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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Leone looked at the ponies with a look of disdain on her face from under her helmet "That doesn't concern you." she snapped at Strawberry Lemonade "Elegron may have fought whoever the hell Rave is, but if you really think that the WPS will end this war simply because Elegron turned himself in, you are a sorry bunch of idiots, I know what the WPS is, they won't surrender, they will hunt you down like dogs." She then began to laugh, almost hysterically "Can't you see what I'm trying to do? I'm trying to secure the future of equestria, secure a life not lived under such a monstrous faction like the WPS. In order for this to occur the WPS must be wiped off the face of the earth, they have already forfeit their right to exist!" 


The turrets had been at full power the whole time and just seemed like they were down, the AI was more sophisticated than any other artificial intelligence system, and it used this time to target vital parts of each of the now visible ponies and fired with unparalleled speed, the different elementally infused bullets finding their ways into each pony causing incomprehensible agony. "I seriously just don't understand the logic behind ponies like yourselves." The AI opened the massive door just a tad for Leone to enter and closed it shut behind her, she wouldn't be able to be stopped now. 


Hehe, silly ponies, thinking you can deactivate my turrets with a lousy EMP! I wonder the extent of the damage those bullets did to your vital organs, you really shouldn't stand still like that, and don't try no funny things or you'll get the big boom! 

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A large battle broke within the Crystal Empire library. Scar going hoof to hoof with other mutants, being able to hit them quite hard. He used his blood magic to empower him and killed a few with his magic and one with his hooves. They had already lost 5 ponies themselves, however, they had the element of surprise and many mutants were falling. 


Rave's shadow glided through the hallways of the castle. "Such a long time. The Crystals have finally returned home". 

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Their prototype hellfire armor absorbed most of the assault, however the electric bullets still hurt. They thought for sure they were going to die, when the turrets stopped firing. They ran out of ammo! "Silverwing... Wildfire... We can't get in. We need to contact stable city and have them send a team."

There was no response. "Uhhh.. Girls?" Nothing. The turrets hadn't run out of ammo. They had run out of targets. "Why don't they attack me?" She thought. Then she remembered her past mission. She had added herself to the whitelist for the security last time she was here to reclaim some enclave artifacts for prototyping.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Leone was presented with a dark corridor, a light at the end. She trotted victoriously through the small room, automated lights illuminating her steps all the way to the door and traversing through it. She had reached the control room of the facility which consisted of an emergency escape pod, large monitor, various controls and more security measures/monitors to view the security feed. "Dammit AI, why aren't they dead!?"



Why isn't what dead? All targets have been neutralized. 


"What could this mean...? AI, why didn't you shoot me?"


Once you identified yourself, or rather once my facial recognition software did you were classified as friend, I have been programmed to not fire on friends, only foes. 


"Purge all friend/foe protocols, void ID #31633, Leone Ripley." 


Purge complete.


The turrets began to fire at the ponies once again, their ammunition ample since they were designed to repel an entire assault single-hoofedly. The ponies had retreated behind cover and the turrets stopped firing, the AI only taunting them now. Come out and play little ponies, your imminent doom awaits! Teeheehee! Leone smirked as she watched them cower from the turrets, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon, they had put the nail in the coffin the second they stepped foot inside this underground tomb. She then offered them a proposition "If you surrender yourself to me strawberry I just might spare your lives, however if you do not your chance of survival is Zero, you will die in that room." 

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Strawberry lemonade looked towards the exit. She could make it if she could buy herself some time. She took out a spell matrix. The spell within was the same barrier that Elegron had used to protect lasher. She activated it, and put up the shield as she flew to the exit. The tirrets fired at the shield and it countered with electric pulses, stalling the turrets even more. By the time they broke through, strawberry had escaped. She radioed in "spark. Get the field ready. There may be a very large explosion soon"


"Lasher was right about leone"


"Eeyup. Try and get as many citizens of Ponyville in as you can."

