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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Elegron returnes the hoofshake and responds "well keep in mind i was almost fed to albino hellhounds. this guy had better be pretty bad to top that, and i also have to deal with the slavers... see, i am a pony with a small army of only 10 ponies, most of which have little to no training, and i have made some of the most powerful enemies in the wasteland. Yet somehow i managed to survive, and have made several successful slave caravan raids. But everyones luck runs out. I need a real army now heres the plan...." With that the two head up to Elegrons room to discuss the plan in private.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash follows him. When they get to the room he hears three clicks. One from her two bags being disconnected and one from a mechanic's tool box. Shortly after setting the items down she proceeds to remove herself from the armor.


If she had a spectral mane and tail, a cyan blue coat and that black lightningbolt was without the wrench and was rainbow, he could have sworn he was looking at Rainbow Dash. She matches Dash's flight type like a glove. That lightningbolt however makes her look not as appealing.


She says, "First, this mark is a mark that says i am a Dashite. My mission is to find and capture a traitor of the enclave. He must be brought to justice for trying to betray the enclave and frame me while doing so. Second, he was sending my old battle saddle harness to the red eyes who are both enemies of the enclave and slavers themselves. They know who he is and where i can find him.


Now may I know your name? Normally when somepony introduces themselves, it is only polite to return the introduction." (OOC: Nope. I ment to say bugs. It enclave slang for surface dweller.)

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Elegron could not believe  what he was seeing. in front of him, in his own room, was possibly the most beautiful mare he had ever seen. She looked much like rainbowdash, save for her mane, which even that had some resemblance. Elegron didnt even notice the cutie mark until she had said something. Elegron finally came back to reality after realising he was starting to stare at her flank "err, so basically, someone knows where redeye is, and you want to find that pony. can i get a name?"

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Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash shakes her head both at the fact he is wrong and that she caught him stairing. She chuckles about the latter of the two and says, "You like what you see? It took me all my life to gain this figure. My parents also thought it was funny to name me after the first Dashite.

Also am looking for this guy and red eye's group knows who he is and where I can find him. Not find him to get at red eye. I don't even know who he is but he is an inventor for the enclave like I was."

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"wait what? i wasnt..." Elegron nervously went back to cleaning his carbine, his face changing from its usual green, to a slight red tint. "so we find red eye so we can find someone else then... whatever is fine with me, as long as it doesnt involve slaughtering innocent ponies and at some point along the way we get to kill some slavers and raiders." "well in the meantime, its getting late, you could spend the night here." " and dont worry, i have a spare bed." he added, laughing

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Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash chuckles again and says, while looking him over, "Your not half bad looking yourself. I'll stay but you must at least tell me your name. Besides, I have never seen a colt like you before. You from the stables?"


Dash moves over to him and says, "If you tighten the third screw on the left it will have even more power then normal, when you put that high powered barrel mod on it."

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"The names Elegron. and yes, i came out of a stable not too long ago. im a fast learner." He tightened the screw on the rifle and his pipbucked chirped as the samage per shot increased by 7! for an automatic rifle that is one hell of a difference. "WOW! thanks for the advice! this should really come in handy. got any tips for my shotgun?" Elegron said before attaching his new adjustable scope to the rifle.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash goes into her tool box and says, "no but does anypony in your group use battle saddles. I have a dual mod that I invented that increases both accuracy and damage with any weapon mounted to a battle saddle."


She pulls out what looks to be a headset that looks to connect into the targeting system of a battle saddle. (OOC: Think high powered sniper scope for any weapon equipped to a battle saddle. And it is all in HUD format.)

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"I have 9 ponies at my command, im sure at least one for them can use battlesaddles." Elegron knocked over his saddlebag on accident, and a bag of balefire eggs(aka mini nukes in grenade form) fell out unceremoniously. "eheh. im just glad my saddlebags are nearly bulletproof, or i probably would have exploded a while back. I should probably not carry those until i intend to use them...."

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash says, while helping with the eggs, "If you can get me the blue prints, i can make these eggs fly."


She then locks eyes with him and asks, "Have you ever kissed a mare before?" She seams to be nearly three inches from his nose with a look that says, 'Your cute.', on her face.

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Ebony started to crawl out of the tent and look for her things, what confused her the most was that her legs hadn't regenerated like the testing version did.she thought about it and came to the conclusion that she'd used a slim by accident and not her regen chem. After exploring the area a bit she found her bag, only to find it completely empty.

She crawled back into the medical tent, not realising she was being followed by a sinister looking raider. She found a selection of syringes on a desk which looked cleaner than the other side new and assumed they were the ones she brought, she went to reach for the closest one only for some random pony to slam his hoof into it, shattering it into piece, she turned around as fast as she could but was immidately drugged and gagged. She woke up in a much cleaner facility, what looked like a bunker's medical bay. As her senses returned she realised she was suspended by chain attached to all 3 of her remaining limbs. She struggled a little with no success and awaited what was coming.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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....coming back online. "uhh no." he said, feeling very naive. (ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh i cant think under this kind of pressure. should i kiss her? idk... what if she tries to kill me? i really hope that tail sword thing cant short out wards... wait. did she say she could make the eggs fly? is the even possible? ARGH STOP AVOIDING THIS. uhh... umm... eh fuck it. YOLO) Elegron kissed dash on the lips.

