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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Aurora comes over after a small word of thanks to the sacred stones. She takes her place. And asks, "Well most to all of us are here, whats the strategy? Is it an sneak attack or full on assault?"


Aurora seams to be anticipating a suicide mission of some sort.

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Luna looked at Celestia, who nodded at her. She then looked around at everypony. "Our goal is to surprise him. Don't let him know we're coming. He'll have an army." She used her magic as a holagram of the once beautiful Crystal Empire looks like now.


Celestia sighed. "He'll have troops guarding every enterance, and around the perimeter of the castle." She pointed to the rear enterance. "However, he doesn't have many troops on the rear of the castle. That is where we will attack."


Lunar looked around. She then looked at Luna, who nodded. "We have watched all of your abilities. Your strengths and weaknesses." She looked at Steel and Chronos. "You to are by far the strongest in close corders combat and stealth. You will take out those troops." She looked at Midnight, Aurora, Flux and Tsuki. "You four will then go in and take care of the guards leading up to his cambers." She looked at Novel. "Since you are mainly a healer, you will make sure that everypony is still alive. It may not seem like a big role, but you will be the key to ensure we survive and defeat him once and for all." She then looked back at Luna and Celestia. "The Princesses, with the help of us, will then gang up and hopefully defeat that evil tyrant once and for all."


Midnight nodded, looking timid, yet stern. She knew that she had to conquer her fears in order to seak her revenge. She refused to give up her precious empire any longer.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Steel is right, Sombra will be expecting that, him putting few guards by the back entrance is too convenient. There has to be another way in, maybe a sewer system or an aqueduct that leads into the city that we can use to sneak in..." He said walking up to them. It was too convenient, 'Sombra probably has a much larger army ready to ambush us'. He thought. He also wondered why they didn't just put it under siege with our own army, like the old days.

Edited by Times Hay

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Aurora looks around. "I know from books that the area is full of crystallized water. I also know that those with weather magic similar to my reflections, would have increased effect there. If what I learned during practice, back home, is anything to go by, a two pronged attack might at least get a small group in unnoticed. A large noticeable force to draw the attention of our foes and small force, namely us, can get in virtually undetected. What do you all think?" Aurora points, with a wing

at two spots on either side of the city.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Novel nods in understanding "it would be my honor" she remembered reading about the castle from home "well I grew up in the empire so I know some safe houses and places we can seek refuge. I own one of the libraries there that my brother is watching over in my absence. I know there are some books from the castle library in the back and some are very old and may have vital information on the structure of the building"

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Chronos looked at Aurora "First, where do they get water, and second I like your plan better... I don't get my armor wet..." He said before looking at the walls of the city. "and if our forces can somehow get into the city also, then Sombra will have no escape. " Chronos said. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna looked at Novel. She then looked at the other ponies. "I have an idea. Seek refuge in the library and find those books with the structures of the house, then we'll plan from there the best way to make the first attack from there."


Lunar looked at Steel. Being in the lighting of the war room and not the glaring sun outside, she could see his features better. She noticed all the small scars on his body. Probably from assassinations or battles. His mane and tail were really unique; she liked it. "Reguardless of the plan, Steel and Chronos will be doing most of the close corders combat. From what we've seen and read in their profiles, they both are VERY qualified to take the entire army by themselves, but we are a team so we will work as that."


Celestia nodded. "My dear sister has a very good point. It would be easier to take refuge in a place that can also give us the information about the 'guts' of the castle. We ourselves, have not been in the castle in a thousand years. It is very possible that he changed the structure in order to prevent attack, however." She looked at Novel. "How recent is the book? Is it before his rein?"


Midnight blinked, looking at Novel. She is a current resident of the once beautiful empire? Has see seen it before his rein? She made a mental note to ask her on the way there. She blinked, looking up. "How are we even getting there? Not everypony has wings," she pointed out, suddenly not stammering anymore. The castle always gave her a sense of confidence and hope.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Aurora says, "night sky chariots would be our best bet. He wouldn't think anything of them and we can use the night as a means of cover. Those of us who are pegasi can fly them."


Aurora is a bit anxious to be on the way. She would like to see this castle before making anymore thoughts or plans.

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Novels ears pin back "I'm not sure myself it depends on what I can find. Remember some books might be destroyed since I've last left. I know I have a hidden collection myself that is fairly recent. I've been in there before Sombra's rein for research. I'd be able to tell you more once I'm there to see what has changed from the outside. I left as soon as I found out about his takeover, since my knowledge is a threat to him. My brother might know a bit more now, if he can remember" novel got quiet, this is the first time she's spoken about her leave and what she actually knows. Being a bookworm comes in handy at times and she has been in the castle "b-but it's been some time so my knowledge might be irreverent or useless. But maybe my books can be of help. Especially if the hidden passages are still there"

Edited by strideralchemy
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"Why don't we do things the old way, cut off their resources, Take over everything they can use against us, Farms, water supplies, and cut off their trade. Starve them out, weaken their forces so much that when we attack, they will not be able to last very long. Sure there will be casualties but we won't have to worry about getting overwhelmed why inside the city because we will have an army backing us up." Chronos said pointing at the north entrance "That gate leads to the shortest path to the center palace. Where we will be able to take down Sombra with an army behind us ready to stop anypony who tries to stop us..." Chronos was a soldier not a spy, he clanked like a kitchen and shined like snow, so he would easily be spotted if they tried sneaking in.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"But what about the crystal ponies? If we cut off ALL of their supplies, then that means that the crystal ponies would starve as well." Tsuki replied "What about if we have some pony as a distraction, and keep Sombra's forces busy, while the rest sneaks into the Empire while their guard is down Like, the patrol would sneak in through one of those passages Novel was talking about."


