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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Rave's shadow could feel the magic that was being unleashed. "They need help, if I could just--" "You're not going anywhere my little pet. Let them die, let them all die". "But--" "Your spirit belongs to me now". "Perhaps, but that doesn't mean I won't try". Magic started to leak out of the shadow. Magic was being sent to aid Elegron to stop the missile. "You insolent little gnat, I will punish you for that". 

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Elegron felt immense power come to him, and he reached out further with his magic. The missile was pushed far away, and the gravitational pull on it became weaker. Elegron floated the missile as far away as he could. Then he saw several unicorns coming to his aid. 2 of them were very familiar.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Kalus, Wade and the arcane experts all rushed to the missile and enveloped it I'm magic.


Wade: "Put all your magic into it, cast a reversion spell, turn back the time within the missile." All the unicorns that had hold on the missile, started to have three level of magical overflow on their horns. They put all of their strength into casting a time spell, to revert the process of self destruction the missile was showing. This would not stop the radiation that had already leaked out, which was not enough to be deadly. The timer within the missile eventually stopped. And then, went backwards. And stopped at about a minute and a half. This cost three unicorns their life.


Kalus: "Invert the course. Priority, return to sender. Give this pony a taste of their own weapons."


The missile turned around on its course, pointing back the way it Came. "Let it go." The team dropped their magic and the missile began its flight path back the way it came. Whoever launched this, was about to be told why you do not mess with the WPS.

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Elegron turned to the other unicorns "heh. Thanks. I don't know if I would have been able to get it out in time if it weren't for you guys." He looked from Kalus to wade.

Many of the ponies weren't so enthusiastic about him being executed anymore. Some of them were even chanting his name. No matter what happened now, they would doubt that he was truly evil. Some of them knew he meant well, but that was a small few. Either way, they would remember this.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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WPS Justicars quickly restrained Elegron again. And when ponies tried to argue against it, Slasher shot his gun up to get everyone's attention.


Slasher: "I understand that this prick saved our town from a nuclear detonation, and you can be thankful for that. But need I remind you, that one good deed does not clear you from 10 years of injustice. If any of you see him in a different light now, just remember what he has done in the past. Remember the pain he caused us, the families he has torn apart, and how deep the blood stains run on his hooves. Letting him go free would be a disrespect to the fallen, to those we have lost. And it will all happen again if he is let free. For as long as he lives we have to live in fear that the next trip outside will not be our last. The execution proceeds as planned."


The crowed stop rallying behind Elegron, no longer being controlled by their fear and adrenaline. Realising that he must die, they waited in anticipation for the execution to get underway.


Blooddrop: "Glad to see Slasher still has his people skills. Last thing we needed is to be divided amount our people. Take him to the stage, the executioner will be their shortly."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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One of the ponies spoke up "we know what must be done, and we know that it doesn't excuse his crimes, but even still, I believe that Elegron tries to do what is right. I would have like to personally meet him. I am sorry Elegron, but I can't help you"

"I understand." Came his response "nor would I want you to. I don't want anypony to risk their life for me. It's not worth it. I am giving my life so that you ponies don't have to do this, so we can end this war." He waited patiently for the executioner. And he knew just who it would be.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Windroerer looked from above. He marked the pony that had spoken up. After the execution, he would have him removed. "No loose ends, wouldn't want to disappoint Darkeye would I now, even though he's dead". 


"How does it feel, to have your soul torn apart? How does it feel to bleed from the inside of your spirit?". "You will never break me, I've already been broken. You can't break me twice". "You think you know what pain is? You think you understand this better then I do. I have been living for about 1200 years now. You know nothing". 

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One of the ponies spoke up "we know what must be done, and we know that it doesn't excuse his crimes, but even still, I believe that Elegron tries to do what is right. I would have like to personally meet him. I am sorry Elegron, but I can't help you"

"I understand." Came his response "nor would I want you to. I don't want anypony to risk their life for me. It's not worth it. I am giving my life so that you ponies don't have to do this, so we can end this war." He waited patiently for the executioner. And he knew just who it would be.