He never wanted this day to end.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Ebony looked around in a startled panic, realizing there was nothing she could do to escape what was about to happen. A cloaked pony approached her slowly and in a deep foreboding voice, said to her, "The Elder would like to have a small chat with you about your criminal actions towards the brotherhood. You WILL accept our terms of release, or you'll suffer until you do. There will be no negotiation and no foul play." He taps her horn, which has been covered in a dampening iron. "Elder, she is ready for questioning." Says another, smaller paladin. The first opens a blast furnace and put a large branding iron into it. The Elder approaches the 2 paladins in the dimly lit medical lab, they bow to him and the first looks to him, "Elder, she is ready, you may begin the interrogation."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Rave ran with Lasher throughout the Bonewastes. They had used the grenades to clear away the ghouls in the hallway of the military base. They did not find what they were looking for but they had found some good stuff. Some bombs, Energy Weapons and books about the Old World. Rave wanted to keep those to read what life had once been back in the days before the Great War. Lasher and Rave were being chased by Hellhounds. "I can see the borders of the Bonewastes and the Ponyville area". As soon as he had said that, two Hellhounds jumped in front of them. "Fuck, surrounded", well I won't go down without a fight". As he had said that, shot were fired and the two Hellhounds standing in front of them fell down. A grenade was tossed and the remaining Hellhounds backed off. Having lost their prey over the borders. A mare wearing black bounty hunter armor approached Rave. "Thank you for saving us stranger". "Now don't tell me you don't remember your own sister Blackrose Crystal". "Rosie?". "Hello little brother", she moved in to hug Rave but he shrunk back. "I'm a little busy". "Rave? I haven't seen you for over 18 years". "Well hi". "Is that all?". "I guess so, so I see you have become a bounty hunter? Been killing a lot?". "I have, but I'm no regular bounty hunter. I only hunt for specific targets". "And what would those targets be?". "Raiders, bandits, thieves and slavers". Rave looked at his sister dangerously for a moment. "Rave, I have heard all kinds of terrible stories about you. Ponies say that you are the leader of the slavers in the Ponyville area. Ponies say that you are cruel and that you have slaughtered a ton of innocents. Especially zebras". Rave took note of the last word. "You like zebras?". "They certainly are not my enemy. Please tell me all these stories aren't true". Rave stood tall. "You are looking at the leader of the slavers of the Ponyville area, the terror of all zebras". Blackrose looked as if struck. "You're joking right? You must be joking?". She could see he was not. "Please, turn away from this path, perhaps we amend what you have done, perhaps we can still save you. You don't have to do this". Rave looked at his sister as if she was offering him poison. "This is what I want, this is what I must do and not even you will stop me" "Think about Tenpony tower, your home, we were born there, we grew up there, we could go there". "Tenpony is no longer my home and it is defiled by Pon3. No, I will destroy it, I will burn it down". Rave was done with her, he walked right past her. "If you don't change your mind next time we meet, then I will have to kill you. I can't let you do this to yourself". "I won't be changing". "Then I guess our next meeting will be a short one". Lasher walked past Blackrose and came up on the side of Rave. Blackrose stood there alone crying. After Lasher and Rave were gone, she started heading for Tenpony. 


As Rave and Lasher were nearing Ponyville a band of slavers greeted them. "Hello there boss. We just successfully delivered some slaves to the Happy Smiles. We came by in Ponyville for a drink. Oh and your spy in ponyville told me to give you this". Rave read the letter hoofed out to him. His face grew grim. "Boys, we are going to pay Ponyville a visit. Especially our good friend mayor". Rave, Lasher and the slavers headed in the direction of Ponyville. 

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....coming back online. "uhh no." he said, feeling very naive. (ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh i cant think under this kind of pressure. should i kiss her? idk... what if she tries to kill me? i really hope that tail sword thing cant short out wards... wait. did she say she could make the eggs fly? is the even possible? ARGH STOP AVOIDING THIS. uhh... umm... eh fuck it. YOLO) Elegron kissed dash on the lips.

He never wanted this day to end.

At first Dash is shocked by the kiss but then she returns it. After a moment she breaks the kiss and says, "well, I think I what to do from here. Give me a moment." Dash goes into the bathroom and takes a quick shower. When she comes out she waits for him.


(Events ensue.)

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(Here comes the skip.)


Wade awoke in a room he did not really recognise, when he looked to the other pony in the bed with him. He remembered last night quite in detail. He looked at his Pip-buck to get the time. 7am. He had awoken early. More than half the city was still in deep sleep. And the sun had only just begun to rise over the Wasteland. He left the room he was in to let Blooddrop sleep a bit longer, and headed outside.


