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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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an unfamiliar looking cyan colored unicorn mare with a lilac and yellow mane, flowing almost down to her front hooves walked up to where every pony was. after looking around with her yellow eyes, before walking up to an alicorn with a lunar eclipse as her cutie mark. she had assumed this was the "lunar eclipse" she was sent to talk to. "hi" she said with a smile "i'm a late reqruit, i was told to see you"

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Tsuki flew through the sky as fast as he wings could fly. He had his saddle bag, and his light brown belt with had an axe and a dagger, which was weighing him down. It had only been a day since he had heard of what had been going on at the Crystal Empire, and he didn't want to miss out. However, he was wary of the mission, and the fact of missing his chance to fight for the princesses made his saddle bag and weapons get heavier. Perhaps he would make it, or at least barely, at his state he was willing to do anything to be able to fight in the battle. Tsuki's energy was failing, if he went on like this, he would surely have to land and wait longer. "I knew I shouldn't have packed all of those loose photos..." he mumbled, as sweat came down from his forehead. Then with a bust of energy, he finally flew above the place where all the soldiers were located. "I-I can't believe it! I made it!" he gasped, then shortly later fell to the ground in exhaustion.


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Chronos took a break and looked at the pony who had collapsed. He walked up to him and said "You alright? You need some help?" He held his hoof out to help them up, hoping they hadn't fallen unconscious. He took off his helmet and waited for the unknown pony respond.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tsuki looked up at the stranger, knowing that he had collapsed, he thought it was a bad impression to be on the ground, and shortly later fight for the battle, if he could. He lightly blushed, knowing he better not show any signs of weakness. He took Chrono's hoof "I'm fine it was just some small little fall." before he could say anything else, he remembered that he forgotten to say his name. "My name is Tsuki."


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"Well, Tsuki, you need be for careful. You could of hurt yourself... badly" Chronos said. He knew exactly why Tsuki was here. "I'm Chronos, Chronos Dial." He said before putting back on his helmet "If your hear to join the fight coming up, then you're looking for either lunar or midnight" He said pointing them both out.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tsuki leaped up, and into action "You're absolutely right!" He pulled out a list of information that he had made before he made his trip from his saddle bag. After reading it carefully, he knew which pony he had to go to. He bounced over to Midnight, his list said that if he was going to sign up for Celestia's army, to go to her.


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as tempest waits for a reply from lunar eclipse, she cocks her head to the side and gawks a bit at tsuki. she had wondered why no one had acknowledged her yet. it doesn't matter, lunar eclipse obviously noticed her by now and the other new guy just did take a bit of a fall. she would simply wait for lunar eclipse to reply and try her hardest to conceal feelings of fomo. (fomo is fear of missing out)

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Tsuki was still sweating from his trip, he stuffed his list into his saddle bag. He began to wait for Midnight, then he noticed Tempest. "Uhh... hey.. I'm Tsuki, sorry for hogging the spotlight over there. I-I hope I didn't make you feel left out or anything!" he sighed "Are you joining the army as well?"


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After hearing Steel beginning to chat with Tempest, Tsuki relaxed. He wasn't quite an amazing talker, besides, he was only here for one thing to fight in the army against the Shadow King. There was nothing quite more that he had ever wanted to do. "I should stop asking questions to others and just come what I came for!" he thought to himself. After hearing nothing but silence, he decided to break the silence with a question. He faced Midnight, and began to speak "You must be Midnight, I am wondering if I could join the battle against the Shadow King in Celestia's army." he straightened himself up, boldly.


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Lunar blinked, noticing the pony. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I got caught up watching the training!" She smiled sweetly, her golden eyes beginning to glow in the moonlight. Her powers were always hightened by the moon. "I am Lunar Eclipse, Princess Luna's heir to the night. Are you th new pony she told me about?"


