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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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"of course dash. i think instead of one mayor, we should have two. we make a pretty great team after all" 

"I also think this is a good idea, i was begining to question your sanity after the ncident with jack" midnight was blunt as usual.

Elegron laughed nervously "so was i, thats why im doing this. and maybe someday i can clear my bounty. although i dont think ii have to worry about it too much, very few ponies have given me trouble over that" He looked up at the entrance to tenpony tower and the guard nodded, letting them in.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Not bad for a first interrogation I surmised critically, only two hours later, the pony still held firm. I gave the pony five minutes to rethink his life choices, not that he had much but I wasn't a complete maniac in that regard. I wandered back into Rave's tent and took him on his offer for that cola, strange, I realized when you lived off the grid for a time, you forget the convenience of modern society. Not that there was much left, but before I could elaborate further in my thoughts, I was interrupted by the moans of Cloudmaker. "You ready? I want the code", I replied sternly. "I can end your life peacefully, just tell me." [speech Check 100/50] "Fine, here it is, take it. Its a long code so you have you enter it exactly", said Cloudmaker with some relief. Fortunately, I only removed everything but a single hoof. I retrieved the bloody page and recopied it for clarification. "Good, except that I lied about the peaceful part. Here is what I will really do, I will patch you up and make sure your alive when Rave comes to see you next. If you lied to us...lets just say your future will be longer and relatively more painful than anything you think you experienced. Injecting him with some anesthetic, I stopped the bleeding and set up an IV for later. Torture is always interesting, I thought looking back at the mangled pony. No back hoofs left to walk on and one wing removed for good measure. Leaving the tent, "Hey Rave, everything is done," I yelled out as he was walking about. Then, the radio chirped up, Wait, stable boy is building himself a refuge? City plagues are always fun, I can think of something later to make a good mess of things. In the mean time, I found a vacant tent, with that I slumped in a tent next to Rave's and slept dreaming about fresh thoughts of my recently committed extraction. The code in Rave's tent, a couple hours sleep would freshen me up just fine.

Edited by Twilightpie17
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Rave saw the codes lying on his table and started reading. After have read it, his face was red. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" he yelled into the air. He tried to cool himself down. He managed to do so, but was still irritated. "You might think that the pony wrote it using his hooves". 

  • Brohoof 1
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Elegron had talked to several ponies and got some guards to agree to help out, homage got a shipment of supplies to help with construction.

Elegron returned to his room and sat down on the bed, tired from all of the negotiations. he was glad he was actually able to do this. within the next few days he would set out to stable 42 to talk to them about it. he was the only one who knew the override codes, and he knew that once he got the city up and running, he would have an impenetrable vault to store things in, and keep everypony safe in he event of an attack.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dash had gone to eat before going back to Elegron's room. She has a bottle of apple cider in her mouth. She sets the bottle down and asks, "May we talk about something?"


She hooves to him the files she got earlier. "I would like to finish our business with Dark Horn and then go to the locations listed in the file. Namely the Canterlot area and the Crystal Wasteland."


The files that Dash acquired contained some of the latest Enclave Intel from the Thunderhead Warship. The time had these files labeled as September 8th 2278 (RP date is November 15th 2280).


The information they held details on the location of Enclave bases on the surface, surviving high ranked Enclave personal (None known), and the last known location of the Thunderhead over the Crystal Wasteland to the north.


Among the list of officers that are confirmed KIA, Dash's father was only listed as MIA, last seen in Canterlot city on January 4th 2278.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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(Iron Warrior attack in 4 hours)





"We are here. I hope you can handle pressure Buckshot. Because this place is deep underground. Inside before someone sees us."


Wade moved into the bunker first, quickly followed by Blooddrop. Before the others made it to the bottom, Blooddrop took off the user part of her armour and gave her wings a stretch.


Blooddrop: "Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to keep these things under armour like that. They need to breath too you know."


Wade: "I get it. Wings are a problem to have on a day to day basis. But they have more positives than negatives, in more ways than one."


Blooddrop: "Oh, you're gonna bring that up?"


Wade: "It was your idea in the first place. Put your things in my room, we will only be here a few hours. Max."


Blooddrop: "Later. I want to sit down on your furniture. It's so soft and lovely. It's been years."


Blooddrop flung herself onto on of the larger couches and sprawled her entire body across it, and took off most of her armour and clothing. 'I would lie hear forever if I could. Things like this make me wonder what life was like in the old world.'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(Meanwhile at The Citadel of Iron)


Star: "Elder, most units are almost ready to deploy, and latest scouting report says that we may have a problem with magnetic, EMP and High Ex mines. They will be attracted to power armour so this may cause some minor problems."


