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private Equestria Divided: Titanfall

~Chaotic Eddie~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash jumped as Spitfire yelled and the armoury door crashed open. She darted over as Spitfire was getting up. "Hey! Are you ok, Sweets? Are you hurt?" Dash asked, approaching Spitfire and checking her over. Of course, once she reached Spitfire's flanks, she stopped, let go and blushed. "Sorry about that. But seriously, are you ok?"

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~

Ahaban looked up toward the mare and gave her an acknowledging wave.

"Yo boss, you've seen my Daring Do book?" Nasir calls out.

"Nasir, I am not responsible for your personal belongings." Ahaban responded.

"Cousin, you don't gotta be mean." He replies in a playful tone, he looks to Wrench.

"Such a hard ass sometimes. Have you seen it? It's got Daring Do like running forward away from like, a, large boulder and such." He asks her.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Nodding in response to Aha'Ban's wave, Wrench turned to Nasir as he inquired about the book.
"I did see a Daring Do book under Spitfire's Titan earlier... I left it in the control room.


Spitfire allowed Dash to "check her over" before stsnding up and dusting herself off. "Yeah, I'm alright... Fouind you some new armor, was just testing it to see if it fitted. I guesed that since we're basically the same size, what fits me should also fit you." She squeezed out of the suit, hoofing it to Dash to try on.

  • Brohoof 1

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Ahaban returned to his mech, climbing in he simply sat there.

His usual routine consisted mainly of just sitting and waiting when not upon missions. He was thinking, perhaps a little too hard. Communication links, local areas, supply count... The family.

He was anxious to make contact with his employer, the Equestrian Strategies Group. Mostly its to assure the condition of his, other comrades. And his sister.


Nasir approached to Spitfire's titan near the leg on a crate stood his book.

"Que fu sinuka tulin?" He asked to the book.

(How did you get there?)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~


Dash took off the holster and hoofed it over to Spitfire. "Would you mind holding this? That pistol's got some sentimental value to me. It was a gift from my friends when I joined the military. It saved my life a time or two."


With the holster taken off, Dash could try on the armour. As she slid into the sleeves and started fastening the zippers and buckles, she thought to herself that she'd almost forgotten what the actual armour felt like. While it wasn't exactly designed for comfort, it was much better than her old suit and best of all, didn't smell like some kind of rotting corpse or plant matter.


"Not bad at all, Sweets. Pretty lucky you had this lyin' around, huh?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"The upside of collecting just about every bit of armour we find on the ground" Spitfire replied, taking the pistol from Dash. "Wrench fixes it up and we have another addition to the armory. Saves us buying. And by any chance was it Princess Twilight that gave you this? Because if it is what I think it is..."

The pistol that Dash had handed her was (or at least looked like) an RE-58E, a prototype auto-pistol in development since long before the war, before the division even. This weapon wasn't even in production yet. It figured if Princess Twilight Sparkle gave it to her.


"And that's a nice fit on you! Much, much better than the husk you were wearing last night~"

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Mahki and Abdullah once finished with their own breakfast meal are about near their equipment doing their routine checks and count. They normally took this time to simply chat.


"Layen layuka fausin midlika?" Mahki asked.

(Isn't the commander up by now?)


"Mahkiu layuka isa lu." Abdullah responded as he loaded up his PSR-12 assault rifle.

(Our commander is up.)


"Anara asabi Spitfire." Mahki corrected himself.

(I meant by Spitfire)


"Briani har lessin musfharin larshinar." Abdullah responded, hiding away his.slight distaste.

(Probably smiting with that rainbow pony.)


"Muwan dinare liserah lindar marier. Letakun lesahia watin meri wusiana." Mahki complains slightly.

(I hate being low on ammo. Plenty of tungsten but no standard rounds.)

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Yep. Princess Twilight gave me that pistol. She said it was special in some way, but I never figured out how or why. But it works wonders." Dash said, getting a fond look in her eye as she remembered her friends. Then Spitfire commented on the armour, snapping Dash out of it and back to the present. "Yeah, it fits pretty good, feels pretty good and actually smells clean. It's lookin' up a little, Sweets."


Dash moved forward to embrace her marefriend again. "Thanks for everything you've done for me so far, Sweets. It really means a lot that you took me in, even though I was technically an enemy. And..." Dash trailed off, tears of joy starting to flow down her cheeks. "D-don't tell anypony I c-cried, though."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Don't you worry, honey..." Spitfire assured Dash as she took her in her forelegs, smiling into the embrace, allowing her shoulder to absorb her tears. "And you know what? As soon as I missed that dropship, I knew that the NLR was behind me. I hoped that one day I'd find somepony like you again... Somepony who I knew was trustworthy, loyal, and a great soldier. So don't think of me as ever having been your enemy... We were split by this stupid war which nopony really believes in."

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash wasn't normally one for crying, but this was the exception. She wasn't sad, rather the opposite. She was unbelievably happy and overcome with emotion. She dried her eyes and looked straight into Spitfire's eyes. "I didn't think of you as my enemy, Sweets. More like a rival. Somepony who could give me a challenge and make me feel more alive."


She grinned a little at the thought of their moment the previous night as her tears started to slow. "And you sure know how to make a mare feel alive. Doncha, Sweets?" She wiped away her tears and winked at Spitfire.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Well, there's only one girl who's testament to that~" Spitfire replied, smirking. "But anyway... If you're feeling a little more confident, shall we go and meet the rest of the team? I be they'll be interested enough to finally meet one of the best fliers I know~"


If there was one thing that Dash had, it was passion. And Spitfire liked that. Passion won wars, and they sure as hell had a lot more passion than any of the sheep still blindly following the NLR and SoE. She might have been glad to have found love in Dash, but almost even better was the fact that she'd found in her a pony with the kind of passion that would give this group some real force. Finally, they could start with some proper operations!

