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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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elegron was caught by the 3 conversations all directed at him. but one caught his attention more than the others. Elegron signaled to dash to not talk about the mission around the strange pony, and the zebra that he didnt really know. "RAVE?! i hate that pony. ive caused no end of trouble to him, attacking his caravans, but ive stopped because not all of the ponies int he caravans deserved to die. just didnt feel right. however rave on the other hoof, is pure evil. ive already decided that he is kill on sight" Elegron had ordered his food and a sparkle cola and started eating. "by the way umm... zebra... what was your name? as long as your with me the food here is free, as is many of the other services of tenpony"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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elegron was caught by the 3 conversations all directed at him. but one caught his attention more than the others. Elegron signaled to dash to not talk about the mission around the strange pony, and the zebra that he didnt really know. "RAVE?! i hate that pony. ive caused no end of trouble to him, attacking his caravans, but ive stopped because not all of the ponies int he caravans deserved to die. just didnt feel right. however rave on the other hoof, is pure evil. ive already decided that he is kill on sight"

I was shocked at the pony's generosity towards me. "Really? Y-you aren't kidding?" I asked shocked still. I started to smile. "Well thanks. I really appreciate that. Thank ya. Oh and the name's Night Star. Do you know any place where I could get some food? I've barely eaten anything today." Edited by Semper Fi
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"well usually this is our base, but were running low on rooms, so you probably wont get one to yourself..." Elegron saw night star looking a little uneasy when he said that "but lucky for you, i happen to have come across a very kind zebra by the name of Xanthe. you could probably share a room with her" he figured that another zebra would be the only one Xanthe would willingly share a room with, and he was running out of places to put ponies. "alright, we will go after rave at some point i promise, but we cant discuss that in public. we can talk about it on the way to finding dark horn. once all of this is over we will find rave" Elegron smiled, being very friendly and open to the zebra.

he knew zebras werent very trusting of other ponies, so he would need to help him be more comfortable with his group. he figured Xanthe could help with that.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Seeing that mentioning Rave would be an easy way to join the group, Veronica switched tactics without batting an eye.

"Hey, you guys are after Rave too?" she exclaimed, pretending to be interested. "So am I! We should go after him together! With me on your already-skilled team, your chances of failure will drop from minuscule to none. And after that, I can lead you to Dark Horn."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron turned to veronica. "minuscule to none? how bout "we are all fucked" to "maybe its somewhat possible" jokes aside, it will be very very difficult. we have a team of 11, only 7 of which are skilled, thats assuming night is. 12 and 8 if i include you, against an army of at least 500." Elegron was watching what she said, and how she said it. he had learned as a security pony to watch for body language and other "red flags" and so far, wasnt trusting this strange pony.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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[sPEECH] "Ah," replied Veronica. "But you don't know who I am, or my skills... [bLACK WIDOW] which are rather numerous and cover every situation."

"But think," she orated, "What good is an army if they don't see an enemy? As far as I know, Rave's never actually seen you or your group. I could easily talk him into letting you walk right into his office, and then he's yours for the kill. And besides, what do you have to lose? If I don't join your team, you could be losing a lot of potential... and then your followers wouldn't think very highly of you, throwing away such a golden opportunity. Come on... let me join you. Together, we'll put Rave in his place and end slavery in the Wasteland."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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At the mention of Dark Horn she asks, "How do you know about ex-director Dark Horn?" Dash isn't trusting of this strange pony at all. She watches the pony for any enclave based body language. She starts it with that question also in wing sign language, the common language of all enclave.

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Elegron caught veronicas drift "oh THOSE kinds of skills, well in that case..." he started. "then i have no need for your "skills" sorry, but im already spoken for." he glanced at dash and smiled, then looked back at veronica.  "sorry, its just you jump up to fight an army of 500 slavers, putting all of our lives at risk, and then you try to seduce me? Thats a bit more than just suspicious."

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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While Veronica was slightly unsure of herself now, however she wasn't about to let this b*itch pegasus take her down. Besides, she had just given her more than enough information to talk her way out of the situation. Veronica recognized the sign-language as Enclave, and figured out from the "ex-director" title that Dark Horn must have been a leader of the Enclave at some point.