Wade: "And here we are again. Face to face. Metaphoricaly speaking. 10 years later and your still as immature and idiotic as when we first met. You surprised me with your sudden change of mind set. Not like you to see things from the other perspective. *chuckle* Do you remember that cave, when you first saw what Dark Magic is truly capable of, the time where I killed you. Where was it I stabbed you?" Wade formed a blade out of Dark Magic, and heated it to scolding hot temperatures. "Right here." He trust his blade into Elegron stomach, and started to twist it. "You remember the pain you felt that day? How much this hurt? And do you remember what I did next? *manic laugh*" Wade dragged his blade across his stomach, cutting it open, causing his insides to sprawl out on the stage. "I've never a pony twice before. Usually a pony, one dead stays dead. And one last thing before you bleed out." He cut off Elegron's cybernetic horn. "The cybernetics don't suit you. You should keep the organic look. Just some last minute fashion advice. Well you can't pull anything out of the bag this time to bring you back from the dead, this is your end. And don't think afterlife will be any retreat. My fun will he eternal." Wade cast a curse upon Elegron's dying body, so that no matter what happens to him after death, he will always feel the excruciating pain he is currently experiencing. "Torment and torture for all of eternity. You'll be wishing for a death that will never come. Because you'll already be dead. *psychotic laughter*"

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Elegron didn't seem bothered "you should know me better than that. I have bested you. You couldn't kill me last time. And don't think you can stop me." He was only alive out of sheer willpower. But not for long.



Elegron looked around. Nothing. Everything was black. All he knew was pain. Then there was light.

"You are an interesting case Elegron. You have done much good, and also much evil. But I know you meant well"

"Who are you?"

"I am Hades."

"What? Oh. That's right. I'm dead."

"Yes. And in great pain. Let me help you with that."

Elegron felt wades curse released, and his breathing became much more normal "thanks."

"For the good you have done, you will not endlessly suffer. That was not wades choice to make. And you will not be sent to Tartarus. However, for the evil you have done, you must devote a time to doing good for the world. This comes with some... Perks. You'll discover them when the time comes. Now go! See the world in a different light! And Elegron. Kick wades ass for me."


"Ugh..." Elegron got back on his hooves. He was in the bonewastes. He looked down, to find that he was pale as... Well a spirit. He focused his magic, and color returned to him. He was still glowing a little, and he wanted to find out just what he could do.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Violet and Nightmoon watched from a hiding spot as Elegron was finally finished with style. "Woah! So that's an execution!" Nightmoon said excitiedly. "If only Darksun, Darkeye, and Rain were...," he said suddenly remembering that they all had been absent for a week now. "You had to remind me had you?" said Violet irritated now. "Wait! Mom's back finally, and she's riding a scorpion! Let's go Night! Dad's probably busy again, he usually isn't gone this long though." Violet spacing out again as she walked into a pole. "Haha, maybe you should watch where your going next time. We should ask where Darksun is too? He should have been back by now," said Night a little sad for a moment. They both immediately perked up jumping on Rex as he got into close range.

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"Hey foals, how have you guys been?" Hugging them now tightly as Rex easily handled the combined weight of the family. "Listen, I have news about your father and brother. We can talk when we get inside the house okay?" I said with some degree of normalcy. "You seem sad mom, are they okay?" Violet said suddenly concerned. "In the house okay? Have patience with me for a little bit, I have to deal with some in-town business first," I told them with some authority. "Make sure the house is clean okay, I want to start this evening good before bedtime." They left and I looked over at Elegron's dead corpse. I hope he was better, death felt like a much needed reprieve at this point after all that had happened. 

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Elegron knew who he would visit first.

He teleported to lasher and Greenleaves, his new abilities giving him the ability to teleport extreme distances "hey, wassup you guys? You should have been there it was crazy. Wade killed me and then I was like "bitch it doesn't work that way" " he couldn't keep a normal attitude. He burst out laughing at their expressions.

Greenleaves ran up and hugged him "damnit Elegron, your crazy. He could have killed you!"