Midnight blushed, looking at him. She wasn't used to talking to stallions. "Y-yes, I-I'm Midnight... A-are you the p-pony Tsuki that P-Princess Celestia m-mentioned...?" she timidly asked, her blush rising. She got really nervous around stallions.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos decided to go back to training and revived the dead dummies again. He decided to just use his sword this time, no shield. The dummies and him charged each other. He clashed swords with one of them. He blocked all three dummy's strikes with his lang blade. He then hit one the hilt of his blade. He then struck the shoulder of one of the dummies. He dodged the strike of one dummy before decapitating it. He then stabbed the next dummy and punched the last one. He then pulled his sword of out of the dead dummy and cut down the last one.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Yes, I am, I had just arrived. Hopefully I wasn't hogging the attention over there, what have you guys been training?" Tsuki asked, trying to make a good first impression. Noticing that Midnight was nervous, he was kinda confused, but he hid that feeling.



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Midnight shook her head. "N-no, you are o-okay..." She looked over at Chronos, then back at Tsuki. "R-right now all y-you're doing is sh-showing Celestia how m-much you know s-so she can see wh-what she needs to teach you..." she said, her ears a little low and the blush still there. She looked utterly adorable; nothing like a pony about to go to war. -H-he;s really cute... I hope he doesn't think I'm weird...- she thought.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Aurora noticing the moon looks to her blade moonlight. The glow of the blade has intensified 2 fold.



Aurora taps moonshadow to her shadow and the blade glows darkly. After a moment aurora starts to fight with what looks to be air. Her shadow moving as if controlled by another.


"This is the best I can do to. Let you play Midnight, my other half."


Aurora and her shadow look to be sparing. Their styles are different but they seam to work together in a way. Aurora is a more defensive fighter and her shadow is more of an aggressive fighter.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Chronos Revived  the three dummies and readied his shield and sword. He whispered something under his breath before striking one of the dummies. He stabbed it through the throat, the blade went so deep it stabbed the Dummy behind it, He pulled it out to slash the last dummy. He sheathed his sword and said "This never gets old" Chronos said before looking Aurora who appeared to be fighting... her shadow? Chronos started to wonder what was going on with her.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Ah, I see." He tried to keep his calmness in his voice and not make it show his confusion. But he had to admit, Midnight did look adorable. He looked around for a good enough target of any, then flew up fast until he was far above the target. Tsuki looked down for a minute, before heading down at it in full-speed. He grabbed his axe and dagger in his hands, he lifted up his axe, and used his dagger as a protection for the impact. As Tsuki got closer, he pointed his axe with the steel of his axe facing at the target. Then BAM! Tsuki hit the target at full blast.


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Novel looks at the new recruits with interest. Two new ponies to learn about, luckily for them they missed the argument and part of training. Once they start training she will observe from a distance, learning how to protect them and help them if needed.

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Steel watched the new ponies he seen aurorua and walked over to her "interesting I'm guessing you have a let's say pony in you " steel said watching observing this one might be good to keep at my side she is a very able fighter although the whole alligence to Luna might get old- steel thought

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Chronos looked at the dummies he had killed many times already before starting to wonder where his squire was, he should have been back by now. Chronos revived one of the dummies before clashing swords once more with it. He quickly disarmed it before stabbing it. He looked at it before yawning in boredom. He sheathed his sword and decided to rest. He sat down and took off his helmet.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tsuki landed on top of a huge pile of dust that once was the target he had attacked. "Piece of cake." he muttered. He looked up at Midnight "It was easy due to it was a non-moving target, in fact too easy." Tsuki walked off the pile, dusting off the dust on his hooves. He turned back to Midnight "Anything I need to improve?"


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Lunar blinked, noticing Aurora. -What in the hay...? Luna didn't tell me any other ponies had powers besides Steel...- she thought.


Midnight blushed, shaking her head. "I-if you want, I-I can make the dummies c-come to life like Ch-Chronos's are..." she offered. "I-I'm not a unicorn, but I-I still have m-magic..."


Luna flew back, landing beside Lunar. She noticed Aurora immediately. "Aurora?"


Celestia landed by Midnight shortly after. "Ah, you must be the new recruit. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said with a smile.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Aurora stops and the shadow turns. Aurora speaks in a different voice. "Good morning, mother. Aurora and I were just sparing with eachother. She tapped my moonshadow to her shadow to allow us to mach fight." Aurora nods.

"I am a twin soul. My name comes from both halves of me. Midnight is my other half. Only when the moon is more new then full can she come out."


(This post was for steel in part as well.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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