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Ahaban approached toward the coffee maker pouring again a second mug of fresh brew the words, "Pinkie Fresh Smiles Home Brew Coffee" printed from the small bag of caffeine goodness.


He too was growing impatient for Spitfire's approach. Normally she would have been about checking upon everyponies status. He sighed a bit before taking another sip. He approached back to his Mech looking along the hull of it.


الحب إيميا ل - Imaia's Love


His love transgressed to fury. With over 50 infantry kills and 2 titan kills, the kill marks itched under the title. Nothing will stand in his way to completing the mission.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


Dash blushed. "Yeah, I guess that's true. So, uh, yeah. Let's go meet them. We've probably kept them waiting a while. Which I don't regret because you're my gorgeous marefriend and I love you lots." She said, nuzzling Spitfire. While Dash still felt a little nervous, it was very much toned down compared to how it was before. After all, Spitfire believed in her, and so did her friends. The least she could do was have a little faith in herself as well.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Spitfire giggled a little as Dash nuzzled her, before slowly walking in the direction of the hangar. "Well, I reckon we've kept your new teammates at bay for long enough. I think it's time we finally got around to actualy introducing them, and you~"


She was eager to see how much work Wrenchie had managed on their Titans, especially Dash's. "Nataliya" had taken quite a beating in the fight, and she was pretty sure that had she not arrived those 3 Titans would have ripped Dash to shreds...

  • Brohoof 1

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Nasir sat upon the head of his Munchkin. He was in his final examination phase checking the Trophy counter measure mounted on the top.

"Haltin!" Nasir called out.


Ahaban turned about and approached forward to his mech.

"Ana istemalh." He said.

(I'm listening)

"I'm ready to test the trophy. I got a dummy round ready. Can you toss the test bomb?" He asks.

From his position Nasir tossed forward a small sphere device. A transmit inside it will trick the device into thinking the nylon polymer dummy is an explosive. Its a good kinesthetic way to test the countermeasure.

"Online. Throw it." Nasir says once after flipping on the test control.


Rearing up Ahaban tossed the trigger device upwards hurdling toward the head cockpit.

With quickly precision the motion detector aims forward and launches out the dummy round with amazing accuracy knocking out the device in mid air.


"Trail complete." Nasir said.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~,


"Yeah. Can't wait." Dash said, following behind Spitfire. "So, uh, how many ponies do we have, anyway? There's you, me and Wrench, but how many others?"


Dash had a good reason for asking and Spitfire probably knew what it was. The quality of a soldier wasn't always the only thing that made up a fight. The quantity also played a part in how a fight goes, and even elite pilots can be taken down with enough bodies are thrown at them.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"We only have a few right now... There's you, me and Wrench, of course, but we also have Tempest Shift, Aha'Ban Steelwings and half his extended family..." Spitfire rolled her eyes at this last sentiment. "...but apart from that, we don't really have any others. That, though, is our constant goal - always try to recruit more."


Spitfire knew her little team wasn't much... But then again, the NLR and SoE only ever sent a few Pilots into each fight. If they tried to send in more than a few Titans it'd just be plain overkill.

The pair slowly walked further towards the hangar door.

Edited by ~Chaotic Eddie~

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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@@~Chaotic Eddie~


"It's hard to get good pilots. They're usually first on the dropship. Usually..." Dash said, starting to trail off, since she was here because she missed her dropship. She walked with Spitfire to the hangar doors, mentally bracing herself for what lay ahead of her.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Steeling herself, Spitfire pushed open the hangar door with her front hooves and shouted out to the team beyond. "Alright, look alive, ponies! I'd like to introduce you to the newest addiiton to our little ragtag bunch of misfits. I'm sure that you all recognise our friend Rainbow Dash here!"

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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The squad of Arabians look in sync toward their pseudo commander.

"Eminda audlika. Usin auldikin." Ahaban signals to his team. The Arabians nod, returning about to their routines. The squad leader approached.


"Marhaban. Hello. I am Ahaban. An honor Commander Dash." He greets to the fellow pegasus. His expression remains none but he holds his hoof out to her.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Dash put on the most confident expression she could handle and shook Ahaban's hoof. "The honor is mine, Ahaban. I look forward to working with you all, and ending this war for good. And I'm not a Commander. Officially speaking, I'm listed as MIA, if not KIA."


So far, not as bad as she'd thought it would go, but she figured there was some level of dislike towards her. She may have to prove her loyalty to the team.

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Our employers tend to keep high hopes for our return. We got ourselves a good reputation." He says.


@@~Chaotic Eddie~

"We're at operational capacity." He says to Spitfire


He begins to head back to his mech, he looks back to the mares.

"There's coffee on the table." He says and moves on.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Thanks, 'Ban." Spitfire replied, walking over to the table and pouring herself a large mug of coffee. Not that she exactly needed it, she already felt pretty awake, but still. She looked around a little, wondering where Tempest and that one Griffin whose name she forgot had gotten to...

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Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Tempest walked back into the hanger with a rag and his rifle and yet again, was cleaning his gun. As he walked in he noticed a new acquaintance, maybe the pony he'd heard from Spitfire's room, "Oh hello there. My names Tempest Shift." He said, giving her a small bow. She looked vaugly familiar to him but he couldn't quite put his hoof on her name, "Umm... Have we met before? You look quite familiar but I can't remember your name..." He said looking at her while thinking heavily on remembering who the pegasus was...


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and top-rank Titan pilot. You might've heard of me at some point, hopefully nothing bad. Hehe..." Dash said, getting louder as she started losing confidence again.


"So, uh, you a pilot, Tempest?" She asked, hopefully setting up some kind of discussion the avoided unpleasantness.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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