"He did" Elegron couldn't stop smirking. He floated up above the two and waved his hooves around "oooohhhh I'm a ghoooostttt or something like that at least. Not really sure. I think I'm like.... 1/4 mortal? Not entirely sure why you can still hug me. I'll have to figure that one out in time."

Greenleaves just stared at him and smiled "I heard the news about the missile. Nice work"

"It wasn't all my doing."

"But still, you helped."




Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Leone awaited for the sound of the missile's detonation but it never came. "Dammit, why isn't there a big boom?"

The AI then began speaking "It appears that the missile has been neutralized by unicorn magic and has been redirected to a direction nearby the facility, however if my calculations are correct it will either A- Fall apart as it descends rendering it inert, B- Make contact with the location near the facility and possibly detonate, the extent of the blast is undetermined due to the amount of energy lost from the vessels deterioration, or C - Explode midair since the vessel is already unstable."

The missile opted out for A, as it descended the many parts of it detached from each other, hunks of it falling down to the land below including the core. The core had been sapped of the components that gave it the destructive power that so many feared which resulted in a explosion that was very weak.

The facility shook from the blast causing more rubble from the entrance to collapse giving the impression that the facility was out of commission. "Hmph..I want a diagnosis of the facility's condition AI."

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Elegron teleported away before even giving lasher a chance to speak and found himself next to leone. He just stared at her for a moment. "Really? That was really dumb. Possibly one of the dumbest things I've seen anypony do. And that's coming from me." Elegron gave her his most 'seriously? Did you actually try doing that?' Look he could.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Leone jumped up at Elegron's voice. "How the hell did you get here? And why are you...transparent-y?" She poked him to see if he was real and found it to be...sorta true "I bet you stopped the missile didn't you? Well atleast you did a good enough job to mangle it up enough so it didn't backfire on me, so I guess you get points for that. Although, humor me please, why did you stop the missile? The WPS without a doubt must be wiped out off the face of Equestria, they will never have peace with your city, I know these kinds of factions." She took of her helmet in frustration "I was your only hope of having your city survive dammit!" 

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Elegron shook his head "leone, I know that. But there are much better ways to deal with it. Ones that don't involve the slaughter of innocent ponies. Honestly, until they kill ponies for no reason, I'm not too concerned with what they do. The citizens can work the rest out on their own. I'll just be making sure nopony oversteps their bounds. Such as trying to wipe out an entire city" he said matter of factly.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Please, Enlighten me. Clearly your suicide wish didn't work out too well." She walked around the control room impatiently "Well? Do you have an answer for me? Because if you don't then you better hope you can convert me to your 'passive' mindset, otherwise there will be a massive onslaught in the future." 

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Elegron smirked and floated up beside her. "What? You think I'm alive? That's funny" his hoof glowed a bit brighter than it normally did and he slapped her, but instead of hitting her his hoof passed right though her "apparently I can do that." He said nonchalantly as his horn glowed and a milkshake appeared out of nowhere and he started drinking it.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"No, you're definitely not 'alive', you're something else.." She saw him raise his hoof against her and tried to dodge it, but it just went right through her face. "So let's stop beating around the bush, give me an answer." She looked at him unimpressed as the milkshake appeared.

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"What, you mean why did I stop the missile? That's an easy one. How many innocent civilians do you think we're there? A lot. Many ponies would have died in that attack. And for what? Petty revenge? That would not change anything. If anything they would retailiate. If I truly wanted to stop the white poison, I would kill bloodrop and vi. Not blow up ponyville. True they're ere both there at the time, but still. That's tons of casualties that I don't want. And you don't want that blood on your hooves either." Her hooves suddenly flashed a dark red before returning to normal "your not a murderer leone."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Who cares about a few thousand innocent ponies? Hell if they were there to see your execution they probably weren't innocent." She looked at her hooves turn red then back to normal. "If I am not a murderer, then what am I? You killed thousands of ponies and didn't give it a second thought until now."