"Alright, will do"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave's shadow entered the throne room. A few mutants were in there, including the leader, who sat on the throne. "This throne belongs to the Crystals". The leader gave a signal and many mutants appeared in front of him, having hidden themselves by using Stealth-bucks. More came from the hallways on Rave's side. Then Scar charged in with his ponies and the battle raged on. Rave killed one mutant at a time. He approached the leader slowly. The leader showed a lot of concern. When he reached the leader, he suddenly smiled. "What are you smiling over? I'm about to brutally slaughter you". The mutant held up a red/green crystal. The crystal started to suck Rave's spirit. "Noooo". Dark Horn appeared behind the mutant and he stuck him with a white crystal formed with light magic. The leader fell down dead. The mutants lost spirit and they were dealt with. However, Scar had lost a lot of ponies as well. 


Rave and Dark Horn were on the top balconies of the castle. "Well then, I guess we have reclaimed most of the Empire back. There are still some pocket resistance in the some streets. But no matter, we rule over it now. Hahaha--". "No". "Huh? What do you mean?". "There is no 'we'. There are only Crystals". A dark crystal pierced Dark Horn. His eyes went wide. "Besides, I hate light magic. You taught me well". Dark Horn fell down in a heap of blood. 

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Leone watched as Strawberry escaped by pure luck "Damn, that is some excellent technology, did you get enough data off of that?"


Yes, it is quite simple really, it uses... "You can spare me the details, just get me a prototype of it or something asap." I must inform you the fabrication capabilities of this facility are not industrial grade, you will at best get two within the next hours or even day. "That's fine, now about booting up the M.E.G.A software and our long range communications array..."


The AI was very efficient in its work and got both of the systems online in only a fraction of the time it would take real ponies to get it done. "AI,  make the entrance of the facility impassable something tells me that the escapee is going to be back to try and stop me." The AI immediately dispatched a few units of the swarm and they immediately began to mine the insides of the entrance very carefully so that it would collapse in segments. "I think it's about time I began broadcasting my message..." she smiled looking at the microphone.

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The book floated out of bloodrops hooves and opened to the first page. Words that had not been there before we're now present "if thou be an heir to the element of magic, then speak "open" and such will occur"


Elegrons elite recon team watched leone from above, their zebra stealth cloaks keeping them hidden. Strawberry lemonade motioned for silverwing and wildfire to stay out of range of Leones power armor efs.


"So" Elegron said, looking from one guard to the next "either of you get breaks often? Is it a good job? Do either of you have kids? I wanted to have kids. It's a shame really, that it had to come to this. Hopefully the loss isn't too hard on dash..."

Guard 1: "Yeah, we each had our own kids. You know what happened to them? Your men killed them 3 months ago while they were escorting a food caravan to some smaller settlements out east. Even though they tried to help ponies, yours still murdered them indiscriminately. You know how that Feels? Getting news that your son has been killed? You're still too young to understand." Their was still a ways to go to ponyville yet. Anymore words out of Elegron's mouth and he will break his teeth.

Elegron was shoved out and I only could look at him as he looked a little bruised with half worry, and half relief. "I hope you find what you came to find here Elegron. I pray you have a happy future," I said politely. The guards shoved him off then toward his holding cell until he was to leave. I entered her home smiles on my face. "Blooddrop! How are you?" hugging her now. "I have missed you you know. Might as well relax, the war is over now that Elegron is captured. I just hope the law could be more forgiving, but rules are rules right?" I poured us a drink. "You thirsty? I might take up drinking soon, I miss Darkeye too much. Those monsters have him and my foal. You hear the news yet?" taking a seat now.

Blooddrop: "Don't pray for him. He deserves no mercy or quarter. When he gets to ponyville, all the crimes he has committed will be tallied up and the appropriate punishment will be selected. And I'm seeing the death sentence In his near future. Hoe he will die, is up to the people." She took the drink and sat down. "Yes, news of Darkeye's unfortunate demise has reached us, and causes both me and the ponies great grief. And the fact that your foal was taken just adds insult to injury. I'm sorry for your losses. But don't start drinking heavily, you have two other beautiful children I'm ponyville, who need you now more than ever. Slasher was informed not to tell them the news, I figured it would be best that you told your children yourself. This war has caused us all so much pain and loss. No one is coming out of this with a few scars. You lost your husband and son, I lost ponies very close to me, Vi lost half of her brothers, and most of ponyville has lost family and friends to that evil bastard. He can't die soon enough for my liking."