Iron Mane: "Just do normal anti mine sweeps during mission. Only means we will need to send in about two to three more units. No matter."


Star: "I'll relay the message the message sir."


Iron Mane: "Good. We attack in 4 hours. Make sure you are ready by then."


Star: "Yes sir."

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Can i join?


Cipher Splash commonly going by the name Cipher





Encrypts messages and information with Ciphers also likes to sell data for supply's, normally hiden away since being a pegasus is rare and her wings would sell for a few bits






This is her picture of her being a badass XD, but shes not that good.




Encription, hacking, Decripting, ect.



so shes a tech not a fighter, since she can't be a god.


Cipher Splash glanced at her map with a faded enclave symbol on the top. She snorted tossing it away and grabbing a sheet of her Ciphered Intel. "waste of a trip" she remarked tucking it in her bag, was only chatter between several business ponies from pre-war. She opened her blue wings and flew back to her base which comprised of a ruined house on a hill where she traded Intel for supply's. 


She placed her sniper on what was left of the kitchen's table and put her newly acquired Intel next to the riffle. She turned the data like the rest of her unbought Intel into special code before disposing of the original copy. She decided she would have to go flog some intelligence to someone since her main buyer had died.


"curse that littlepip" she snorted wondering if she could con that mare with 'valuable' data, she decided against it since she didnt know where that unicorn had finally gone to.

Edited by Cipher Splash

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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*My "d" key is sketchy on this computer so don't mind the errors please* I awoke with a clear mind and refreshed body. Stable boy's refuge needed to be destroyed so I awaited Rave's arrival in his tent casually playing with my knife. I knew he would feel the need for a debriefing of the day's prior events. In the meantime, i helped myself to a sparkle cola and began to read a book on pre-war history, after all i was only half savage, "you need a proper balance in all things i thought to myself." Gradually i spaced out, losing myself in the earlier days when things weren't so destroyed and barbaric.

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Elegron looked at dash for a bit. he looked at the files. "so an adventure? canterlot? Dash, im fine with anything as long as its with you" He said smiling before teleporting beside her an putting a hoof around her shoulder. "ive heard that canterlot has all sorts of artifacts from before the war, and nopony has ever been able to reclaim them, maybe we can find some cool weapons or ancient spellbooks!" Elegron was getting really excited about the trip now.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave walked into the his tent with the codes. "What is this?" he asked irritably. "I can't read what it says here. It was so badly written". He threw the files next to Jack. "If you can read it, then please" he said with a cool voice. "Also, what do you think of DJ-Pon3?" he asked with a grin. 

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Elegron looked at dash for a bit. he looked at the files. "so an adventure? canterlot? Dash, im fine with anything as long as its with you" He said smiling before teleporting beside her an putting a hoof around her shoulder. "ive heard that canterlot has all sorts of artifacts from before the war, and nopony has ever been able to reclaim them, maybe we can find some cool weapons or ancient spellbooks!" Elegron was getting really excited about the trip now.

"I could care less about those old things. My father's last known location is there." Dash seams really upset that he didn't notice that, canterlot is also the last known location of her father. She also says, "For preparation purposes, lets finish with Dark Horn, then go to the Crystal Wastelands."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Cipher packed several items before leaving her base, she flew swiftly south listening to the radio communication between a group of rebels and her next target. She flew low over the landscape and slowly saw a ruined city, she decided to fly straight over it cutting a chunk off her journey time.


Cipher flew for another hour before stopping ontop of a ruined watchtower, she frowned tapping on her headset which had got static interference, "strange" she grumbled 


[feel free to join me XD]


*evil hat music*






Cipher saw a old dusty top-hat with a red ribbon around the middle, a strange pink feather was stuck to one side and it had a funky circular symbol on it. Cipher put it on before wanting to see how she looked. Before she could her headset started to play a strange tune, causing her to become entranced.


It was slightly catchy, and soon she lost herself in the music, humming away she took flight again flying south where she was going to kill some ponies.

