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Celestia: The previous bearer to the Element of Magic?

Akemi Homura

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Perhaps there were 5 other ponies which represented the elements of harmony (none of them being Luna), but they were killed off in some classified battle long ago (before the rise of Discord). Because of the great sadness the (future) princess felt, she decided that this information should not be written in stone and thus would carry on the duties of royalty for Equestria; together with her sister.


What do you guys think?

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Could you explain more? I think I kind of get what you're saying, but if Celestia was the bearer of the Element of Magic, Twilight wouldn't have been able to use it. And if there were 5 other ponies who used the elements before the mane 6, I don't think they would have had to have died in a battle, they probably would have just died of old age.



That's 5% of the last 4.5 years. Send help.

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The introduction to the first episode puts Princess Celestia as the all encompassing Bearer to the old Elements of Harmony. Before her, it's not established but Celestia definitely was the Bearer when she lead a revolt against Discord (according to her during the second season's first episode).


Anypony before that would be irrelevant given the current informatio. Discord was the main ruler than Celestia overthrew so before that...it was probably lawless or maybe Discord usurped the throne. Either way, it doesn't affect Equestria now and there isn't enough evidence to make assumptions but I'll disregard that and here's my guess:


The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony died when Planet Express fell into a wormhole and Leela was drunk when piloting it into Equestria. Ironically, they died three minutes after they became the Bearers.

  • Brohoof 1


Alea Jacta Est

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According to the show, both Luna and Celestia were the bearers of the elements. So from waht i gathered they likely each covered 3 since there are 6 elements. Thats just my opinion based on what i saw.

  • Brohoof 5

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

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Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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i believe Celestia had all of the elements under her control, but the elements are powered by the harmony between the users. Seeing as she imprisoned her own sister, Celestia probably had massive emotional breakdowns and, being torn apart herself, could no longer use the elements.


SO here's my idea: The only reason there is only one pony per element is because the ponies are a LOT weaker than the two princesses. And because (in theory) the strength of the Elements is proportional to the bonds of those who use them, the ponies create a stronger Rainbow of Doom anyway. This also feeds into my theory that the reason Celestia is having the girls tell her their lessons on friendship is so she can see their progress and so she knows how strong her super weapon is getting.

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I wouldn't be surprised if she was the element of Magic. I don't know if there were previous bearers, or it was Celestia herself, but something tells me she controlled all the elements.

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Could you explain more? I think I kind of get what you're saying, but if Celestia was the bearer of the Element of Magic, Twilight wouldn't have been able to use it. And if there were 5 other ponies who used the elements before the mane 6, I don't think they would have had to have died in a battle, they probably would have just died of old age.


I say this because the Element of Magic is useless without the other 5 elements in presence. I also say this because the Element of Magic is a hidden element; that is, it can't be discovered unless the spirits or the essence of the elements are in total harmony with each other. By passing it down to Twilight (making her discover it), all the elements are reborn, so to speak.

  • Brohoof 1
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I believe that Princess Luna probably held the element of magic. Her magic is much more powerful than Princess Celestia's.

From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends.

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I say:


Celestia = magic, loyalty, honesty

Luna = laughter, kindness, generosity


Celestia's are the more self-sustaining elements as in you're the main proponent why they're so strong

Luna's are the interpersonal elements as in you need to interact with others in order for them to be strong


plus Luna's are more corruptible and pretty much everything Nightmare Moon wasn't about


and each princess has one currently held by a unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 1

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We have already seen that Luna is not good with interpersonal skills. She is way too serious. And her magic is much more powerful than that of Celestia.

From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends.

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I think Celestia used all of the elements, not just magic. At least according to the beginning intro, it seems like the elements were just sitting there in case of an emergency. I think somehow Celestia wielded them in a different way than the mane 6 do so that she could use all of them. She kind of just used the elements, she wasn't really the spirit of them.

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  • 4 months later...

She's an alicorn, the ruler of the region. Bare with me for a moment, but it may in fact be possible for her to use multiple elements at once. I mean hell this wouldn't be the first time. Luna and Celestia would have had to split the Elements 3/3 when they turned Discord to stone back in the dark ages; it's a stretch but not too much of a stretch to say that she can in fact use all six if she really needed to.


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  • 6 months later...

Actually we have proof the she was a beholder of the elements.


in the episode 'Friendship is magic'   either 1 or 2 excuse me for not knowing the EXACT episode.  You will see in the background

if you look closely- a picture of a white alicorn in front -which we can only assume is Celestia- and just a little behind her is a blue alicorn -which we can only assume is Luna- So we can not confirm Luna's element, we can certainly confirm Celestia's. Since she is in the front, wearing a crown.  There are also four other ponies that we don't really know about, but all confirmed-Celestia AND Luna are both elements of harmony.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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I do not support the idea that an alicorn can use multiple Elements of Harmony. Makes them too OP and kind of counteracts the whole point of the elements having to work together to create harmony (if only two ponies are needed, then what's the point of the other four).


I consider the elements to be something like being the Avatar: one pony each generation s chosen to be an element, with the next one chosen when the current one dies, or if the current element uses her or his power for something inharmonious, like say, going evil or banishing your own sister the moon (however necessary that may be).


My head canon, assuming you become an alicorn as opposed to being born one, is that there were four other ponies that helped take down Discord, with each becoming a princess afterwards (one of them would be the absent crystal princess mentioned in The Crystal Empire). For whatever reason, Celestia doesn't want to talk about them, maybe because something bad happened to them or they also went bad *cough*Chrysalis*cough.


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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It's been clarified that Celestia and Luna alone were able to use the Elements of Harmony. There is a possibility that Starswirl the Bearded could of been part of a previous mane 6 however in a past age.


The Elements of Harmony doesn't seem to necessarily need the six elements. The bond between Cadence and Shining Armor had a similar graphical effect as well as the Friendship of Fire between the three representatives of the natives and finally the Crystal Heart. So this Elements of Harmony/Rainbow of Light can come from many sources.

Edited by poniesforfun


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