Mine's not really about a talent," she said. Her cutie mark was a shining blue and yellow stone in the shape of a teardrop. "It's a blue amber.", she said. "A really ancient stone with mysterious properties. I think it represents hope and discovery and stuff like that...It's kinda silly." she laughed lighly.

"I got it from telling stories to my friends about magic and adventure when I was a filly. Stories about our futures and about the adventures we'd have. They were...they were in a really tough situation, and they sort of relied on me to make them happy again and get them motivated to continue life...Plum Pudding was one of them."

She looked back into the kitchen to her friend and smiled slightly.

"I guess it's kind of confusing, huh?" She said, sheepishly.

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@@Samurai Equine

" هوه، إذا كان أي شخص لمحاولة الحصول على موقف من الملوك في بلدي، وآمل أن يتمتع السياسة ثيوقراطية ... " he mutters.

He never had heard about these ponies, that's quiet the feat. Having araised in royalty simply for sharing friendship, he thought to himself.

"Of all I had to experience I should awarded as a God."

He chuckled silently to himself. This was nice having simple conversation.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Red excused himself from the cinversation he was having with Thrillseeker. He'd struck up a conversation with Amber and was looking like he was starting to have a much better time than before, so he decided to leave them to talking. Wasn't like he knew the first thing about roller coasters anyway. Instead, he stuck with his original idea of more cider.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Trilby gives a vacant stare when Ahaban talks in his native language. "Hey now! You kiss your mother with that mouth?! I like new experiences, but I'm pretty sure this is NOT that kind of party. Although, if you wait til after Winter Wrap Up and bring plenty of hard cider with you, you just might get a show or two." Trilby winks.


...Master translator indeed.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@@AmberDust, @@Red Cedar,


Thrillseeker waved to Red, thanking him for the chat from before. He listened to the rest of the ponies in the room talking about Twilight's coronation. Wow, an average unicorn learning enough about friendship to become a princess! She certainly came a long way, he thought.


"I kinda get it," he told Amber, playing along. "You had to keep them moving along somehow. I never really was one for adventure, unless it's to see if there are any other theme parks outside of where I live. Speaking of plum pudding, this is very good. Did you make it yourself?"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Samurai Equine

Ahaban's ears flattened as, he gave a rather confused and somewhat offended expression.


There is a very long awkward pause before he finally speaks.

".... What?" He simply states, kiss my mother? Is his language skills rusty? Did he confuse it for Mareidonian dialect?

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"At least you get to see them when you can." Spacer smiled taking a look at his cutie mark. "Do you happen to work for the wonderbolts? Thats a pretty neat cutie mark you got there." She went around him and poked a hoof at his cutie mark. "let me guess....your cutie mark means you can see things far away, right?" She asked acting like playing 20 questions with Dex.

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"Oh, no, Plum made this," Amber explained, shifting the topic away from cutie marks. "She made all the food! This whole party was an idea of hers to promote a bakery she's going to start up right here in town...And by the looks of it, it's working really well." Amber smiled. "Pretty impressive, eh?" She pointed her head towards the table, which was brimming anew with food, as Plum was continuing to restock it whenever a plate was emptied.

"When I got here, she was covered in icing sugar," Amber added. "She looked like a ghost! That pony just never stops working." 

Amber smiled, glad that she was meeting new ponies again. Her hobbies hardly involved others, and the change was refreshing.

Edited by AmberDust

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@DJ Spacer


"No, nothing so glamorous as that..." Dex chuckled at this very interesting mare that just poked him.


"I work search and rescue. My special talent is slow and steady endurance flying. I fly really slowly and look for lost ponies when somepony is reported missing. My unit gets called in all over Equestria. I never know where I'm going to be next week. I could be at home, training or I could be in the frozen north. It all depends on where I'm needed. I was going to go back to Dodge for Hearth's Warming, but I got called out here. The snow makes travel pretty tricky, so I decided to come to this party and head home when the snow clears up."  


Dex poked her flank back.


"I'd hazard to guess you have something to do with music."

Edited by DexterousWings
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A unicorn the color of icy blue was approaching the festive bakery right at this momment. Her mane was wavy and white as the winters snow. Her tail, the same color-was held back in a light pink ponytail. The snow outside reigned down harshly but the mare did not seem affected. "Oh, I hope I'm not late." The mare, also known as Freezia Banks said aloud to herself. She pushed the door open and trotted inside. A bell jingled above when the door hit it.

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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