"Another day, another bottle cap. When will this cycle end."


DJ pon-3: "Good morning wastelanders. It is I DJ pon-3, bringing you all the news your hearts and heads can handle. Listen close children, this is an important public service announcement. Listen to me children, for I may just save your life.


You all heard the broadcast last night with the 'White Poison' gang, braking about how they will destroy us. But pon-3, their just a bunch of wild Raiders with a broadcaster. They cannot pose a real threat, can they? If that's the mind set you have, then children you are in for a rude awakening. My sources suggest that, yes they are just Raiders with a bit too much tech in their hands. We don't know much about them, other than the stories about we have heard about Badland Raiders Riding giant White Scorpions. If these stories are ture, if this white Poison gang actually do have an army of those things at their command, then god help us all. If your new here or a long time listener, I hope you have the will to trust me when I say this, be fucking careful out their. Stay far away from the badlands as possible, and do not leave a safe zone without high caliber weaponry. Be careful out their children. If you see a pony riding a Scorpion while you are out in the wastes, running is your best option. I hate to start the day on a notion of fear, but I it had to be done. Stay safe Children. And now some music."


The voice of the mysterious DJ vanished and was replaced by the sweet voice Velvet Remedy.


"We made an impact. I should learn to ride on of these beasts." His mind was now set on a goal. Wade went to seek out a Raider who was capable of reaching him the basics of mastering beasts.

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(sorry I wasn't able to post, I was on a date, then I slept, then it got locked)

The night before, Silvermind had gone for a walk. After all, he was staying in someone's house while she rolled in the hay with the other guest. A slightly awkward situation, so he had decided it was best to leave the house. This was also convenient for the Brotherhood of Steel, as it offered them the perfect window of opportunity to sneak and and kidnap Ebony, though of course Silvermind had no knowledge of this.

As he was walking, he came to a conclusion.

Someone needed to stop Elegron.

He had heard the news, that he was going around mercilessly slaughtering raiders and slavers.


Who gave him the right? Why was he both the judge and the executioner?

He was worse than the very people he claimed to kill in the name of justice.

Silvermind was developing a plan. He was going to find Elegron, and he was going to stop his genocide, or die trying.

Silvermind had finally found a purpose.

A few hours later, Silvermind figured that if his savior and host were still going at it, then they must have been gods in disguise. (or on a massive amount of chems, which was possible, but regardless Silvermind didn't make a habit of staying out in raider cities past midnight) He promptly returned to Blooddrop's home, where, thankfully, he heard no moans of pleasure, went into his room, and slept like a baby.

He completely overlooked the fact that his patient was missing.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron woke up seeing the his new mare friend who was asleep in his bed. He lightly kissed here and started to get up, being careful not to wake her up. when suddenly, his pipbucks radio turned on 

"Hey there wastelanders, this is DJ Pon-3 telling you that sure we have a few raiders on scorpions, but this isnt really anything new. Besides, this time we have a hero. our very own bringer of light! now for another song by velvey remedy"

"I really hate it when ponies call me that" elegron thought

Then it occured to him just how loud that broadcast was.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash woke and found herself alone. She thought about and did maintenance on her armor. She used a repair kit to fix it up and she tuned its systems for maximum efficiency. She then went looking for the pony who she was with last night. She looks around the room first.

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Elegron was walking back from the tenpony armory with a new assault rifle and an anti-matierial rifle that he traded several spare assault carbines for. As soon as he walked in the door he saw dash. "oh hey, sorry for leaving, i didnt want to wake you up. you were too cute" he said smiling.

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Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Thanks and for last night as well. It seams I really needed it. So whats the plan? Helping me with my mission or kooking for information on this Group you are looking for?" Dash looks to be closing a port on the armor. When the battlesaddle opens Elegron can see two recharger rifles in the slots. She also does maintenance on the tail blade.

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"well i dont want to attack the slavers just yet. they have an army, and i have a small team of 10. we should work on your mission, but we might want to hit a slaver cart or 2 along the way if we see any. they tend to have good loot, and we can free the slaves then."  he sets the balefire eggs back in their protective case. the thing was designed to have them not go off after all. He turned to his slightly taller marefriend "im hungry, we should go eat"

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Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash's stomach grows loudly in response. "I think my stomach has answered your question. By the way about last night. I have a feeling what caused my actions isn't gone yet. Oh....this is so hard to explain. Normally we aren't allowed to talk about this openly in the enclave."

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"hey dont worry about it, i know. trust me, ive had to deal with mares having similar "problems" back in the stable. dont worry, ill help you with that one. later of course, lets go get some food" Elegron started walking towards the food court, and looked back, making sure dash was following him.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash did follow but she placed her hoof gloves on just incase of trouble. She also had one of her rifles set to stun just incase. She looks around the food court thinking about what she would have to eat. Her stomach growls again telling her, 'I want food. Give me food.'

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