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Dark Sun watched from the balcony. "So all of this is to become mine? All of it". "Yes. You will continue the Crystal line. The Crystals have been restored to the throne of the Crystal Empire". "You killed Dark Horn... didn't you. I know you did, I haven't seen him around. He looked very excited to be taking the Empire. He would have been around us. Did he become too much of a nuisance?". "You are growing fast and you understand how things are". Rave started to glide away. "I must got, there is something I need to look for". Dark Sun continued watching the vast lands of the Empire. "Mine, all mine" he thought. 

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Elegrons eyes went wide. "I.... I'm sorry. I know it will never make up for what I've done. I try to do the right thing, and this happens. That's why I'm doing this. But.... I never meant for any of this to happen." He started crying for the first in a very long time. "I don't expect you to forgive me. Or even to not hate me."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Elegrons eyes went wide. "I.... I'm sorry. I know it will never make up for what I've done. I try to do the right thing, and this happens. That's why I'm doing this. But.... I never meant for any of this to happen." He started crying for the first in a very long time. "I don't expect you to forgive me. Or even to not hate me."

"Everyone who has been killed in conflict, on both sides, their blood is on you. All these families you have torn apart and all the lives that have been cut short. All of it because you couldn't see long term solutions. But you never once stopped to consider who you are killing, what their stance in the war is or even the importance of the job they are doing. The people of ponyville will call for your death. And we will deliver it."


The chariot arrive in ponyville, Slasher was their to meet it.


Slasher: "Good you made it. Hope he didn't give you any trouble. I heard he wants to say a few things over the radio to the wasteland. The broadcast tower is a bit ways West, closer to the edge of town. It's currently unoccupied. You get 3 minutes to say what you want. They we just wait for the public response to the poll."


The elite guards started to take Elegron west, towards the radio tower for his final public words.

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Electron just stared at the pony for a moment before finally speaking again. "I know that. It's good that I die really. As it is, everything I do gets somepony killed. But it's not over. I don't think so anyway. After what I saw happen to wade and jack..." He saw his blank expression "nevermind, it's not important. I know I've done a lot of bad, but this world would also not be here if not for me. Just remember that." He saw the radio tower in the distance.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Where is it? WHERE IS IT? Where did they hide it? It belongs to me, it is rightfully mine. Rargh". Rave's shadow paused for a moment as if in deep thought. "Shut up, you will not be getting control of your spirit again. I own you now, you made a deal with the devil and the devil will get what is rightfully his". 

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Leone thought she had been broadcasting to the wasteland as she proclaimed her message of exchanging Elegron for exemption for being bombed by her weapon of mass destruction, she had given them ten minutes to respond or she would launch the missile. The message wasn't transmitted to the wasteland due to the WPS radio transmission counter. 


Missile Ready to Launch. "Good, good."

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Electron just stared at the pony for a moment before finally speaking again. "I know that. It's good that I die really. As it is, everything I do gets somepony killed. But it's not over. I don't think so anyway. After what I saw happen to wade and jack..." He saw his blank expression "nevermind, it's not important. I know I've done a lot of bad, but this world would also not be here if not for me. Just remember that." He saw the radio tower in the distance.

Slasher and his men escorted Elegron to the radio tower. As expected, the building was mostly empty aside from a few guards. "Top floor. That's where we have the microphone."


They set up the radio for a nation wide broadcast, all radios and pip-bucks within the wasteland would be able to hear this. The microphone was set and everything was ready. "You got a few minutes. Make 'em count."

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"Greetings everypony! Heh... My name is Elegron. A lot of you hate me. And the rest of you look up to me. I have... Tried. Tried to be a good pony. Tried to do the right thing, and I have failed.

I have killed countless ponies that didn't need to be killed. But I want you all to think of something. 10 years ago, a pony named rave tried to destroy everything that we know today, and dash and I stopped him. I took in the white poisons spy when she was hurt, even though I knew she would betray me. My point? I try to do good. That's why I am here. Because my death can lead to peace. And that, to me, is worth it. I ask that you all take your anger out on me, and not the innocent citizens of stable city, or the commanders and soldiers who blindly followed me into battle. It was all my fault, not theirs. I wish you all farewell, and may we all finally live in peace. And dash.... I'm truly sorry. It had to be done, for the future of Equestria. Do not be mad at the white poison. This was my choice. Don't be mad at yourself either. I know this is hard, but.... You've just got to move on. Goodbye dash. I love you."