Edited by Cipher Splash

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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"of course, I can," I replied placing the book back on his shelf. "I rewrote here clear as day, I may have given you the bloody copy by mistake." Giving him the legible version. "I took the liberty of feeding the wolfs the "extra" food I got from yesterdays activities. Speaking of which, what Do you want to do with the prisoner? I left him alive for your enjoyment, of course." Tossing him a cola, "I am developing a plague to ruin stable boy's safe new refuge he has. It's a tasteless, odorless add-on to various food items that has very similar ingredients to my radiation poison. I only need the location and I shall take care of the rest", I said smiling with treachery. "send a scout will you and kill no-one. This is a scouting mission. He can't know we are on active surveillance at any cost. Report to me when you have it. I am using the slaves who are misbehaving as test subjects, only three were taken of course and they were all about to die anyway. No loss should come to your productive output. As for Dj-pon3, I have a special surprise for her, I only need her captured alive. The wastes need to know that the slavers are not to be messed with. She played a vital role in the ponyville insurrection and should be punished accordingly don't you think?" Wandering back to the tent flap, "I will be in the lab synthesizing a more potent batch of a plague to finally kill that annoying stable dweller." Laughing to myself talking under my breath,"Oh he will regret the day met me, Elegron will pay soon."      

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Rave tried the codes on his PipBuck. An approving sound could be heard. "It works. I will be able to use it. The scientist is of no more use to me. You may use him as a test subject. As for the stable dweller, I will send out scouts as you suggested. They will be undercover. Trust me, they are not the murdering type, they will be silent". Rave walked over to his radio and listened to some of DJ-Pon3's music. "I already have plans for Pon3. A plan that has been in development". Rave began to grin. "Tell me, Jack. What would happen if Pon3 were to die? What would happen if his radio transmitter was destroyed? What would happen if Tenpony were to be, say.... bombed? What would the ponies of the Wasteland do? I'll tell you what they would do. They would give up. Pon3 is the only reason why they still have hope, why they still have hope that everything will go back to the old ways, before the war. But we both know there will be no turning back. If Pon3 died, ponies would lose hope" Rave laughed darkly and then drank some Sparkle-Cola. 

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"One less concern for me if you got that covered", Turning back to him. "Let me know should anything change and the tent will be clear, my tools are removed and I shall call for some hands to remove the scientist. In any case, If this operation with your scouts goes smooth, you can consider me your ally. Do feel free to send requests my way should you require any more help? Ta ta for now." Leaving the tent, he already felt he could trust Rave, he just wanted a confirmation before he committed completely. 

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After Silvermind and Buckshot had descended into Wade's abode, Silvermind turnedt to Buckshot and said,

"Well, this is Wade's home. It's nice, huh? Anyway, go lounge around or something. If you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to."

Still a little unfamiliar with the bunker, Silvermind wandered around a bit until he found EDNA.

"Well, I managed to get Wade away from his Stealth Bucks for the most part," he reported. "Can you analyze him and see if he's doing any better?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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After Silvermind and Buckshot had descended into Wade's abode, Silvermind turnedt to Buckshot and said,

"Well, this is Wade's home. It's nice, huh? Anyway, go lounge around or something. If you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to."

Still a little unfamiliar with the bunker, Silvermind wandered around a bit until he found EDNA.

"Well, I managed to get Wade away from his Stealth Bucks for the most part," he reported. "Can you analyze him and see if he's doing any better?"

EDNA: "I see. His radiation levels have subsided a little, but I can detect some abnormal brain activity within subconscious beta waves and neuron path ways. Those that would be exhibited by a pony who is just about to die. It's a mechanism that forces the heart into a shut down which leads to death. But, you may or may not know, Wade's heart is mechanical so it's not responding to the signal. Unless I find some way to stop his mind sending the messages and subdue the waves, I calculated that Wade may only have about 5 months before his mind collapses in on itself turning him into the equivalent of a Feral Ghoul. Minus the Ghoul part. And the radiation from the stealth bucks speeds up this process dramatically. Every hour he spends under the effects of radiation is one week less he has to live. I hate to ask such a huge thing of you such as this, but you are the best with words hear. Will you find some way of breaking this news to him which will not make him kill something? Please?"

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"Sh*t." Silvermind muttered. He had talked his way through some tough situations before, but this one took the cake, platter, and tablecloth.

"Well," answered Silvermind, "I may be able to. What about Blooddrop, could she do it? I notice she has a way with him, and he's much less likely to attack her than me."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Sh*t." Silvermind muttered. He had talked his way through some tough situations before, but this one took the cake, platter, and tablecloth.

"Well," answered Silvermind, "I may be able to. What about Blooddrop, could she do it? I notice she has a way with him, and he's much less likely to attack her than me."

EDNA: "From what I know Blooddrop, she is very... blunt and can be harsh in situations like this. If you think it best that she be the one to tell him about his condition. Then try and convince her to do so. I don't think she would willing bring herself to tell him that he is going to die and only has a 1/10000 chance of survival. What ever you think the best course of action is, go with it. Thank you for doing this for me. I'll make it up to you somehow."