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"They are already starving! Most of the population is enslaved and those who are not are soldiers, forced to fight to protect that tyrant!." Chronos said "So if we cut off their supplies, it wouldn't make it any worse... If anything, If we take over their supply sources. The Crystal ponies forced to work on them will be protected and freed from Sombra's forces...  Didn't think of that, did you?" He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Tsuki sighed, and nodded. "Alright then, you have proved your point. Its not a bad idea. But how are we going to destroy all of the farms, water supplies, etc, in a matter of a short time period? There's no doubt that after a while we will be noticed, besides that how will we escape once Sombra's forces are upon us? Even with Novel's knowledge of passageways, the guards shall surely follow us and find out about those passages."


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Luna bluinked, looking up. "What if me and my sister use our magic to destroy them all at once?"


Lunar looked at Steel again, blushing slightly. She then looked at Luna. "That's actually not a bad idea."


Celestia nodded. "True, but wouldn't that raise suspicion too?" she asked, sighing. Planning wars always exasperated her. She was a peacemaker, not a fighter.


Midnight looked up. "We could make it look like a giant storm wiped out the crops..." she piped in, glancing at Tsuki. She was a little upset he didn't have a response to her reasoning to fight. It was as if she was ignored.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"But then won't the residents be without food? You can't starve my neighbors, they barely have enough as is. We could use illusions to make a diversion of sorts on the other side of town, that way most or all of the guards will be out of our way" Novel paused, "we could use magic to get into town through illusion as well. This way we will appear to be normal crystal ponies but will really have our armor and such on, if such is possible Princess Celestia?"

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Steel sighed " no time for the crops idea it'll take to long for it to make the impact we want I say we go in the back use cation and if somepony dies well we all knew the risk " steel said " we shouldn't waste time arguing over what to do we need to act sombra is only going to get stronger "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"If I try to sneak in, I will get caught no matter what..." Chronos said before walking in place, the steel plates clanked as it hit the floor. He stopped and said " But if we have to sneak in... then I hope the guards have bad hearing." He was a soldier! Not an assassin or spy... "If we can get the crystal ponies to revolt why we sneak around the city... but a few crystal ponies will die just to make our mission a little easier...  No battle is without sacrifice..." He suggested.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Can we just agree on one plan?" Flux rolled her eyes. "This is as annoying as watching you guys fight before training." She groaned. This sucks she thought, at least we're getting somewhere, hopefully. It was either this, or back to selling candles. She was beginning to question which was worse. Her patience wore thin.


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"How about I'll go in as the spy I'm the fastest after all, I'll be able to scroll around The Empire in a matter of 1-2 minutes, and maybe I could sneak our armor and weapons into The Empire, so sneaking in for you guys can be easier. Once I smuggle all of our tools inside The Empire, you guys can sneak in and meet up with me in my safety zone where you can pick up your stuff."


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"I can go ahead and see my brother awhile. That way he will know all of us are coming and could help us all get into the city in advance. If I get there early enough I can get a head start on research as well. The more we know the better we can fight. And if we decide on rallying a rebellion, I can start gathering ponies with my brother's help. How does that sound?" Novel looked at the others, hopeful that this would work. She knew her brother could help and wants to protect the lives of her team.

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Aurora says, "How about we let the royal sisters decide our course of entry. We are still lacking in information."


Aurora was growing bored with the current setting. Her wings also twitching with the known itch to fly. Aurora shifts moonlight and moonshadow in their wing sheaths.

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Steel sighed "civilians are not just a sacrife or collateral damage we are trying to save them of any deathust occur then it'd be one of us after all we are the ones fighting not the civilians" steel said "enough of this back and forth Luna will decide how we advance since she has the most knowledge of the area "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna and Celestia both sighed, exasperated. Luna then stood up, Celestia nodding at her. She stomped her hoof not only out of frustration but to get everypony's attention. "Steel is right. We don't have time to sit here and argue. No matter what we do, there will be reprocussions. There is no plan that wont have some kind of negative effect. While we sit here trying to make up a 'perfect' plan, that tyrant is only getting stronger." She then looked at Celestia. "Sister, I know you want to go the most peaceful way, but that is not an option here. Let me have control of the plans." Celestia mearly nodded. She knew Luna's patience had finally ran out. "Celestia and I will use our powers to make the illusion that everypony is a Crystal pony. After we get closer to the castle, we will make it as if everypony is part of Sombra's guard. Once inside, we'll start taking his guards down, one by one. Once the guards are down, we ambush him. He won't have any guards to defind himself, so it will be all of us against him."


Lunar blinked, looking at Luna. She'd never seen Luna this flustered.


Celestia stayed quiet. She knew better than to argue with Luna. She may be older, but Luna was and always will be a force to be reconed with.


Midnight jumped at the stomp. Her ears flattened as she crouched down a little by Tsuki.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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