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"Sweet celestia leone. I was wrong back then. And I paid for my crimes. Look, I wished I hadn't done what I did. You think it doesn't bother me?! I'll never forget what I've done. Leone. You don't want to go through this, take it from somepony who knows" he was crying now. "You don't have to do this. All I want is for ponies to not brutally murder each other everywhere I go. Is that too much to ask?" He looked into her eyes. "We have to do better"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Holy Celestia, fuck me! I'm talking to a fucking ghost who can't seem to comprehend what is going to happen! The WPS is full of ponies that brutally murder ponies for fun, weren't you there for your own damn execution!? And second, your city is the only thing that isn't WPS controlled, making it a threat, they are going to slaughter every last pony until nothing exists to oppose them." She saw him crying, just fucking unbelievable, a ghost can cry!

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The initial commotion had died down and the body had been sent to the timber wolves. I would have opted for something less gruesome but it was the way the WPS had decided as a whole that it was the way the body should be treated. I brought the foals home and told them the news...

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 "He can't be dead! What about Darksun? Is he okay?" asked Violet while Nightmoon was on the verge of tears just in shock of hearing of his father's passing. "Who killed him? Who is responsible for this?" asked Nightmoon finally regaining some composure. "The dark spirit who foalnapped your brother had Darksun brainwashed and your father killed. There may have been family tradition in our line but the appropriate action would have been to warn us ahead of time. Even seek our approval instead of taking them the way they did. I can't harm your brother as long as he chooses to remain with them. For now, our hoofs are tied." I told them forlornly. "In due time, we may be able to convince him to stay with us. I have even considered moving into the wilds to get anyway from all of this WPS mess. I will think about it in due time when you are older and more equipped to do so." Giving them a big hug,"If you need to talk, let it out okay, but let's keep these matters in-house. Very few know exactly what happened. I want to keep it that way."  

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Rave's shadow started to unleash searching magics around the Crystal Empire. "You will never find it. They ponies were too clever for you. They hid it well". "Shut up, I will find it. I owned it once, it belonged rightfully to me. I will find it and be reborn and then I shall rule the Crystal Empire". "Didn't you say that Dark Sun would become the ruler when he was old enough and what worth is the Empire? It is nothing but a pile of rubble and with almost no civilian population". "Dark Sun will be my successor that is for sure. And this pile of rubble is worth more to me than all of Equestria. Ponies can rot outside there, while we will be growing fat here inside" there came a dark chuckle. 


Lasher looked at Greenleaves and then at the location where Elegron had been. "He never stops being stupid does he? This is too much for me, now I'm starting to see ghost Elegron's. I swear he is haunting me or something" he said rather irritated. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Blooddrop: "He's dead. Finally. But I don't think we can call this war over just yet."


Vi: "What do you mean?"


Blooddrop: "Stable City, for as long as Elegron said hostilities will stop, the ponies inside sounded less enthusiastic about this. We can't take any chances. They are all still wanted criminals for aiding a terrorist. Who's to say they won't go underground and start attacking us again. They followed him with such blind optimism that most of them will want to continue his work. We need to go to Stable city. We'll try and avoid violence. If they surrender they will serves a prison sentence. 10 years. That's a mercy. But that's all for the future. For now, let's have a drink. For public views, the war is over. More of just a cleanup operation now."


Vi: "I can drink to that."


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Something wasn't right. He was dead, and the body disposed off. But the balance of magic had been tipped in a way that was not preferable to him. "Kalus. Do you feel that? That strong and excessive use of magic. Teleportation magic, long distance, lethal on corporeal flesh. The magic itself, too much to be regular unicorn, signature does feel familiar but with small edits on its structure. Only one option, wondering spirit. Spirit is clearly not of Dark Origin, magic is light, nothing a Dark mage would ever try and manipulate. Can you tie the links?"


Kalus: "We have a spirit problem to deal with and it's identity is quite easy to deduce, a regular spirit can't have that much power, and this one is blessed. A blessed spirit that only recently came to this world, strong, unicorn, light magic but a taste of something more grey. He does really want to stay dead does he?"


Wade: "One time, two times, three times a charm. Personal record for how many times I've killed the same pony. Never killed another spirit before, would be interesting to see how it would work. A curse or a bind is the best method. Not right now though, pet him have his fun for a bit, and we are staying close to the Queens from now on. A spirit can be a lethal assassin. Need to protect our leaders."

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