"Well," Veronica explained, "I used to do a bit of spying on the Enclave, back in the day. Don't worry," she quickly assured. "Those days are over, as is the company I was spying for. But gradually, I managed to find out quite a bit... such as where Dark Horn is now."

Turning her attention to Elegron, she added, "You'll have to forgive my forward manner. I haven't seen such a handsome stallion in a long time, and I must admit I let my mind get the best of me. And remember, you were looking to take down Rave anyway. I merely came along and gave you an extra asset."

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"hmmm......" Elegron turned to dash "she seems nice NOW, but still.... i dont trust her." 

Elegron looked at veronica. She knew what she was doing that was for sure. Elegron didnt trust her, but part of him kindof wanted her to stay around a bit more... "GACK focus elegron, you dont know who this pony is, she may be trying to collect the bounty or be a spy of rave." he thought to himself. He couldnt decide.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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[speach]"Ok. If that is true then you should also know of what has become of General Windbreaker." Dash says still not convenced. She knows that if this pony doesn't know then she has her on a limb. Dash places a hoof on Elegron's shoulder and says, in a whisper, "Something isn't right. I will explain later. It is just a feeling."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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I was filled with complete happiness. I had finally found a place where I wouldn't be persecuted. Where I could get some food and rest, safe from the dangers of the wasteland. I was so happy that I didn't even mind I'd be sharing a room. I was about to go to where the rooms where but I stopped. "Where's the room at?" I asked the pony.

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(Jesus christ the amount of metagaming is going to drive me to f*cking drink)

"That's easy," shrugged Veronica. "General Windbreaker died with the Enclave. Now c'mon," she smiled. "Can I join you guys? Skilled though I am, I can't stop Rave Crystal all by myself."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron whispers back "i know, shes very charismatic, she almost convinced me earlier, we have to be careful" he turned to night "10th floor, 6th door on the right, just knock and say elegron sent you. and mentioning her name might help"

Meanwhile Xanthe was brewing some super restore potions in her room



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash says, "Really? Then allow me to introduce myself. I am Cloudia Dashia Windbreaker. And he did not die with the enclave. His current location is top secret." Dash knew that with this she could support Elegron.


(Metagamming? Dash is only following her gut and she just tried to hit on Dash's stallion.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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(You can't just look at an evil pony and go OH THEYRE EVIL AHA HAHSHASID on first sight. Besides, you guys haven't given me a single chance to work my way into the group. I understand we're not on the same side, but your characters don't know that yet I mean come on)

"I guess I was misinformed, then," Veronica answered. "By the time the Enclave had dissolved, I had parted ways with the company employing me to spy on them. But I'm pleased to meet you, Cloudia. My own name is Veronica Brighthoof."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron stared at veronica, getting really close, intentionally making her feel uncomfortable before backing away "well i guess you can tag along for now, but i will have my eye on you. If you betray us, then i wont hesitate to kill you. im risking a lot here, and the safety of many ponies."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Thank you," Veronica said, bowing slightly. "I assure you you will not regret it. Before we go, allow me to run up to my room real quick and grab a few provisions. Now that I'm part of a team, I should adjust what I'm taking accordingly. By the way, I don't think you gave me the honor of your name. What is it?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Alright. Thanks." I thanked Elegron and walked to the elevator that would take me to the 10th floor. I pushed the button for the elevator and stepped inside. I pushed a button with a ten on it and the elevator started to move. My stomach felt funny at first, but it quickly subsided. After awhile I heard a chime in the elevator. I wondered what it was but my wondering stopped when the doors opened. I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway, stopping at the 6th door on the right. I knocked on the wooden door. "Who is it?" a voice from inside asked, presumably Xanthe. "Your new roommate. Elegron sent me. Siad we'd be sharing this room."

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"I will give you a chance but one wrong move and tarderous take you. Also no more hitting on my coltfriend, long story."