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Cipher tapped her headset and started to tune though all the frequency's trying to pick up some useful Intel on her hacked headset. While she scanned the different frequency's she sat down and made herself comfortable. She eventually found a channel and begun to listen in getting intrigued by the conversation

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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EDNA left Silvermind to his thoughts. Pensive, he made his way to a small kitchen and sat down with a bottle of Sparkle-Cola. He had to figure out a way to tell Wade that he was going to die without dying himself. 

He thought.

And he thought.

And he thought.

And eventually, he came up with a plan that might actually work. The only thing left was to put it into action.


"Wade," he started. "May I speak with you?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Rattlesnake's voice could be heard on the Ponyville radio. "Hello there folks. Do I have the news for you, hehe. It seems that things are getting a little riled up near the Bonewastes. The Bonewaste is known to be the territory of hostile Hellhounds, but it seems like mindless ghouls are now starting to appear from that place. They have gotten into some towns near the Ponyville area, killing all of the inhabitants but it is nothing to worry about. But don't you go walking in the open without some kind of a weapon to defend yourselves. Also in the headlines: It seems with Rave Crystal's efforts to purge the Ponyville area of zebras seems to be working. It is estimated that the overall population of zebras in the Ponyville area has dropped about 88%. That's right folks, Rave's crusade is bearing fruit. Soon, those pesky 22% will be gone. We don't have to wait long. In other news, a drunk and brain-damaged mare, who goes by the name of Blackrose has been jailed for inciting tension among the populace of the town of Trotter, against Rave Crystal. The mare also claims to be the sister of Rave and that she must kill him. Now that is something. This has been Rattlesnake, bringing the true news, to you" the transmission ended. 


Rave was listening. "Blackrose? Ugh, my sister just can't leave me alone. She shall receive no mercy from me" Rave thought.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Rattlesnake's voice could be heard on the Ponyville radio. "Hello there folks. Do I have the news for you, hehe. It seems that things are getting a little riled up near the Bonewastes. The Bonewaste is known to be the territory of hostile Hellhounds, but it seems like mindless ghouls are now starting to appear from that place. They have gotten into some towns near the Ponyville area, killing all of the inhabitants but it is nothing to worry about. But don't you go walking in the open without some kind of a weapon to defend yourselves. Also in the headlines: It seems with Rave Crystal's efforts to purge the Ponyville area of zebras seems to be working. It is estimated that the overall population of zebras in the Ponyville area has dropped about 88%. That's right folks, Rave's crusade is bearing fruit. Soon, those pesky 22% will be gone. We don't have to wait long. In other news, a drunk and brain-damaged mare, who goes by the name of Blackrose has been jailed for inciting tension among the populace of the town of Trotter, against Rave Crystal. The mare also claims to be the sister of Rave Crystal and that she must kill him. Now that is something. This has been Rattlesnake, bringing the true news, to you" the transmission ended. 


Rave was listening. "Blackrose? Ugh, my sister just can't leave me alone. She shall receive no mercy from me" Rave thought.


Cipher heard the broadcast over her headset, "interesting, maybe a visit to Ponyville could provide valuable" she said to herself, she glanced at her hat and asked it if it wanted to go their, after it agreed she collected her stuff and spread her wings out taking to the skys. She flew towards Ponyville with her sniper riffle over one shoulder, she listened on the same frequency wondering if any other snippets of information would be broadcast.  

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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EDNA left Silvermind to his thoughts. Pensive, he made his way to a small kitchen and sat down with a bottle of Sparkle-Cola. He had to figure out a way to tell Wade that he was going to die without dying himself.

He thought.

And he thought.

And he thought.

And eventually, he came up with a plan that might actually work. The only thing left was to put it into action.


"Wade," he started. "May I speak with you?"

Wade's mood had improved significantly since he returned home. Seems he just needed to feel safe in his own home. But even in the safety of his own home, trouble still managed to creep it's way inside. "Yes Silvermind? Is their something I can help you with?"

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"Yes, there is," he replied. "EDNA has been doing some scans on your brain, and you need to hear the results. [MEDICINE] She found that your brain is emitting certain waves that, normally, would cause the heart to stop beating and the pony to suffer cardiac arrest. However, since you are a cyborg, your case is a bit different. [sPEECH] You, my friend, are quite lucky. Your heart isn't receiving these waves, which means that it won't shut down. However, the waves themselves are damaging to the brain. EDNA estimates that in 5 months, your cerebral cortex will cease function, and you will become incapable of reasoning. But there is no need to despair! [sCIENCE] I have designs for a certain form of implant that regulates electrical synapses, hormones, and brain waves. Of course, it's still just a concept, but it's completely viable, and I have no doubt it could be produced within five months."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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