It was so tempting to overload the suppression. He could do it. Kill the guards, maybe even vi. These things were not used to his level of power. But he didn't.



Dash was sitting on a cloud, crying. A young dragon flew over and sat down next to her "it's not over dash" he she was smiling "you know Elegron is tougher than that. I have a feeling we will see him again. He has a history of bullshitting death" she said laughing

She looked up at the dragon "your right. Thanks thunderwing"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rattlesnake's voice could be heard. Rattlesnake felt that he had to get on immediately after Elegron's speech. "Hello there good ponies, this is a fine day indeed. I can hear that the Stabledweller is still lying out of his ass. Funny how he tries to make himself look like a hero even though he admits to his crimes. Lying about Rave trying to destroy the world. Rave actually tried to save the world. Sad how ponies try to discredit others just to gain something from it. Well, you won't be getting into the minds of hard working, innocent ponies of the WPS. We are free thinkers, we are free from your influences, free from your poisonous views and ideals. I say good riddance, we might finally see peace after getting rid of this mass murderer. As long as he lives, ponies will never stop killing each other. He is one of those that poisons the land, one of those that sees everything he does is right. This has been Rattlesnake, displaying his lovely voice to all of you listening". 

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Rattlesnake's voice could be heard. Rattlesnake felt that he had to get on immediately after Elegron's speech. "Hello there good ponies, this is a fine day indeed. I can hear that the Stabledweller is still lying out of his ass. Funny how he tries to make himself look like a hero even though he admits to his crimes. Lying about Rave trying to destroy the world. Rave actually tried to save the world. Sad how ponies try to discredit others just to gain something from it. Well, you won't be getting into the minds of hard working, innocent ponies of the WPS. We are free thinkers, we are free from your influences, free from your poisonous views and ideals. I say good riddance, we might finally see peace after getting rid of this mass murderer. As long as he lives, ponies will never stop killing each other. He is one of those that poisons the land, one of those that sees everything he does is right. This has been Rattlesnake, displaying his lovely voice to all of you listening".

The message was cut off early

"Hey everypony, spark here. Head mechanic here at stable city. Here to tell rattlesnake to back off. Elegron has given his life for there to be peace, and you try and undermind that? Peace is peace. This means no more false propaganda. Can we not agree to that?" A slam is heard as the door flies open "strawberry? What are you doing?"

"It's leone! She's going to launch her mega missile, get everypony inside, if the white poison cares about its citizens, then now is the time to prove it. Get as any as you can from Ponyville into stable city, the ponies inside the stable will be safe for sure, we don't know if the stealth field will protect from it, but there's about a 90% chance. Hurry, we don't have much time!"

You heard her, rattlesnake, we need to cooperate from now on. We're allies now. Do what you can to try and get the others to safety, please." The radio cut out.

Elegrons eyes went wide "what the fuck?! We have to do something!"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Leone was awfully suprised to hear Elegron's voice on the radio, his whole message a final plea of peace . She sat there a moment, this didn't sound like a response, and since it was broadcasted to the wasteland everypony heard, theoretically. Would be be quite possible for peace? If the WPS launched an attack on stable city it would look like a monstrosity.


Another voice came on the radio, a voice she didn't know, and of course his purpose to make Elegron look like a fiend, making it much easier to finish off stable city. "Launch the M.E.G.A. Missile!" She shouted out of anger to the AI, she wanted all the WPS destroyed, they weren't free thinkers or free to begin with, if they really were they could see that Elegron was telling the truth and simply paying for his crimes. 


Launch Missile, confirm order? Leone sat in silence, she had some doubts now and then the radio cut off again and spark's voice and strawberry lemonades voice could be heard, both counterattacking the false claims of rattlesnake and lemonade clamoring on about MY plans. Was this for real? No pony knew she existed, and better yet strawberry could no prove anything from where she was situated, oh celestia this was too much!

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"Greetings everypony! Heh... My name is Elegron. A lot of you hate me. And the rest of you look up to me. I have... Tried. Tried to be a good pony. Tried to do the right thing, and I have failed.