Dash moved next to Elegron to finish her meal. "I think we should let the others know we will be leaving soon, dear." Dash gives Elegron a peck on the cheek before geting a few sparkle colas to go.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Xanthe opened the door. "another zebra? Elegron was always friendly... come on in, its good to see another zebra around here. most have been killed off by rave... thats why im with elegron, he tries his best to do the right thing. he may be naive and foolish at times, but i think we could all learn a few things from him, anyway, have a look around"


Elegron smiled at dash "yup, ill go get them in a little bit"

"my names elegron by the way" he said to veronica

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Veronica Brighthoof, pleased to meet you," Veronica smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get a few things from my room."

Veronica left and went upstairs to her apartment, where she had stowed a variety of chems. She picked out some Party Time Mentats and stowed them in her saddle bags. After all, she reasoned, a little help can't hurt.

Ready to go, Veronica went back downstairs and waited by the exit.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron got off the elevator at the tenth floor and got everypony up and ready to go. when he returned down the elevator he had 9 more ponies behind him "alright, were ready to go. damn, soon were going to need another sky chariot... well we can make do for now,and pick up another one later. im sure i can get one working if i can find the crashsite on my pipbuck"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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A gray Earth-Pony walked in among a crowd of ponies in Tenpony. He looked very sad. 3 guards were in front of him. He walked towards them. "I'm so sorry. He has my wife and kids". "What are you talk---" one of the guards began, but before he could finish the gray pony revealed a string. "Rave Crystal sends his warning to Tenpony. A warning to DJ-Pon3" he shouted. He pulled the string and exploded. 2 guards and 5 citizens died and 1 guard and 11 citizens got dangerously injured. This was a direct attack on Tenpony. This was a message.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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It seems that the town of Primona has fallen to the ghouls. Rave's slavers and the Smiles griffins are setting up a line of defense outside the town Stoneville. Let us pray that those defense lines hold".   



Cipher Splash woke up within the ruins of Primona, a small pink fluffy filly was happily suckling away at her adopted mothers belly. Cipher waited for the filly to finish before getting up, she opened her map quickly before deciding to plot the best way to Stoneville, it was a few miles away but she should be able to get their before lunchtime. She glanced down at the ghoulish filly "well you can either follow or stay" she finished before slowly walking down the road. The small pink filly quickly followed after her.


Cipher made slow progress at first, luckily her scanners picked up a group of ghouls early letting her avoid them, for now. She picked up the pace after being delayed however she soon made ground towards Stoneville. The small pink filly had kept up with her all the way making Cipher slightly uneasy, filly's would normally need a rest after a mile however this one just keeps going. Cipher continued travelling for another mile, she spotted the outline of Stoneville in the distance, and the defences that the griffins and raiders had set up a hundred yards in-front.   


Cipher glanced at her wings which were mending well, in a few days she could use them again. That ifs the defences lasted that long, Cipher's scanner made a small beeping sound showing unaccountable numbers of life-signs a mile behind her. Cipher quickly entered a canter towards the Defence lines hoping they wouldn't fire at her. With any luck she could get to the defences and get armed before the Ghouls attacked.


A few hundred meters to the trenches she was spotted, Cipher started to run faster. No-shots were fired at her until she came to the top off the barricade, several raiders and two griffins were looking at her surprised. "anyway i can get in?, the ghouls won't be asking for a invite" she asked sarcastically. The group began to talk among themselves before the biggest griffin replied "you can but that pink thing, that stays outside". Cipher nodded and entered though a small hole they made for her, which was quickly covered leaving the pink filly outside looking lost.


Cipher glanced at them all "where's the rest?, you got hundreds of ghouls coming at least, they were right behind me". "Its just us, now tell us what you've been doing down Primona way with a ghoul to boot?" The head griffin asked. "trying to find a pony called, Elegon. Besides its a long story,....." Cipher was cut off from saying more by a raider on watch shouting the alarm.


Cipher quickly glanced around before finding a small weapon cache the griffins must have brought with them, "Using your, guns mines all out" she informed the head griffin before grasping a sniper riffle, small machine-gun and a battered pistol, she then loaded them all and took several clips of ammo for them each, before covering the right hand side of the barricade. She lined up the first ghoul in the wave and fired.

Edited by Cipher Splash

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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