I have killed countless ponies that didn't need to be killed. But I want you all to think of something. 10 years ago, a pony named rave tried to destroy everything that we know today, and dash and I stopped him. I took in the white poisons spy when she was hurt, even though I knew she would betray me. My point? I try to do good. That's why I am here. Because my death can lead to peace. And that, to me, is worth it. I ask that you all take your anger out on me, and not the innocent citizens of stable city, or the commanders and soldiers who blindly followed me into battle. It was all my fault, not theirs. I wish you all farewell, and may we all finally live in peace. And dash.... I'm truly sorry. It had to be done, for the future of Equestria. Do not be mad at the white poison. This was my choice. Don't be mad at yourself either. I know this is hard, but.... You've just got to move on. Goodbye dash. I love you."

It was so tempting to overload the suppression. He could do it. Kill the guards, maybe even vi. These things were not used to his level of power. But he didn't.



Dash was sitting on a cloud, crying. A young dragon flew over and sat down next to her "it's not over dash" he she was smiling "you know Elegron is tougher than that. I have a feeling we will see him again. He has a history of bullshitting death" she said laughing

She looked up at the dragon "your right. Thanks thunderwing"

Guard 1: "Get moving Lightbringer. Your time is up." The guards pushed Elegron out of the tower, back into the streets of ponyville. The center of town is their next destination, the poll results are in and the people want Elegron to have a public execution. Method: Gutting.


Guard 1: "Who we got doing the execution? Slasher, Harkoth, Kalus?"


Guard 2: "Apparently they have someone with a personal history with the lightbringer. All he said was, 'It's like déjà vu.'"


They continued to walk towards the center of town. Everyone in ponyville had already gathered and was waiting for them to arrive. They just had to wait a few more minutes.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Blooddrop: "Celevra, keep on eye on the base. I'm going to ponyville with Vi to watch the execution. I'll be back before night fall. Maybe." She left her home in the badlands and made her way for ponyville. If the one she hated most was about to die, it will be a sight she will not miss.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Vi heard the broadcast from Stable city, and just laughed a little to herself. "Their is no way anyone can have a MEGA spell. All facilities that could have held them have been destroyed or looted. Their are non left. You, officer, tell everyone to ignore this message. It's just another lie."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Rattlesnake went again to action to override Spark's interference. "You know, you're not the only ones that can override others you little prick. You think we will fall to such tricks. Make all of our innocent civilians go to your place to be massacred. I think not, you have not given any proof that anything ill is about to befall us. Why should we trust you? Why in the goddesses hell should we trust those who have been the ones ATTACKING us relentlessly to begin with. We did not start this, but we will sure end this if we have to. Your words mean nothing to us, perhaps they would have 6 years ago, but now... now they are worthless". 

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Bingo, Strawberry had no proof! The WPS were going to fight a long and glorious war with Elegron's city after she decimated ponyville. "Confirm order" and just like that the AI primed the Magically enhanced guidance assisted missile for launch, there was no stopping it now.


The missile launched from the facility a magnificent stream of magical fuel carrying it to ponyville, it was a almost like a dream, the missile descended directly onto ponyville and at point of impact did what it was created to do, destroy.

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Elegron saw the missile coMing towards Ponyville "if you will not cut my bindings to save this world one last time, then I will do it myself" he focused his magic, and in a great burst, the suppressor was shattered. His horn flowed and he poured all of his magic into stopping the missile. He screamed as the magic was more than he could handle. Immense pain washed over him as the missile started to slow "for celestias sake! Somepony help me! If not for the world, then for youself!" several layers of overglow had formed. "Help me send this thing into space, and I'll destroy it where it cannot harm anypony, just please don't let it touch down!"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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The missile glowed with magical power, even if it didn't touch down it would explode in the air from the designated timer that was activated from Elegron's magic. There was less than a minute for the missile to explode and the missile started to crack, magic escaping from the vessel and already causing severe health complications to ponies in the area.

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Another unicorn stepped up from the crowd. Then another and another. All adding their power to elegrons. The missile started slowly floating away

"We need more help! The missile is unstable, it will explode soon! We need everypony we can to get this missile a safe distance away! 4 unicorns is not enough!"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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